Eastern Continent

Chapter 197, also natural teacher

"In the realm of heaven!"

All those who heard this were shocked to stand up, and the Jia brothers were no exception. Although some people had expected that Long Fei must be a martial artist in the realm of heaven before they dared to agree to Mu Huangyuan's challenge, I guessed that there was always been a little doubt about Long Fei at such an age before. At this time, he listened When Muhuangyuan shouted out in surprise, everyone was shocked and also had a "so" idea.

Jia Ling looked at Long Fei in the field and almost couldn't believe it. When she first saw Long Fei, she thought that Long Fei was just a chaotic realm of heaven. After she played with the Crouching Tiger Gang and killed Liu Hu, she thought it was a front-line realm and was ambushed by the Crouching Tiger Gang. When she competed with Mu Huangyuan, she guessed that it was a chaotic realm. Unexpectedly, At this time, he once again competed with Mu Huangyuan, and it became a free state of heaven.

I met Long Fei in less than half a year, and Long Fei's martial arts actually jumped four realms in Jia Ling's heart. In Jia Ling's feeling, it seemed that every time Long Fei fought with someone, his martial arts leaped to a realm, which actually jumped from the chaotic realm in half a year. In the realm of heaven.

"Ling girl, Jia Qing, it seems that you children are not simple! At a young age, he is already in the realm of heaven, but he is in the same realm as me. Jia Chong looked at Long Fei in the field and shook and sighed.

"I heard it!" Jia Ling said angrily that this guy, the three of them fought with the Crouching Tiger Gang until they destroyed the Crouching Tiger Gang in Yingran City. Speaking of speaking, they also shared difficulties with him, but Long Fei still hid himself and his martial arts skills in the realm of heaven did not reveal the wind to himself at all, which made Jia Ling not angry.

Maybe if he is now a spirit-level martial artist against Long Fei, and Long Fei suddenly shows his spirit-level martial arts, it won't surprise Jia Ling.

"Munzi has good eyesight!" Long Fei smiled and said, "It's the realm of heaven!"

"Are you free in heaven?" Mu Huangyuan looked at Long Fei with his eyes wide open. The last time he had competed with Long Fei, Long Fei was obviously just a great realm. This is only half a month. How could he jump to the realm of free heaven? How can such a promotion speed be embarrassing!

Mu Huangyuan looked at Long Fei with the eyes of the monster and was almost stunned.

In fact, not only Muhuangyuan was stunned, but also around the square, especially those martial artists, were shocked. They had not learned martial arts, did not know the difficulty of promotion in the realm, and did not know the blood and sweat shed for the promotion of the realm. Even geniuses such as Mu Huangyuan and Jia Chong are appalling to enter the realm of free heaven at the age of 20, and are cultivated as the future pillars of the family.

But Long Fei, everyone looked left, right and horizontally. No matter how they look at it, he was only 13 or 14 years old, but he has been promoted to the free state of heaven. If he continues to promote at such a speed, he will enter the spiritual level before the age of 20.

Maybe he is smart when he is young. Mu Huangyuan comforted himself like this. There are also some young geniuses on the mainland who were promoted quickly when they were young, but because they refused to suffer, or were proud and complacent, they led to the stagnation of the realm.

No matter what happens in the future, no matter how Mu Huangyuan comforts himself, at this time, he still looked at Long Fei's eyes with horror and said coldly, "I'm smart when I was a child, and I'm a big man."

"Ha ha...maybe!" Long Fei was not angry about this. In the past ten days before the Guangwu competition, Long Fei practiced day and night, integrated the experience in the hands of Mu Huangyuan, simulated the moves and speed of the martial artists in the realm of heaven, and thought about the combat methods in the realm of heaven. The day before the Guangwu competition, he finally broke through the realm of heaven and entered Entering the free realm of heaven is only in the early realm of the sky, but with Long Fei's understanding of martial arts and the application of moves, as well as the only unforgettable move to fight against the sky, it also has the power to fight against the warriors in the middle realm of heaven.

If this is not the case, Long Fei will not accept the challenge of Muhuangyuan. Long Fei won't be so stupid. He won't go up knowing that he will find humiliation.

Looking at Long Fei's plain expression, Mu Huangyuan secretly worried that if he was not in the middle of the sky, and knew that Long Fei had just been promoted to the free sky, or only in the early stage, he might have lost the confidence to compete with Long Fei.

"I see who else will save you this time. I want to make you happy. Although I can't kill you, I want to let your martial arts fall to a realm and make your life worse than death!"

"Look at it!" Although Mu Huangyuan's expression was ferocious, Long Fei still had a faint look. Looking at Mu Huangyuan, he even laughed: "The mouth is not martial arts. If you want to defeat me, you must use your long sword!"

"Haha..." Mu Huangyuan threw the scabbard held in his left hand on the ground and slowly raised his sword until it was level with his shoulders. Seeing Long Fei's calmness, he finally put away the expression of hatred on his face. His face gradually calmed down, and his whole body gradually improved his momentum. He said lightly, "Then I'll try how many pounds you have. Two!"

With the lifting of Muhuangyuan's long sword, it is raised higher and higher. In everyone's eyes, Muhuangyuan seems to be more and more integrated with heaven and earth. The whole person seems to be embedded in heaven and earth, becoming a part of heaven and earth, living in harmony with nature, as if he has become a tree, a stone and a stream in nature. .

