Eastern Continent

Chapter 230, heel or front

In ancient times, Junfeng, Tongtou and Tielan surrounded Long Fei and stood on the hillside they had just been ambushed, looking at the distant rosefinch army and Zuo Lianhua, who gradually disappeared at the end of the road covered by green trees. As soon as their figures disappeared, the army of Guangwu County came, as if they were chasing the figure of the rosefinch army.

The army in Guangwu County did not come much, but more than 2,000 people, all of whom were cavalry, otherwise they would not have come so quickly. The whole war, from the beginning to the end, was only nearly two hours. You know, this war began on the second day after the Rosefinch army left Guangwu City, that is to say, Guangwu's army used In more than an hour, the Suzaku army took a day to complete the road, or this army is not a garrison of Guangwu City, but a team drawn from other places in the realm of Guangwu County, but such a quick response can also show the quality of the army of Guangwu County.

No wonder Fu Jianqiang dares to boast about Guangwu's army is also famous among the whole Neil United Gang.

However, the soldiers in Guangwu County did not find anything. Except for the footprints of the messy people and horses, they could not see a body or a lost weapon. The two sides who withdrew have taken away their own people and things. They don't want Guangwu County to see anything from these details. They should know that the army invades another country, but it is a big taboo, which will even lead to a war between the two countries.

Now, neither the Mu family, who has just squeezed away the Jia family to gain the right to station in Guangwu County or Zuo Xi, do not want to have a bad relationship with Guangwu County. As for the rosefinch army, they have not escaped from Guangwu County, how can they dare to fight boldly in Guangwu?

Here, the soldiers of Guangwu County came in a hurry and left in a hurry, empty-handed, with no gain or loss.

"Aren't we practicing? It's just right to go to Liusha City with them. Why don't we go?" As soon as Guangwu's army left, Junfeng first asked.

Although he was arrogant, he was defeated by Long Fei twice, and also saw how Long Fei defeated Mu Huangyuan. After seeing Long Fei's promotion to the realm of essence, he finally realized that he could only look up and catch up with Long Fei. In addition, he had heard or seen Long Fei twice with the Black Wind Thieves. Fight.

In both battles, Long Fei won more with less. His tactics were purely changing with the situation and there was no trace to be found. The wisdom shown through these two wars finally convinced Jun Feng and made him finally admire Long Fei.

After Long Fei expressed his opinion, it was impossible for him to say anything contrary to Long Fei. It's just that he didn't know what Long Fei meant. After the Zhuque Army and others left, he couldn't help asking immediately.

In fact, not only Junfeng did not know, but also the other three did not know, but they had unconditional trust in Long Fei, so the task of questioning fell on Junfeng.

"I definitely want to go, and I also go with them, but not now. Now I have to help them get rid of the Crouching Tiger Gang and Zuo Xi's pursuers." Long Fei nodded.

"How can I help them?" Speaking of a war to fight, Tongtou first became happy and looked at Long Fei like a copper bell.

"In the opinion of Brother Yijun, how should we help them?" Long Fei first turned to Junfeng. Although Junfeng almost obeyed himself, he still had to ask for his advice when necessary. As long as Junfeng is the son of Jun Zhantian, respecting Junfeng is respecting Jun Zhantian. His family is surrounded by the jurisdiction of Yingran City. Naturally, it is polite.

"The Rosefinch Army is bright, and we are dark!" Junfeng thought for a while, his eyes lit up and looked at Long Feidao.

"Brother Jun, that's what I think!" Long Fei nodded.

Hearing the Q&A of Junfeng and Long Fei, the eyes of several people in ancient times also lit up. These people are either the brothers of the Tongtian ladder of one of the ancient sects, or the heirs of one of the forces. Naturally, they are not stupid people. At this time, they also understand the meaning of Jun Feng's words, that is, the rosefinch army is attracting the enemy in the bright place, and But the five of them are secretly attacking. Don't underestimate these five people. They are all innate warriors. Ten or eight are not enough for them to kill alone. If the five people are twisted into a group and take Longfei, a martial artist in the realm of refinement as the arrow, maybe even thousands of troops, if there is no army The warriors in the realm of essence are blocked, and they can also kill in and out.

