Eastern Continent

Chapter 280, Jingshan

East wind, thin horse!

The horse is thin. Although the person riding on the horse does not have the kind of rushing desperately regardless of the horse's life, the horse has rarely stopped to rest all the way. Today, the horse has not only lost weight, but also foamed at the mouth, and its physical strength has reached its limit.

There was no wind today, just because the road was urgent and rushed to the east, as if there was a wind blowing from the east, which immediately narrowed the knight's eyes.

This is a strange team that is neither like an army, nor like a darts team, nor like a traveler. There are 13 people in the team, nine men and four women. These 13 people are all handsome men and beautiful women. The momentum is strong, and the women are bright and touching. Although they go there, they do not hide their posture.

Of course, this team is Long Fei and others, but as for the reason why they are in such a hurry, they still need to be told in detail.

At that time, Long Fei did not know that there was ecze in the meal, but when the eclipse was about to attack, he still knew that he was eclipsed. What's more, the Ni altar master was proud and called out without Long Fei and others falling down.

After Long Fei knew the situation, he immediately took a pill of his own antidote. This poison could not completely relieve the eclipsiac of the Ni altar master, but it could delay the attack of the eclipse of the Ni altar master for a minute and a half. Long Fei took the initiative by relying on this time, not only killing the four men of the altar master of Ni, After saving Ma Jue and others, he also got a real antidote.

In the end, only the Ni altar master was left, but Long Fei saved his life. The reason for his life was to let him report to Hong Ba. Only when they knew the whereabouts of Long Fei and others, Zuo Xi and the Mu family would leave Lu Zecheng, and only when they left Lu Zecheng, Yang Shu's blue shirt would be able to revenge.

With Yang Shu and his wife's martial arts skills as both spiritual warriors, coupled with Hong Cheng's first and forcing Hong Ba, if they take action against Ke Yue Lou alone, they should have a great chance of winning. However, what Long Fei didn't expect is that in addition to Ruan Qing, Ke Yue Lou also has Yang Zhu, a martial artist in the realm of building a mansion, and Hong Ba looks like a phoenix. Nie generally recovered from the influence of his son's capture and was confident that he could leave Yang Shu and his wife in exchange for his son.

Fortunately, Jia Xiao and Jia Chong joined the Blue Shirt Club, which did not lead to too much disparity in power. Otherwise, Long Fei led away Zuo Xi and the Mu family, which not only could not help Yang Shu and others, but also cooperated with Hongmen to introduce the blue shirt to the dangerous place.

After releasing the master of the altar, Long Fei and others began to rush. Now that they have told the enemy's whereabouts, in order not to be caught up, they naturally let go of the speed and run as fast as they can. The weather is unusually hot. Fortunately, several people rode horses for several days in a row, but they walked out of Lu Ze's range and entered the boundary between Dashi and forbidden autumn. ----Jingshan.

Since the way, since the release of Ni Tanzhu, he has been constantly ambushed and stopped along the way. These ambusters are all people from the Hongmen altar. It is Hong Ba who ordered some people in the nearest altar to intercept Long Fei and others through the flying pigeon transmission. He knows the strength of Long Fei and others. Not to mention Long Fei, a spiritual-level warrior, Xiang Yuanfei and Junfeng and others, is not a small altar in Hongmen that can intercept. Therefore, Hongmen only asked these people in the Hongmen altar to delay the journey of Long Fei and others and delay their time, so that Zuo Xi's pursuers and the wooden family could catch up.

These people's martial arts skills are generally not high, and the highest is only two or three free realms. However, under the order of Hong Ba, they were not afraid of Long Fei and others. They went to ambush and blocked them, which also delayed some time for Long Fei and others. Originally, if they had rushed to the road at full speed, after releasing Ni Danzhu, they could only enter Jingshan in three days, but they were dragged by these people to reach the foot of Jingshan on the fifth day.

As soon as they entered Jingshan, Zuo Xi and the Mu family's pursuers finally caught up, but after all, they were slow for a few days. Although they were in a hurry all the way, they could only watch Long Fei and others enter Jingshan and catch up.

Although they entered Jingshan before the people of Zuo Xi and the Mu family caught up with them, Long Fei and others knew that they were not safe, nor did they just get rid of the pursuers of Zuo Ran and the Mu family. The war had just begun.

