Eastern Continent

Chapter 303, Forbidden Autumn Military Power

At dawn, the morning sun is about to rise.

Ten-mile camp! Flags are flying!

At a glance, one after another, they were tents built with white curtains.

This is the camp of the Forbidden Autumn Army. The tents of 60,000 to 70,000 people are connected. At a glance, it looks like a dense white earth bag, spread over a flat place about ten miles away from the west gate of the sand city.

In the center of the camp, a huge blue flag is flying in the wind, and a big Yang character on the flag is blown like ripples in the water.

This is the middle army account of Yang Xiaobing, the owner of Mengqiu City in the Forbidden Autumn Kingdom.

This is also the largest tent in the forbidden autumn barracks, and there are four lanterns in the four corners of the slightly dark tent, shining the tent as when the sun is shining at noon.

From the gate of the big tent, I first saw a middle-aged man sitting on the head. His face was white and his skin was as white as a newborn baby. He just sat casually, which generated a sense of pressure.

This person shows that not only his martial arts skills are not low, but also at least the third realm of the spiritual realm or even the fourth realm of the transformation of the spirit, and he himself must also be a great tycoon. Only when he has been in the top for a long time can he have this momentum of being high and regard ordinary people like ants.

In addition to this tall middle-aged man, there are two rows of seats in the tent. At this time, there are still seven people sitting. These seven people are civil and martial arts, and you don't need to guess that these people must be generals or senior staff in the Forbidden Autumn Army.

Sitting in the second position on the right is a thin middle-aged man. If Xiang Yuanfei or Long Fei and others are here, you can see that this person is Zhong Zhi, the second person of the original Suzaku Army, and his disciple Gong Yilang stands behind him.


With the sound, a messenger came in from outside the tent, knelt on one knee, bowed to the middle-aged man sitting on the head, and shouted, "General Liu died in the battle, and the rosefinch army has protruded and fled to the southwest! General Wang has led the army to pursue!"

The middle-aged man sitting on the top looked cold and said lightly, "How are our casualties?"

"More than 100 people were killed in our army!"

"The more Wang Yong lived, the more he went back, and three times the force still couldn't trap 2,000 people." The middle-aged man said lightly: "How about the enemy's casualties?"

"More than 200 people were left at the scene!"

"If you pass on your life, you don't have to chase it!" The middle-aged man was slightly pondered.


The messenger answered, turned around and disappeared at the door of the tent.

"City lord, why don't you chase them? These two thousand people are also members of the Rosefinch Army. Kill them all and take their heads to the sand city, which can severely hit their morale!" As soon as the messenger left, a black bearded general sitting at the top on the left shouted first.

"General Hu, don't worry!" The middle-aged man said lightly, "Brother Zhong should know why I didn't chase!"

"Ha ha... I dare not!" Zhong Zhi stood up, stroked his beard and said, "How can I expect the meaning of the city lord? However, in my opinion, this rosefinch army does not need to be chased."

"Oh!" General Hu turned to Zhong Zhi and said, "I hope to hear more about it!"

Zhong Zhi took a look at the middle-aged man and smiled and said, "In fact, more than two thousand people in the Rosefinch Army have become alone because they can't return to the city. There is no supplies, no backup, and no need for us to do it. As long as they are firmly stuck on their way back to the sand city, they will never escape from the palm of our hands. "

Speaking of this, Zhong Zhi took a look at the crowd and then said, "What's more, the most important thing now is to capture the Liusha City. After two days of strong attack, the Liusha City has reached the end of the strong and will not be supported for a long time. As far as I expected, if they don't use the second army If the soldiers say, they will transfer the water army to help defend the city. At that time, the city owner can order the water army to suddenly attack. The water army transferred to defend the city is not ready to defend. The sand city is also in the bag of the city owner. As long as the sand city is captured, are the 2,000 rosefinch army afraid that he will run to the sky?

"That's right!" After Zhong Zhi finished speaking, General Hu clapped his hands and praised, "Mr. Zhong is really powerful. If the sand city is defended by Mr. Zhong, we may not be able to attack it. It seems that it is really the Lord of Tianzhu that made Mr. Zhong join our army!"

