Eastern Continent

Chapter 318, the final battle three

Under the sand city, under the crazy impact of the autumn, the gate of the sand city finally couldn't stand it. In the different looks of the soldiers on both sides, it fell down with a bang, and the sand city was exposed, like a girl who had been forcibly stripped of her clothes, standing helplessly and shocked, trembling in the cold wind.

In the excitement, the autumn army rushed to the city without hesitation, while the rosefinch army was red-eyed, strong at the gate, and could not move an inch. Within this small gate, it became a real meat grinder, but in the blink of an eye, I don't know how many soldiers fell under the gate.

After losing the command of Xiang Fang and Huang Wenhui at the head of the sand city, and the generals of all sizes were entangled by the forbidden autumn generals, the rosefinch army could only fight separately. With their loyalty to the rosefinch army and love for the sand city, everyone was fighting with the enemy who climbed up the top of the city.

This is a real desperate. The city defense equipment has almost been used up, and even the arrows have almost been shot. Many rosefinch troops can only rely on short weapons to fight with the enemy. Even after being seriously injured, they sacrificed themselves to roll down the ladder and smash the forbidden autumn army on the ladder with their bodies. .

Despite this, there are still more and more forbidden autumn troops rushing up to the head of the city, like an ant gushing out of the ant nest. The rosefinch army was forced to retreat further and farther, and gradually gave up the outermost line of the city wall. On the narrow head of the city, there were full of soldiers from both sides, and the head of the city was also caught in a melee like the gate.


When the four people went to attack Xiangfang, Zhong Zhi chose Huang Wenhui, but he did not take the initiative to attack Huang Wenhui, but just stood in front of Huang Wenhui and did not let him help Xiangfang or command the rosefinch army.

Huang Wenhui looked at Zhong Zhi coldly and said, "You betrayed the Rosefinch Army and dare to come back!"

"Why don't you dare? The Rosefinch Army did not release one person, nor did the Liusha City release one. Zhong Zhi said coldly, "He can be the leader, why can't I be the owner of the sand city!"

Huang Wenhui looked at Zhong Zhi with big eyes, and power turned out to make people qualitative!

"You are the lord of the city!" Huang Wenhui said coldly, "A man who betrayed his brother, do you think the Zhuque Army and Liusha City are still willing to let him lead himself?"

"In the face of absolute power, it doesn't matter whether you want to or not!" Zhong Zhi said lightly, "At that time, I will have the support of Lord Yang City and the support of the Forbidden Qiu Army. Who dares to oppose me? As long as Liusha City still wants me, it will be in the hands of the Rosefinch army."

"It's in your hands, not in the hands of the Rosefinch Army!" Huang Wenhui said coldly, "Do you think Yang Xiaobing will give you the position of the lord of Liusha City?"

"Don't worry about this. I have my own means to sit on the position of the city owner of Liusha City!" Zhong Zhi said confidently, "If you turn to me now, the position of the elder of Liusha City is yours!"

"I'm not used to being a lackey!" Huang Wenhui said coldly.

"You can just scold!" Zhong Zhi said lightly, "I know you are unconvinced, but you are not the same as Xiang's freed lackey. It's better to be a forbidden autumn lackey. Forbidden autumn's lackey can be worshipped, but Xiangfang's free is just to work for him!"

"Do you think the Forbidden Autumn Army will definitely win?" Huang Wenhui said coldly, "Do you think we have no backhand?"

"Don't forget that I was the second elder of the Rosefinch Army, and I have been in the Rosefinch Army for decades. I don't know what secrets Xiang Fang has!" Zhong Zhi mocked and said, "Look at the current situation. The gate has been knocked open, and the imperial army has also attacked the top of the city. Do you think the Zhuque Army can still defend more and what else can be done? Can the army with only 2,000 people led by Cao Yang outside the city turn defeat into victory?"

"That's not necessarily. I know that only these two thousand people also burned the grain and fodder escorted by the Autumn Army with more than 4,000 people in Hulu Valley." Huang Wenhui said lightly, "Without food, how long do you think the Forbidden Autumn Army can withstand!"

"Just survive today. Do you think the Rosefinch Army can withstand it? The sand city will be broken today!" Zhong Zhi said, "You don't surrender now. After they capture the quicksand city, even if I'm willing to keep you, maybe Lord Yang won't keep you!"

"Life and death, wealth is in heaven!" Huang Wenhui said lightly, "I am a member of the Rosefinch Army. Even if I die for the Rosefinch Army, it's better than to die than you, right?"

"You!" Zhong Zhi suddenly found that he, the elder who once ranked second in martial arts and status in the Rosefinch Army, was not Huang Wenhui's opponent. He was ashamed and angry and said coldly, "I don't know how to praise!"

