Eastern Continent

Chapter 238, the defeat of the coalition

The coalition army was defeated and fled.

The coalition, which could not defeat more than 200 people, was defeated by Long Fei and more than a dozen masked people!

Even the three deacons who fled slowly, Mu Huangyuan and Liu Haijie, were injured, especially Mu Huangyuan. Under the special care of Long Fei, they were plowed on the back by Long Fei's long gun and fled with serious injuries.

Of course, there was also Li Laosheng, who was finally afraid this time, but Long Fei did not give him a chance to be afraid. He easily pierced him with a cold shot. Among the crouching innate warriors, only Huo Zhiquan saw the opportunity quickly and fled before the three deacons before he recovered his life.

At this point, among the three innate warriors of the Crouching Tiger Gang, except for Huo Zhiquan, Guo Huiping and Li Laosheng died at the hands of Long Fei. The Crouching Tiger Gang ambushed the rosefinch army twice, which not only did not hurt Ma Jue a hair, but also damaged the soldiers. In addition to the big head Huo Zhiquan, only three in the gang suffered losses. Two of them lost their wives and soldiers.

This war was greatly unexpected by everyone, or Long Fei expected a little, but there is no guarantee that it will end like this.

In a large army, if a small number of people flee for their lives, it will cause the whole army to have a panic, which will infect all people.

In the coalition army, it was precisely because a small number of people fled because of fear that the whole coalition army panicked, resulting in the escape of the whole army. Although the three deacons, Mu Huangyuan and Liu Haijie tried their best to suppress them, under this inexplicable panic, many people inexplicably followed and ran away, It is all this low and dense mountain, casually drilled into the dense forest. Not to mention that the three deacons and Muhuangyuan could not find them, even the people on the side of their enemy Zhuque Army could only watch them escape into the dense forest, and there was nothing they could do.

In the coalition, in addition to the maximum of more than 200 people who are Zuo Xi's pursuers, there are also nearly 100 Mu family soldiers and more than 100 crouching tiger gangs.

Panic first appeared among the Crouching Tiger Gang, and they also fled first. Zuo Xi's pursuers and the Mu family's own soldiers are all veterans who have been formally trained and have undergone many wars. Their will is naturally extremely resolute, but the Crouching Tiger Gang is different. They are just a group of mob, and Most of them are greedy and afraid of death, bullying good and afraid of evil. Such people will naturally resist desperately if they have a way to live.

In terms of the original intention of the Mu family, the Crouching Tiger Gang is also used to make cannon fodder. In these two wars, the people who died the most were the Crouching Tiger Gang. Therefore, these two wars also scared the Crouching Tiger Gang. In the two wars, nearly 300 people died. Less than half of the Crouching Tiger Gangs who went to the battlefield could get off the battlefield alive, which made the Crouching Tiger Gang not fear.

In fact, there is another reason for the collapse of the Crouching Tiger Gang. If it was when the two armies confronted each other just now, the distance between the two armies was not far, and it was only nearly 30 feet. No matter which side charged, it was instant. Now that the coalition forces have retreated and have retreated to a certain distance, the people of the Crouching Tiger Gang also think that they have retreated to a safe distance. At this time, if the Rosefinch Army chases them again, they also have time to escape. It is precisely because of this idea and the fear of seeing the death of their companions that it leads to the Crouching Tiger Gang to escape.

Since the Suzaku Army can't catch up now, it's a fool if you don't run.

These are more slippery than oil, smarter than free children, and more afraid of death than the most timid people. As soon as the Crouching Tiger Gang fled, it squeezed the team into a mess and spread the panic. Whether it was Zuo Xi's pursuers or the soldiers of the Mu family, they had no idea of fighting to the death at this time. Since others can escape, why didn't they escape?

As a result, the coalition army was defeated, and the coalition army was defeated, which was unexpectedly defeated by everyone. The five Long Fei and the dozen masked people who chased the coalition were not even seriously injured except for a few minor injuries. Those minor injuries were caused by some of the coalition forces because they could not escape to fight trapped beasts.

In fact, Long Fei suddenly rushed out to pursue just now. In addition to the above reasons, there is also a little impulse. The most important thing is that the hatred with the Mu family has been concluded. Why not let them suffer a little more? Therefore, after several hesitations, Long Fei still rushed out, but the final result was also greatly unexpected by Long Fei.

Even Xiang Yuanfei, who was injured, was also very majestic at this time. He was injured by Zhong Zhi in his heyday. Unexpectedly, after being injured, he defeated the allied forces. Although he did not contribute much, this honor was glorious.

Anyway, the victory made people happy. The whole rosefinch army looked at the cheering more than a dozen people, and everyone smiled. In the end, they even laughed and were overjoyed. At this time, Zhong Zhi will naturally not give any orders to keep the soldiers from laughing.

Long Fei was beside Xiang Yuanfei, looking at his face that turned red because of happiness, but his shaky body. He said with concern, "It doesn't matter if the young regimental commander's injury!"