Zhong Zhi's face turned red, and his resentful eyes quickly glanced at General Hu, but silently did not say anything.

It turned out that Zhong Zhi's attempt to be the commander of the Rosefinch Legion was not successful. He turned against Xiang Fang and rebelled against the Rosefinch Army. In order to revenge, he defected with Yang Xiaobing and attracted the Forbidden Autumn Army to besiege the sand city, which can be said to be a big stain in his life. With this stain, no matter who he goes to in the future, no one will really trust him and appoint him.

In this kind of troubled times, people value honesty most. Who will believe in a person who doesn't even have integrity?

If he only seeks the position of regimental commander of the Rosefinch Army and escapes from the release, it may not be a big deal, but if he attracts the forbidden autumn army to besiege the sand city, it is a complete enemy of the people of the sand city.

Who would believe such a person who can betray even his original comrades-in-arms and friends?

This is exactly where Zhong Zhi is most heed and can't raise his head in the Forbidden Autumn Army.

However, General Hu did not open the pot. When he mentioned it, he still looked at Zhong Zhi with a smile. The irony was so obvious that anyone could see it, but Zhong Zhi could only secretly hate himself and dared not refute it. In addition to the fact, because this general called Hu Zhijun is not only Meng Qiucheng The first general under the command of Yang Xiaobing, the second figure of Meng Qiucheng, has made contributions to Yang Xiaobing many times. Therefore, in terms of the status of the two in Yang Xiaobing's eyes, Hu Zhijun really threw Zhong Zhi away a few streets, and another reason why Zhong Zhi dares not dares to refute is that Hu Zhijun's martial arts have been the third level of Hualing. The realm becomes a spiritual realm, which is more than Zhong Zhi.

The so-called spirit is that a spiritual house has been opened up in the body for the storage of spiritual power, and the internal force in the spiritual house has become a real spiritual power. With spiritual power against the enemy, the power will double compared with the innate time, and even double compared with the realm of building a mansion. This is not comparable to Zhong Zhi's realm of building a mansion.

With these two reasons, Zhong Zhi could only stare at Hu Zhijun depressedly, but this loss could only swallow into his stomach and dared not mention it.

"Okay!" The middle-aged man, known as the city owner, should be Yang Xiaobing, the owner of Mengqiu City, waved his hand and said lightly, "Let's do what Mr. Zhong just said. Don't pay attention to this forbidden autumn army. First, concentrate on attacking the sand city."

"Yes!" The people under the account answered loudly.

"General Hu and Mr. Zhong stay, and the rest will be dispersed!" After the discussion, Yang Xiaobing drove everyone out of the tent, leaving Hu Zhijun and Zhong Zhi, and even Gong Yilang, who was almost inseparable from Zhong Zhi, went out.

"General Hu, how is the food situation?" Yang Xiaobing looked at Hu Zhijun with a solemn expression.

"Lord Lin, according to the detective, the food should arrive in these two days!" Hu Zhijun also looked solemn.

"Hmm! As long as you arrive within two days, it doesn't matter!" Yang Xiaobing nodded and said, "At that time, when I first received the news from Mr. Zhong, in order to get to the quicksand City before the Rosefinch army suppressed the rebellion, almost all the laver was left. The whole army only brought food for a few days. If the food could not arrive in two days, it may cause the panic of the whole army. You must follow this matter. Pay attention and don't be careless.

Listening to Yang Xiaobing, it turned out that Mengqiu's army really waved its troops to attack after knowing that there was civil strife. At that time, in order to march in a hurry, it rushed to the quicksand City before the rosefinch army suppressed the rebellion. Unexpectedly, the whole army only brought food for a few days and left some heavy and grain.

"The city owner can rest assured that his subordinates will pay close attention to this matter to ensure that there is no mistake!" Hu Zhijun patted his chest solemnly.

"Okay, go down. I have something else to say to Mr. Zhong!" Yang Xiaobing waved his hand.