Eastern Continent

Chapter 149, planting

In Li Laosheng's eyes, the Crouching Tiger Gang rushed into the three rooms of A, B and C. The left and right rooms were silent. After rushing in for a while, they turned out empty-handed. Obviously, there was no one inside.

Entering the middle room, it looked a little different. After the three big men rushed into the B-shaped room, until the people in the other two rooms turned out, where they were still quiet. The bright torches kept burning, and the bright light reflected some strange shadows on the window, as if there was a pantomime. .

At this time, the door was closed. From the slightly open door, only one corner of the room could be seen, but the whole room could not be seen.

"Bum..." "Bum..." "Ah..."

There seemed to be a big play in the room. All kinds of sounds suddenly sounded, the sound of hitting things, the sound of beating the lattice, and even the dull sound of punching and kicking the body, especially the last scream, the long, sharp, high, almost unlike the sound that human beings can make. The sound was sudden, and the rest was abrupt, without warning. At the beginning, it was so noisy that everyone outside the room was about to crack their ears. They almost jumped up before they could react. What was this? The sound immediately stopped, as if it had never happened.

There is silence all around!

In the whole east courtyard, except for the sound of burning with torches, there was silence, no one made a sound, and people dared to make a sound, as if they were afraid of causing something terrible, and the sound of the crouching tiger helping the public to breathe was lowered.

Li Liang's footsteps towards Liang were also pulled down because of the sudden sound. He turned his head and looked at the B-shaped room in the middle with a suspicious face. At this time, the door opened slightly and the fire was still burning. But in the eyes of the Crouching Tiger Gang, this bright room is even more horrible than the dark room.

Not only was the crouching tiger help the crowd stunned, but Liang Jin, who was surrounded in the middle, but also looked at the B room in a daze.

Time passed quietly, and Li Laosheng frowned tightly.

"Go another ten people and force them out!" After a while, Mr. Li said coldly.

"Yes!" This time, ten gangs stood up and learned the last lesson. Of these ten people, only two followed behind with torches, and the rest were holding knives in one hand, slightly lifting them in one hand, and slowly surrounded the door.

The crouching tiger gang walking in front of him was a strong man. His hand had just touched the empty door of the B-shaped room. Suddenly, just like the sound in the room just now, the fire in the room suddenly went out and went out neatly, and the whole room fell into darkness in an instant.

The crouching tiger was in his heart. The hand that was about to open the door hurriedly retracted back, and the big knife waved forward to block himself.

It didn't happen as he imagined, and the people in the room did not sneak up in the dark or come with hidden weapons. It's just that the room fell into the previous silence again. The slightly opened door, like a giant beast opening its mouth, waiting for everyone who passed in front of it.

The big man's scalp was numb and he was about to turn around and retreat, but he thought of Li Laosheng's cruelty and the strict rules of the Crouching Tiger Gang, he gritted his teeth and pushed the door open.

The "squeaky" wooden door sounded a long sigh and was slowly pushed away. With the blazing fire, the big man standing next to the door could see at a glance. The indoor tables, chairs and furniture were clear at a glance, but they did not see the people they wanted to see.

There is no one indoors!

The big man took the torch from his companions and walked into the room first. Several companions behind him also followed him. Finally, the other was the crouching tiger gang with torches. He held the torch in one hand, held the knife tightly in the other hand, and followed tremblingly into the room.



When the last crouching tiger gang with torches had just entered the room, the door let out a short sigh, banged, and closed it tightly without a trace of void.

Li Laosheng's eyebrows just jumped, and there was a sudden sound like just now, screams, bumps, beatings, and all kinds of sounds, like a piece of death music, instantly sounded in the room.

This time was a little longer. Although the people of the Crouching Tiger Gang were also prepared, when the sound first got up, they were still shocked by the Crouching Tiger Gang, who had been looking forward to the situation, and they were just shocked. When they reacted, the noise in the room stopped again, and then a head stretched out of the window and was in the fire. Under the photo, it can be seen that his face is full of blood, like a fierce ghost who has just come out of hell. As soon as he stretched out, before everyone could see clearly, he immediately withdrew.

