Eastern Continent

Chapter 241, Luze

Lu Ze, the top of the mountain.

Dashi is the largest country on the mainland. In Dashi, there is a large plateau on the mainland, that is, the Luze Plateau. There is a deep lake on the Luze Plateau called Luze. Luze City is north of Luze Lake, south of the Biden River, that is, between a lake and a river.

The Luze Plateau is high in the south and low in the north. From the Biton River to the inner abdomen of Dashi, it gradually increases, and the highest place is more than 1,000 feet. The higher the altitude, the worse the climate. When it reaches that place of more than 1,000 feet, it is already inaccessible.

If you look at it from the air, this Luze Plateau is like a giant beast. The back part rises high, but its head is deeply plunged into the Bidon River and drinking wildly!

Although the Luze Plateau has a harsh climate and is rarely visited, Luze City is one of the largest cities with great food.

This city is located in the north of Dashi, among all the big cities of Dashi. Luze is the northernmost city, that is, the lowest place at the beginning of the Luze Plateau, at the exit of the plateau, across the Bidon River and the old enemy of Dashi, Yundun, just like a giant beast, guarding this plateau.

All northern countries that attempt to attack Dashi will choose this city as a breakthrough. As long as they break through this city, they can cross the plateau and go straight into the territory of Dashi. Since ancient times, some countries have bypassed Luze City and chose other places as a breakthrough to attack the Great Food, but without exception, they have been covered by Luze's army.

Lu Zecheng is like a huge sword, standing at the northernmost end of the Great Food, deterring invaders from all sides.

Luze City is the northernmost city of Dashi, which is the key road to Dashi North Road. Whether it is attacking Dashi or entering Dashi to make a living, as long as merchants come from the north, they will generally choose Lu Zecheng as their first stop to enter Dashi. Due to fate, Luze, a small city at the head of the plateau , has gradually grown and become rich. After hundreds of years of development, it has become one of the largest cities and one of the largest cities on the mainland.

In addition to the five people who went to Luze City this time, there were also Xiang Yuanfei who made suggestions. However, what several people didn't expect was that Ma Jue, Zuo Lichang, and the two sisters, Zuo Lichang, also followed them.

It was not until this time that Long Fei and others knew that one of Zuo Lichang's two sisters was called Zuo Zhaoshi and the other was Zuo Zhaoqin. His sister Zuo Zhaoshi had a melon-shaped face, elegant and quiet, but his sister Zuo Zhaoqin's face was as round as an apple and lively and active.

Although the two sisters have different faces and personalities, they are both naturally beautiful. This gorgeousness is vividly expressed through their faces and bodies, which is unforgettable.

Ma Jue went out, and his guards followed. Fortunately, only a dozen of the 100 guards who had been following him since Zuo Xi followed him. Otherwise, more than 100 people would be too huge. With swords, they might have been surrounded by Lu Ze's soldiers before they reached the city of Lu Ze.

That's it. Originally, it was only a small group of six people, but it became a large group of nearly 20 people.

Fortunately, in these troubled times, caravans often walk in groups on the mainland, and those who see them along the way are not so surprised.

The Biden River in the north gate of Luze City is not far away. After everyone got off the boat, they walked leisurely along the road connected to the dock and the gate for about half a day and arrived under the gate of Luze.

Before arriving at Lu Ze City, Long Fei and others thought that Lu Ze City must be a step by step sentry post. The whole city was under martial law and strictly checked pedestrians. At this time, there are troubled times. There are continuous wars on the mainland, and Lu Ze is a city at the forefront of the war. Although the power of the country is powerful and deterring the countries, the surrounding countries are trembling and never dare to offend the tiger's power. Usually there is no big war, but in troubled times, you have to be vigilant and not beware of war, you have to mention it. Prevent spies from sneaking in.

When Longfei and several people arrived at the gate, they saw that the situation was far from their imagination.

On that day, due to the strong wind, the boat accelerated. When it arrived at Luze's wharf, it was still in the morning. Although the sun was strong, but in early spring, the weather was still cool. When everyone arrived at Luze City from the dock, it was still Shen in the afternoon. The gate opened into Luze City Cave was full of bustling crowds.

But in the gate opened, everyone did not see the defenders with complete armor and knives and guns. Only in a doorhole not far from the gate, they saw an old veteran who was almost losing his teeth lying under the gate, basking in the sun on his lower body, and his upper body shrank in the shadows and stretched his hand in. After taking it out of the collar for a long time, he pulled it out, raised it in front of him and looked at it for a long time, and then suddenly threw a bed bug pinched with two fingers into his mouth and creaked it.

A little later, there are still three or two soldiers standing in front of the gate, but they are not responsible for guarding the gate, but for the city tax.

This is a big city, so big that Long Fei has never seen it. Even if it is as majestic as Guangwu City, in front of Lu Zecheng, it seems to be the difference between a house and a house.

Long Fei and the other three stood under the gate of Lu Ze City, looking at the two big words "Lu Ze!" above the gate. Each word is as big as an adult's chest, and the word is very new. Obviously, the history is not long, but the handwriting and walls are full of traces. The traces of knives and axes, fire and arrows can be seen almost everywhere. Under this majestic barrier, it has obviously gone through many heroic wars.

On top of "Lu Ze" twice, there is also a smaller line of words "The First Xiong Pass in Jingbei".

The first pass in the north of the border!

