Eastern Continent

Chapter 311, loss of food and desperate

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye, and the night gradually passed, revealing a trace of golden light from the east of the earth. The morning sun gradually rose, and all kinds of early beasts and birds were heard in the four fields, and the field was rejuvenated from the silent state of the night!

In the Forbidden Autumn camp, it was already a lively and exciting scene. Under the leadership of the generals of the leader, all the soldiers were waiting in formations one by one. At this time, the generals above the general also lined up beside Yang Xiaobing, waiting for Yang Xiaobing's order to depart.

A kind of excitement, solemnity, and a tragic atmosphere that has gone back permeated the whole camp. Therefore, everyone in the Jinqiu Army, from soldiers to generals, looked serious and solemn, as if there were a heavy burden on their bodies.

Success or failure in one move!

It's time for a decisive battle. Every soldier who walks out of the camp does not know whether he will come back again, but every soldier who walks out of the camp knows that this is indeed the final decisive battle!

"Let's go! Destroy the rosefinch!"

Yang Xiaobing waved his hand and shouted in vain. His voice was like an arrow, breaking through the clouds and spreading out.

"Exterminate the rosefinch!"

The generals and soldiers lined up next to Yang Xiaobing also drank loudly. Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison, and their voices almost broke through the sky.

After shouting, Yang Xiaobing first walked towards the mouth of the camp. He walked and his waist was straight. At this time, even Yang Xiao was excited and inexplicably, and his whole body seemed to have inextricable strength.

Among the nine major countries in the mainland, the forbidden autumn is the smallest. Not only is the population, but the area of the country is also small. It is bordered by the Bidon River in the north and faces Yundun, but the southwest is surrounded by the Jingshan Mountains belonging to the Zhenwu Mountains. The tall and long scenic mountains are like the open arms of giants, holding the forbidden autumn firmly in their arms, and in the east It is the sea, but in the whole eastern coastline, the only place that is most favorable for ships to dock is the quicksand city. In other places, because it is close to Jingshan, the coast is like a mountain. Even if there are ships dock, it is not conducive to people and horses.

The sand city on the south bank of the Biton River not only guards the mouth of the Bidon River, but also cuts off the connection between the autumn and the sea.

Since the Rosefinch Army occupied the quicksand city, it has been firmly nailed to the eastern border of the Forbidden Qiu Kingdom, like a cancer in the body, making the Forbidden Autumn Kingdom want to get rid of it quickly.

If forbidden autumn is a big house, the house belongs to forbidden autumn, but the exit of the house is firmly guarded by the rosefinch army, and the people in the house must pass the permission of the rosefinch army to go in and out.

Since ancient times, almost every big city near the sea has been developed by trade, and the sand city is no exception. Because the sand city is located at the mouth of the Biden River, the excellent geographical location leads to many merchants and merchants, and also leads to the highly developed commercial development of the sand city. The land of a city is almost equal to a ban. The business of a country in autumn.

Although this is the capital of the sand city against Mengqiu and even a city against the forbidden autumn country, it is also the reason for Mengqiu Yang's small soldiers and even the forbidden autumn country. Wealth and silk touch people's hearts, not to mention such a huge wealth. No matter who is the Lord of the Autumn Kingdom, they are worried about the sand city and must be recovered.

And as Yang Xiaobing, the owner of Mengqiu City, who is the closest to the sand city, naturally hopes that the sand city will be taken back to the country in his own hands. This alone can be worth other people's ten years of land expansion, whether it is to worship each other or just to be the owner of the sand city. , is countless times better than the current owner of Mengqiu City, so every time he attacks Liusha City, Yang Xiaobing is either a striker or a leader of the master. Speaking of hatred with the Sand City, the Kingdom of Autumn is not deep, but the hatred between Mengqiu and Liusha City is as deep as the sea.

Therefore, when he saw that it was possible to capture the sand city at this time, even if his chest was as deep as Yang Xiaobing, it was blood on his brain at this time, his cheeks were red, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

When you walk out of the gate of the camp, it is just like walking into the sand city to receive the cheers from the people of the sand city. It's really high-in high spirits. Who is the world?


However, when he walked out of the camp, Yang Xiaobing did not see the people in the sand city he dreamed of, nor his subordinates who were about to lead the battlefield, but a person he absolutely did not expect.

Of course, this man was also his subordinate, but this man's face was as black as the bottom of the pot, as if he had been roasted by fire for ten days and nights. His clothes were ragged, and his black and white skin was exposed everywhere. He was more beggars than a beggar. When Yang Xiaobing just walked out of the camp, he strode over.

When Yang Xiaobing saw the forbidden autumn general, his excited and blushing face immediately became gloomy. Before the staggering general worshiped, he said lightly, "General Li Shen, has the food arrived?"

"My subordinates are guilty!" When General Li Shen heard Yang Xiaobing's words, he knelt down softly and kowtowed and said, "Damn it, the grain was burned by the Zhuque army!"

"Burn it?!"

Other forbidden autumn generals who followed Yang Xiaobing out of the tent heard this sentence and repeated these words in disbelief.