Of course, this is just the courage of a man, with the lazy character of dragon flying. Of course, this kind of thing can be avoided, and the best should not appear. Of course, if the situation requires, it will still happen once occasionally.

Jun Feng nodded and said, "No wonder Long Fei just rejected the kindness of the Zhuque Army and Zuo Lao and others. It turned out that he had such an idea. However, why don't we make it clear to them so that they can also be psychologically prepared?

The five are all young people. After getting along with each other for a long time, they are not patient with any polite brotherhood. At the suggestion of Tongtou, they all changed their names, but among them, Long Fei and Tielan are the smallest. Generally, when they are called Gu Shichuan and Junfeng, they are called big brothers.

"In fact, it doesn't matter whether the rosefinch army knows that we are near them or not. They all know that they will die if they are caught up by the enemy, so they have to go as fast as possible. If I expected, they must have a large army waiting to meet them on the border. After being ambushed by the pursuers of the Crouching Tiger Gang and Zuo Xi, they will accelerate their march and strive to join their army as soon as possible. When they join the army, the Crouching Tiger Gang and Zuo Xi can only attack. If they want to do it again The ambush should be before the rosefinch army joins with the army. Therefore, this section of the road before they meet with the large army is what we should focus on.

Hearing Long Fei's analysis, everyone's eyes gradually lit up, especially the copper head. Looking at Long Fei's confident appearance, they knew that the matter was under his control.

"Now, there are two points for us to analyze clearly. The first is which direction the rosefinch army will leave Neil, and the second is that the rosefinch army will be at the border of Neil? In fact, these two points are also two-and-one things. As long as you know the direction of the Rosefinch Army, you will also know the hidden place of their army. The ancient legend also knew Long Fei's idea and immediately raised the focus of the question.

Junfeng took a look at the ancient legend, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes. He originally looked down on the ancient legend, because Guhu Town was only a subordinate of Yingran City, and the ancient legend was slightly older than him, but he had just entered the realm of chaos.

However, since the two had contact with Long Fei, the generous performance of ancient legends has constantly surprised Qunfeng, gradually subverted their previous views on ancient legends, and gradually attached importance to and respect ancient legends. Now it is even more convenient to hear ancient legends. After grasping the key point of the problem, he took a step faster than he thought, and he was more surprised and attached importance to ancient legends.

In fact, in addition to seeing, Copper Head and Tielan may not be as good as Gu Jun in terms of intelligence. However, Copper Head has always relied on his brain after having Long Fei by his side. Even if it is about his life and death, it is left to Long Fei to think about it, as long as he executes it.

As for Tielan, it's not that she doesn't have her own ideas, but only when she is with Long Fei, or with Long Fei and Copper Head, can express her opinions. If there are other people's field, he is generally silent, with a pair of eyes just looking at Long Fei, with an encouraging smile in his eyes.

Of course, when Long Fei and the copper head need to cooperate, they will occasionally say a few words, but it is also just a click.

"If I had known that I had asked the young commander Xiang Yuanfei about their itinerary just now, it would have been clear!" Copperhead always likes to express his opinions most bluntly.

"Haha... The copper head is laughing." Jun Feng looked at the bronze head and smiled, "You think it's a matter of the life and death of hundreds of them. If we ask him, will he tell us?"

"Maybe!" Copper head shook his head: "If it weren't for Zhong Zhi, just Xiang Yuanfei would lead the army, and he might have told us."

"Even if Xiang Yuanfei leads the army himself, he won't say it!" The ancient legend said decisively, "A general of an army must distinguish which is more important. Even if they know that we have no malice, we have refused to walk with them, and they have also told us their itinerary, that is, they are irresponsible to their subordinates."

