Eastern Continent

Chapter 186, Guangwu Dabi 1

Everything is long, the green season, and the days are also fast. In a blink of an eye, ten days have passed, and Guangwu County has finally arrived in the expectation of everyone.

In the Neil Federation, although Guangwu County is not the largest or the most populous county, it is one of the oldest counties. The Guangwu competition handed down has been so long that no one can remember when the first competition began.

Guangwu County, like the competition of Guhu Town and Yingran City, is arranged to compete in the open air, but Guhu Town and Yingran City are in the school field. Because these two places are small, there is no other place to carry onlookers except the school yard for training. Guangwu County, an ancient county, is different. Although Guangwu County is not the most populous county, the size of the capital is extremely high among several counties. In front of the King's Palace in Guangwu City, there is a huge square, which is wider than the campus of Guhu Town and Yingran City. This time, It is arranged in this square.

To the north of this square is the royal palace. Between the palace and the square, there are nearly 100 steps connecting the two. The huge square below the ground sets off the wide royal palace more tall and magnificent, like a palace in the sky.

The nearly 100 steps are the grandstand of this square. All the high-ranking officials, city owners and competition players of various big cities under Guangwu County, and VIPs from other counties invited by Guangwu County to attend the ceremony have seats on this step. Ordinary civilians can only stand on three sides of the square and watch.

Compared with the competition in Guhu Town, Guangwu County is two levels higher. Here, the people watching, whether from noble masters or ordinary civilians, are several times more than Guhu Town, or even more than ten times, surrounding this huge square of almost half of Guhu Town.

Guangwu County is a big festival in Guangwu County and its major cities, and also a stage for its subordinate cities to show their strength. The Guangwu Competition is a competition for the martial arts of the young generation of various cities, as well as the reserve forces of various cities and Guangwu County.

Guangwu County requires that only martial artists under the age of 25 can participate, which is divided into two parts: acquired and congenital. Every time the innate warriors who stand out in the big competition are almost recruited into the army by various big cities and Guangwu County, and even some of them are still in the acquired state, but the powerful warriors with great potential will also be recruited into the army by them.

The competition of Guangwu County is composed of four major cities and Guangwu County, with a total of five contestants, each of which is eight players, a total of 40 people, belonging to the acquired level, divided into the competition among the acquired martial artists, belonging to the innate level, divided into the competition among the innate martial artists, the martial arts are only divided into levels, regardless of the realm, because Therefore, some warriors at the same innate level may only be in the realm of chaos, while others may be in the realm of heaven.

Among all the big cities and Guangwu counties, only Yingran City is the two congenital warriors of Junfeng and Jun Mingqiang. Among other big cities, there are three in Wenliang City, and Liu Ran and Mingying City are four innate warriors.

In Guangwu County, there are even five innate martial arts, while there are only three martial arts.

The huge copper bell was struck three times, and the melodious and ancient bells sounded throughout Guangwu City.

Guangwu Dabi, begins!

As soon as the bell stopped, the palace in the north of the square also slowly opened the door, revealing a huge door hole like a beast's mouth. In the huge doorway, there was a gust of melodious music. In the beat of the music, the first thing that came into everyone's eyes was a team of honor. After the ceremony, they saw the crown and face Fu Jianqiang, the elegant king of Guangwu County, slowly walked out of the doorway under the escort of the guard.

After Fu Jianqiang, it was the city owners and players of each big city. In the Guangwu competition, there was an ancient case. In addition to the banquet, the king of Guangwu County had to hold a banquet. On the day of the competition, all the city owners and the players of the competition must first enter the palace and then follow the prince.

Gu Long and Long Fei are neither the city owners nor contestants, nor can they follow the prince from the gate of the palace and be treated by the public. They have long sat down on the grandstand belonging to Yingran City, waiting for the beginning of the competition.

When he sat down, Long Fei also saw Jia Ling and Jia Qing. Although Ying Rancheng and Liu Rancheng were not far away, it was not convenient to talk at this noisy time. Because the three of them just nodded and smiled, they said hello.

On the north steps of the square, various stands have long been set up with various wood, separated into areas, which belong to various forces and large and small officials of Guangwu County, but these areas are also very close to each other. The two adjacent areas can be heard when they speak louder.

Under the guard of the guards, Fu Jianqiang, the king of Guangwu County, walked out from the palace gate, walked through a small square in front of the palace station, and then followed the steps and gradually walked to a wooden stand in the north stand of the square, covered with red cloth.

Fu Jianqiang was about 40 years old and had a white face. He walked all the way. He did not have the unique appearance of those who lived in the deep palace for a long time, but walked a tiger step. Every step was extremely fast, as if he were running. The guards who followed him had to trot to keep up.

Behind Fu Jianqiang are the owners of the four major cities. On the left is the Mingying City Rao Gang, Wen Hailiang City, and on the right is Liu Rancheng Li Shaohu and Yingran City Jun Zhantian. After these four city owners, it is the players of this Guangwu competition.

A group of people filed out, passed the small square in front of the palace, stepped down more than 100 steps, and sat down in their respective positions.

Fu Jianqiang stepped on a platform built on the steps. The four city owners and the important ministers of various departments of Yingran City are all listed around Fu Jianqiang.

"Let's start!" Fu Jianqiang sat down in the middle position, waved his hand gently, and said faintly.

