Eastern Continent

Chapter 256, Counsellor Liu

Long Fei and others and Yang Shu sit at two tables located in the east of Dadong. Although Keyue Building also gave seats because of Yang Shu's face, because Long Fei and others came too late, the seats were a little remote from the middle.

As for Ma Jue and the guards of the Zuo family, they can only stay outside the hall!

Originally, Yang Shu had a seat in the middle of the hall. As the second gang of Lu Zecheng, the Blue Shirt will be the hero of Yang Shu, the leader of the club, and he is also a famous figure in Lu Zecheng. At this time, he has not yet to quarrel with Ruan Qing, and he has to arrange a seat for Yang Shu in the middle.

It's just that Yang Shu doesn't seem to like to sit among some people he doesn't like. In addition, he seems to attach great importance to Jia's siblings. In order to accompany them, he also rejected the invitation of Keyue Tower. Instead, he went back and sat with Jia Ling and others.

Under the huge butter candles around the hall and the small wax candles on the table, the whole hall was as bright as day. When I looked up, I could only see that the hall was surging, and even the light was blocked.

"The hall called Sihaiyue Building has many performances every year. Even the four famous prostitutes in the world have performed in this hall. The reputation of Keyue Building has money, but most of it is earned by this hall, and the rest are their connections."

Yang Shulightly explained the glorious history of this hall to everyone: "However, I heard that there are more powerful * in this guest house. Of course, this is also Ruan Qing's powerful method, which makes the guest house so that although it makes many people jealous in Luze City, it can still stand until now!"

"Just like the Crouching Tiger Gang, at first glance, I thought that there were only three innate warriors at the helm, but in fact, they relied on the favorite big thing of the Mu family behind them. Maybe this guest Yuelou is also an industry of a certain power, but it is only presided over by Ruan Qing!" Long Fei has a deep understanding of this. In troubled times, everything seems to float on the surface of the water, which can be clear at a glance. In fact, if you investigate carefully, you can know that the big crocodiles are actually sinking at the bottom of the water, and the world has come into contact with some small fish and shrimp floating on the water.

Like Hongmen not only hooked up with the Mu family, but also like the division of the Mu family in Luze City, but also has something to do with the county guard. And like the Blue Shirt Club, looking at the importance and closeness of Yang Shu and his wife to the Jia family's sister and brother, you can also know that they must have something to do with the Jia family. As for the Mu family behind the Crouching Tiger Gang, Long Fei I didn't know it because I had contact with them.

"This should be all the elites of Luze City!" Junfeng looked at the dense crowd in the hall and asked casually.

"Most of them are!" Yang Shu also replied casually, "However, most of these are Luze City gang members, and the people of the county guard and some big businessmen in Luze County did not come much at this time."

"Oh!" At this time, Junfeng gently put away his contempt. What he just saw, it turned out to be just some gang members. If the whole Lu Ze was only this talent, then Lu Ze, who claimed to be the first hero of the north of Dashi, was too far away.

In the conversation, some important figures of Lu Zecheng also came one by one. Looking at the more and more full hall and feeling the momentum of these people, Junfeng's face gradually became serious. It seemed that Lu Ze, who was called the first hero, still had several family backgrounds.

"Lord Liu is here!"

Yang Shu was pointing to everyone who came in and talking casually about Luze City with Long Fei and others, and when the whole hall was buzzing like a group of bees, a sound suddenly came in from the door of the hall, which covered the hum of the whole hall.

After hearing the sound, the buzzing sound in the hall seemed to have been cut off by a knife and calmed down, and then everyone's eyes naturally turned to the door of the hall.

As if in the expectation of the crowd, under the eyes of everyone, a person slowly walked in from the door of the hall.

After hearing the name, Yang Shu was also obviously stunned and quickly looked at Cheng Shuilan.

"I didn't expect this person to come too!" Yang Shu said softly, "You sit down and I'll see him!" After saying that, he stood up and walked to the door.

The person who walked in from the door could no longer see his age. He only saw a layer of wrinkled face like a dry pestle. A pair of eyes seen from the middle of the wrinkles seemed to be open and closed, with a beard and chest under the jaw, and a walking stick in his hand. Accompanied by Ruan Qing and others, he slowly walked in from the door.

Seeing this person coming in, people all over the hall stood up, especially Hong Ba and Wang Fulong sitting in the front row, all of whom greeted him and salute them together: "I've seen Lord Liu!"

"Good, good! Hello, everyone, you are all here! It seems that I'm late!" Liu Sanyi smiled slightly, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to spread a little. He raised his left hand and shook at everyone from afar.

