Eastern Continent

Chapter 325, the final battle 10

Ordinary people can't see the situation under the city, but this does not mean that there are more than six spiritual warriors at the head of the city who are fighting. Naturally, after taking the group out of the west gate of the sand city, they circled around and turning their heads to run to the buffalo under the sand city. Naturally, they also saw the buffalo herd rushing under the wall. After running along the wall, he knocked the Jinqiu army under the right wall upside down, or was knocked and thrown up, or was stabbed into by the buffalo's horns and lifted up, or was knocked down and then trampled by the buffalo. The place where the buffalo passed can still be safe and sound.

Zhong Zhi first changed his face and became iron and green. His thin figure trembled, and victory was in front of him. Seeing that the throne of the owner of the sand city was readily available, he was abruptly beaten to the ground by others from the clouds. That huge drop made Zhong Zhi's mind trance for a moment and almost been He was able to defend, but Huang Wenhui was still beaten with scars all over his body and successfully counterattacked.

If Huang Wenhui had not been familiar with Zhong Zhi's martial arts and took a defensive posture from beginning to end, he might have been defeated or killed by Zhong Zhi. Although he has fought so far, the large and small injuries on Huang Wenhui's body are also shocking.

After Zhong Zhi, Yang Xiaobing, Hu Zhijun and others also changed their faces sharply. After seeing that the forbidden autumn army on the right side of the city gate was defeated by the buffalo, they all knew that the attack on the sand city had actually failed.

However, this failure came so suddenly and unexpectedly that they all had a feeling of falling from the clouds.


Yang Xiaobing was also a straightforward person and immediately gave the order to retreat, but who knew how reluctant and helpless this order came out of Yang Xiaobing's mouth, and his heart was dripping with blood.

However, they can't retreat, or even slowly. They are not an orderly retreat, but a large-scale defeat.

"Lord Yang Cheng regards my sand as no man's land. Come and leave if you want!" Xiang Fang said coldly. Yang Xiaobing could see the situation. How could Xiang Fang not see it? It was forced by the situation just now. In order to delay the other party's four people with the highest martial arts skills, Xiang Fang had to deal with them. Xiang Fang was full of depression, but now he doesn't have to deal with them. Why didn't let out the breath just now? Come on.

"To the regimental commander, he thought he could keep us!" Yang Xiaobing said coldly, "Although we can't help it, we can't keep us, can we?"

"Whhh if I can keep you? I won't know until I really hit you!" Xiang said lightly, "Since you want flowing sand so much, then stay in the flowing sand!" As soon as the words fell, Xiang Fang jumped up and rushed to Liu Daiying, who had just wanted to jump down the city after hearing Yang Xiaobing's order.

What is Zuxi's right general of the Yulin army, what is Changsan deacon outside the wooden family? This is just a war between me and Yang Xiaobing. Why do you intervene? Do you think the Zhuque Army is so easy to bully? Do you think I will be afraid of you? There are still many forces in several countries in the middle! Even if I leave you in the quicksand, who will come to me?

If Xiang Fang hates Liu Daiying, the right general of Zuo Xiyu and Linjun, and Guo Jingming, the three deacons outside the wooden family. Others participated in the attack of Liusha City because of their hatred with Xiangfang, but these two are purely bullying, so his goal is clear, that is, Liu Dai. Ying.

Liu Daiying also knew that this war ended in the failure of the imperial army, so as soon as Yang Xiaobing's withdrawal came out, he immediately jumped down to Liusha City, as if he had been waiting for Yang Xiaobing's order for a long time.

However, although his movements were fast, he was still a little slow in front of Xiang Fang, who was several levels higher than him in martial arts. As soon as he jumped up, Xiang Fang had come to his side and patted his right side silently.

Liu Daiying just competed with Xiang Fang. Xiang Fang was still proficient in four, and the information was complete without any failure. Naturally, he knew the horror of Jieyuan warriors and how he dared to take this move. Therefore, his body twisted and the long knife swept towards Xiang Fang's waist.

Xiang Fang sneered. Under the siege of Yang Xiaobing and other four people, it may be difficult to defeat or kill one of them, but now that Yang Xiaobing has been ordered to retreat, the four people have retreated separately. How can Xiang Fang pay attention to Liu Daiying's attack?

He did not dodge. A short ruler suddenly appeared in his right hand to block Liu Daiying's long knife, and his left palm remained unchanged, and he swept to Liu Daiying's right rib.

It seems that this short ruler is the main weapon of Xiang Fang. Just now, under the siege of four people, Xiang Fang used a long knife picked up from the battlefield, but it blocked the four people's dense attack. From this point of view, Xiang Fang has obviously not done his best.

Now in order to kill Liu Daiying, Xiang Fang no longer hides his secrets and even uses his stunts at the bottom of the box.

Only seeing the sudden appearance of Xiang Fang's short ruler, Liu Daiying was shocked all over his hair in an instant. Just now, because of Yang Xiaobing and others, he was able to defend and attack with Xiang Fang to achieve the purpose of trap Xiang Fang. But now, how can only he stop Xiang Fang?

After all, Liu Daiying was also an officer who rose from the army by fighting for life and death. Although he was shocked and sweated coldly and his whole body was almost **, he still pressed his whole strength on the long knife of his right hand and pressed it towards him.


Liu Daiying felt that his long knife was indeed a big stone, and the power of the rebound shocked his palm. At the same time, Liu Daiying only felt that his right rib seemed to have been hit by the buffalo under the city, and pushed him like a stone to fall towards the city.

Liu Daiying, who didn't look down the wall, swept back with a short ruler, just sweeping at a weapon that hit him, which was Yang Xiaobing's long black ruler. Under the collision of two feet, Yang Xiaobing stood firmly in place, but fell away to the right.

At first glance, it seems that Xiang Fang was hit by Yang Xiaobing's long ruler, but several spiritual warriors at the head of the city did not think so, especially Guo Jingming, who would not have such an idea, because Xiang Fang fell in the direction of Guo Jingming.

Guo Jingming was shocked. With Liu Daiying's lesson, how dare he let Xiang come close to him? Without waiting for Xiang to come over, he hurriedly jumped down the city.

"A coward!" Xiang Fang smiled and turned around and rushed to Hu Zhijun.

The four spiritual warriors besieged Xiangfang, but in an instant, they were injured by Xiangfang and forced back one person. The power was unparalled for a while, but Hu Zhijun, who suffered the threat from the release, was not afraid at all. After moving two steps in the direction of Yang Xiaobing, the long gun shook and sprinkled some gun flowers towards the direction.

Some forbidden autumn soldiers who did not want to jump down the city and had no ladder to go down chose to fight desperately, but under the powerful force of the Rosefinch Army, they only symbolically blocked a few moves and were cut into pieces by the knives of the Rosefinch Army.

Most of the forbidden autumn army chose to surrender, lost their weapons and handed over their lives to the Rosefinch army.