Eastern Continent

Chapter 184, Jia Ling

Long Fei took a long breath and woke up slowly from entering the Ding. This time of entering the Ding was obviously longer than before. This is obviously a manifestation of Xu Tiangong getting deeper and deeper after several wars.

In the past, when he was on the peak of Wangtian, Longfei could be fixed for up to half a day, and the Dantian and the meridians will be faintly painful by the essence of heaven and earth. This is a state of absorbing the essence of heaven and earth to reach saturation. If you don't wake up, it will not only be useless to practice, but may also disturb the essence of heaven and earth in the body. , the guide to Xu Tiangong did not listen to the command, burst out Dantian and hurt the body.

The deep power of the innate realm can also be seen from the fixed time. The longer the fixed it is, the more it can absorb the essence of heaven and earth to enrich its Dantian. There is no doubt that the power is profound. If it can only be fixed for one or two hours, Dantian will be filled by the essence of heaven and earth, and it is difficult to make it deep.

Long Fei can enter the realm of free heaven for most of the day. Of course, he belongs to the best among them. If he enters the realm of free heaven, he may meditates and practice all night.

Think about how strong the power will be if a person is practicing intentionally or unintentionally anytime and anywhere, and Dantian will not be blown up by the essence of heaven and earth in his body.

Moreover, Longfei is not like other innate martial artists. The acupuncture points on his body can only be opened half. He is the most rounded by the opening of each acupuncture point. If he absorbs the essence of heaven and earth at such a terrible speed and is not exploding Dantian, the speed of cultivation will be twice, twice, or even ten times that of others.

In fact, in addition to dividing strength by realm, innate warriors can also be divided by how much essence of heaven and earth they absorb. Some warriors absorb the essence of heaven and earth in the first-line realm than the martial arts in the realm of heaven, and their internal strength is deeper than those in the realm of heaven, so it is not difficult for him to challenge him to leap the level.

Like Long Fei, the acupuncture points of the whole body are open without exception. The essence of heaven and earth absorbed in an hour is almost several times more than other martial artists, and the speed of cultivation is naturally several times that of other warriors.

This is also the reason why he not only supported dozens of moves to be undefeated, but also had the upper hand for a while challenging Muhuangyuan, a warrior in the free heavenly realm.

Long Fei carefully felt that the abundant Xu Tiangong in Dantian was slowly rotating in Dantian, as if an automatically rotating air mass. The more it rotated, the stronger it was. It has gradually become clearer and clearer from a vague shadow.

Long Fei read a lot of books on Wangtianfeng and knew that his state was getting closer and closer to the realm of heaven.

In fact, the change in the form of internal force is the promotion of the innate realm. At the time of the natural realm, the internal force in Dantian is vague, like a shadow, but the internal force of other martial artists Dantian is static, while the shadow of Longfei is automatically rotating. When this shadow becomes clearer and clearer, until it can be clearly distinguished, it will enter the realm of free heaven.

As for entering a higher level than the innate spiritual realm, that is, the internal force produces a qualitative change, from gasification to **.

Slowly opened his eyes and looked at the indoor situation. This was an ordinary room, which belonged to the hall of Mingying City in Guangwu City. Long Fei also came here and knew that Jia Chong was originally invited by Liu Rancheng to participate in the Guangwu competition.

Since Liu Rancheng has a clubhouse in Guangwu County, Yingran City should also have it, but Jia Chong asked someone to inquire about it. Only then did he know that there was still half a month away from Guangwu County at this time. The people of Yingran City were still in the future. Long Fei had no choice but to borrow Jia Chong's light and have been in the Liu Rancheng Hall. I stayed for a few days.

In the past few days, except for Jia Qing's occasional visit to meet Long Fei and Jia Chong's visit once or twice, Jia Ling, who should have come most, did not see a single one. Obviously, after her daughter was exposed by Mu Huangyuan, she was embarrassed to come to see Long Fei.

According to Jia Chong's ins exploration, Mu Huangyuan should have come to participate in the big fight at the invitation of Ming Yingcheng.

In this Guangwu County, there is a rule that all warriors participating in the competition must be under the age of 25 and must be disciples or hired warriors of Guangwu County and four cities.

