Eastern Continent

Chapter 202, it's worth the trip and regret

Guangwu County, the general altar of the Crouching Tiger Gang.

This is the real general altar of the Crouching Tiger Gang, which covers a wider area and is more luxuriously decorated. It can be described as the Golden Emperor. With such an elegant style, it can be seen that the Crouching Tiger Gang is not only rich, but also has a detached position in Guangwu County.

In the reception room of the Crouching Tiger Gang, three people were sitting at this time.

It is not Huo Zhiquan, the master who sits in the middle. Unexpectedly, it is Mu Huangyuan, who lost to Longfei in the competition. It is Huo Zhiquan and Guo Huiping who are accompanied below. Of course, there are some important personnel in the Crouching Tiger Gang, but at this time, except for Huo Zhiquan and Guo Huiping, others are not qualified to sit in this reception room. The reason is only because Muhuang is the original and is present.

"Second son, will you let him go like this?" Huo Zhiquan looked at Muhuangyuan and said with hatred, "These little thieves destroyed our altar. If you don't kill them, it's difficult to vent your hatred."

Mu Huangyuan frowned and was silent. After a while, he shook his head gently and said, "No, they went back with Jun Zhantian and others. It is understood that Jun Zhantian is a martial artist at the spiritual level. There are no masters in the family. We just humiliate ourselves when we go there."

"But do we let him go like this? Among the three, this thief did the most evil, and he should be destroyed, as long as he is playing tricks!" Guo Huiping said with hatred.

"There is no need to rush for revenge. There will be many opportunities in the future. Now our task is to gain a firm foothold in Guangwu County, firmly hold Guangwu County in our hands, and prevent the Jia family from getting involved." Mu Huangyuan shook his hand and said, "The Jia family occupies the profits of maritime transportation and makes a lot of money. If our Mu family wants to compare with the Jia family in Huanyue, we must open up all ways to make money. The father of Guangwu County attaches great importance to it. You can't lose a lot because of small things!" Mu Huangyuan straightened his face and looked at Huo Zhiquan and Guo Huiping seriously.

"However, Long Fei is now in the realm of heaven and understands the nature of the teacher. If we don't avenge as soon as possible, I'm afraid there will be no chance in the future!" Guo Huiping did not give up.

"It seems that you haven't understood what I just said!" Mu Huangyuan's voice suddenly became gloomy, and his eyes flashed across Huo Zhiquan and Guo Huiping's faces. He said coldly, "Two, have you forgotten the purpose of the Mu family sent you to Guangwu County?"

"I dare not!" Huo Zhiquan and Guo Huiping looked awe-nosed, and their faces changed. They hurriedly stood up and bowed to Mu Huangyuan.

"I dare not!" Mu Huangyuan smiled coldly and said lightly, "I think you all forgot that you are still from the Mu family."

"I dare not!" Huo Zhiquan and Guo Huiping finally couldn't help kneeling down in front of Mu Huangyuan, lowered their heads and trembling all over: "The old slaves have always been proud of belonging to the Mu family. How can they do something to break away from the Mu family? Just now, they only because they have put too much effort into the altar and are eager to revenge. I hope the second son will be generous. This time, the old slave.

Mu Huangyuan sneered and said lightly, "People who have not been overwhelmed by hatred and still know their Mu family." After a pause, Mu Huangyuan said softly, "The revenge must be revenged. You don't have to worry about it. Let's talk about it after finding out the truth."

"Yes! Second son Mingying, please follow the instructions of the second son!"

"Get up!" Mu Huangyuan waved his hand.

Guangwu City, the Prince's Mansion, is also the magnificent building on the north side of the square. In the palace, Fu Jianqiang sits high above, and there is only one person sitting below, that is Wang Hu.

Looking at Wang Hu's face with a pity look, Fu Jianqiang shook his head and smiled, "Do you think it's better not to say it than to say it, which can avoid everyone's embarrassment?"

"No! If you don't try, how can you know if it's okay? If you don't say it, it's a little worried. Now, it's just a little regret. Wang Hu said softly, "I'm willing to regret and don't want to care!"

