Eastern Continent

Chapter 162, Crouching Tiger Gang 6

Jia Qing came back soon with those teenagers.

Long Fei and Jia Lin, who just saw this group of teenagers, almost burst into laughter, and even those boys and girls who had no courage or had just been injured changed their previous appearance and couldn't help smiling.

It looks like a group of soldiers who are about to fight. They look a little more acrobatic groups. The weapons in their hands make Long Fei can't help laughing and is really speechless.

These teenagers have so many patterns and categories that they are even complete beyond weapons.

Some of them are holding big knives, some are holding swords, some are holding kitchen knives, some are holding rolling pins, and some people are actually holding a cutting board. What's more, some people are holding iron pots and shovels. What almost makes Long Fei almost laugh is that the last person is holding a pile of bowls. Obviously, he went too late. Others will search for things that can be used as weapons. In desperation, he took out the bowl for others to eat, holding it in his hands as if holding a gold nugget and carefully.

This turned out to be the kitchen location of the general altar of the Crouching Tiger Gang. Looking at the teenagers with bowls and shovels, Long Fei turned his face with difficulty.

"Haha..." Jia Lin couldn't help laughing first and covering his abdomen. At this time, although the Crouching Tiger Gang was still surrounded and trying to attack in, Jia Lin had to laugh.

The muscles of Jia Qing, the leader, trembled on his face, and his eyes strode over without blinking, but he did not dare to look at these teenagers and suddenly turned to the wall.

"Well, everyone has weapons, and now we have to find a way to attack!" After a while, Long Fei turned his head and looked at the teenagers, and his face gradually became serious: "This is a war about life and death. The weapons of these crouching tiger gangs are real knives*. If you kill them alone, you will have one more chance to live, and you will be killed, and the others will also lose a chance to live. I hope you all work hard to cut off his grandmother. In the end, Long Fei couldn't help swearing.

How can this battle be fought? This group of teenagers with such funny weapons who have not been on the battlefield may have been shot down by the bows and arrows of the Crouching Tiger Gang before they walked out of the door.

Long Fei pulled out a short knife, whether it was the bed leg or the window lattice. The short knife waved repeatedly and cut down more than a dozen long wooden sticks that could be called weapons. He said to the teenagers with iron pots, cutting boards and rice bowls: "Each person, pick them up quickly."

Those teenagers threw away the weapons that made people laugh one after another. Everyone picked up a long stick. Long Fei removed a few more door panels and handed them to Jia Qing and the young man in blue just now. He also took one side, smashed the bowl that the teenager just took out, picked up some fragments and put them in his pocket. Jia Qing saw it, also He came to pick up some, and even Jia Lin picked up some. The stack of bowls held out by the teenager were completely smashed into pieces and divided by Long Fei and the three.

Everything was ready to stop. Long Fei stood up and took the door panel and said to the young man in blue, "Brother, what's your name?"

"My name is Wu Bo!" The young man in blue stood up and said respectfully. He saw that Long Fei had always been giving orders in these three small groups, so he also respected Long Fei very much.

"Hmm!" Long Fei nodded, smiled at him, turned to everyone and shouted, "Well, everyone has got the weapon. Although it is not a deadly weapon with a single blow, if you hit it a few more times, someone will break the bones of the Crouching Tiger Gang."

Headed by Wu Bo, several teenagers who gradually recovered from sluggishness were also laughed by Long Fei's words and waved their weapons hard.

"But..." Long Fei's eyes suddenly turned cold and looked at the teenagers gloomyly and said, "If you have a desperate heart, even if you bite with your teeth, you will bite the enemy to death. If you dare not fight desperately, even if you give you the sharpest long knife, you dare not dare to pierce into the enemy's body. This time I rushed out to fight. I want people who dare to fight hard. I don't dare to fight hard. I think it's better to stay here. Otherwise, you will only delay your teammates. I don't want this phenomenon to happen.

"Do you dare to fight hard? Do you dare to fight with the Crouching Tiger Gang?" Although Long Fei asked everyone, he stared at Wu Bo.

"Dare... Dare..." Wu Bo moved his lips a few times before he muttered, but his voice was so low that he could hear it.

"I can't hear it. Do you dare to fight hard again?" Long Fei's eyes became colder and colder, like a poisonous snake that chose people to eat.

Wu Bo struggled in Long Fei's eyes. He didn't understand how a teenager of the same age as him could have such a terrible momentum. Just staring at him, he made himself sweat coldly and tremble.

"Dare..." Wu Bo licked his lips and spoke a little louder.

"I can't hear it!" Long Fei suddenly drank loudly: "Don't you eat? I don't have any strength, like a woman!"

"Do you dare?"


Wu Bo suddenly waved his hands at the same time, as if to help him, shouting loudly. His face turned red and his blue veins rose. This sound was really deafening.

"Hmm!" Long Fei nodded, looked at the other teenagers, and shouted, "Do you dare to follow me and the Wu Bo brothers to fight with the Crouching Tiger Gang?"


The teenagers who stood up behind Wu Bo first shouted, but the other teenagers shouted in a low voice.

"Hmm! It seems that except for the first few people, the back are all soft eggs. They are not only powerless to kill the enemy, but also unwilling to speak. You don't have to go out with us, just stay with those women and wait!" Long Fei said indifferently.

These teenagers became restless and looked up at Long Fei. They all unconsciously straightened their chests, held the weapons tightly, and gradually burst into flames in their eyes.

"Do you dare?" Long Fei looked coldly for a while, and after making the teenagers feel a little uncomfortable, he suddenly asked word by word.

