Eastern Continent

Chapter 199, I'm sorry I won 2

Muhuangyuan's long sword fell fiercely at Longfei again. After another loud noise in the square, Muhuangyuan took a few steps back with the power of this rebound and looked at Long Fei with his eyes. There was shock in his eyes and more doubts, but he did not believe it: how Long Fei reached the realm of the sky so quickly, and And at such a young age, I realized the nature of the teacher.

Muhuangyuan felt a little weak body. Dantian's internal strength was like a big ice lit by the sun. At this time, there was only one half left. He couldn't imagine that this unintermitting attack and desperate moves consumed so much internal power, but in the blink of an eye, it consumed more than half of himself. Internal force.

Feeling the remaining half of the internal force in Dantian, Muhuangyuan resisted the shock and trembling of his body. At this time, his eyes when he looked at Long Fei had turned from disdain to shock.

Mu Huangyuan did not expect his own fierce attack. Instead of making Long Fei at all, he made himself a strong end. He was full of confidence, but at this time he finally had a little flaw.

In fact, what Mu Huangyuan didn't know was that Long Fei's internal strength and physical strength were also at the end at this time, and his muscles trembled and almost showed a flaw.

Just now, during the round of Muhuangyuan's sharp attack, Long Fei seemed to be easy and effortless. In fact, in order to resist Muhuangyuan's internal attack, his Tiangong in Dantian was running very fast and consumed a lot.

After all, he has just entered the realm of free heaven. In general, Long Fei doesn't have much time to enter the innate level. Naturally, his savings are not as profound as the old innate martial arts as Muhuangyuan. Although Xu Tiangong is also recovering at the same time, the recovery is not consumed quickly. He was attacked by Muhuangyuan and Xu Tian The power was almost exhausted. At this time, the little internal force left was only to control the hands and feet, so as not to tremble to make Mu Huangyuan and others see it.

After the separation, neither of them launched another attack and were fighting for time to reply.

One breath, two breath, until half an hour later, the two started almost at the same time and rushed to their opponents.

As soon as they fought, both of them saw that the other party's strategy this time was the same as their own, that is, fighting. Obviously, both of them have the same purpose, which is to find each other's flaws in the game, so as to exert a strike to determine the universe.

The force-based way of engagement just now obviously made the two suffer a lot.

As soon as he came into contact, Muhuangyuan's long sword just gently took Longfei's short knife. After feeling the rebound power of Longfei's short knife, he immediately took it back, then turned around and slid away. The long sword turned and stabbed away from a place where Longfei could not defend.

However, although Muhuangyuan was fast, Longfei was not slow. His short knife matched the light skill of the realm of the ground, and he did not hesitate to attack Muhuangyuan with one move.

With their full exertion, you can see their light skills, which is actually evenly matched.

Long Fei is a light kung fu created after combining the popular light kung fu. Although it is born out of the wind, it is obviously different from the wind. Although it is only the realm of the earth, it is almost equivalent to the level of the water realm. Under the cooperation of the sky-class, whenever the sky-gung fu rises, the sky-catching, and his posture is also When they fell together, the posture was not very beautiful, but the ups and downs were also very fast. Muhuangyuan's long sword attacked several times, but it was not as powerful as Long Fei.

Muhuangyuan is an old innate martial artist, and his light skills are needless to say. Although he does not have the popular light skills of the heavenly ladder, the Mu family is one of the four ancient families. His family is more powerful than the general major schools on the mainland, and light skills are among the martial arts. Naturally, It is valued.

The light skills performed by Muhuangyuan are called pedaling in the sky. One of the characteristics of this pedal is that when the transportation power of the feet is stepped on, it can make the earth make a vibrating sound, reaching the opponent's heart, and make the opponent secretly shocked, thus disintegrating the opponent's will. However, when the transportation power rises, it is as light as a swallow and rushes straight into the air, as if it can really pedal to the sky.

The onlookers only looked at the ups and downs of the two figures in the square, like two butterflies interspersed in the flowers. They were almost invisible, but slowly, they were like fluttering among the flowers and almost stopped.

But no matter what, the light skill contest between the two scared the warriors around the square.

Fu Jianqiang no longer closed his eyes at this time, but stared at Long Fei with his martial arts skills. At this time, he was also shocked by Long Fei.

The realm of Longfei's martial arts is certainly unmatched among the young generation in Guangwu County. If we talk about light martial arts alone, even martial artists with a higher level than Longfei's martial arts may not be Longfei's opponent.

Jun Zhantian had straightened his waist at this time, and his eyes were almost twice as big as before. Looking at Long Fei, as if he were looking at a monster. If he heard Mu Huangyuan's martial arts in Longfei's free heavenly realm at that time, he was just surprised, then when Long Fei also showed his master's method naturally, he would be shocked. Now, looking at the two soaring figures in the square, Long Fei has not shown any fatigue or flaws in the past so long. The light skill is no worse than that of Muhuangyuan, which shocked him.

What kind of master is to teach such an apprentice? And what kind of demon genius is Longfei? At the age of 13, martial arts can reach such a terrible level.