"Haha... Don't worry about it!" Fu Jianqiang laughed and said, "I hope he won't join other forces to go against Guangwu County in the future, or you will have a headache."

"If you have a headache, you will have a headache. Who are you afraid of?" Wang Hu is bold and dry.

A cave overlooking the mountain behind Tianfeng.

At this time, the weather is June, the hottest time of the year.

Leo Dun took a long breath and slowly closed his work. His eyes slowly opened, and a frightening cold light flashed in his eyes. Then, a satisfied smile appeared on Zuo Dun's gloomy face.

When Zuo Dun just looked at the relationship in his body consciously, he already knew that there had been changes in his body. He felt the internal force flowing in the meridians and Dantian like **, and the gloomy of Zuo Dun. At this time, he couldn't help showing a smile at the corners of his mouth, and he finally entered the realm of spiritualization.

In the three levels of innate, transforming spirit and Jieyuan, the innate internal force is gaseous, invisible and colorless. When the internal force attacks, it is like the wind blowing. Those with deep internal force are like a strong wind blowing, and those with shallow internal force are like a breeze brushing their faces.

After entering the spiritual level, the internal force becomes **, and the flow in the meridians is also **. This kind of ** is still colorless and tasteless, such as transparent water flow. When the internal force attacks, the internal force of these ** can be turned into sharp arrows, and the drop of internal force is like a sharp arrow, which can shoot the enemy into thousands of holes.

After entering the Jieyuan level, the internal force becomes a solid, that is, Yuandan. This Yuandan has no mobility, but can float out of the body to kill the enemy. Yuandan collides. Unless it is a warrior higher than Jieyuan level, it will be killed with one blow. Under the collision of Yuandan, the opponent will have no power to fight back.

The shape of these levels of elixir is so obvious, and the difference is so big that it can naturally be distinguished at a glance. The internal force in the left shield now flows in the liquid situation. Naturally, he knows that he has now entered the spiritual level.

After the public was punished by Xi Lao, Zuo Dun was suppressed. At this time, he could finally breathe a good breath of relief. He didn't know how Long Fei's martial arts skills were now and what level he had progressed to. It seemed that most he was still at the innate level. At this time, it was at most a great realm. In Zuo Dun's imagination, Long Fei could be 12 years old. At his age, he has been promoted to the realm of heaven, which is even more enchanting than himself.

The left shield's lips were slightly open, and a sharp roar came from his lips and went straight to the edge of the cave. The roar only hit the soil brushes on both sides of the cave walls and fell straight down. The grass outside the cave was also urged to break up to his waist by the roar.

The roar swayed up and rushed to Tongtian Peak, as if it were a demonstration, and spread all over the peak in an instant.

This roar is the vent of Zuo Dun, which has been suppressed by Xi Lao for more than a year. Naturally, it is as loud as it is.

Xi Lao opened his eyes from the meditation, smiled, nodded, immediately closed his eyes again and sat up quietly.

Luo Feng was also sitting quietly. When the roar came, he opened his eyes, and a worried look flashed in his calm eyes. He stood up and just wanted to take a step, but shook his head and stopped again. He sat down and settled down again.

At this time, Ding Baoli was holding a book that Long Fei had read. After hearing the roar, he was so surprised that he dropped all the books on the ground and muttered, "Good guy, two years are not enough, and he has broken through to the spiritual level. Unfortunately,..." He shook his head, bent his fat body, picked up the books, and picked up. Looking at the same time, he muttered, "Kid, your opponent is about to leave the customs. What did you surprise us?"

Lin Chang and An Fei were talking. At this time, they were talking about Long Fei, praising Long Fei's speed of learning martial arts, which was almost unprecedented. When the roar came, Lin Chang was stunned and looked at An Fei and saw the shock in the other party's eyes. Two years was not enough, Zuo Shield had entered the realm of spiritualization. Such a talent is rare in the world. , but unfortunately...

Lin Chang stood up and just wanted to go out, but when he saw An Fei shaking his head gently, he sat down again and said with a wry smile, "I hope he can broaden his mind after this lesson."

