Eastern Continent

Chapter 235, Xushan Canyon

Long Fei stood on a top of a mountain and looked at the bottom of the mountain. This is already a virtual mountain. Although the canyon can be seen, it is still a long way from the canyon.

Since they guessed that the Rosefinch Army would turn north, the five people no longer followed the Rosefinch Army, but came here at full speed, so they were the first people to arrive at Xushan. At this time, whether it was the allied forces of the Crouching Tiger Gang and Zuo Xi's pursuers, the Guangwu Army, the Rosefinch Army itself, or even some unknown forces, had not yet arrived.

Looking at the still empty canyon at this time, Long Fei sat down on the ground, breathed and said, "After two days of rush, everyone is also tired. Take a rest before rushing over!"

The copper head booed and said, "At this point, I'm tired there." Looking up and seeing Tielan's tired face, he immediately changed his tone: "I still feel a little tired. It's good to have a rest. Restore your strength first, and then kill happily."

Junfeng smiled. He felt the deep feelings between Long Fei, Tongtou and Tielan. Friends who can always think of each other are friends worth making friends for a lifetime.

The ancient legend knows these three people more than Junfeng, or more about Long Fei and Tongtou, a ghost elf, and a straightforward and generous. Now with the gentle and intelligent Tielan, the three of them have been friends since childhood. They are like brothers and sisters, and their feelings are naturally deeper and closer than others.

The five people were on the top of the mountain. They each chose a place and sat down cross-legged.

This is one day.

When the five people waited until the sun was about to set at the beginning of next month, they waited for the first batch of people to enter this mountain gorge. This group was not the rosefinch army, nor was it a coalition of the Crouching Tiger Gang and Zuo Xi. This is a small group of four people. These four people are only young and tall, but their clothes are all black.

After the four entered the canyon, they did not stop, but immediately crossed the canyon, climbed up another small hill far away from Long Fei, entered the dense forest, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Just after these four people* disappeared into the dense forest, there was another team of more than a dozen people, almost followed by the footprints of the four people, hurriedly from outside the valley, and climbed another small mountain on the right side of the exit of the canyon and hid.

About an hour later, I saw the coalition of Crouching Tiger and Zuo Xi and rushed in quickly, but the mountain was narrow. When this group of people and horses galloped into the valley, they shocked the dust all over the sky.

Their number is about the same as when they first ambushed the Rosefinch Army, but even if there were only nearly 500 people, they filled this small canyon, but there was still a small part of it outside the canyon.

Almost without stopping. As soon as the coalition entered the bottom of the valley, it was divided into two parts. One part climbed the small peak on the left side of the exit, and the other part climbed the right mountain where more than a dozen people had just hidden.

Long Fei and the five people looked at it quietly for a while, but they didn't see any movement coming from the peak on the right. It seemed that the dozen people either passed by here or entered the depths of the dense forest, so that these coalition forces could not find it.

Now the four corners just occupy the four small peaks around this small canyon, surrounding the small canyon in the middle.

Although this virtual mountain is not big, it is also a big mountain that is on the border between Guangwu County and Xiuliang County. While the peak goes deep into the mainland, from low to high, it comes straight to the Biden River and ends at the Biden River. It is cut off by Bito. On one side facing the river, it forms a height of more than 20 A cliff.

The mountain that Longfei's five people ambushed is the farthest. In fact, it only belongs to the vicinity of the canyon, not next to the canyon. To be precise, it is that the three peaks with ambush surround the small canyon, and there is a gap between the three peaks that is not blocked by the peaks, until it reaches Longfei's five invisible This small mountain.

In this way, it seems that the three peaks besiege the canyon, and the peak Longfei has become a bystander.

There are many peaks in Xushan, but they are not high. Its highest main peak is only a few dozen feet high, but it covers an area, accounting for almost one-third of Guangwu County, and a small part extends into Xiuliang County.

Xushan is composed of such scattered but connected small peaks. In addition to these four small peaks that are ambushed, there are other peaks, but those peaks are too far from this canyon to be ambushed.

Although these peaks are small, they have one thing in common, that is, the woods are dense, covering the sky and the sun. When entering the woods, there is almost no sun. Therefore, it is easy to see far from the dense forest, but you can't see the inside from the outside.

In the virtual mountain, there are many sheep intestine paths, but this is the only path that passes through the canyon to Beiming Town. Although this mountain road is nameless and hidden, as long as you want to find a road to Beiming Town, this mountain road is the best choice.

Long Fei and others didn't expect that in addition to the coalition army, they thought that there were at most some spies in Guangwu County. Unexpectedly, there was another group of people.

The Zhuque Army thought how wise his decision was and how unexpected it was, but unexpectedly, it seemed that the world knew that there were four people waiting for them before the Rosefinch Army arrived.

The coalition is now the enemy of the Rosefinch Army. One of the two sides wants to kill Ma Jue and the other side wants to protect Ma Jue. Naturally, they will not let go.