I didn't expect that there was such an insight in ancient history. It seems that he often went out to practice with the caravan, and his knowledge naturally increased a lot. In fact, leading a caravan is similar to leading an army. Ancient times can lead a caravan through the mainland, and naturally it can also show how to be a good general of the army.

"Brother Gu is right. We ask whether to go to the military route from their mouth. No matter who leads the army, they must be responsible for their subordinates. If you want to know their march route, we have to guess!" Long Fei nodded.

"What else do you guess? It's not clear to follow!" Tongtou shouted again, as if he had a good idea and couldn't help laughing.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Long Fei shook his head and said, "It's not right!"

"Isn't it appropriate? ..." Jun Feng was also puzzled and looked at Long Fei with a pair of eyes.

Not only Jun Feng, but also the ancient legend and Tielan also looked at Long Fei with doubts in their eyes. Obviously, they all thought that it was the best way to follow.

Long Fei smiled, glanced at everyone, and then said gently, "You only know one, but you don't know the other. There must be more than one who are following the Rosefinch Army now. In addition to the people who crouching tiger and the wooden family, Zuo Xi's pursuers, there may also be Guangwu people. If we add them, it will only make things more messy. ."

"Isn't it better to be messy?" Tongtou interrupted Long Fei and said, "It's a mess. The Crouching Tiger Gang dares not do well. It's not easy to act!"

"Yes! The more chaotic the better. It's better that the Crouching Tiger Gang and the wooden family can't tell who is following the rosefinch army to make them throw rats and don't dare to move!" Ancient legends also agree.

Even Junfeng and Tielan nodded.

"In fact, it's better to be chaotic, but this chaos is only for us. For them, whether it's the Crouching Tiger Gang and the Mu family, Zuo Xi's pursuers, or Guangwu County, the spies from these sides are much smarter than those of us who have debuted halfway. They can find a lot more clues. Things, but we don't have this ability, so if we add it, with a half-bucket of water spies like us, just can't tell who belongs to the Crouching Tiger Gang and the Mu family, who is Zuo Xi's pursuer, and who is from Guangwu County, but they can easily distinguish.

"It's true!" Junfeng nodded and said, "We are not good at this kind of thing."

"If you want me to tell if anyone has passed through, we may be able to tell, but if we want to tell which side it belongs to, then we don't have the ability!" The copper head also nodded honestly.

"Brother Longfei, do you just think it's too messy to follow behind, so you want to guess their march route and wait for them in front?" Tielan asked, and her eyes looked at Long Fei intoxicated, and her eyes sparkled.

"In addition to this, there is another reason!" Long Fei nodded and said, "If they know our existence, it will be easier for Guangwu, as long as the well water does not violate the river, but for the Crouching Tiger Gang and Zuo Xi, it is different. We have just ruined their good deeds. If they know that we are still following, then for the sake of insurance, they will first It is not the people of the Rosefinch Army that needs to be removed, but us. In this way, we are not helping the Rosefinch Army out of trouble, but helping them prevent the disaster.

As soon as this statement came out, the four people nodded at the same time and suddenly realized.

"What's more!" Long Fei continued: "The Rosefinch Legion is one of the top ten legions on the mainland. It has occupied the sand city for decades. There will be few capable people in a legion that can persist for so long in this troubled world. After being ambushed this time, they will definitely become careful. We will follow them. With our tracking skills, maybe we don't know if we are thrown away by them.

"Haha...it's true!" Junfeng also laughed, "With our fledgeling kids, it's really a little overpowerful to follow these old deep-fried dough sticks."

"But how can we guess the marching route of the Rosefinch Army?" Maybe Junfeng and ancient legends were embarrassed to ask Long Fei like this, but Tongtou asked directly. He had become a habit. With Long Fei around, he was used to asking Long Fei about everything.

Since you know that you can't follow them behind, you can only wait for them in front, but you have to guess the march route of the Rosefinch Army, otherwise you can't help the Rosefinch Army.