Eastern Continent

Chapter 206, Elixirs

The meeting with the five elders soon ended.

After trying out that Long Fei had been promoted to the realm of heaven, the five elders were very satisfied. As a 12-year-old warrior in the free heavenly realm, although it can't be said that there is no one to come, it should be unprecedented. In fact, the five elders just think about this sentence. After all, they don't know what happened on the mainland too long ago. However, Long Fei can be promoted to the free heavenly realm at the age of 12, which is the first one since the record of Tongtian ladder!

In addition to satisfaction, the five elders, especially Xi Lao, did not hesitate to praise Long Fei. As a result, Long Fei touched his nose and was embarrassed. In fact, he was secretly happy, while Zuo Dun hung his head lower.

In fact, the five elders are also extremely satisfied that Zuo Dun can be promoted to the spiritual level before the age of 20, which can be said to be extremely satisfactory.

The warriors on the mainland are like pyramids. The higher the level, the more difficult it is to be promoted, and there are fewer people who can be promoted. Some warriors rotate within the innate level throughout their lives. Some warriors take more than ten or even decades to enter the spiritual level.

Some martial artists can be promoted to the innate level, but they may not be promoted to the Hualing level. Long Fei is promoted within a level this time, while Zuo Dun is promoted at different levels. In fact, the five elders are more happy about the promotion of Zuo Dun than Long Fei's promotion. Of course, if they know that Long Fei has understood the master's law naturally That's another matter.

In the past two years, there have been a series of happy events on the ladder, as well as Lin Kedang and Shi Zhanguo, two warriors in the realm of heaven. If they are also promoted to the realm of chemical essence this year, it will make the five elders more satisfied. The only shortcoming is that the gap between Zuo Dun and Long Fei should be Zuo Dun's jealous of Long Fei, which should be Zuo Dun's jealousy, which is The only thing that makes the five elders feel that there is a shortage of beauty.

In fact, on the Tianshen ladder, the only one who is unhappy with the promotion of Long Fei's martial arts should be Zuo Dun, but he has always had few expressions. After this incident, he is even more expressionless. He just looks serious all day long, and no one knows what he is thinking.

What surprised Long Fei was that he understood the natural things of the teacher's method, and the five elders did not mention it. From this point of view, they did not see it, which made Long Fei understand two things.

The first is that the teacher's nature is a thing. If you don't use it, others can't see it. This is different from the realm of martial arts. People like Xi Lao can know the realm of a martial artist as long as the internal force is gently touched. Unless he is a martial artist whose realm is higher than Xi Lao, he will try it, and this world It seems that he hasn't heard of martial arts that he is better than Xi Lao, one of the seven masters in the mainland.

The second is that the sphere of influence of the Tianshen Ladder is obviously limited to the vicinity of Montenegro, which does not affect Guangwu County, so that he has used his master method to defeat Muhuangyuan naturally in Guangwu County. At this time, the people on Wangtian Peak have not received any information at this time.

But Long Fei didn't want to say what he understood naturally. This is not that Long Fei doesn't want to say to Xi Lao, but that Zuo Dun is also in Xi Lao's quiet room at this time. For Zuo Dun, Long Fei feels that it is better to hide his clumsy.

There are two reasons why Long Fei has such a scruples. First, Zuo Dun was ordered by the teacher to shake hands with Long Fei this time. Who knows whether it is true or false? If he knows that Long Fei understands the teacher's nature, wouldn't it make him more profound and accurate when dealing with Long Fei in the future, so that he can't be more defensive?

Second, Zuo Dun designed to frame Long Fei because Long Fei stole his limelight. If this time let him know that Long Fei has understood the nature of the teacher, wouldn't it make him more jealous and resentment? Even if he can't frame Long Fei at this time, he will remember this resentment in his heart and slowly accumulate Tired, it will explode after accumulating to a certain extent. If Long Fei is unprepared, it will be crushed.