Slowly raised the long gun and said coldly to Huang Wenhui, "You also use a gun, and I also use the inspection. Today, I will show you what kind of shooting is the real shooting!"

"People with bad intentions are not right!" Huang Wenhui said coldly, "Hu Zhijun also used a gun. Whether before or now, I think you have never dared to say this to Hu Zhijun!" This not only says that Zhong Zhi's mind is not right, but also bullies the weak and fears the hard, and bullies good and fears evil!

"You are looking for death!" Zhong Zhi almost gritted his teeth and said these three words word by word, and his thin and pale face turned red.

Although Yang Xiaobing allowed him to be the lord of the sand city, Zhong Zhi also knew himself. If he was alone, he would really be sent to the sand city as the city owner, and he would definitely not be able to sit in this position. The angry people of the sand city and the remnants of the rosefinch army will definitely not let him live a good life, but if he can Huang Wenhui's strategy is different. He turned out to be the elder of the Rosefinch Army, the general of the former army, the second real power figure, Huang Wenhui is the general of the Rosefinch Left Army, and the third real power figure in the Rosefinch Army. If Huang Wenhui joins, although it is still slightly insufficient, he can also control the sand city.

However, Huang Wenhui is like a stone in a pit, which is smelly and hard. Whether it is coercive or lure, it is motionless, which makes Zhong Zhi not angry and can't wait to poke Huang Wenhui into a hole with one shot.


At this time, the gate of the Forbidden Autumn Army camp was almost like a flesh-and-blood ground, but in less than two quarters of an hour, a hill-like corpses were piled up on both sides of the gate, and blood had stained the area less than ten feet into a red sea of blood.

Only during this period, there were only 50 people selected by the Zhuque Army, and there were only 50 people left, and these 50 people were injured. At this time, only Long Fei and Xiang Yuanfei, the two highest martial arts skills, were still intact, and others such as Jun Feng, Gu Shichuan, Jia Qing, Zuo Lichang, Ma Jue and others. They all have more or less injuries.

Time flies very slowly, and the Rosefinch Army feels that these two moment seems to be as long as two years.

Under the attack of the Jinqiu army, the Rosefinch Army lost more than 20 people, leaving only about 30 people left, but it still firmly guarded the gate of the camp and never took a step back. At this time, only Long Fei could keep unharmed, but his hands trembled. In order to facilitate killing the enemy, The big knife taken from the hand of the rosefinch army was also cut so that the edge of the knife was rolled up.

When the thunderous hoof sounded, the people of the Rosefinch Army breathed a long sigh of relief.

This is a full cavalry, rushing out of a dense forest on the left side of the Forbidden Autumn Army battalion and rushing towards the battalion at full speed. Before the team, except for a middle-aged man, four female generals led the army. The four female generals did not wear armor, but only wore easy-to-do clothes. The tight clothes were close to the graceful body, outlined a beautiful curve, from left to right, blue, blue, yellow and red, like four colorful clouds from a distance. The camp of the Autumn War came.

At this time, not only Long Fei and others became exhausted, killed all over their bodies, and their hands trembled. Even the Forbidden Qiujun, who was many times more than them, was also scared to death at this time, but more than 100 people were steadily guarding the door, allowing the imperial army to keep attacking, but they did not retreat, as if more than 100 People are more than 100 huge rocks. No matter how big the wind and waves are, they are still motionless. Although only 30 people are killed, they still do not retreat.

The cavalry arrived in a blink of an eye, rushing to the gate of the forbidden autumn camp like a whirlwind. The horse's hoofs stepped on their feet, like a sharp blade across cheese, and rushed through the forbidden autumn army and cut the forbidden autumn army in half.

These rosefinch troops did not concentrate on killing the enemy. They came to set fire. After entering the camp, they set fire one after another. In the forbidden autumn camp, all the things that could be ignited, tents, flags, carriages, etc. were ignited one by one.

After all this, they began to kill the enemy seriously.

The forbidden autumn camp boiled, and most of the tents rushed out. These people were injured. It was the forbidden autumn soldiers who were injured in the grain robbery and the siege of the city. At this time, they were forced out of the tent by the fire.

However, in addition to the blazing fire, there are also the butcher's knives of the rosefinch army. Most of these wounded soldiers who have lost their fighting power and even walk around. As soon as they drilled out of the tent, they were cut off their heads or shot by the rosefinch army running outside. There are some luck. A little better, or some powerful guys were also scared by their courage after narrowly escaping the disaster, especially the forbidden autumn soldiers who were injured in the battle of food robbery. At this time, when they saw that they actually came to the door and rampaged in the camp, like the prestige of entering no man's land, it was even more frightening. He didn't dare to turn around and escape from the enemy.

