Eastern Continent

Chapter 266, with a back hand

"Thanks to the Long Fei brothers this time, otherwise these brothers will be in danger! The foundation of the Blue Shirt Club has also been destroyed!" As soon as the people of Hongmen walked out of the courtyard, Yang Shu was grateful to Long Fei.

Indeed, if Long Fei hadn't caught Hong Chengxian and let the four spiritual warriors attack with the people of Hongmen, I don't know how many people would have died in this courtyard, and these people were the high-level core personnel of the Blue Shirt Association and the first people to form the Blue Shirt Association with Yang Shu. It is the elite in the meeting. If these people are gone, the foundation of the Blue Shirt Club will be destroyed.

"Yang Hui is very kind!" Long Fei said, "Lord Yang dares to take risks to take us in. Naturally, we will also be in the same boat with the Blue Shirt Club. Naturally, we will save the brothers of the Blue Shirt Club!"

"Long Fei said that the strength is weak. None of us has the strength to fight with them alone. At this time, we should work together." Yang Shu looked at Long Fei and praised him.

If Yang Shu saw Long Fei before, he looked at his nephew as an elder, and took in Long Fei and others because of Jia's sister and brother. However, when he looked at Long Fei again at this time, his vision was very different from just now. At this time, in addition to the meal of praise, there was also respect.

At this time, Yang Shu has completely taken the attitude of his peers to Long Fei.

Long Fei saw that Hong Chengxian was the key to this war and firmly grasped it, thus fighting the unfavorable situation of the war in one fell swoop. Although he could not immediately turn defeat into victory, at least now it has become an equal situation, and no one can do anything.

"What is Long Fei going to do with this person next!" Yang Shu looked at Hong Chengxian, who was held in his hand by Long Fei. At this time, he was drowsy due to a broken arm, chest wound and fatigue all over his body. If Long Fei hadn't stimulated him from time to time, he might have fainted long ago.

"This person is the basis for whether we can get out and stabilize the injury on his body first!" Long Fei said, "Look at him like this. If you don't treat him, I'm afraid he will faint!"

"Come on, help him bandage and treat him!" Yang Shu said to the helpers behind him.

Long Fei stopped Hong Chengxian's acupuncture point and handed it over to the people of the Blue Shirt Club to take care of him. They all knew that they could be safe for the time being. It was precisely because of this person that the people of the Blue Shirt Club had this kind of experience, and Hong Chengxian could also be said to be the culprit, so Long Fei did not worry that the people of the Blue Shirt Club would not take good care of him.

"Next, what does Long Fei think we should do? Is there any way out of danger? Yang Shu and other Long Fei whispered after handing over Hong Cheng to the people of the Blue Shirt Club.

"This is exactly what I want to ask Yang Huizhu. Yang Huizhu is a landlord and is much more familiar with Lu Ze's situation than me. What can I do? We all listen to Yang Huizhu!" Long Fei said with a smile.

"If Long Fei is willing, call me uncle in the future. Like Linger, it's too common to call the host!" Yang Shu looked at Long Fei with a divine light of appreciation and smiled. He is also a hero in troubled times. At this time, although the danger has not been lifted, his mentality has returned to normal and become relaxed, and he is no longer worried about the Hongmen people who are still surrounded outside the courtyard.

"Uncle Yang, Aunt Cheng!" Long Fei immediately changed his words and made Cheng Shuilan narrow her eyes and laugh. His white face rippled with amorous feelings after years of precipitation, which made everyone feel bright.

"This is Uncle Yang's territory. If I dare to come up with ideas, it's better for Uncle Yang to decide!"

"sliding head!" Cheng Shuilan smiled and said, "Didn't you guess that this is the territory of the Blue Shirt Club? Your Uncle Yang will definitely have a backhand to say so!"

"Aunt Cheng! I didn't say anything." Long Fei smiled and said, "However, if even Uncle Yang can't think of a way out of danger, then I really can't think of it!"

"The head..." Cheng Shuilan whispered to Yang Shu.

"Come with me!" Yang Shu thought for a while and didn't talk nonsense. He greeted everyone and took the lead in walking back to the yard.

There are so many people from Hongmen to besiege the general altar of the Blue Shirt Club, and there are even four spiritual warriors, which is more than the spiritual warriors after the Blue Shirt Club. According to Long Fei, there are still people surrounded outside the courtyard, so they know that tonight is an endless situation.

With such an advantage, no one will let go of this good machine branch. Although Liu Daiying, Guo Jingming and others have to withdraw from the Zhuangyuan because of Hong Ba's face, neither Liu Daiying and Guo Jingming nor Hong Ba will definitely retreat.

Although Hongmen and the Blue Shirt Club have never had a large-scale fierce battle, but because of Lu Ze's rules, there has been continuous friction in private, and the small-scale struggle has never been interrupted. At this time, there is such a good opportunity to eliminate the Blue Shirt Club. Hongmen is happy and inexplicably. Even Hong Ba himself is not I want to miss this rare opportunity.

