Eastern Continent

Chapter 332, Encountering the Second Enemy Outside the City

Long Fei's short knife drew a milky white straight line visible to the eyes, which was a phenomenon of spiritual power stirring on the short knife. For example, a breast swallow threw himself into the forest and rushed down to Hu Zhijun's layers of guns, and disappeared in an instant.

There was no sound, and the two people who fought separated in an instant.

Hu Zhijun staggered back in the direction he had just appeared. The only barrel of the long gun he held in his hands. The head of the gun had been cut off by Long Fei, and he didn't know where it flew to. A bloody wound on his body began from his left shoulder and extended diagonally to the right abdomen. The blood flash Hu Zhijun's long shirt was dyed red.

Long Fei jumped back, as if he had calculated the distance. He just fell on the horse's back, shook his body slightly and sat down, followed by the people who did not stop running to the top of the mountain.

With one move, Hu Zhijun could hardly believe what had happened just now. Looking at the wound on his chest and abdomen.

"How's it going?" The copper head looked at Long Feidao.

"It's okay!" Long Fei wiped away a trace of blood from the corners of his mouth and said with a wry smile, "It's worthy of being a warrior in the third realm of the spiritual level. It's really awesome!"

"Long Fei, there is a cliff above!" Xiang Yuanfei approached Long Fei's side.

"Notify the city!" Long Fei kept on his face, with no panic on his face: "Let's defend at the cliff!"

When Long Fei decided to escape to the top of the mountain, he had already predicted it. Whether he knew it or not, the other side of the mountain was nothing more than two situations, either a way down the mountain or a cliff. But no matter what happens, it's better than rushing down the mountain just now.

When Yang Xiaobing and others appeared, they were already surrounded on all sides. For the road most likely to be used by Long Fei and others as the direction of breaking through, it must be heavily guarded, and even set traps, just waiting for Long Fei and others to enter. In fact, if it was only Long Fei himself or plus Xiang Yuanfei, Junfeng, Tongtou and Gu Shi Rumor has it that it is possible to break out from the way, but with Tielan and the Zuo sisters, they will break out in that direction and become a trap.

Because as long as one of them falls into the hands of Yang Xiaobing's side, others will never escape alone, and Tielan and Zuo sisters, even Gu Shichuan and Jia Ling and others, are the most likely to implicate them inability to escape.

Therefore, it is better to rush to the top of the mountain. If there is a road on the other side of the mountain, of course, it is best to go down the mountain from another road. If there is no road, it is better to rely on the cliff to defend. At the same time, it is better to inform people in the city to rescue than to flee to the bottom of the mountain, but the result is taken advantage of by the enemy because of the dispersion.

This is not far from the quicksand city. As long as the signal can be sent, reinforcements will come soon.

It turned out that Long Fei's judgment was correct. In addition to Yang Xiaobing, a martial artist in the fourth realm of transforming the mountain, there was also Guo Jingming, a martial artist in the second realm of transforming spirits.

With these two people, as long as they pester everyone for a moment, Zhong Zhishi and apprentice in the other directions, as well as Hu Zhijun, Liu Daiying and Mu Huangyuan can arrive. At that time, only Long Fei is the only one who is most likely to escape, and the others will never be spared.

Xiang Yuanfei waved and shot a rocket used for summoning into the air. The thin rocket unexpectedly exploded with a sharp sound. After rising to the air, it formed a black face, which lasted for a long time, as if the sky suddenly became dark. Not only the sand city can be seen, but also even farther away. The distance can also be seen clearly.

After defeating Liusha City, Yang Xiaobing only withdrew his large army to Mengqiu. He and several spiritual warriors such as Hu Zhijun, Zhong Zhi and Guo Jingming, as well as several innate warriors, did not retreat with the team, but have been wandering outside the flowing sand city.

This defeat was inexplicably defeated, so that Yang Xiaobing did not understand where he was defeated until now. It was just that the 2,000 people who had wanted to sneak up on the forbidden autumn camp. If someone hadn't rescued it, the rosefinch army that was almost been besieged and annihilated by him could reverse the result of such a large war and abruptly defeat the rosefinch army. The edge was pulled back and even turned defeat into victory. This time, the Qiu army suffered great losses, almost the sum of the previous several times.

This made Yang Xiaobing extremely unwilling!

Speaking of which, not only Yang Xiaobing did not believe it, but also Guo Jingming and Liu Daiying, who had personally tested the power of Long Fei, were also skeptical at this time.

Later, from the spies ambushed in the sand city, they gradually knew the root cause of the defeat of the war. It turned out that they were really defeated by the rosefinch cavalry of only 2,000 people, and the leader of this cavalry was not Cao Yang or Xiang Yuanfei, but a teenager named Long Fei.

And this teenager named Long Fei turned out to be a martial artist recruited by Xiang Yuanfei. Now he is awarded the title of martial arts minister and military division of the Rosefinch Army. The Rosefinch Army is one of the top ten legions in the mainland, ranking still in the top few. Long Fei was awarded the title of martial arts and military division of the Rosefinch Army at a young age. It can be seen that he does have two brushes to let Xiang Fangdu It feels amazing.

However, Yang Xiaobing, who was defeated by the hand of a teenager, was also surprised and unacceptable. There was such a person to assist Xiang Yuanfei, and the sand city will be even more solid in the future.

For the forbidden autumn, the sand city is like a piece of braised pork. It smells fragrant. It looks colorful, and the real color, fragrance is complete, but it can be seen and smelled, but it can't be eaten.