"The prince has a life, and the game begins!" A little eunuch walked to the platform and shouted.

I don't know how many times the Guangwu competition has been held. Whether it is from the front of the competition, the process, and the rewards after the competition, it has become procedural.

All martial arts are divided into two parts: acquired martial arts and congenital martial arts. Before the start of the competition, the opponent has been decided by drawing lots.

As the voice of the little eunuch fell, the first group of acquired warriors jumped into the square.

The previous competition is only a competition between the acquired warriors. Among the players in Yingran City, except for Junfeng and Jun Mingqiang, the rest are acquired martial artists. Their competition is naturally arranged in the front.

Of course, ancient legends were also arranged in the first batch of trials. There are a total of 40 martial artists participating in five places. In addition to 18 innate martial artists, there are 22 martial artists who are selected by drawing lots to determine their opponents.

On the first day of the game in two rounds, Gu Shichuan won two people and entered the third round, but lost to the opponent of Yingming City in the competition on the second day and stopped outside the top four.

Although the ancient legend stopped outside the top four, it also made Gu Long laugh so much that he couldn't close his mouth. You know that in the last Guangwu competition, the ancient legend was only an iron bone realm. Although it barely entered the list of Guangwu competition, it was eliminated at the beginning of the competition, not to mention any ranking.

This two wins in a row is a big step forward than last time, which is enough to make Gu Long happy.

"This is all thanks to you, Long Fei!" Gu Long couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

"My credit?" Long Fei wondered, "I didn't do anything!"

"Ha ha..." Gu Long smiled and said, "If it hadn't been for the stimulation of the fact that you entered the innate level, their martial arts would not have been promoted so quickly. How could it not be your credit!"

Speaking of this, this is indeed a little due to Long Fei. Since Long Fei entered the innate level at a young age, he has stimulated the young warriors of the whole ancient tiger town, especially the ancient legend, who was born in the mayor's family of Guhu Town. He is also a large family and often regards himself as a superior young warrior. The stimulation is even greater.

Since Long Fei can enter the innate level at such a young age, how can these young people who are ten years and eight years older than Long Fei be lower than Long Fei's martial arts? At least they have to follow Long Fei's buttocks to catch up.

Sure enough, since defeating the Black Wind Thieves, these young people in Guhu Town have worked hard to strengthen and practice almost day and night.

The hard work finally came to an end. Gu Shichuan, the only player in Guhu Town, finally almost entered the top four in the acquired martial arts competition.

Although Gu Long is happy, in the whole Guangwu County, this acquired martial arts competition is actually just an appetizer before the innate martial arts competition this big dish, which can't attract anyone to see it.

Therefore, in the two-day competition, in addition to the relevant personnel and some spectators of various cities, there were many people on the whole square. Only when the first place battle at the day after tomorrow was decided, the main personnel of several cities strolled around the square to see if there were any acquired warriors suitable for recruiting into the army.

After the game the day after tomorrow, that is, when the competition of innate martial arts began on the fourth day, the number of people around the square suddenly increased. The whole square was full of dense crowds, and those standing inside could not see the outside, and as long as they came late for a while, they were squeezed out. I can't see the situation inside at all.

Sitting in the north stand of the square are Fu Jianqiang and the queen of Guangwu County. Since Fu Jianqiang appeared on the first day and announced the start of the competition, he has never appeared in the days of the martial arts competition at the day after tomorrow. At this time, it comes to the comparison of the innate martial arts. Jianqiang took various city lords and civil and military officials before he appeared in the stands again.

The order of seats this time is that Fu Jianqiang sits in the middle. On the left side of Fu Jianqiang, according to the size of the force, sits four city owners of the city, namely Mingying City, Liu Ran City, Wen Hailiang City and Yingran City, while the civil and military ministers of Guangwu County sit on the right side of Fu Jianqiang.

When the people of Yingran City entered the stands in the north of the square, the people of Mingying City also happened to enter. Long Fei looked up and happened to see Muhuangyuan.

Since Jia Chonghui is a guest hired by Liu Rancheng and simply as a martial arts contestant to win fame for Liu Rancheng, Muhuangyuan may also be a competition helper invited by a big city. Long Fei originally guessed that it might be Guangwu County and the capital of Guangwu County, the head of a county, so he will invite Muhuangyuan. The martial artist in the realm of heaven unexpectedly turned out to be the Mingying City.

Mingying is also a big city. In Guangwu County, except for Guangwu County, the other four cities, according to the size of the city, the population, the number of troops, the number of warriors and the level of the realm are Mingying City, Liuran City, Wenhai Liangcheng and Yingran City.

This is the reason why Yingran City ranks last in the seat beside Fu Jianqiang. In troubled times, only the strong are respected, and the more powerful they are, the more respected they will be.

As if he felt Long Fei's eyes, or had been waiting for Long Fei to turn his eyes to him for a long time. Mu Huangyuan raised his head, grinned and made an expression to Long Fei, and then shook his palm at Long Fei, which means that Long Fei was not his opponent. Let Long Fei be careful later.

Long Fei smiled and turned his head, but saw Jia Chong smiling at him. Then Jia Lin and Jia Qing greeted Long Fei with a smile.

All the people Longfei knows here, whether enemies or friends, seem to have a consensus that Longfei will not be the opponent of Muhuangyuan and Jia Chong.