If you were so excited just now that you were floating in the clouds, after hearing the news, everyone seemed to have been swept to the ground by the strong wind and fell to the ground fiercely. How high it had just risen, and now it has been smashed so much that many forbidden autumn generals can't be a little unbelievable.

They all know that there are nearly 5,000 people in the grain-delivered team. How many people will it take to burn the food escorted by 5,000 people? Is it the rosefinch army of more than 2,000 people? These forbidden generals can't believe it.

"What about Huangshan and Linhu?" Yang Xiaobing looked at the general Li and said lightly.

"All sacrificed and shot by the enemy!" Li Shen lowered his head deeply.

"Kill!" Hu Zhijun and other forbidden generals shouted, "Who shot and killed? How many people are there on the other side?"

"There are about 5,000 people from the Rosefinch Army!" This man is also a smart man. He knows that if the other party only has 2,000 people, and nearly 5,000 people are defeated and burned food by the other party, then he and others are too useless, but they can't say too much. Everyone knows that the main force of the Rosefinch Army is resisting the siege of the Forbidden Autumn Army in the city, where people can be divided, but, such as If the military grain of the autumn can really be burned, it is also possible to send 5,000 people.

In fact, this man is the fastest person to escape. He doesn't know how many troops have attacked the grain brigade of the Forbidden Autumn Army. He only estimates the number of enemies based on the situation of his army.

"Five thousand people?!" Yang Xiaobing's eyes flashed and he meditated without saying a word.

Hu Zhijun quickly turned his head and looked at the other generals around him. At this time, there was no panic or fear in their eyes. Instead, they looked surprised. The strength of the rosefinch was not enough. If another 5,000 people were sent to rob food, there would be fewer defenders in the city. Taking this opportunity, if they could capture the quicksand city, they would be lost. Food, then their gains outweigh their losses.

Sure enough, after pondling for a while, Yang Xiaobing suddenly looked up and shouted, "Order! Leave 4,000 reserve troops to guard the camp, and the rest will go with me and attack Liusha City with all their strength!"

Under the order, the whole army caused a sensation. In the blink of an eye, teams of soldiers came out of the forbidden autumn barracks and rushed to the sand city.


Xiang stood at the head of the city and looked at the forbidden autumn army under the city calmly. The weapons erected in the phalanx were like forests suddenly growing on the flat ground, which looked horrible.

When the Qinqiu army was still a few miles away from the sand city, the whole sand city has boiled up. After so many fights with the Qinqiu army, the experience has been rich and extremely familiar with each other's playing methods. There is no need to go to the city in person, and the autumn army can't shake the sand city.

However, the situation is different this time. At this time, the Rosefinch Army is worried about external and internal troubles. Its strength has been sharply reduced and its morale is sluggish, while the Autumn Army is full of momentum, with a large number of troops, and Zhong Zhitoucheng, who is familiar with the situation of the Sand City. Compared with the two, if the Rosefinch Army used to defend the attack of the Autumn Army in the past, it is more than enough, now After Zhong Zhi's rebellion, he was overstretched and lost.

This result is not only known by Xiang Fang, but also by Huang Wenhui and others. Even the generals and soldiers of the Rosefinch Army also know it, which is the last moment and the most tense moment. Therefore, at this time, in addition to some civilian personnel who can't hold weapons and the sailors, the navy are still defending the forbidden autumn navy. In addition, the personnel who can carry weapons in the Suzaku army have reached the wall.

At this time, all the rosefinch army in the city are carrying stones, rolling wood and other defensive equipment with a serious and silent face. They all know that it is the last moment. If they can defend the sand city this time, the rosefinch army will continue as always. If the sand city can't be defended, the rosefinch army will no longer exist. Therefore, although no one is mobilized, The whole city is still filled with a solemn and tragic atmosphere.

Despite this, no one looked frightened or panicked at the head of the city.

Whether it is the soldiers who are now at the head of the city, the civilian personnel who have not arrived at the city, or even those soldiers who originally belonged to be under the command of Zhong Zhi, they are all old people in the Rosefinch Army and have lived in Liusha City for more than ten years. Whether they have feelings for the Liusha City or a sense of belonging to the Rosefinch Army, they are very strong, so If they die together with the city, these people will not frown.


The sand city, the water in the northeast corner outside the city.

When the whole sand city focuses on the forbidden autumn army outside the city, it is the least noticeable place in the northeast corner of the plain water at the sea of the Biden River.

At this time, in the reeds of the water, a large group of people have gathered. These people are neatly shaped but not well equipped, and can even be said to be messy, but each of these people is energetic and resolute.

"Brothers, others look down on us and don't believe us. They not only don't let us fight against the enemy, but also disband us all!" A young general in gray armor standing in front of the line said in a low voice, "But we can't look down on ourselves. We must believe in ourselves. Moreover, the Rosefinch Army treats us well, and the leader of the regiment treats us well. This time, it is our opportunity to prove ourselves. If we don't succeed, we will become benevolent!"

"If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!" The soldiers in this miscellaneous army followed in a low voice.