In the eyes of all martial artists, Muhuangyuan gradually integrated into heaven and earth, mixed into one and separated from each other.

Teacher is natural!

All martial artists have passed through this kind of martial arts understanding that is neither a realm, but also a realm.

After Muhuangyuan launched the teacher's nature, he integrated into heaven and earth, as if heaven and earth were him, and he was heaven and earth, but Long Fei looked so abrupt and eye-catching, as if a wolf broke into the sheep and a swan stood among the chickens, which was so abrupt and out of place.

When they saw Long Fei enter the realm of free heaven at such a young age, Fu Jianqiang and others were so shocked that they all felt that Long Fei was a rare martial arts genius in ancient times. People who had no confidence in Long Fei's relationship with Mu Huangyuan also had a little confidence. At this time, after seeing Mu Huangyuan enter the teacher nature, their confidence flew again.

The so-called teacher nature means that everything learns nature and takes nature as a teacher. When learning nature, nature can also manipulate some natural things like nature, such as mobilizing the essence of heaven and earth, or using the power of nature for its own use.

In ancient times, there is a saying that every martial artist who can understand the subtle realm of nature must enter the level of divine change in the future. The earlier you understand it, the sooner you will enter the level of divine transformation.

The so-called divine change is the change of human spirit. After entering the level of divine change, the battle of martial arts is not the same as under the divine change. They must move their hands and feet, but fight with consciousness. Among them, it is extremely dangerous, but the power is also proportionally rising.

"Come on!" Mu Huangyuan looked at Long Fei: "Let me see what your free heavenly realm is like!"

"You will see it soon!" Long Fei smiled. Although his face was still smiling, his whole body suddenly calmed down. This quietness was not the quietness of the movement, but the peace of the heart, just like a Buddhist monk participating in the meditation. That kind of silence was the peace from the bottom of his heart.

The tranquility of the heart is one of the most superficial phenomena when entering the nature of the teacher's law. Only when you are quiet to the extreme, can you feel a certain law in heaven and earth, a certain secret, a certain trajectory of heaven and earth, and only the tranquility of the heart can make a person adjust his spirit to the best state, connect with the nature of heaven and earth and integrate into heaven and earth.

Looking at Long Fei's motionless movements, the martial artists in the whole square sounded of inhaling and inhaling cold air. They seemed to be fish caught out of the surface of the water, desperately opened their mouths and gasped, and the horror in their eyes almost cracked their eyes.

"Teacher is natural!" I don't know who it was, but I couldn't help shouting.

Fu Jianqiang looked at Long Fei and the slight smile on Long Fei's face. Suddenly, he turned his head and said to Wang Hu, "Go and find out. This Long Fei is from Yingran City. Who is the master and what does his family do?"

Wang Hu withdrew his eyes and looked at Fu Jianqiang and said, "Does the Lord want to recruit him under his command?" He has been following Fu Jianqiang for more than 20 years. He knows more about Fu Jianqiang's feelings than Fu Chong and others. Only from Fu Jianqiang's instructions to investigate Long Fei's situation, he knows that Fu Jianqiang wants to recruit Long Fei into Guangwu County.

Fu Jianqiang smiled and turned his head to look at Long Fei. His eyes were as shocked and surprised as all the martial artists.

"Genius!" Jia Chong looked at Long Fei and turned his head to look at Jia Ling and said, "Where did you know Long Fei? Such a small discipline has not only been promoted to the free state of heaven, but also understands the nature of the teacher."

"Hee... Does the second brother want to recruit him into our family?" Jia Ling looked at Jia Chong and said with a smile.

"As far as you know the intention of the second brother, such a genius will not be recruited into the family. If he is taken away by others, it will not be a big loss. Especially if he joins the Mu family, the fall of the Jia family will not be far away."

"Hmm!" Jia Ling nodded and looked at Jia Chong and said, "But what can you do to recruit him into the family?"

"Yes!" Jia Chong looked at Jia Ling with a smile and suddenly came to Jia Ling's ear and whispered, "If you marry him, you can't recruit him into the Jia family."

"Second brother!" Jia Chong suddenly stood up, pointed to Jia Chong, and said angrily, "You...you..." Although he was so angry that he couldn't speak, his cheeks slowly blushed, scraped Jia Chong fiercely, and then stared at Jia Qing fiercely. The corners of Jia Qing's newly upturned mouth fell down again. Then he lowered his head and sat down and said nothing.

Jia Chong swept Jia Qing and made a wink, and the two smiled tacitly.

"Long Fei, how many other things do you surprise me?" Jia Chong looked at Long Fei in the field and muttered, "I'm really looking forward to it!" Unexpectedly, there is such a mysterious genius hidden in the small Guangwu County!"

Muhuangyuan naturally knew that this was the phenomenon when he entered the nature of the teacher. Looking at Long Fei's face with a smile, he seemed to be in a static state of enlightenment. Mu Huangyuan's heart was very bitter. Originally, he thought that he could fly the dragon with a slightly higher and a small realm and the nature of the master. Defeat, but I didn't expect that this was just my wishful thinking.

"Brother Mu, please!" Long Fei slowly raised the knife and said softly.