Jia Chong once wanted to introduce Long Fei to the city owner of Liu Rancheng, but he was rejected by Long Fei. Therefore, Long Fei stayed in the Liu Rancheng Hall for a few days. Except for the Jia brothers, no one in Liu Rancheng knew Long Fei's real identity. They all thought that Long Fei was just a subordinate of Jia Chong. Fortunately, no one came to disturb Long Fei and let him practice quietly for a few days to digest the experience of having sex with Mu Huangyuan.

Today, the person who inquired about the news finally sent back the good news for Long Fei. The people of Yingran City have arrived in the Yingran Hall.

When Long Fei went to say goodbye to Jia Chong, she finally met Jia Ling, who had not appeared for many days. She must also know that Long Fei was going to go to the Yingcheng Hall today, so she finally abandoned her shyness and came out to meet Long Fei.

Today's Jia Ling is still dressed in men's clothing, which is no different from before. However, since knowing that she is a girl, Long Fei observed at this time and found that she is still a little different from usual. She looked at Long Fei with a slight glance and immediately turned away. When Long Fei's eyes turned to her, she found that her face turned slightly red.

Because Jia's face turned red, Long Fei deliberately looked a few more times. After looking at these glances, he found that Jia Ling's round egg-shaped face, round eyes, slender and curved eyebrows, Yao nose and small mouth turned out to be a rare little beauty.

"Well," Jia Chong looked at Long Fei and smiled and said, "You are going to go to Yingran City, and then you will be the enemy with Liu Rancheng!"

Long Fei smiled. Although Jia Chong said that the two had become enemies, he did not see any enemy's expression on his face, but a happy smile. Obviously, this was mostly a joke. The martial artists competed by their own means, and the two countries were not enemies. Moreover, there were good friends in hostile countries.

"I'm the opponent of the second son. The second son is a martial artist in the realm of heaven, and I'm still wandering in the realm of heaven!"

"Haha..." Jia Chong laughed and looked at Long Fei and said, "Long Fei, you don't have to be modest. You are only 12 years old this year, and you have reached the world. You are the only martial artist I saw who was promoted to the realm of Dacheng at the age of 12. Maybe by this time next year, you will be in the realm of heaven. Sooner or later, you are such a genius.

Jia Chong often takes Muhuangyuan as a comparative target. In Huanyue, he is also a martial arts genius among the young generation. He has always regarded himself very high, but unexpectedly, after seeing Long Fei this time, although he was extremely sentimental, he had to admit that Long Fei was indeed much better than him. At this age, he also It is the realm of chaos that has just entered the realm of heaven, that is, the realm of Jia Qing now.

"I dare not, in front of the second son, I dare to call a wizard! Don't embold me, second son!" Long Fei began to touch his nose again and became embarrassed. Every time he heard someone praise him, Long Fei blushed and touched his nose, which seemed to have become a habit.

"Haha..." Jia Chong nodded secretly. He saw that Long Fei had reached the realm of heaven at the age of 12. This was really something that had never happened on the mainland. He thought that Long Fei would be as young and energetic as some young warriors, so he praised him for a few words to see Long Fei's performance. This is his love house. Jiwu, Jia Ling, Jia Qing and Long Fei are good friends. Naturally, Jia Chong didn't want to see Long Fei as a young and powerful person who bully others, but unexpectedly Long Fei not only did not complacent, but seemed to be a little embarrassed. He was relieved and smiled, "Well, Long Fei, I won't talk to you more. Anyway, in the future There are many opportunities to meet, Jia Ling and Jia Qing. You two can send Long Fei for me.

"Yes!" Jia Ling and Jia Qing answered in unison.

The people of Liu Rancheng obviously only thought that Long Fei was also a son of the Jia family. Therefore, except for Jia Chong, other people thought that Long Fei followed Jia Chong to see the children of Guangwu, so they didn't care much. Long Fei's departure would not disturb anyone.

Jia Ling and Jia Qing kept sending Long Fei out of the gate of Liu Rancheng Hall before stopping. Jia Ling looked at Jia Qing, and Jia Qing followed her. Jia Lin looked at Long Fei again. At this time, he was looking at himself and smiling.