The room calmed down again, the torches were all extinguished, and the room fell into darkness again.

Li Laosheng frowned and finally pulled out a big knife from behind that he had not used for a long time. He said coldly to several gangs around the B room: "Fire! Burn down the house, I don't think they can come out.

"Li Laosheng! If you dare to set fire, the trio will be at will not be at home with your crouching tiger gang!" Liang Jin suddenly shouted harshly.

"Triad! Qiu Tianhua doesn't look for me, and I also want to find him. Li Laosheng turned his head and shouted softly to Li Liang, "Lao San, I'll let you kill him. Why don't you do it quickly?"

"Yes, second brother!" Li Liang's expression was so awe-nosed that he didn't dare to hesitate any more. He pulled out his knife and walked towards Liang, who was still surrounded by two crouching tiger gangs.

After hearing Li Laosheng's words, the Crouching Tiger Gang one after one after throwing the torches in their hands towards the B room. Some torches were thrown on the roof, while some torches fell into the room through the window paper.

The roof was built purely of wood. At this time, the sky was dry and the things were dry. When it encountered a fire, it suddenly burned. The fire spread quickly, and it suddenly burned from the B room to the left and right room A and C.

The torch that fell into the room did not move, but it did not go out. From the firelight in the room, it can be seen that the torch is still burning in the room.

Li Liang approached Liang Jin, raised his big knife, and said with a ferocious smile, "Shopkeeper Liang, let's go well. Don't worry about loneliness. The people of the triang will come down to accompany you soon."

Liang Jin's face was full of blood and looked like a fierce ghost. He laughed and said, "Li Liang, you are the enemy of Sanhe, and the time of death is not far away. I will wait for you below to see how you died."

Li Liang smiled gloomically and said, "Sanhehui, do you think we will rashly start a war if we are not sure to deal with the Trium's counterattack? Don't worry, Qiu Tianhua will not abandon you. He will meet you below soon.

Liang Jin's face turned red, suddenly roared, and his body flashed, causing the two crouching tiger gangs to scratch a blood mark on his body. After that, he waved the knife in his left hand and cut at Li Liang's waist.

Li Liang smiled ferociously, and the big knife suddenly waved out. With a sound, he suddenly hit Liang Jin's big knife, and then twisted his body, and the big knife picked up to Liang Jin's chest and abdomen.

Liang Jin was injured all over and exhausted his strength. This knife was just a trape beast's counterattack. How could it be Li Liang's opponent? What's more, Li Liang's martial arts was in the late stage of the spiritual realm, which was a small realm higher than Liang Jin. Under one knife, Liang Jin's big knife was naturally knocked out of his hand and flew away. At this time, there was no weapon in his hand and he was weak all over. Although he wanted to retreat, he was not as fast as Li Liang's knife anyway. With a sigh, he closed his eyes and waited for death.


When Liang Jin closed his eyes and waited for death, when Li Liang laughed ferociously, when the crouching tiger was watching, a torch suddenly broke through the window from the B room and flew out of the B room, as fast as lightning, flying towards Li Liang.

"Hmm!" Li Laosheng has been paying attention to the movement in the room for a long time. Liang Jin has been saved once just now. If he was rescued like this for the second time, his face would have been lost. He stepped forward to wave his knife like electricity and cut the torch flying in the air in an instant.

The flying torch was cut by Mr. Li's big knife and divided into two pieces. The back fell to the ground, but the piece with fire suddenly turned in one direction and flew up to the sky.

When the Crouching Tiger Gang turned their eyes away with the torch flying into the sky, the second and third torches flew out of the room one after another, as if there was a pair of meteors outside the sky. The two torches drew two beautiful lines, the second one flew towards Li Laosheng, and the third one still flew towards Li Liang.

Li Laosheng narrowed his eyes, stepped out, and his body slipped. He actually avoided the torch flying towards him, jumped up, waved his knife, and cut down to the third torch. He seemed to be fighting against the unknown enemy in the room. He wanted to protect Li Liang in any case and let Li Liang cut the beam into the knife, while the people in the room had to protect Liang in any case and hurt Li Liang.