"It's okay!" Xiang Yuanfei opened his mouth and smiled, holding the horse's rein tightly with his hands, and his face turned red with excitement. Instead, he covered the pale after the injury and laughed, "This minor injury is not a problem!"

"That's good!" Long Fei laughed and said, "Congratulations to the young commander on defeating the coalition!"

Xiang Yuanfei laughed and said, "Don't dare, don't dare, this is the credit of the Long Fei brothers!"

"No matter who's credit it is, this is the victory of the Rosefinch Army and the victory of the young commander." Long Fei smiled and said, "It was the Zhuque army that repelled the allied forces."

"Ha ha... Exactly!" Xiang Yuanfei smiled and turned to the dozen people: "The rosefinch army is grateful to the Longfei brothers and all of you! I don't know your name. With such great kindness, I, the Rosefinch Army, will definitely report it later!"

"It's just a small matter, young regiment leader, you're welcome!" One of the dozen masked people said lightly, "Now that it's over, we will leave!" Unexpectedly, he didn't even take down the bucket hat.

"This..." Don't say that Xiang Yuanfei opened his eyes and was stunned. Even Long Fei's five people were also very strange. He helped others and was afraid that others would know what these dozen people were. Long Fei was also curious.

"Farewell!" These dozens of masked people left without stopping. They turned around and walked in the direction of retreating with the allied forces.

After a few steps, two people suddenly turned their heads and looked in the direction of Long Fei. Because they were wearing hats and face towels, they could not see their expressions, but everyone felt as if they were smiling and smiling at Long Fei, and then the people around them didn't know what to say. The man turned around and followed.

When the rosefinch army arrayed at the mouth of the valley saw them coming, they naturally dodged from both sides and gave way to the canyon.

"Brothers!" Zhong Zhi took a few steps ahead and looked at these dozen people, "Thank you for your kindness. I hope I will have a chance to meet you in the future?"

"It's just a trivial matter." One of the dozen people said lightly, "Please get out of the way, we're leaving!"

Zhong Zhi smiled and rode the horse to get out of the entrance to the canyon.

As soon as these dozen people walked into the canyon, the copper head grabbed Long Fei and said, "Who are they?"

"How do I know!" Long Fei stared at the bronze head: "I'm not like you. I can't see them!"

"I saw them smiling at you!" Copper Head Road.

"Sneer!" Long Fei curled the corners of his mouth and said, "They just turned their heads. They laughed there. If they laughed, they didn't just smile at us, they just smiled at me there!"

Long Fei had a feeling in his heart, as if he knew the two people who turned his head and smiled at him at the end, but there were countless people in his heart, so he would never admit that these two people really turned to look at him.

"No matter who they are, when Long Fei sees them in the future, please say thank you to them for me! At the same time, invite them to the sand city as guests, and I, the rosefinch army, will definitely sweep the couch and wait. Xiang Yuanfei looked at Long Fei and said sincerely, "We also welcome and invite five people to Liusha City. You can be a guest or stay temporarily. What do you think?"

"All right!" Long Fei smiled and said, "We accept the invitation of the young regiment leader!"

Although the coalition army has been defeated, the Zhuque army has not been complacent. As long as it is still in Guangwu County, although it has repelled the Crouching Tiger Gang, it knows whether there are other Wolong Gang Crouching Snake Gangs again. Zuo Xi can hook up with the Mu family and may also talk about other forces. Anyway, the local snake in Guangwu County is not Stop a Crouching Tiger Gang.

Zhong Zhi and others did not dare to stay for a long time. As soon as the dozen masked people entered the canyon and retreated, they immediately waved their troops and set off.

Fortunately, there was no accident along the way, and everyone arrived at the dock safely.

Ma Jue is safe and sound, and Zuo Xi must not be willing to let him go like this, which makes the throne under Ma Laoer's buttocks very unstable, but they are newly defeated. If they want to summon people and horses to attack again immediately, it seems that it is too late. Even if it is a local snake like the Crouching Tiger Gang, it can't gather enough people for a while. Therefore, in all parties Under the attention and helplessness, the Zhuque Army arrived in Beiming Town safely.

Longfei, Tongtou and Tielan have lived in the deep mountains since they were irthre, and usually only go out to Guhu Town. If they hadn't been promoted to the innate level of martial arts, the division would have allowed them to go out to practice. Several people were actually buns, where they could see the scenery outside.

When the three saw a huge ship parked in a sheltered harbor under the cliff, their eyes glowed and were surprised.

This is the first time for three people to see a boat, and it is the first time they have seen such a big boat.

This is a three-sailing warship, which is about 20 feet long and three feet wide from the beginning to the tail. It is about five feet high from the deck to the mast. The bow is pointed and upturned, and it is also wrapped in iron sheets. There are many small windows on both sides of the boat. From inside, wooden oars can be stretched out, such as poor wind or need acceleration. It plays a big role, even in the battle. If the sails are lowered and driven only by the paddle board, it will definitely be much more flexible.