Since she was found to be a girl by Mu Huangyuan, Jia Ling seems to have become shy. Except for a few days of hiding and dare not see Long Fei, now Long Fei just gently turns her eyes to Jia Ling, and she immediately blushes.

Jia Ling glanced at Jia Qing with a red face. Seeing that he was just standing behind them silently and didn't seem to listen to them, she turned her head, quickly glanced at Long Fei, and whispered, "My name is Jia Ling, Huanyue Jia's family." As soon as he finished speaking, he blushed and turned around and ran away.

Long Fei was stunned and looked at Jia Ling's back. She couldn't help smiling. When the woman dressed up as a man, Jia Ling was a cheerful tom boy. After changing back to women's clothing, she still had a desire.

"Jia Qing, just send it here. See you on the day of the game!"

"Good! Will Brother Long be on the stage?

"No, I'm not a contestant. I just come to see the fun!"

"Oh, I thought Brother Long would play. I'm also going to watch Brother Long show his power and defeat Mu Lao Er!"

Long Fei didn't expect that the silent Jia Qing could say this. He couldn't help but be surprised. He looked at Jia Qing and said with a smile, "He is in the realm of heaven. I'm still in the realm of heaven. When I go to the field, I also lose a little more."

"I have confidence in Brother Long!" Jia Qing said with a straight face.

Long Fei was stunned and then smiled. Unexpectedly, Jia Qing's confidence in himself was so high!

Yingran Hall is a little old building, which is like Wanghou Mansion. Thinking about Guangwu County has been several generations of monarchs, and Yingran City, as a subordinate city of Guangwu County, has built a hall in Guangwu City since the founding of the city, you can see that this is an ancient building.

Although this building is old, it does occupy a wide area, which is not much worse than the ordinary royal palace.

When Longfei came to the Yingran City Hall, Jun Zhantian and several players from subordinate towns had just arrived. As one of the subordinate towns of Yingran City, Gulong and his son, the mayor of Guhu Town, naturally also followed the large army of Yingran City.

Seeing Long Fei, Gu Long and his son were overjoyed and hurriedly connected Long Fei to the hall.

"Long Fei, after such a long separation, we finally meet again!" The ancient legend said happily, "I heard that you are so powerful in Yingran City that several crouching tiger gangs in the chaotic realm will be destroyed by you."

"I didn't destroy the Crouching Tiger Gang by myself. There were two people to help me, and at that time, there were two forces of the Triad and Liumen participating in the same gang as the Crouching Tiger Gang, and finally destroyed the Crouching Tiger Gang."

"I heard that those two little brothers are surnamed Jia, but they are from the Huanyue Jia family?" Gu Long asked.

"Yes, this time their second brother Jia Chong also came to Guangwu City. I heard that he is preparing to participate in the competition on behalf of Liu Rancheng."

"Ah..." Gu Long and ancient legends were very surprised. If there were people from the Jia family to participate in the competition, wouldn't Yingran City have no chance?

In fact, even if Long Fei is willing to participate in the competition, it is still a heavenly realm, and if the Jia family does not reach the realm of free heaven, they will certainly not be sent out to be ashamed.

According to the martial arts of the contestants in previous years, martial arts under the age of 25 are the highest.

However, thinking about the big comparison in previous years, even if there is no master like Jia Chong, it is just a martial artist in Guangwu County, and Yingran City seems to have never got any good ranking.

"Long Fei, will you participate in the competition on behalf of Yingran City?" The ancient legend is full of hope that even if you can't win the first place, with Long Fei's competition, you can always win a higher ranking. If the ranking is the Empress Dowager, it will be too shabby.

"It depends!" Long Fei shook his head and said, "Liu Rancheng has a Jia Chong, and Mingying City has a Muhuangyuan. Both of them are in the realm of heaven. Even if I go, it's useless. Now I just want to find a quiet room to carefully experience this period and see if I can break through."

"Okay." Gu Long nodded and said, "However, all this must be said after you have met the lord of the king. If you don't see the lord of the king's city when you arrive at the Yingran Hall, it's not appropriate."