Long Fei doesn't believe that a person who designs to frame others because of his jealousy will change his temperament and become a good man. This kind of thing is similar to the Arabian fantasy.

Out of Xi Lao's quiet room, Long Fei did not stop and directly returned to his second bedroom. Sure enough, Tongtou and Tielan have been waiting for themselves indoors for a long time. It seems that after the two separated from Long Fei, they did not practice their skills, but waited for Long Fei until now.

Looking at the two, Long Fei smiled and said, "Didn't you practice?"

"No!" Tongtou said, "I heard that Zuo Dun is also in the master's meditation."

Long Fei nodded: "Yes, his martial arts has been promoted to the realm of chemical essence."

"We all know that he was promoted to the realm of Huajing that night and shouted, making the whole peak unable to sleep. Who knows about this!" The copper head curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"I didn't expect that in only two years, he entered the spiritual realm from the innate level, and he was still in the environment of the back mountain." Long Fei nodded and praised, "It seems that he is not simple either!"

"What is not simple!" Tongtou said disdainly, "If I had this environment of learning martial arts since I was a child, my achievements would definitely not be lower than him!"

Long Fei stared at the bronze head: "You are so confident! Do you feel that your martial arts have entered the realm of chaos and look down on others!"

"Where dare you!" The copper head touched his scalp and giggled, "It's not self-confidence, but he doesn't know how to cherish such good conditions, but he is jealous of us!"

"People have their own sex!" Tielan whispered, "Let's not talk about him. If it is heard by Mr. Ding or other people, they will say that our brothers are not harmonious!"

"What are you afraid of!" Tongtou stared and said, "If you dare to do it, no one will say it!"

"Lower, if you don't think about us, you should also think about yourself. If you are really heard by several elders talking about right and wrong behind your back, his impression of you will be greatly reduced, and he will not work so hard when teaching you in the future." Tielan stared at the copper head and said coquettishly.

Not to mention that as she grew up, Tielan became more and more beautiful and charming. Just now, she suddenly stared at Long Fei, who had not seen Tielan for half a year, and was stunned. He only knew how to look straight at Tielan's delicate face.

Tielan turned her head and saw Long Fei staring straight at her. Her face couldn't help blushing and whispered, "Brother Longfei!"

"Ha ha..." Long Fei smiled, turned his eyes away, and said seriously, "Bronze head, Xiao Lanzi is right. Don't talk about others behind their backs."

"If you don't say it, don't say it." Tongtou said disdainfully, "I'm too lazy to talk about such a person!" Turning to Long Fei, "What's going on with your martial arts? Have you entered the realm of free heaven?"

Long Fei nodded and had to talk about his experience after going down the mountain. He only heard Tongtou and Tielan shouting. While worrying about Long Fei, he was also leisurely fascinated. It would be great if he were with Long Fei!

When they heard that Long Fei understood the nature of the teacher, they hurriedly asked what nature the teacher was. After hearing Long Fei's explanation, they were all envious. They did not envy Long Fei's martial arts entering the free realm of heaven, because they believed that if they persisted, they would one day Enter, but this method is naturally not necessarily. It is purely an opportunity, a kind of luck, a sudden epiphany that outsiders can't understand or teach. Even experience can be regarded as zero. Everyone's natural time to understand the teacher's method is different, and the way to understand it is also different. Therefore, those who do not understand only know that there is a natural teacher, but how to understand it can only be understood unspeakable.

Tongtou looked at Long Fei and said enviously, "Long Fei, I didn't expect that your next mountain, not only entered the realm of martial arts, but also understood what kind of teacher nature. It seems that the master said that he had to go down the mountain to practice at the innate level, which is really effective!"

"Don't worry, you have also entered the realm of chaos now. Can't you go down the mountain next year? At that time, you can also try the taste of experience!" Long Fei patted the copper head on the shoulder and smiled, "Don't complain at that time."

"I will complain!" Tongtou curled his lips disdainfully: "It's just walking down the mountain. I will suffer more than you."