Liu Daiying and others did not see Ma Jue's head and would not retreat, while Ruan Qing was tied together because he was greedy for Liu Daiying's gift and had no choice but to follow!

Therefore, if there is no second way to retreat today, it can only be an ending, which is endless!

Everyone followed Yang Shu, turned back to the backyard, entered through a door, and entered Yang Shu's bedroom.

Maybe he got up in a hurry. At this time, the room was messy, and there were still several pieces of clothes on the bed and chair that looked like a woman. Only Cheng Shuilan's face suddenly blushed, but immediately calmed down again. However, he was also secretly annoyed that Yang Shu stayed in the bedroom, and he didn't know it at all.

Yang Shu walked to the bed and stopped, pointed to the big bed, and said to the senior officials of the several blue shirt clubs that followed him: "Open it."

Several congregations responded and pulled the big bed away, revealing the floor covered with green bricks underneath.

"Brick these bricks!" Yang Shu clicked on several bricks on the ground with his feet.

Several blue shirt clubs acted together, but in the blink of an eye, they uncovered several bricks pointed by Yang Shu's toes. At this time, everyone in front of them saw an iron plate under the brick, and the iron plate was still with his hand.

This time without Yang Shu's instructions, the people of the Blue Shirt Association immediately cleaned up all the bricks on the iron plate. As the bricks were lifted one by one, an iron plate about one step wide was finally exposed.

Yang Shu bent forward to hold the handle of the iron plate, and his spiritual power surged. Suddenly, he hummed and raised the iron plate, revealing a dark hole below.

"This is the way out!" Yang Shu raised his head and looked at Long Fei with a smile.

"Authentic!" Long Fei was surprised that in this troubled times, ordinary rich families will have a way out, so it is not surprising that there is a tunnel in such a gang like the Blue Shirt Club. Strangely, this is Luze City. During the war years, the city should always be on the enemy's attack, including the ground and underground.

It is difficult to dig a tunnel in Lu Zecheng, where people are listening to the movement of the ground at any time. If the blue shirt really wants to dig a tunnel, it will certainly not be too far away. Under the ground of Zecheng, even if the blue shirt really digs out a tunnel, the distance should not be too far. If it happens to be surrounded by the Hongmen gang, isn't it equivalent to sending it to the door to be beaten?

"This is the tunnel dug by the original owner of this house. Don't worry, this tunnel is far away, all the way to the side of the city wall." Yang Shu knew Long Fei's worries and explained.

Looking at Cheng Shuilan and said, "Lanzi, take them to go first!"

"You..." Cheng Shuilan looked at Yang Shu, with melancholy eyes like water.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid." Yang Shu sneered and said, with a gloomy and resentful expression. He has been running the foundation for most of his life, and he can't give it away. If Hong Ba wants to take it away, he must also pay the corresponding price.

"We will stay too!" The high-level congregation of the blue shirt association who fought against the enemy with Jia's sister and brother just now looked at Yang Shu and said that the owners of the meeting had stayed. How could they be greedy and afraid of death to escape first?

"Let's all go!" Yang Shu waved his hand and said lightly, "The enemy is powerful. It's useless for you to stay here."

"But..." One of the four middle-aged people in blue looked at Yang Shu and hesitated.

"I know your loyalty, but it's useless for you to stay. It's just increasing casualties!" Yang Shu's voice was light, but his face was serious: "Don't worry, I make a vow here that I will take you back to avenge in the future."

The four people of the Blue Shirt Club looked at Yang Shu and were still hesitating. They were all old people who founded the Blue Shirt Club with Yang Shu. Their feelings for the Blue Shirt Club are dozens of times deeper than that of ordinary congregations. It can be imagined that if Yang Shu agrees to let them go out with them. The people of Hongmen tried their best, and maybe they would rush out immediately without hesitation.

"You all go, just stay with Uncle Yang!" Long Fei handed Hong Chengxian to Xiang Yuanfei and smiled at everyone.

"Long Fei, you'd better go with them!" Yang Shu hesitated and said that although he knew that Long Fei must also be a warrior at the spiritual level, he did not know much about Long Fei's martial arts skills, and Long Fei was too young and had little experience. Therefore, Yang Shu was still a little worried about Long Fei and wanted Long Fei to follow the big team first. If he only stayed alone, he could advance and retreat. No one is afraid of it.

"Yes! Longfei, don't you go with us!" Cheng Shuilan said, "Uncle Yang alone here is enough!"

"Uncle Yang is too alone, so I'd better stay." Long Fei smiled at Cheng Shuilan and said, "Aunt Lan, don't worry, they can't trap us!" This is not Long Fei's big words. If there is no other drag, only Long Fei and Yang Shu. If they want to escape, even if there are five spiritual levels of warriors on the other side of Hongmen, they can't trap them.

He said this to Cheng Shuilan, and in fact, he also said it to Yang Shu, so that Yang Shu knew that he would not drag him down.