Li Laosheng is also worthy of the martial arts in the chaotic realm. This light skill alone is countless times smarter than Li Liang. With a gentle step and twisting his body, he avoids the first torch.

But has Li Laosheng really avoided it?

When Li Laosheng was hit by a big knife, the fourth torch suddenly flew out of the room. The fourth torch did not fly straight to Li Laosheng or Li Liang, but in an unknown direction.

Just as everyone looked at the torch with doubt, the answer immediately appeared in front of them.

Before, he was split by Li Laosheng, and the torch that flew to the sky just fell down and was hit by the fourth torch. The fourth fire immediately changed its direction and flew towards Li Laosheng, but the half torch came first, caught up with the second torch, and hit the tail of the second fire. The original direction had no intersection with Li Liang, and it was about to cross the second torch in Li Liang's position. Suddenly, It turned into a straight flight to Li Liang.

This is the hidden weapon kung fu, which is interpreted by the torch. It is so exquisite, so thrilling, so shocking, and the hidden weapon kung fu that makes Li Laosheng shocked. Now, in addition to a torch flying towards him, two torches are flying towards Li Liang. Did he block the torch for himself first or the torch for Li Liang first?

However, the rushing torch will not make Li Laosheng think about how long. In desperation, of course, he should avoid attacking his own torch first, otherwise save Li Liang and hurt himself. How uneconomical it is.

Li Laosheng turned over his big knife, cut the third torch, turned back, and turned into a soft sound of "dang". The fourth torch, like the first one, was broken in half by him, half fell to the ground, and half flew up to the sky due to the middle force. The situation is the same as his first torch, but the first time he saved people, and the second time he saved himself.

Li Liang didn't need to think about Li Laosheng for him. When he saw two fierce torches, his face had already changed greatly. At this time, he could no longer care about killing Liang Jin. He hurriedly waved his knife and cut off the second torch.


Li Liang cut the torch and cut off the torch with a knife. Unfortunately, he did not have the ability of Li Laosheng to split the torch up. Although the second torch was cut off, although the latter part of the torch stopped and fell down, the front half of the momentum has not stopped, and Li Liang has not reversed. Ying came over and hit his forehead. These torches of the Crouching Tiger Gang are specially made of butter torches, which can resist the strong wind. Although they were tosss in the air and cut off by Li Liang, they are still burning brightly.


A voiceless scream sounded, and Li Liang's big knife was also thrown away. His hands covered his face and screamed. Unexpectedly, the sound did not stop. The torch set off by Mr. Li came again and hit him. Suddenly, he lit a spark, like a meteor shower all over Li Liang's body.

Since the Crouching Tiger Gang entered the east courtyard, Li Liang, the third head of the Crouching Tiger Gang, became the first person to be over the fire.

Liang Jin looked at Li Liang, who was full of fire. He was still waving a big knife to cut off his head just now. At this time, his whole body was full of blazing fire, and Liang Jin was stunned for a moment.

"I'm not leaving yet! Wait for them to come and cut it again!" A voice suddenly sounded in Liang Jin's ear.

Liang Jin was shocked and turned his head to look at it, but no one could see it.

In addition to this sound, a large number of torches were thrown out of the room and flew towards the two crouching tiger gangs and Li Laosheng around Liang Jin respectively. Looking at the Mars flying all over the sky, the torches that had just been thrown into the room were all thrown back.

Liang Jin didn't know the opportunity. When the two crouching tiger gangs went to block the torch, he silently waved the knife and split a crouching tiger gang in front of him with blood all over his body. After his eyes fell with wide open, he immediately withdrew his legs and ran to the gate.

He just rushed for a while and stood not far from the door of the East Courtyard. At this time, after cutting down the Crouching Tiger Gang in front of him, he only walked a few steps to the door. Just now, the Sanhe congregation, who could not break through several impacts at the door, saw Liang Jin rushing over and suddenly exerted his strength. Everyone rushed forward fearlessly. After sacrificing several people, he finally broke through the gate of the east courtyard that had just been defended by the Crouching Tiger Gang. After joining Liang Jin who rushed over, he immediately retreated out. Go.