"Dare!" These teenagers who were satirized by Long Fei suddenly roared loudly with red breasts and thick necks, and their hands without weapons were raised and waved fiercely a few times.

"Do you dare?" Long Fei roared loudly.

"Dare!" Those teenagers also roared out, with their waists straight and eyes burning with fierce war.

Jia Lin heard the powerful roar, and his eyes became wet in an instant, staring at Long Fei, as if a flower suddenly bloomed on Long Fei's face.

"Okay! Very good! You are not soft-hearted!" Long Fei said indifferently.

"yo chi!" Jia Lin covered his mouth and smiled softly. Then the emotion disappeared and turned into white eyes staring at Long Fei.

But Long Fei didn't seem to be aware of it, and still said with a gloomy face, "It's not a soft egg!" It's not what you said, nor what I said. It needs to be proved. The Crouching Tiger Gang outside is the opportunity for you to prove. Whoever can kill many people is not afraid of death, you can prove it to us.

"Jia Qing!"

"There!" Jia Qing suddenly roared rarely, almost shocked Long Fei, stepped in front of Long Fei, and looked at Long Fei in the flames of war. He was actually moved by Long Fei's words just now, which surprised Long Fei.

"You come with me, and the two of us rushed out. Wu Bo!"

"There!" Wu Bo raised his head and walked to Long Fei like a hen who had just laid an egg and answered loudly.

"After you break, the rest are in the middle." Long Fei turned around and said, "You stay here with those girls. After we go out, we will set fire to burn this place immediately. Then you take them to the backyard and retreat from the hill. We will block the pursuers of the Crouching Tiger Gang for you."

"What about you?" Jia Lin looked at Long Fei and Jia Qing's concern.

"You don't have to worry about us. With these people of the Crouching Tiger Gang, you can't help me and Jia Qing!" Long Fei said carelessly, "Just take them out first and wait for us to meet!"

"Okay..." Jia Lin answered reluctantly, but secretly made up his mind that if Long Fei and others could not escape at that time, he would return and kill him and would not want to escape alone.

"There may be traps in those wide places in the backyard, you should be careful!" Long Feidao.

"Don't worry, even if there is a trap, I'm not afraid. My martial arts may be a little worse than you. In terms of traps, you are more than a little worse than me!" Jia Lin patted his chest and said proudly.

Long Feixiao smiled. When he arranged those traps specially used to compete with beasts in the mountains, the boy may still suck in his mother's arms and dares to praise this kind of Haikou.

Long Fei just smiled, turned his head and said to Jia Qing and Wu Bo, "Let's go with me. Let's go out and fight with the Crouching Tiger Gang!"

Yes! Fight with the Crouching Tiger Gang!" All the teenagers waved the weapons in their hands and shouted.

Long Fei held the door panel in one hand. Although the door panel was heavy, it was as light for Long Fei, who had ascended into the realm of martial arts. The other held a short knife, while Jia Qing also held the door panel in one hand and his thick-back knife in the other hand, following Long Fei. Other teenagers were crowded in the middle, but Wu Bo behind the hall Without the skills of Long Fei and Jia Qing, they can only hold the door panel in both hands.

The two teenagers opened the door. As soon as they opened the door, they saw the Crouching Tiger Gang in front of the gate. There were not many people, and the rest may have gone to put out the fire. The second two-story building was burned. That is the most important place of the Crouching Tiger Gang. Other places can not be saved, but here must be saved. In fact, in this building There are still many invisible things under the Crouching Tiger Gang. Unfortunately, Long Fei and others just passed by in a hurry and lit a fire, but they didn't have time to look carefully. Otherwise, you can definitely see the secret of the Crouching Tiger Gang hidden underground for a long time.

It was burned here, which made Li Liang feel afraid. In order to put out the fire, he had no choice but to send most people to Longfei's side, and the rest had to put it into fighting the fire.

This third entrance may be a kitchen or a place for people to stay, that is, a gate. Although there are windows around it, it is not big enough for one person to crawl in.

There are not many people, and the house is difficult to enter. Among the three Longfei, there are two innate martial artists, and Long Fei only used one move to kill Liao Yuanqiang, and killing the ordinary Crouching Tiger Gang is only half a move.

The people of the Crouching Tiger Gang may have been scared by Long Fei's move just now. After being surrounded outside for so long, no one dared to try to enter through the window or door.

Therefore, they only dared to surround the outside and surround the whole house with bows and arrows to prevent a few people from escaping. They asked them to enter the house, but they were not strong enough.

Long Fei blocked him with a door panel, and Jia Qing followed closely. The two door panels seemed to be two building blocks, which were moved out by Long Fei and Jia Qing.

"I'll go out with Jia Qing first. You stay first and don't go out until you hear my shouts!" As soon as the teenagers wanted to follow, Long Fei suddenly turned around. They were surrounded by the Crouching Tiger Gang. They were serving them with bows and arrows. These teenagers had no shields. Wouldn't they become targets when they rushed into the Crouching Tiger Gang to cause a scuffle. These teenagers had the opportunity to take advantage of it and play the role of killing the enemy.

Wu Bo nodded.

Looking at Long Fei and Jia Qing disappearing at the door, Jia Lin shouted at the girls who were standing in chaos and in all kinds of postures: "Let's move quickly, pile up those flammable things, set them on fire, and set them on fire!"

Those girls were still moved by the tragic atmosphere just now. After hearing Jia Lin's words, they immediately squeaked and took action.