If you are caught up before entering Jingshan, you can only capture or kill Long Fei with an overwhelming advantage. Like a cat and a mouse, life and death, victory and defeat are in the hands of the pursuers. However, after entering Jingshan, in this complex mountain, for Long Fei and Tongtou, who were born in Montenegro, it is equivalent to returning home. After entering the mountain, the two are also equivalent to holding the initiative of this chase and escape game in their own hands, and the momentum of cats and mice will change.

This is also the reason why Long Fei and others rushed on their way. Even if a few horses are exhausted, they have to try to enter Jingshan before the pursuers catch up.

Chasing all the way is just a warm-up, and Jingshan is the real battlefield between the two sides.


Zainwu Mountains.

The second largest mountain on land, except for Montenegro, this mountain is the longest, largest, the highest and the most steepest, and even some peaks are more majestic than Montenegro!

The Zhenwu Mountains start from the northernmost part of the mainland and go straight to the south, running through the whole continent and passing through many countries. It was not until the Forbidden Autumn Kingdom that they plunged into the sea. In fact, although the Zhenwu Mountains are called mountains, they are not connected. The two rivers of Black Water and the Bidon River are like someone cutting two knives on the Zhenwu Mountains, cutting the mountains to pieces, and the mountains are also cut into three sections.

The northernmost section is located on the border between Xilang and Montenegro, the northernmost country of the mainland. This section is called Caiyun Mountain. This mountain is not high, but there are many kinds of plants in the mountain, which are suitable for plants to grow in all seasons. Throughout the year, most parts of the mountain have various colors of plant covers, such as colorful clouds, so it is called Caiyun Mountain.

The northern section of the Bidon River in the south of the black water is called Chengling, which inherits the upper and lower mountains. This mountain is not as high as Caiyun Mountain, but this mountain does not have colorful cloud-like plants like Caiyun Mountain, but mostly rocks that are dry on the ground and drought-tolerant plants. To the east of the mountains, there are large areas and mountains. To the west, it is a large desert area.

The desert is a dry desert, located between Zuoxi and Yundun. Most of them are in Yundun, and a small part are in Zuoxi. This wide desert is a natural barrier for the two countries.

Next is the southernmost mountain range of the Biton River, which is called Jingshan.

Jingshan is the highest mountain range at the eastern end of the mainland. The main peak is about 1,000 feet high. Standing under the peak and looking up, the peak is like a straight spear, and there is no end in sight, as if it has broken the sky.

Jingshan starts from the Bidon River in the north and extends to the south until Mengqiu, when it plunges into the sea.

This Jingshan and Bidon River, coupled with the endless sea in the east, these natural barriers, like copper walls and iron walls, firmly guard the Forbidden Autumn Kingdom.

Since ancient times, the force of forbidden autumn has not been strong, and it is surrounded by the two super-large powers, Dasi and Yundun, but few people dare to invade it. In addition to constrain each other and maintain a balance between Dasi and Yundun, the most important reason is that there are several dangers around the forbidden autumn, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

However, the shortcoming in the United States is that within the scope of the Forbidden Autumn Kingdom, it is not only a forbidden autumn country, but also a large city near the sea to the east of the Forbidden Autumn Kingdom. It is also one of the few big cities in the Forbidden Autumn Kingdom, but it is occupied by the first few rosefinch legions in the world, while the rosefinch army is not the army of the forbidden autumn kingdom.

Liusha City is the destination of Long Fei and others' trip.


Liu Daiying and Guo Jingming stood side by side. There was a path in front of them, which was a path into Jingshan. According to intelligence, Long Fei and others entered Jingshan from here about half an hour ago.

The person who sent this message was lying on a stretcher behind them at this time, but this person seemed to be a bloody man. The original color could not be seen on his clothes, leaving only dark blood stains left. I don't know whether it was his blood or someone else's blood. However, it seemed that he was wrapped like a zongzi. It should be his blood stains.

Along the way, all the people who stopped Long Fei, except for the first few waves of ambush were killed, those who were blocked by the land behind were just abandoned by Long Fei and others, or broke their hands and feet and let them go.

Therefore, along this road, Hongmen's power on this road was almost pulled up by Long Fei and others, and there was no one left!