If Longfei or Xiang Yuanfei can be eliminated, the rosefinch army will be equivalent to losing the future. Even if the rosefinch army in the quicksand city is now occupied for a longer time, after the older generation returns to heaven, the rosefinch army will continue to work hard, and the quicksand city will eventually return to the forbidden autumn.

Only by eliminating Long Fei and Xiang Yuanfei, their war is not a failure, or even a victory!

Therefore, Yang Xiaobing has been wandering outside the Liusha City since he received his troops, just to wait for Xiang Yuanfei, Long Fei and others to leave the city. Unexpectedly, he really received a message from the city from the spies today. Xiang Yuanfei and others are going out of the city today.

This is definitely that even God is helping himself. It's time to make this credit, and the sand city should be returned to the country in its own hands! Yang Xiaobing, who heard the news, thought so at that time.

Yang Xiaobing and others who followed Longfei and others were not much slower than others. When Long Fei and others just reached the middle of the mountain, they also reached the foot of the mountain and quickly went up the mountain. The dense tea trees and fruit trees on the mountain provided them with cover. Long Fei and others stood on the mountain and looked around and looked at the scenery of the four fields. When the copper head shouted, they had completed the arrangement and surrounded Long Fei and others from all sides.

Yang Xiaobing's goal was only for Long Fei and Xiang Yuanfei. After removing these two people, the rosefinch army became a bird that lost its wings and left the fish of the water. Even if Xiang was still there, Yang Xiaobing was not afraid at all. After all, Xiang Fang was not young. Even if he did nothing, he just waited for Yang Xiaobing to feel that he would be able to live. It's a little longer than Xiang Fang. In the end, the sand city still has to be taken back in its own hands.

It's just that Long Fei and Xiang Yuanfei don't know that Yang Xiaobing's goal is themselves, but even if they know, they won't abandon others to escape, because they don't know whether Yang Xiaobing and others will vent their anger on others.

Therefore, they would rather form a group with everyone and fight against the enemy than escape alone.

Yang Xiaobing did not expect that everyone would flee towards the road, but rushed to the top of the mountain. You know, there is no road to the top of the mountain, but it is impossible to go down to the bottom of the cliff without the cliff.

Although this mountain is not high, how can the so-called mountain be dozens of feet high? The cliff at the top of the mountain is equal to the height of the mountain. Even Yang Xiaobing is not sure to jump down without getting hurt, and others are even worse.

However, after seeing that Hu Zhijun was injured by Long Fei in one move, Yang Xiaobing was also secretly awe-inspiring. Even if he could not hurt Hu Zhijun in one move, it seemed that Long Fei's martial arts were comparable to himself.

In fact, he didn't know that Long Fei was actually injured, but Long Fei covered it up well and was not found by them.

Everyone quickly rushed to the top of the mountain and saw that the top of the mountain was a cliff. There was only half of the mountain, and the other half seemed to have been split and removed by people. There was only a high cliff left, as if a steamed bun had been taken away from the middle.

If this height cliff is only Longfei himself or plus Xiang Yuanfei, it may be possible to grab the stones protruding from the cliff, but it will definitely not work after adding others.

The distance of dozens of feet high is still a little high for a group of innate warriors who have just begun to learn light martial arts. They don't have the light martial arts that can hover in mid-air like Long Fei.

The crowd quickly disared, drove the war horse away, and leaned against the cliff to form a battle.

Because of the cliff to the north, no matter how many people Yang Xiaobing has, he can only attack from the front, while the people on Longfei side do not have to resist the enemy on all sides to disperse his strength.

The crowd had just finished the array, and Yang Xiaobing arrived with people.

Although he knew that the other side of the mountain was a cliff, it was definitely impossible to jump down from the top of the mountain with light skills, but saw that Long Fei and others did not escape to the bottom of the mountain, but rushed to the top of the mountain. He was also worried that Long Fei and others had some backhands on the top of the mountain. Maybe there were tools such as rope ladders to go down the mountain, and saw After Yuan Fei sent the signal, he did not dare to be careless. If he always put it in, he would not surround Long Fei and others, but surrounded by the people of the Rosefinch Army.

No matter how you think about it, it's better to be in front of the quick sand gate, so Yang Xiaobing and others also followed Long Fei and others.

"Ma Jue, I'll see you go there this time!" Looking at the crowd as a group, Liu Daiying, who was standing opposite, first shouted.

As the saying goes, if he has the intention to plant flowers and will not bloom, and if he has no intention to plant willows, Liu Daiying believes that his mission this time has ended in failure. Under the protection of Xiang Fang, Ma Jue, who is huddled in the sand city, can no longer be killed, and he and he wandered outside the sand city with Yang Xiaobing just to wait for the people who amve the rosefinch army to come out. In one breath, but unexpectedly, Ma Jue came. God was really helping himself.

"Liu Daiying! When I return to Zuo Xi, I will destroy your nine clans!" Ma Jue looked at Liu Daiying's gloomy face and said gloomyly. As the saying goes, the enemy is right-sighted and very jealous. Although Ma Jue's voice is not high, there is a kind of deep hatred between them.

"Back to Zuo Xi! Haha..." Liu Daiying laughed wildly: "Do you still have a chance to return to Zuo Xi!"

"Let's start!" Yang Xiaobing pulled out his long weapon and said to Hu Zhijun and others: "Two quarters of an hour!"