Eastern Continent

Chapter 286, Night Attack Camp

The night was getting darker and darker, but the roar of various beasts in the mountains and forests gradually sounded.

The camp formed by Zuo Xi and the pursuers of the Mu family was dark at this time, and there was no fire.

With the deepening of the night, the roar of various beasts gradually sounded around the camp. In addition, they had to beware of other people's attacks at all times. They were highly nervous, and fought frequently in the past two days. At this time, those congenital warriors were already tired and dying, although the beasts roared around, these warriors Still fell into deep sleep.

At this time, in addition to those sentries, there are only Liu Daiying, Liu Haijie, Guo Jingming and Mu Huangyuan.

As Liu Daiying's cronin, Liu Haijie was naturally beside Liu Daiying. Ma Zhiyuan, the king of Zuo Xi, ordered the commander of the Yulin army, to be responsible for chasing Ma Jue, while Tuan An was responsible for his deputy general Liu Daiying. Liu Daiying sent his cronies Liu Haijie as the vanguard.

After the Mu family took over Zuo Xi's task, Liu Haijie found the Crouching Tiger Gang in Guangwu City, ready to use the elite soldiers he brought from Zuo Xi and the local snakes of the Crouching Tiger Gang. He attacked Ma Jue and others together, and tried to destroy them by Guangwu, but unexpectedly, he was not as good as heaven, and was accidentally discovered by Long Fei.

Long Fei has a grudge against the Crouching Tiger Gang. He is trying to figure out the Crouching Tiger Gang. If there is this opportunity to destroy their affairs, don't act quickly. Therefore, the pursuit of Liu Haijie and the Crouching Tiger Gang was defeated again and again under the intervention of Long Fei. When he arrived in Lu Zecheng, he once again united Lu Ze's local forces Keyue Building and Hongmen. And he rebelled against Zhong Zhi, the second figure of the Rosefinch Army, but in the end, he was still on the verge of success and chasing into Jingshan. Unexpectedly, he did not chase Ma Jue, but sent himself to the tiger's mouth of Long Fei and others.

Thinking of what has happened along the way, Liu Haijie is even more depressed. At the same time, he is also more hateful for Long Fei and others. Without Long Fei's intervention, things have long been successful. Ma Jue can escape from heaven, but she relies on Long Fei.

If you can escape from Jingshan this time, you have to find a way to investigate the origin of Long Fei and others!

Liu Haijie thought so.

At this time, the night gradually deepened, and after a whole day of spirit, Liu Haijie was also a little tired at this time.

"Go to bed! I'll be on duty tonight!" Liu Daiying said to the other three people lightly.

"Thank you for your hard work, Brother Liu!" Guo Jingming said politely, although they knew that the enemy would not attack at night, the mountains and forests were no better than outside. The mountains and forests were as black as paint, and they could hardly reach out their fingers, and the attack could not be touched anywhere. However, because of caution, the two spiritual warriors still decided to take turns on duty. Liu Daiying led himself in the middle of the night, while Guo Jingming was on duty in the middle of the night.

The night was getting deeper, and the lonely Liu Daiying sat cross-legged on the branches of a big tree, with her hands on her knees, and her eyes seemed to be closed.

Qiandi, as if he had smelled a dangerous wolf, Liu Daiying's eyes opened quietly and looked not far ahead, where there was no sound.

Suddenly, within the reach of Liu Daiying's eyes, suddenly there was a plant without wind, and the leaf shoots quietly shook.

Although it was night at this time, because they were afraid of being attacked, they chose the camp in an open area with sparse trees, so there was a faint moonlight, and Liu Daiying was a warrior at the spiritual level, with sharp vision and not close to where they could see.

Liu Daiying's eyes were cold, and a fierce chill shot out of his eyes. At the same time, his body quietly slid down the tree like a long snake.

However, before he could slide to the ground, a group of people suddenly stood up from the shaking plants. Everyone shot at the camp with bows and arrows.

Liu Daiying's eyes shrank, and a long wolf-like roar suddenly sounded from his mouth, like a wounded beast. The forest, which had a little sound just now, immediately became silent after Liu Daiying's long roar.

Arrows like black meteors swept through the dark air and penetrated into the tent from the top of the tent.

It's just that the first arrow rain passed, and Liu Daiying saw their camp. Under the moonlight, there was a cloud-like smoke.