"Hongmen Hongba, I have met Lord Liu. I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you, Lord Liu?" Hong Ba walked closer, bowed his fist and shouted.

"It's the Lord of Hongmen! You came earlier than me!" Liu Sanyi raised his slightly dizzy eyes, swept Hong Ba's body, and hung down again. He laughed and said, "It seems that Miss Yu's reputation is not bad, so that the owner of Hongmen can't wait!"

"Haha..." Hong Ba laughed: "Miss Yu is a strange woman in the world, and her reputation is naturally not small. Even Lord Liu has come to support her!"

"That's right, I'm also here, and I'm also Miss Yu's admirer!" Liu Sanyi laughed.

"Yang Shu has met Lord Liu!" Yang Shu waited for Hong Ba to say hello before taking a step forward and bowed to Liu.

"Yang Huizhu! You're here, too!" Liu Shenyi raised his hand and waved it gently. He turned his eyes to Yang Shu and said with a smile, "You have a beautiful wife in Yanghui's family. Is it also in the name of Miss Mu Yu?"

"Miss Yu is a strange woman in the world, and she is not the only one who admires her name in the world!" Yang Shu smiled and said, "Including Lord Liu!"

"That's it, that's it!" Liu Sanyi laughed, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to spread a few layers. It seemed that Liu Sanyi was very familiar with Lu Zecheng's Jianghu gang. As soon as he met, he made an irrelevant joke with everyone.

"I've met Uncle Liu!" At this time, Wang Fulong came forward and saluted Liu.

"It's Fulong!" Liu Shenyi looked at Wang Fulong and smiled and said, "I just met the county guard before I came here, and I just talked about you. Unexpectedly, I saw you immediately!"

"Fulong and his friends came to see Miss Yu's performance, and Uncle Liu can naturally see it!" Wang Fulong said with a smile.

"Ha ha... Uncle Liu also came to see Miss Yu's performance!" Liu said, "Let's sit down! Standing around my old man, it's a delay for everyone to watch the performance!"

"Isn't the performance started yet? You can't start until your boss comes!" Ruan Qing smiled beside him.

"That's it! Then sit down quickly! I think they must have been scolding me for pretentiously and delaying their time to watch the performance!"

"How dare they! You are always here to watch the performance with them. It's also their honor to say it. How can you complain!" Ruan Qing laughed.

"You, Mr. Ruan, can speak!" Liu Sanyi raised his steps and walked to the middle. At the same time, he said to Wang Fulong, "Are you sitting with me or is there another seat?"

"I sit with my friends!" Wang Fulong said.

"All right!" Liu Sanyi said to Hong Ba and others, "Everyone sit down and don't hinder others from watching the performance!"

With the sitting of Liu's discussion, the whole hall gradually quieted down, which was not only because of the fear of Liu's discussion, but also because the performance was about to begin, and everyone was holding their breath and looking forward to it.


"Who is this counselor Liu? With such a big airs, not only are people waiting for him, but even the performance will not start until he comes!" Copper head asked Xiang Yuanfei curiously.

"Liu is the general of Luze County, the second person!" Xiang Yuanfei Road.

"The second person!" Long Fei was surprised and said, "Isn't the second person the official of Wang Jiu, the county guard? With this authority, even Wang Fulong has to salute him!"

"The second person in Luze City is different from the second person in other places. Although his official position is lower than Wang Jiu, he is not Wang Jiu's staff. On the contrary, he came to see Wang Jiu!" Xiang Yuanfei explained to Long Fei in a low voice!

"Monitor Wang Jiu!" Long Fei became more confused.

It turns out that although Luze County is the county guard and holds the military and civil affairs power of one party, which can be said to be the emperor of the land of one party, Dashi also appointed a council when appoints a county guard. As the name implies, the consultation means that everything can be discussed. Whether it is military or civil affairs, the council can participate in opinions. To express denial. Although the county guard has the right to make a decision, if the council expresses opposition, and the county guard still does so, he has to wait to be impeached by the council.

Of course, the Senate only has the right to participate, but does not have the power of execution. There is no rune of the county guard, or the order issued by the county guard. Whether it is the army or the administrative government at all levels can refuse to implement it.

If this council has no power, it is not true, because he can prevent the county guard from acting. If the council has power, it can't mobilize the army and manage civil affairs. But anyway, this council position is under one person in Lu Zecheng, above 10,000 people, and even the county guard has to respect it for a long time. It's true.

"The second person!" Long Fei was surprised and said, "It seems that Yu Qian is famous, and even this kind of person has come!"

"Miss Yu Qian arrived..." Long Fei was still muttering to himself, and another message came from the door.