Eastern Continent

Chapter 282, Mid-volt

Just as the warriors of Zuo Xi and the Mu family jumped to both sides, they suddenly heard a strange sound, as if it were the sound of the wind blowing through his ears. In the frightened eyes of these warriors, there were huge stones hanging from the dense forests on both sides, which were thrown from the top of a high tree and hit these warriors.

Although this stone is not as horrible as the boulder that rolled down from the top of the mountain, and each stone is of different in size, but each stone is not small. The smallest stone is also as big as an ordinary person's head. It is hung by a long ancient rattan. When it is human and consistent, it shakes rapidly, it brings a whist of wind, and its momentum is no worse than from the mountain. The stone rolling down is weak.

At this time, whether it is a warrior who has jumped up or is ready to jump, he is very uncomfortable and does not dodge, but there is a possibility that he will hit the stone rolling down the mountain. If he dodged, the side may be hit by the stone swinging down from both sides. No matter which stone is hit, under this momentum, it is In a lifeless situation, the difference is only whether it is crushed into meat pulp by the boulder or broken by these stones.

In an instant, the only open flat land in the forest became a desperate situation!

There is almost no need to weigh it, and these innate martial artists made a first choice.

Naturally, it is better to choose to deal with small stones than to deal with big stones. Therefore, they split the stone with weapons one after another.

For a moment, the sound of "bang" was loud, and the weapons used by those warriors, whether it was swords or long guns, were struck by stones one after another.

It's just that these stones are in a hurry, but these warriors are at an innate level, and their reactions and experience are extremely agile and rich. The weapons are as urgent as lightning. It's not surprising that they can split stones. It's strange if they don't.

However, what made these warriors vomit blood was that although they had cut these stones, they did not escape the fate of injury.

Although their weapons were hit by stones, some of them burst into the air, and the scattered gravel was like a rain of arrows, covering these warriors; some were cut in half by the sharp blade and flew over from the left and right sides of the warrior. Some unlucky warriors were not only The rain arrow of the gravel was also hit by the stone divided into two halves. Therefore, the sound of muffled and impact came out from time to time, and the unlucky one fell down. Fortunately, he was inevitably slightly injured.

However, they also avoided the stone that rolled down from the mountain. The boulder bigger than a man rolled over the middle of the flat land and rolled straight towards the canyon. When it fell, some of the protruding stone edges hit, reverberated with an amazing sound.

However, the nightmare has not stopped, the attack continues, and there is a real rain of arrows behind the stone. In fact, even if it is a real rain of arrows, they may not be able to get these innate warriors, but it is the timing of these rains and the people who shoot these arrows that give them nightmares.

First of all, these warriors have just split the stones at this time and have not woken up from the blow of the stones. Most of them have just avoided the stones with their full ability. At this time, it is the time when the old power has gone and the new power has not been born, and these arrows have just come at this time. In fact, this arrows are all the first. The Tianwu warriors shoot, whether it is strength or skill, can have a majestic cooperation with these innate warriors. Even if there are no obstacles, an innate warrior may not be able to avoid it by shooting another congenital warrior with bows and arrows, not only when they just avoid stones, but also exhaust their severe punishments and unbalanced forces. Therefore, these innate warriors who followed Long Fei hardly shoot empty unless their archery is extremely poor. However, how can the archery of these people be poor? Therefore, these innate warriors of Zuo Xi and the Mu family are sad. If they are lucky, they either avoid or block powerful arrows, but those who are unlucky or the warriors are relatively weak. Unexpectedly, there was more than one arrow in his body, and even he was hit by an arrow in the heart and lost his life with one arrow.

The screams kept ringing, and the martial artists of the Mu family, except for Liu Daiying and Guo Jingming, two martial artists in the realm of building the palace, and Mu Huangyuan, a martial artist in the realm of heaven, everyone has been injured to varying degrees. There are two people. Unexpectedly, he was pierced by a powerful arrow, fell down fiercely from the air, pedaled his feet on the ground, and straightened his feet and stopped kicking.

Two more were shot through the lower abdomen by sharp arrows. At this time, they also held them with their hands and screamed on the ground, but they were no longer able to stand up.

In the blink of an eye, two innate martial artists who followed the two martial artists in the realm of building the mansion entered Jingshan, and two died on the spot. Two were seriously injured and the rest were slightly injured. In this attack, the pursuers of Zuo Ran and the Mu family suffered heavy damage. At this time, there were only ten people left from 14 fighters.

At the beginning of the attack, Liu Daiying and Guo Jingming rushed to the dense forests on both sides. Of course, they wanted to rely on their strong force to eliminate the amblers in the jungle on both sides.

Therefore, when their first arrow rain shot out, they happened to be at the forefront. They waved weapons, smashed the powerful arrows one after another, and rushed into the forest. It was also because Liu Daiying and Guo Jingming rushed forward to block most of the powerful arrows, so that the personnel on both sides did not lose so much and did not completely Loss of combat power.

However, what Liu Daiying and Guo Jingming didn't expect was that the result of rushing into the forest was not the end of the war, but the beginning of the war. If the attack just now was terrible, the attack after entering the forest was horrible.

