Eastern Continent

Chapter 250, about three of ten moves

The whole hall and the whole Keyue Building were quiet, and occasionally heard buzzing whispers. Everyone was stunned by Long Fei's two moves. In fact, the guests in the Keyue Building at this time, the three people with the highest martial arts skills were Hong Ba, Yang Shu and Ruan Qing. These three were stunned, not to mention the others.

The young princess of Luze County named Wang Fulong seemed to have forgotten the other people in the box at this time, but stared at Long Fei in the hall with both eyes.

Dashiguo is one of the powerful countries on the mainland, and Luze County is one of the Dashi County. Luze City guards the north of Dashi and resists the Yunton Kingdom, which is similar to the national strength and Dashi. As Wang Jiu, the guardian of Luze County, he can be said to be a high-power and superior force. The whole north of Dashi respects him.

As Wang Fulong, the son of Wang Jiu, is naturally an outstanding person. His martial arts have also entered the realm of thousands of miles a day. At the age of 20, he has been promoted to the realm of free heaven. At this time, he is already at the peak of the sky. From the spiritual level, he is only a little short distance, and he is the first person in the young generation of Lu Zecheng, and even The warriors who are also higher than many elders are also slightly famous in the whole food.

Such a person naturally has sharp eyesight and extraordinary knowledge, and immediately sees the extraordinaryness of Long Fei.

It's just that he has always been arrogant and childless, thinking that the world's martial arts, that's all!

Therefore, when he saw Long Fei's martial arts, the shock in his heart was even more than others. If he came to compete with Ruan Qing, let alone force Ruan Qing, it would be a great anecdote to maintain undefeat under Ruan Qing's attack.

But Long Fei not only had defense and attack, but also forced Ruan Qing to take a step back. Wang Fulong's heart had long been like a huge wave and was shocked.

Hong Chengxian's eyes flashed and he didn't know what he was thinking. He looked at the hall a few times, turned his head to look at Wang Fulong, and suddenly said, "Brother Wang, you can force Mr. Ruan back. This man has good martial arts!"

Wang Fulong was stunned and said slowly, "It's really good."

In fact, it's not just good. Even Hong Ba sitting here can't guarantee that he can force Ruan Qing back within two moves.

"I just don't know how his martial arts are. He has reached that level." Hong Chengxian Road.

"It must be the spiritual level!" Hong Ba also flashed his eyes and quickly and secretly exchanged a look with his son.

Although Wang Fulong is amazingly talented and talented, he has been flattered for a long time. On the surface, no one dares to rebel. Even if he is a broad-minded person, he has become narrow at this time. What's more, his heart is actually not very tolerant. Seeing that some of his peers is higher than himself, he is not one. At half an o'clock, but a large part, how can you be happy in your heart?

Hong Chengxian is the closest person to Wang Fulong. How can he not understand Wang Fulong's character, and Hong Ba is an old man. He just exchanged a look and immediately understood what his son meant. The two deliberately spoke like this precisely to provoke Wang Fulong's jealousy and reach their own eyes. Of.

"Spirit level!" Wang Fulong muttered, his eyes changed, looked at Long Fei in the hall, suddenly smiled and said lightly, "Look again! It's not necessarily a spiritual level!"

Although he is narrow-minded, he is not a fool and will not participate rashly until things are clear.


In the hall.

Ruan Qing retreated and entered, with his hands together, with his left fist and right palm, and rushed to the dragon fly first. Although he was still empty-handed this time, he was not as big as he was at the beginning. He thought that he could defeat Longfei with only one hand, and this time he took the initiative to attack. It seems that after being forced back by Long Fei twice, he has changed his strategy.

Long Fei was not afraid at all. On the contrary, he was a little excited. Since martial arts entered the spiritual level, this is still the first martial artist at the spiritual level he met, and it is also the second realm of the spiritual level, which is higher than himself. Therefore, in addition to being solemn and serious, Long Fei is more excited at this time, a kind of trembling excitement, but he Knowing that this was an emergency, he just took a deep breath and suddenly calmed down.

Without retreating, his feet staggered, as if a leaf slipped across the water and quickly greeted Ruan Qing. The short knife cut Ruan Qing's arm in one fell swoop. This knife was another ordinary knife move that could not be ordinary.

This move, both sides are extremely fast, and they touch each other as soon as they move together.


It seems that two huge stones collided, and there was a thunderous roar. From the place where the two fought, an airflow was blown out, as if a gust of wind blew over, blowing over the nearby tables, and the dishes, chopsticks and spoons fell to the ground. Some warriors who stood too close but were only in the acquired realm were blown back by this airflow.

at a touch.