This idea flashed through Liu Daiying's mind, but in an instant, his face turned pale, and these people could cross the outer sentry to touch near the camp! It seems that the two sentries outside must be more or less auspicious.

At this time, it is the time when the people in the camp sleep most well. Not only their bodies are relaxed, but their vigilance is also relaxed. This kind of poison, even if they wake up in time, the whole camp has woken up, but they will never think of closing their breath for the first time, so everyone inevitably sucks. I got into this kind of ecze.

And for convenience, this camp is just a tent. Several warriors of the Mu family and Zuo Xi are gathered together, and this elixir just enveloped the whole camp.

Knowing that this was the great war he was waiting for all the time, but Liu Daiying did not expect that it would come in this way. Long Fei and others no longer attacked them with bows and arrows and guns, but with ecze.

Liu Daiying only saw that he was about to crack, and his hands and feet were cold. Who came up with such a poisonous plan? Looking at the range of poisonous arrows, Long Fei and others actually wanted to annihilate them all and did not let them go.

Liu Daiying's feet kicked on the trunk of the tree. With this kick, his speed suddenly accelerated and flew to the position of Long Fei and others like an arrow. However, as soon as Liu Daiying jumped out and his figure was still in mid-air, he saw a figure jumping up from behind the hidden plant and welcoming him.

This is Long Fei. Looking at his figure, his speed is not inferior to Liu Daiying. In the blink of an eye, the two collided in mid-air.

There was no loud noise, "wave!" It was as if the chicken shell was broken, and it could only be heard in a small area.

The two staggered by and turned into a good tree where Long Fei rushed to Liu Daiying had just hidden, while Liu Daiying rushed to the place where the rest of the people were ambush.

Liu Daiying sneered. In addition to caring about Long Fei, others among these people were not put into his eyes. He decided that as long as he fell into these and suffered some minor injuries, he would destroy these people as quickly as possible.

However, when Liu Daiying saw that he was about to fall into the crowd, he suddenly felt a chill passing by, and his hair was straight upright, and the leftover light from the corners of his eyes swept back. He didn't know when Long Fei had rushed silently behind him, and the short knife was only a little short to cut his back.

Liu Daiying hurriedly dispersed his skills, and his body fell rapidly. At the same time, the long knife swept back at Long Fei,


The knife collided with the knife and made a loud noise.

Liu Daiying has just landed and adjusted the direction, and Long Fei has rushed over again, but the direction Long Fei rushed not to rush to Liu Daiying, but straight into Liu Daiying and Tongtou and others. If Liu Daiying still wants to rush to Tongtou and others, he is bound to meet Long Fei.

After Xiang Yuanfei, Tongtou and others saw that Liu Daiying was entangled by Long Fei, those arrows with ecze, like raindrops in the sky, flew to their camp in another batch.

This elixir is exactly the elixir configured by the copper head itself. At that time, it once fascinated the five tigers of Shenfu, including Zhou Qing. After several improvements, its power has greatly increased. In the hunting in Montenegro, the copper head has done a lot of experiments, which can be said to be a universal test. As for the improvement, it is still the first one to test on people. Yes, but there is no difference between humans and animals, so as long as the medicine is strong enough, the effect should be the same.

Of course, this is the inference of Long Fei and Tongtou. For fear of accidents and wrong locations, it has been useless before. It has been used to wait until the enemy is seriously killed and injured, leaving only a few people left, and they still live together in the camp at night. The mind of prevention is also slightly reduced due to fatigue, and it is finally used.

Long Fei and Liu Daiying bumped into each other again. With the faint moonlight, the two quickly made a few moves.

The two men's moves are so fast, as if they haven't gone through their brains, and they have become instinctive reactions. They are just a subconscious action. The moves are fast and fast, only between the lightning.

With such a speed, in addition to rich fighting experience, ordinary proficiency in moves and superhuman reactions are essential. Liu Daiying himself has this speed, and he is not surprised. After all, he can have his current position in the Yulin army, and he can only rise by fighting all the way, but Long Feicai How big and how much experience can you have?

The more Liu Daiying hit, the more shocked he became, and the more incredible he felt. It seemed that it was not Long Fei who fought with him, but a monster that suddenly emerged from Jingshan.