On both sides of the flat land, the two guys who have been rolled up in Montenegro since childhood, Long Fei and Copper Head, are arranged like a land of death, almost step by step and traps everywhere - these two people simply treat Liu Daiying and others as beasts in Montenegro in the past. How can they kill you?

Before Liu Daiying rushed into the forest, she was also surprised by the thick forest. However, after he rushed into the forest, he knew that the forest was still far beyond his expectation. He just entered two feet, and he was like night, and his vision could not be far away. If he was not martial arts, he had been promoted to the spiritual level. , you may not be able to see it clearly here.

The distance lies in Liu Daiying's distance. It's just a vertical jump. It fell from mid-air. As soon as her feet touched the ground, Liu Daiying's face suddenly changed. The place where her feet stood was weak. With just a slight touch, she felt that her feet were weak, and her whole body fell down.

Liu Daiying was shocked at this time. Since the enemy tried his best to dig a hole here, it was definitely not just to scare himself!

Sure enough, Liu Daiying just felt that her body sank slightly, and immediately saw a bright arrow, which had arrived in front of her in the blink of an eye. If it hadn't been for the deepness of entering the dense forest at this time, and it was the broad daylight at this time. The sun was fierce, and Guo Jingming was also a martial artist at the spiritual level, he might not be able to You can see this arrow.

However, the warrior's reaction to danger has almost become a habit. As soon as his eyes saw the powerful arrow, his mind had not yet reacted. Liu Daiying's body had moved and twisted his waist. At the same time, his left foot quickly kicked on the back of his right foot, and his spiritual power erupted instantly. The whole body rose slightly between the impossible, and The body also tilted slightly to one side.

As soon as his body was a little sideways, the bright arrow roared over his waist. Because the arrow speed was too fast, although he avoided the key points, his clothes were still punctured, and the skin on his waist was also cut by arrows, revealing a blood-red mark.

This is just the beginning, but as soon as he entered the dense forest, he encountered such a thrilling adventure. Liu Daiying felt amazed and knew that he had despised the other party. He originally thought that he had two warriors in the realm of building a mansion, plus twelve innate warriors, whose strength steadily suppressed Ma Jue and others. As long as he could catch up, he was not afraid that they would be captured without giving up.

But at this time, sometimes strength is not only about force, but also includes many factors, such as plots, such as location and time.

Although a blood stain was cut on her waist, Liu Daiying was not panicked. At this time, the slight rise was exhausted, and her body turned back and fall. Liu Daiying's feet together suddenly opened and opened to the maximum. At the same time, her hand raised her hand and sneered, and a long rope flew out of his hand and flew towards a piece of the nearest branch. It quickly wrapped around the branches.

The speed of falling is naturally faster than rising. Almost as soon as the long rope wrapped around the branches, Liu Daiying's open legs touched the ground again.

At the beginning of falling, Liu Daiying was ready to tighten the long rope to hang himself up. However, to his surprise, his right foot touched the solid ground. At this time, he didn't have much thought about it. His right foot hurriedly supported it hard, and his whole body turned, and he stood on the solid ground next to the trap.

In this dense forest, it is not easy to borrow and dodge in mid-air. As long as you step on the ground with your feet, you can flexibly cope with the next attack. This is also the reason why Liu Daiying gave up hanging herself with rope.

After stepping on the field, Liu Daiying finally breathed a sigh of relief. This trap didn't seem to be big. Maybe the square circle was only an adult's arm wide. I don't know if it was naturally generated or dug out by Long Fei and others. He was unlucky and fell into it as soon as he jumped in.

In fact, what Liu Daiying didn't know was that within two feet of the front of the dense forest, there were such deep and wide pits everywhere.

Think about it, the trap arranged by Long Fei and others in a hurry will definitely not dig a deep and wide pit. If Liu Daiying and others happen not to come in from this deep pit, it will be a waste, and dig some small traps that are not deep, all over the edge of the dense forest, so that Liu Daiying and others will come from anywhere. If you enter, you may step on this trap. Of course, this small trap is not used to hurt the enemy. It is not to make them unable to get up, or to make a sharp thorn at the bottom of the pit, but to make the enemy stunned. As long as the enemy loses his mind, Long Fei and others will get a little sneak attack time. For a warrior on the battlefield, he will lose his mind. Life.

It was just this moment of distraction, and Liu Daiying let the powerful arrow cut a blood stain on his body.

The warriors at the spiritual level of Liu Daiying are still like this, and other warriors who rushed into the dense forest at the same time as Liu Daiying are not so lucky.

There is a martial artist with a line of heaven. After his feet were weak, his body fell down. He was shocked and only felt as if he was hypoxic and his mind was dizzy. When he woke up, his whole person was standing at the bottom of the pit. This trap was not big. It was not only a human arm, but also a deep arm. The warrior standing in the trap only felt a sharp pain surrounding him. When he looked down, a sharp arrow was thrusting into his chest and deeply inserted into it. The feeling of tearing made him feel that a part must have been exposed from his back.

He raised his head and seemed to want to see where the powerful arrow came from, but he only found that there seemed to be a dark shadow flying in front of him, and a sharp arrow pierced his right eye fiercely. The warrior let out a howl that was not like a human, although his whole body was driven by a sharp arrow. He leaned back, but never withdrew from the trap. Then, his whole body softened, and his huge body just filled the trap, as if it was really prepared for him.