"The temperament is difficult to change, and it may be a little difficult to want the left shield to accommodate people." An Fei shook his head and said, "The owner must have arrangements for this matter, so we don't have to worry about it."

After this long roar, a long breath also sounded, followed by a surprise voice: "Tielan, I finally opened the film in front of Dantian and injected the liquid into Dantian."

With the sound, it seemed that a huge stone fell high, and the ground almost trembled.

"Brother Tong, has this entered the innate realm?" Tielan's voice was surprised.

"Of course." The proud voice of the copper head sounded: "If this is not the innate realm, what is it like!"

Congratulations! Brother Tong, I didn't expect you to enter the spiritual vein at the beginning of the year, and now you have entered the innate level. Tielan said enviously, "I don't know when I will enter the innate level!"

"It's almost, it's almost!" Tongtou comforted and said, "You are also in the late stage of iron bone now. You are only one step away from entering Xuanjin. When you get to Xuanjin, you are not far from the congenital!"

"However, the master said that my physique is not suitable for learning martial arts!" Tielan was worried.

"Don't worry. If it's not suitable, it doesn't mean that you can't learn it. If Long Fei gets back some elixir this time, maybe you may jump in front of me at once." Tongtou laughed.

"The elixir is not so easy to get." Tielan sighed gently, "I don't know how Long Fei is in the past six months. He should be back soon, right?"

"It's almost, soon, he said he only went down the mountain for half a year!"

Jun Zhantian and Liu San changed both rode on war horses, and the two horses were almost next to their bellies, walking not far from the dragon.

"Sir, can't you think of it? Long Fei, a boy, instantly rose to the realm of free heaven and became one person in Yingran City, above ten thousand people. Jun Zhantian pointed to himself, then to Long Fei, and laughed.

"I really didn't expect it!" Liu San changed and said with a smile, "However, this is not just right. Whether Long Fei joins Yingran or other forces in the future, he finally went out from Yingran. Speaking of which, my Yingran City also has a light on his face."

"Haha..." Jun Zhantian smiled and turned his head to look at Longfei who was with the Gu family's father and son at the end of the team. He said regretfully, "It's a pity that Longfei refused to join my Yingran City!"

"Does the city owner feel sorry?" Liu San changed with a smile and asked softly, "Why don't I ask Long Fei again what he means?"

"I have asked, so there is no need to ask again. If Long Fei is willing to join Yingran, he will also mention it without us." Jun Zhantian whispered, "There must be regrets, even if you will have them, right? I don't believe that if we recruit Long Fei, you will be unhappy!"

"Happy, happy..." Liu San changed his long beard and smiled gently.

Long Fei did not know that Muhuangyuan gave up seeking revenge on him due to various concerns, nor did he know his biggest opponent, and even the left shield, the biggest opponent in his life, had entered the spiritual level, which was faster than himself. He was overwhelmed by him, even close to Jun Zhantian and Liu San changed and didn't know what he was talking about.

Because his surroundings are surrounded by warriors.

The martial artists participating in this competition, as well as the warriors who were not contestants, saw Long Fei's great power and defeated Mu Huangyuan to win back the first place. After the first place in the history of Yingran City, they were so happy that they almost laughed wildly. Even the proud Jun Mingqiang changed his outlook on Long Fei at this time and was no longer cold. Bingbing's face occasionally talks and laughs with Long Fei.

As for other martial artists, they are even more enthusiastic. Around Long Fei, they can hardly wait to inquire about the names of Long Fei's ancestors and how many years old Long Fei did not wet the bed.

Until Long Fei's face as thick as the city wall began to turn red, blue, and black again, everyone retreated obediently. However, the ancient legend did not retreat. He still followed Long Fei with an excited look on his face, which had not faded at this time.

Long Fei has no feeling about these. He is now riding his pony and staggering, as if he is about to fall off the horse at any time. He hangs Long Fei's booty next to the pony's belly, a long sword, and two elixir in his arms, all of which make Long Fei feel like a worthwhile trip.

Along the way, Long Fei couldn't help secretly taking out the body washing elixir and Tongmai elixir several times. He couldn't imagine that such a small pill had such a great effect.