Eastern Continent

Chapter 297, Injured

Black armor, not wearing a helmet, but his long black hair spread behind his back and a beard made him look black. Even the ** mount is a black tall horse. His whole body seems to be integrated into the night. If he is not standing in the reflection of the firelight, he can hardly see this. People.

But when he stood before the firelight, the dazzling firelight shone from behind him, making him feel like a demon, with overwhelming anger and murder.

"Wang Yong!"

As soon as the general of Liusha City with a full face saw the Black Armor General standing in the firelight, his eyes were abrupt, and his pupils shrank at the same time, and suddenly cried out.

"It's Wang!"

General Black Armor cracked his mouth and smiled, and his white teeth flashed cold in the firelight, like a beast that had just woken up, ferocious and horrible.

It turns out that this black armor general is Wang Yong, a general under the command of Yang Xiaobing, the owner of Mengqiu City in the Forbidden Autumn Kingdom. This man is born with divine power and is extremely invincible. Although his martial arts have only just been promoted to the realm of free heaven, his natural divine power and horizontal kung fu, the ordinary martial artist in the realm of essence may not be his enemy. Hands.

This man fought for Yang Xiaobing in the north and south. He fought the most with Liusha City and killed countless people. For Liusha City, he is even more famous. Every general in Liusha City is very familiar with this general like a murderer under Yang Xiaobing. In Liusha City, in addition to Xiang Fang, Zhong Zhi and a limited number of people In addition, the rest of the people met Wang Yong, who were all meat buns and dogs, and there was no return.

Therefore, every general of Liusha City who meets Wang Yong can avoid it and can't avoid fighting again.


Seeing Wang Yong standing in front, the generals of Liusha City knew that the forbidden autumn was ready, and it was impossible to succeed tonight, so they did not hesitate to order to retreat.

"I want to go..."

Wang Yong smiled coldly and said gloomly, "Since you are out, don't think about going back!"

Almost as soon as Wang Yong's words fell, behind the army of Liusha City, a row of torches suddenly lit up. The torch was in a semicircular state and suddenly surrounded the army of Liusha City.

The forbidden autumn seems to have expected that the sand army would attack the camp for a long time, and they had already put their pockets waiting for them.

Hu Luo, a general of the army in Liusha City, suddenly turned pale. Under the light of fire, his originally black face also became a little pale, and his whole face was pale, as if this scare almost scared him to death.

"Go out!" General Hu Luo didn't think about it. He waved the long gun in his hand, pulled the horse's head and rushed to the oblique side.

"Ren around, don't leave one!" Wang Yong suddenly shouted loudly.

"No one left!"

As soon as Wang Yong's words fell, the fire suddenly lit up, as if there were torches all over the mountains and fields, which made the 3,000 cavalry in the sand city delicate. Around the Liusha team, there were suddenly an army of forbidden autumn. I don't know when, the imperial army had put up its pockets and waited for the rosefinch army to get in. At this time, it suddenly shouted loudly and shocked. The sky trembled a few times.

There were only more than three people who attacked the sand city, and the army of the autumn was six or seven thousand people in the two teams before and after this time, firmly wrapping the army of the sand city in the middle, like the stuffing in dumplings.

General Hu Luo, Cao Yang, the leader of the sand city, was also a cruel man on the battlefield for a long time. Unexpectedly, he didn't look at the torches around him and the people around him. He kicked the horse crazily and just rushed straight in the direction just chosen. A long gun went to sea like a dragon, towards the surroundings. The forbidden autumn soldiers who came together picked it out.

How could an ordinary soldier be Cao Yang's opponent? He waved his long gun like a dragon, and in the blink of an eye, he picked off several soldiers and abruptly opened a gap from the encirclement.

Cao Yang was overjoyed. Originally, he had to go through a life-and-death war before he could break out of the encirclement, but unexpectedly, only one impact broke through the encirclement. It seems that his judgment is right. Although the momentum of the forbidden autumn is great, it is not enough power to mobilized in a hurry at this time, even thousands of himself The encirclement is not tight.

However, the smile on Cao Yang's face just unfolded. In front of him, a huge figure was like a wall, which not only blocked his escape road, but also blocked the firelight.


At this time, Cao Yang fled for his life. What was in front of him? He almost didn't want to swing his long gun and pierced the huge figure.


The huge figure hummed gently, and a huge hammer held in his right hand was raised and smashed at the long gun.