As for the spies in Guangwu County, this is a means for Guangwu's high-level management to control things. If the two sides fight within their own borders and hurt the innocents, and they are still unaware of it, such a country is not far from extinction.

But who is the other group of people?

"Long Fei, can you fully understand who these three people are?" The ancient legend looked at the three mountains in the distance and asked softly.

"I can only distinguish which one is the coalition of the Crouching Tiger Gang and Zuo Xi." The copper head pointed to a hill on the right in front of the canyon and said, "The most people there must be the coalition."

"The least human is the spy of Guangwu County!" Long Fei pointed to the hill on the left side of the canyon. Although this mountain is much smaller than the rest of the mountains, it is as dense as the woods. Not to mention a few people are hidden, hundreds of people hidden in it, and there is no clue outside. If Long Fei and several people hadn't come one step faster, they would have been here long ago, and it would have been impossible to know the three. There are still people hiding on the mountain.

I don't know if there were people hiding in the dense forest with the same purpose as them or the allied forces before Long Fei came.

"What about the other batch of more than a dozen people?" In fact, they all wondered about the dozen teams. The other two teams knew who it was at a glance, but only these dozen people couldn't understand and didn't know who it was.

Of course, the coalition of the Crouching Tiger Gang and Zuo Xi is the most, and the team of nearly 500 people is, of course.

As for the four people, of course, they are the spies of Guangwu. As long as the spies go out, they pay attention to speed, hide, and sneak thousands of miles unconsciously. Of course, there are many people who act alone. Several people act together, which is already very large-scale. They can't roar to the enemy's camp like a regular army. Not to be a spy, but to attack the enemy.

What the five people can't think of is the dozen teams. These teams are not neat, but the speed is very fast. Seeing them climb up the canyon, almost like old mountain apes, just in the blink of an eye, they enter the dense forest and never see them again.

Seeing that these people are obviously masters, I don't know if there are spiritual warriors among them, but there must be congenital warriors.

However, no one knows who these people are. If it's a friend of the Rosefinch Army, it's better. If it's the enemy of the Rosefinch Army, it's troublesome.

The Rosefinch Army is already at a disadvantage. If more than a dozen teams of most of them are innate warriors join the coalition, then even if the Rosefinch Army adds a few Longfei, it will be more bad luck.

As soon as the crouching Tiger Gang and Zuo Xi's pursuers who entered the canyon at the end, they saw the dust flying on the path and a hurried team arrived.

Due to the narrow mountain road, this team of about 300 is relatively long. The front troops have arrived before the canyon, but the team behind them are still a few feet away.

Looking at the narrow valley entrance in front of him, Zhong Zhi did not hesitate at all. He waved his hand and shouted, "Come on, everyone, speed up and you can rest after passing this canyon."

After receiving the order, the Rosefinch Army did not stop and plunged into the canyon. Due to the slender mountain road, the Rosefinch Army's team also walked forward. The front team had entered the center of the canyon, but the end was still outside the canyon.

According to their plan, because they suddenly turned north, and after turning, they rushed all the way. At this time, even if there are enemies behind, they can only follow behind. They should arrive faster than them. If they rest before the canyon, they must beware that the enemy will ambush in the canyon, so Zhong Zhi decided Don't rest until you break through the canyon.

I looked around at the canyon. There was no one walking here, not even beasts, and the whole canyon was quiet.

Zhong Zhi nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that there was really no one here, or his surprise was a little faster. It seemed that they were going to catch up and wait for them to pass the canyon.

At that time, the Rosefinch Army had rested for a while and waited for work. Even if there were many people from the Crouching Tiger Gang and Zuo Xi, they were not afraid at all. If they could not be beaten, they could still escape. After the rest, they had sufficient physical strength and were outside the exit of the canyon, and the initiative was completely in their own hands.

However, Zhong Zhi's idea was just beginning, and his proud expression just passed through his eyes, and he heard a burst of laughter. From the left side of the canyon, it came at the same time as the laughter, and a rain of arrows covered it up.

Although the people of the Rosefinch Army are also preparing for the enemy's attack from top to bottom, it is only on the way.

At this time, he was about to leave the canyon. Seeing that he had not met the enemy until this time, his guard was gradually relaxed. It can be said that no one expected that an enemy would attack here. Therefore, when the arrow rain came down, the rosefinch army immediately panicked. Everyone rushed around like a headless fly. Some of them reacted faster and immediately fell on the back of the horse or hid their bodies on the other side of the horse to avoid sharp arrows. Despite this, more than a dozen brothers lost their lives inexplicably.

After the arrow rain, the coalition forces of the Crouching Tiger Gang and Zuo Xi rushed down from the peaks on the left and right sides, blocking the exit of the canyon in an instant.

Looking at the dozen brothers who were pierced into meat skewers by sharp arrows, and then looking at the allied forces that blocked the exits, the rosefinch army from top to bottom, as well as Ma Jue and Zuo Lianhua, their faces changed dramatically at this time.