The northernmost Xiong Pass in Dashi is not big, and you can't see how standard it is, but the first thing you feel when you see this line is a feeling of a golden iron horse, across the battlefield, and then you feel a kind of atmosphere, which is the first atmosphere in the world.

Lu Ze's two words are very large, but only two words, which occupy almost as wide as the wide city gate, and in terms of calligraphy, they are also round and euphemistic, with unique writing. But everyone who sees this Xiongguan for the first time may think that it is not these two big words that deserve this first Xiongguan, but the six small words "the first Xiongguan in the north".

The high gate of the city is wide enough to accommodate four cars to walk in parallel. Almost two feet thick of the walls are all made of a kind of stone on the Luze Plateau. The stones are tightly stitched, and the bond between the stones is all made of rice soup and soil. The great maje city is also worthy of the first majestic gate north of the big food. Only in this way, the tax on entering the city is not expensive, and everyone must pay ten cents before entering the city.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way! The young county has returned to the city!"

After more than a dozen people paid the city tax, they began to line up to enter the city under the arrangement of the soldiers defending the city, but suddenly heard the sound of horseshoe kicking and shouting from behind.

Whether it was Long Fei or other people waiting in line to enter the city, they had not yet reacted. The hoofs behind them stepped on, and the two horses rushed straight to the side, regardless of whether they hit people or not, they abruptly inserted from the middle of the people who entered the city. Some people who had no time to dodge were actually swept up by the two riders who rushed straight into the city with long whips. When they got up, they were shocked and danced. In the shouting, these people were gently placed on both sides of the gate.

As if harvesting rice, all the people who entered the city were driven to both sides of the gate and left the middle road.

More than a dozen people in Longfei have martial arts. Although things happened in a hurry, they all safely fled to both sides of the city gate, but almost all other ordinary people were rolled up by horse whips and put on both sides. These people who were rolled up by their long whips and put on both sides of the city were unharmed, and even their clothes did not even have wrinkles. Mark, as if they had walked to both sides automatically just now.

From the shouts, to the appearance of the two riders, and then to the position where they rushed to the gate, I'm afraid that there are no more than 20 feet, and nearly 100 people are waiting to enter the city. In addition to some of Lu Ze's children, most of these people are businessmen from other places who come to Luze, but the long whips of the two riders are shaken between the vertical horses. Nearly 100 people rolled up and put it aside safely. This martial arts alone made Long Fei and others feel sad.

When the two riders passed the position of Long Fei and others, they both slammed gently and rushed over at their speed. Long Fei's dozen people could avoid both sides of the gate in time. This reaction also surprised the two people.

After turning their heads at the gate, both of them took a deep look at Long Fei.

"These two men are the entourage of Wang Fulong, the son of Wang Jiu, the governor of Luze County, known as the Liu brothers of the double whip general!" Xiang Yuanfei was familiar with the situation of Lu Zecheng and immediately attached it to Long Fei's ear and said, "It is said that they are all warriors in the first-line realm. On the left is his brother's ghost whip Liu Rulong, and on the right is his brother's magic whip Liu Ruhu!"

Long Fei's heart is dark, and he knows the Lord. If he can use one-on-one heavenly realm warriors as his entourage, then Wang Fulong will certainly not be too simple.

As soon as the Liu brothers stood at the gate of the city, they heard the sound of horseshoes stepping behind them. When they turned around and looked at them, they saw a group of people slowly coming on the road. This team of people and horses were all dressed in brocade, fresh clothes and angry horses, stepping all the way.

First, there were two handsome young men, but although both of them were handsome, their faces were completely different. The young man on the left side was dressed in a sky-blue scribe's uniform and shaking a clear lotus lotus folding fan, as if everything was winning.

Everything is unconcerable, and the breeze blows the hills.

The young man on the right is dressed in a light yellow scribe's uniform, with a long figure and a handsome face, but at this time, he has a flattering smile on his face. He looked at the blue-shirted young man and said, "Brother Wang is still powerful. Every time he has more prey than me, I am convinced."

"That's Brother Hong's politeness. It's just for me." The blue-shirted young man said lightly.

"There, there, I also used all my strength, but for so many times, the prey I have got is a little different from Brother Wang every time. It seems that it's not good to be unconvinced." The young man in yellow shook his head and smiled with regret.

"Brother Hong is also good. He always follows me closely. If I don't try my best, I may be surpassed by Brother Hong!" The blue-shirted young man smiled faintly.

"I have to practice harder after I come here, otherwise I will be farther and farther away from Brother Wang!"

The blue-shirted young man smiled and said nothing.

"Brother Wang, let's go directly to Keyue Building. I heard that Keyue Building invited a famous prostitute named Yu Qian. This woman only sells art and does not sell herself. She is one of the four famous prostitutes in the world. She is involved in poetry, piano, calligraphy and painting, especially music theory, and is even more proficient. This woman just arrived yesterday. I heard that she began to meet guests tonight. It's not as good as us. Go to see her. With the grace of the young princess, she may be favored by Miss Yu Qian.

"Good! Just go to Keyue Building." The blue-shirted young man nodded slightly and said, while speeding up the horse to enter the city from the road cleaned up by the two attendants.

"The blue shirt is Wang Fulong, the son of the county guard of Luze City, and the yellow shirt is Hong Chengxian, the son of Hongmen, the largest gang in Luze City."

Long Fei was looking at the back of the blue-shirted and yellow-shirted young man, and Xiang Yuanfei whispered their origin in his ear.