At this time, let's not talk about Fu Jianqiang and Jun Zhantian. In the whole square, as long as they are martial arts students, they know how difficult it is to improve the realm of martial arts. They practice hard, almost day and night, but in their twenties, it is a great genius to enter the chaotic realm. If they can enter the front line of heaven or In the realm of heaven, it is a peerless wizard, and they can't even imagine entering the realm of heaven at the age of thirteen.

Looking at the two people who fought on the field, all the warriors who watched the martial arts competition had a deep sense of frustration.

"When, when, when..."

A dense sound came, almost like a heavy rain hitting the plantain. After everyone heard a sound, the two people in the field separated, facing each other, standing more than a dozen steps apart.

There was a silence in the field, and the needle was almost audible.

After a while, the whole square buzzed.

"Have you won or lost?" The onlookers whispered to each other and asked the people around them one after another. They turned their heads to look at the big objects in the North Stand, trying to see some glances from their faces.

"Lord, I didn't expect that there were such people in Guangwu County!" Wang Hu looked at Fu Jianqiang and said softly and happily, "If you recruit Guangwu and cultivate a little, it will definitely be the cornerstone of my future of Guangwu."

"Ha ha..." Fu Jianqiang naturally knew that Wang Hu was talking about Long Fei. He shook his head and smiled bitterly and said, "If Long Fei is really willing to join a certain force, he will not wait until now. According to my guess, Jun Zhantian must have recruited such a figure. Seeing that Long Fei is not a contestant in Yingran City, you can know that Ken It must be because Long Fei is unwilling to join Yingcheng.

"But Guangwu County is different from Yingrancheng. Yingran City is only a subordinate city under Guangwu County, but Guangwu is a county. How can Yingran City be compared with Guangwu County!" Wang Hu was unconvinced.

"In the eyes of ordinary martial artists, if they can join Guangwu County, of course, it is a rare opportunity to become famous, but in the eyes of Long Fei, Jia Chong or Mu Huangyuan, Guangwu County may not be able to enter their eyes. Maybe only the Neil Federation or other countries on the mainland are the right they are considering joining. Elephant."

"But since we have found this kind of person, we can't let it go. We have to try to know whether he is willing to join Guangwu County!" Wang Hu still did not give up.

"That's natural. Even if Long Fei is unwilling to join now, he can also deal with him first. When the time is right in the future, maybe we will have a chance." Fu Jianqiang nodded and said, "When the big match is over, you invite them for me, and I will receive them in person."

"Well...the Lord is wise!" Wang Hu said happily, "I'll go and prepare immediately."

"Second son, you have attacked twice. How dare you take me next!" Long Fei looked at Mu Huangyuan and smiled gently.

Since the battle, Mu Huangyuan has always been expressionless, while Long Fei has always been smiling. In terms of the demeanor of the two, Mu Huangyuan has actually lost Long Fei.

But the game pays attention to its own strength, not to see whose face is touching. Therefore, the two still have not won or lost at this time.

"What's wrong with picking you up?" Mu Huangyuan said coldly, "Don't say a move, thousands of moves are OK, just let me see what means you have to save your life!"

"That two sons should be careful." Longfei held the short knife in both hands and slowly raised it, as if the tail of the knife was tied with 10,000 jin, slowly and solemn. With the short knife slowly raised, in Longfei's sense, a stream of heaven and earth spirit centered on Longfei and quickly gathered towards Longfei and the short knife, not only quickly replenishing Longfei's drying Dantian, but also this pouring into the short The essence of the knife seemed to inject some kind of aura into the short knife. The originally dark and disglorable short knife actually emitted a kind of light that could be seen with the naked eye, as if the knife suddenly turned into a luminous object, but it was still daytime. Only Long Fei holding the short knife could see the wood standing opposite. Huang Yuan did not see the mutation of the knife.

However, all the warriors in the innate realm felt the surge of the essence of heaven and earth.

Feeling that the essence of heaven and earth was rushing towards the dragon, and then sensing the solemnity emanating from the short knife, Mu Huangyuan's face, which was already expressionless, became more and more serious.

Except for Fu Jianqiang, Wang Hu, various city owners and other warriors at the spiritual level and above, all the warriors stood up and stretched out their necks to look at the two people on the field. They knew that this would be a battle between victory and defeat. They were a little nervous, even tighter than the two in the field. Zhang.

"What kind of move is this?" All the warriors whispered and consulted the people beside them. Unfortunately, except for Long Fei, there is no second person in this square.

This move is exactly the strange move suitable for martial artists in the innate realm - Zhan Tianzhan.

Mu Huangyuan was a little regretful at this time. If he had known that Long Fei had such a move, he would not have let Long Fei slowly absorb the essence of heaven and earth and use it calmly. Instead, he would attack before attacking and destroy Long Fei's preparation before his move.

However, now that he has promised Long Fei, Mu Huangyuan is not easy to be so stingy, so he can only secretly raise his guard and look at Long Fei.

The knife seemed to be tied to ten thousand pounds and continued to lift it until it reached the top of his head. Then, Long Fei seemed to pause, and his feet suddenly kicked the ground fiercely, and his whole body jumped up.

Dantian's Tiangong surged out wildly, all rushing towards the short knives held in his hands and injecting them with a brain. Then, this move, with the power of Long Fei's whole body, an unprecedented momentum, and the will that even God dares to challenge, cut down fiercely at Muhuangyuan.