When it comes to the downhill experience, Tielan's eyes turn red. Next year, she will have to stay alone on the mountain for half a year.

The three went up the mountain at the same time, first Long Fei, and now the copper head also entered the innate level. They have to go down the mountain to practice, and they don't know when they can be promoted to the innate level.

Thinking about the aging grandfather at the foot of the mountain, although Tielan was strong, she couldn't help blushing for a while, tears in her eyes, and hurriedly turned to the beginning.

When Tongtou saw his sentence down the mountain, Tielan burst into tears. He couldn't help but panic, scratched his head, and said, "Xiaolanzi, Xiaolanzi, that...that..."

When it comes to comforting others, it is really not the strength of copper head. After a long time, he couldn't do anything. Finally, he could only look at Long Fei with anxious eyes, but found that this guy was smiling.

Indeed, Long Fei was indeed laughing, looking at Tielan smiling.

If the two had not understood that Long Fei was indeed not the person who fell into the well, they might have jumped up early and picked up Long Fei's short knife at the head of the bed and rushed to cut Long Fei into dozens of sections. However, Long Fei's thief's smile also made Tielan really embarrassed and angry at the same time: "Why are you laughing? Like a little thief!"

"If I am a thief, then you are a thief!" Long Fei was not angry, but said with a smile.

"You stink!" Tielan's white face suddenly turned red and turned red. She stared at Long Fei fiercely. The copper head was still here!

"Cough...cough..." The copper head covered his mouth, coughed a few times, and turned his head.

"Don't worry! Although Xiaolanzi can't enter the innate level this year, she will definitely do it next year!" Long Fei is full of confidence.

"How do you know?" Copper Head and Tielan asked at the same time.

"Xiao Lanzi is now at the peak of copper skin, isn't she? She is only a little close to enter the Xuanjin. In the second half of the year, I think she will definitely enter the realm of Xuanjin. If there is another thing, it won't be very difficult to enter the congenital level next year!"

Long Fei looked at Tielan and Tongtou, took out two pills from their bodies like a trick, shook them in front of them and smiled proudly.

"What is this?" The two spoke in the same voice.

"This one is called body washing elixir. As the name implies, it means washing the body and eliminating impurities. This one is called Tongmai elixir, which is to dredge the meridians and open up the meridians." Long Fei said proudly, "This is an unattainable treasure."

"Eat it for me?" Tielan stared at the two pills in Long Fei's palm and said in surprise.

"I'll give you the body washing elixir and the Tongmai elixir to the big man. The progress of the two of you is too slow. You must use the aid of the elixir to be faster!" Long Fei looked at the copper head with a smile, and the copper head was so angry that he almost jumped up.

This guy thinks that everyone is like him, and his promotion is as easy as eating and drinking water, as fast as a rocket. While looking at his strength, it also depends on luck.

"Two years of going up the mountain, I have reached the innate level, and I'm still slow!" The copper head looked at Long Fei fiercely:

"You think everyone is like you! My promotion is still slow. Look at the whole Feilongzhuang and Guhu Town. There are few innate martial artists as small as me. Except for you, a pervert, I don't think there are any.

"You are so confident, do you still want this elixir?" Long Fei stretched the elixir in front of the copper head.

"Why don't you want to!" The copper head stretched out its hand and grabbed it at the elixir: "Don't do it for nothing!"

Unexpectedly, Long Fei put the elixir in his hand and shrank back and shook his head, "Although you want it, I can't give it to you now!"

"What? I can't give it now. How long do I have to wait? Tongtou doubted that he did not doubt that Long Fei would lie to him. Since Long Fei said it to himself, it must be his own.

"This elixir is not as good as red fruit. This is an elixir made by the ancients. Although it is precious, it is also dangerous. You have to ask the master before you can take it. Otherwise, if you take the elixir, not only does not improve your martial arts, but also hurts your body. At that time, you will be tragic!" Long Fei said with a smile.