Long Fei withdrew a few steps back along Ruan Qing's strength, his hands drooped, the knife was also hanging on his side, his body was straight, and he looked at Ruan Qing calmly.

Ruan Qing did not move at all, like an iron mountain.

This is a tough fight, a spiritual confrontation.

After seeing this move, everyone's faces changed. Even a hero like Hong Ba changed slightly at this time.

Yang Shu burst into a divine light in his eyes, like lightning, and shouted repeatedly, "Okay, okay..."

Long Fei is a teenager, but Ruan Qing is a middle-aged man, and as we all know, his martial arts are in the realm of building a house. Although this move is not equal, Long Fei is only slightly inferior. At Long Fei's age, he has such martial arts, but it is beyond everyone's expectation, and it is no wonder that everyone is surprised. Color change.

The younger the martial artist is, the greater the potential, and the stronger the stamina. The older the warrior is, the less potential will be, and the lighter it will gradually decrease. Therefore, if Long Fei and Ruan Qing are given the same time, it may take only three or five years for Long Fei to completely surpass Ruan Qing.

This is the reason why everyone is surprised.

In fact, not only the onlookers were surprised. At this time, Ruan Qing was also secretly shocked and secretly regretted his greatness. He thought that his martial arts skills in building the realm of the government would definitely defeat Long Fei. In his view, the limit of the ten moves he said was extremely safe. Maybe only five moves could defeat Long Fei.

However, he knew that the reality was 108,000 miles away from his own conjecture. According to the current situation, not to mention ten moves, even 20 moves could not be guaranteed to defeat Long Fei.

"The third move!" Although he saw that Long Fei was forced to take a few steps back, Tongtou did not worry at all. He was still as loud as ever. Under the eldest brother, Long Fei could support dozens of moves. Ruan Qing was not as complete in that aspect. He didn't believe that Long Fei would not even make ten moves.

As soon as Long Fei stood down, Ruan Qing moved.

When the two hit each other just now, Long Fei's skill was slightly weak, so he was repelled by Ruan Qing, but Ruan Qing was almost unaffected. Although he slowed down a little, he almost followed Long Fei and retreated.

Ruan Qing was obviously scared by Long Fei's martial arts. In order to ensure victory within ten moves, he changed his previous passive defense and attacked first.

However, although Ruan Qing wanted to attack, Long Fei, who had tried Ruan Qing's internal strength, did not want to attack him. Seeing Ruan Qing coming straight over, Long Fei suddenly jumped up like a spring on the soles of his feet. This leap rose straight up and instantly crossed Ruan Qing's head and almost touched the roof.


Seeing Long Fei's movements, Ruan Qing was very surprised, and everyone was also surprised.

After three moves, Long Fei attacked without hesitation. When almost everyone thought that Long Fei would also attack this time, Long Fei unexpectedly avoided and did not attack Ruan Qing.

Long Fei moved fast, and Ruan Qing was not slow. Almost when Long Fei just jumped up, Ruan Qing also kicked the ground and jumped behind Long Fei.

In terms of speed, Long Fei's light kung fu is only the peak of the earth's realm. It has not yet entered the water realm, and it is not very fast, while Ruan Qing's light kung fu is already equal to the water realm of the heavenly ladder, and the speed is just a little faster than Long Fei.

Although Long Fei started first and Ruan Qing got up later, Ruan Qing immediately approached Long Fei, with his hands like a pair of crab pliers, grabbing Long Fei's feet.

Everyone gasped. Long Fei was in mid-air at this time and had nowhere to borrow it. At this time, the rising force was exhausted. Seeing that it could not be avoided, his feet would be grasped by Ruan Qing. If he was really grasped by Ruan Qing's hands, Long Fei's feet might be useless.

At this time, even Yang Shu stood up. He really couldn't figure out why Long Fei fought with others on the ground. With his flexible body and changeable moves, he was sure to win or lose. Why did he suddenly jumped up and exposed his shortcomings in front of others.

However, the next phenomenon shocked everyone.

Ruan Qing's hands could be touched by Long Fei's feet, but he saw Long Fei's rising body change. In an instant, he changed from rising to horizontally, as if the leaves swept by the wind, and suddenly moved to one side. Ruan Qing's claws were only a little bit away from Long Fei's legs.

"Fourth move!" Before Ruan Qing could react, he had heard the copper head shouting loudly.