Cao Yang only felt that his palm shook, as if he had stabbed a shot on the iron stone with all his strength. His hands were numb, and one hand was shaken away from the barrel of the gun. Fortunately, the other hand was still holding the tail of the gun tightly.

The tip of the gun fell to the ground and wiped a spark.

"Liu Gang!"

Cao Yang lost his voice and exclaimed!

Mengqiu and Liusha are both in the forbidden autumn. The two cities are very close, but the two cities do not support each other like brothers, but often fight and kill like ancient enemies. For a long time, these two cities have become enemies and can't wait to defeat each other one day.

If the person who knows himself best is not himself or his friend, but his own enemy, then the two cities of Mengqiu and Liusha know almost well about each other. What generals the other party has, how many troops there are, and even how much food and fodder are, it is almost clear.

Liu Gang is also one of Mengqiu's fierce generals. Although he is only in the realm of heaven, his natural power is infinite, and he is good at using a pair of giants. Under the weight of the hammer and his own internal force, Liu Gang not only has few enemies, but also has few lives under his huge hammer. In fact, he is not only human beings, but sometimes even horses are smashed into mud by him.

Cao Yang didn't expect that he would meet Meng Qiu's two generals tonight. Although his martial arts skills have reached the sky, he can't get benefits in front of Liu Gang, who was born with divine power. If he is not careful, he may even be smashed by Liu Gang, so he will never want to rush out of the encirclement.

Even if you don't smash it, just rub it a little, it must be a result of hurting your muscles and bones.

However, even if it is really a huge mountain in front of him, Cao Yang is going to rush out tonight, not to mention just a man. The long gun swings the tip of the gun and shakes like stars in the sky. As soon as his feet kicks the horse's belly, he rushes towards Liu Gang.

It turned out that both during the day and at night, a certain number of detectives were released in the forbidden autumn to move around the sand city, just to prevent the rosefinch army from sending troops to attack themselves from other gates, coupled with the spy in the sand city. In fact, the team of the sparrow army sneaked out. Shacheng was discovered by the Forbidden Autumn Army,

And the reason why they have not launched an attack is only because the encirclement has not yet been completed. At this time, since the encirclement has been completed, the troops of Liusha City can't fly out even with their wings.

Liu Gang sneered. Under this arrangement, if the rosefinch army was allowed to escape, it would also seem that their generals were too useless.

However, Cao Yang wanted to work hard, but Liu Gang didn't want to work hard with Cao Yang. The two huge hammers gently collided, and there was a loud noise, wiping out a line of sparks. Then the two huge hammers separated up and down, one in front of Liu Gang and one in front of the war horse.

"Ding, Ding, Ding..."

The sound of continuous blows, as if raindrops fell on the banana leaves, crisp and sudden, but the tip of the long gun kept stabbing the two giant hammers. Although Cao Yang kept changing his moves, it was a pity that the two giant hammers were too huge. Although they were only blocking the body and blocking the horse's head, they were defensed so tight that there was no shot. It can cause prestige to Liu Gang.

Liu Gang laughed and patted his horse and kept forcing Cao Yang in. At the same time, he raised the huge hammer in his right hand and hit Cao Yang's head like the top of Mount Tai. The hammer was like a dark cloud, covering Cao Yang's head, bringing a strong wind, blowing Cao Yang's horse's mane gently flying up.

Cao Yang's face changed dramatically. He knew that even if he could catch the weight of Liu Gang's huge hammer, **'s war horse could not withstand the huge force. At this time, there was no other way but to dodge.

His feet hurriedly kicked the horse's abdomen, and his hands tightly tightened the reins. The horse stopped. A pair of front hoofs were suddenly lifted. Later, the hoofs were centered on, and the whole horse suddenly turned around. In a millimeters, Liu Gang's huge hammer rubbed Cao Yang's thighs and smashed down. Although the leg bones were unharmed, the hammer was connected to the robe and skin. , taking down a large piece, Cao Yang's thighs suddenly bloody, like water, only so painful that Cao Yang took a breath of cold air.

However, this was only Liu Gang's first blow. After the two horses staggered, Liu Gang threw the giant hammer back in his left hand. This time, it was not a human, but hit Cao Yang's horse stock.

On the battlefield, the war horse is not just as simple as the mount of the generals. At this time, the war horse replaces their feet. A good war horse can not only make the war generals like tiger wings, but also save his life in times of crisis. If the war general loses the war horse and relies on only one leg, he will definitely not be able to rush out on the field of war horses everywhere. This is surrounded.