The rosefinch army was only two sprints, and the forbidden autumn camp was completely chaotic and could no longer organize large-scale resistance. Except for some sporadic people who were still fighting with trapped beasts, the rest of the forbidden autumn army had given up resistance and just fled to the camp.

However, these fleeing forbidden autumn soldiers soon found that no matter which direction they fled, they were guarded by the rosefinch army. Only when both sides were desperate to seize the door in their hands just now, they had been abandoned by the rosefinch army.

At this time, the forbidden Qiu soldiers who fled for their lives will still wonder why the rosefinch army gave up the gate. Why didn't they simply catch it in a urn and rushed desperately in the direction of the gate. In the blink of an eye, all the forbidden autumn soldiers who could still move rushed to the gate one after another.

And in the direction of the gate, the Rosefinch Army really gave up completely, without a soldier of the Rosefinch Army guarding.

Looking at the empty gate, the imperial army, who was already in panic and chaos, couldn't help but be overjoyed. They stepped up one after another and quickly left some wounded soldiers behind and rushed out of the gate.

After rushing out of the gate and looking at the unstoppable rosefinch army in front of them, these forbidden autumn soldiers really believed that they had really escaped from the sky.

However, the Rosefinch Army, which was not blocked in front of him, does not mean that there was no pursuit of the army. After the Forbidden Autumn Army escaped from the camp, the hoofs trampled, and the Rosefinch Army also followed and chased out. There were wounded soldiers who fled slowly. They were immediately ruthlessly killed by the Rosefinch Army and trampled into meat pulp.

At this time, the imperial army, who fled slowly, was frightened. At this time, it still cares about brotherhood, the righteousness of robes, and survival is the most important. Those soldiers who were not injured or lightly injured ran forward desperately, and those wounded soldiers who were helped to escape, or the wounded soldiers who turned around, were It was left behind.

The Rosefinch Army was not polite. For these soldiers, they were all killed with a knife, and then the horses behind them ran past and trampled these people into meat pulp.

The soldiers of the Ganqiu Army who were fleeing also found that if they did not keep running forward, but fled to both sides, the cavalry of the Rosefinch Army would immediately run over, shoot or cut with arrows or knives. In short, for these soldiers who dared to leave the large army, they would shoot or kill them mercilessly, and followed the army to move forward. The running soldiers will not stab the rosefinch army as long as they walk slowly like those wounded soldiers.

It's not that the forbidden autumn army didn't think about resisting, but when their speed suddenly slowed down, the rosefinch army had a burst of impact, shooting arrows and knives*. How could the forbidden autumn army walking on foot be the enemy of the rosefinch army riding a war horse? Naturally, they rushed but collapsed and began to flee for their lives.

For those who stopped to resist the Qiu army, whether it was a single person or a team, the Suzaku army did not hesitate to fight until it was clean.

In this way, these rosefinch army only cares about running for their lives. Even if they are exhausted, they dare not even have the idea of slowing down. Because when they slow down, others surpass themselves, and being overtaken by others means death. At this time, I'm afraid that the imperial army is hating their parents why they didn't make themselves four legs at that time and can run better than others. Hurry up.

In this way, these forbidden autumn troops are like a group of livestock, and the rosefinch army is like shepherds, driving these forbidden autumn soldiers behind and running along the road. However, unlike real grazing, when the livestock left the team, the shepherds only drove them back to the team, while when the Autumn Army left the team, the rosefinch army shot them with an arrow and never hesitated.

At this time, the forbidden autumn army running in front of him found that the road they fled and knelt down was actually the road to the quicksand city. If they ran down this road, they would reach the bottom of the quicksand city, while under the quicksand city, there was a brigade of the forbidden autumn army attacking the city.

After arriving at the large team of the Forbidden Autumn Army, what are these rosefinch troops afraid of? At that time, whether they return to kill the enemy or participate in the siege of the city, they can make up for their achievements.

The forbidden Qiu army who figured this out were excited. This time, without waiting for the rosefinch army to force them, they withdrew their feet and ran at twice as fast as before. Even those who were tired and dying were already thinking in their minds that they were willing to return and die fighting desperately with the enemy, which was better than being driven away like animals. At this time, the soldier was not tired, and did not want to return to work hard. Instead, he was like being beaten with chicken blood. His whole body trembled with excitement. A force that did not know what came from there instantly covered his whole body, as if his whole body was cramps. He withdrew his feet and ran under his feet, even some strong soldiers He overt overt it.

After running for a while, after hundreds of them were killed by the Rosefinch Army at a slower speed because they were too tired, and the sand city was already in sight. The shouts and drums that seemed to be able to break the sky in the lower city of the current sand city came to their ears.