Eastern Continent

Chapter 341, Another Year

The campus, the campus of Feilongzhuang!

There is a group of people standing in the middle, listening carefully to Long Fei standing in front of him explaining.

This has almost become a practice. Every time Longfei returned to Feilongzhuang, he took the position of his father and became the great leader of Feilongzhuang.

In fact, Long Huaijian does not often teach art now, and now he often teaches the young people of Feilongzhuang martial arts to Longding.

However, today's teenagers' interest is obviously not in the secret of martial arts explained by Long Fei, but whispering to Long Fei, but looking at Long Fei mysteriously, but they dare not look openly, but pretend to talk to others, but the remnants of the corners of their eyes always glance at Long Fei.

"You can ask whatever you want. I will answer today!" After Long Fei talked for a while, he looked at the buzzing crowd and had no choice but to give up: "Anyway, I have to stay at home for a while, and there is plenty of time to teach you a lesson!"

"Long Fei, where did you go down the mountain this time? Who did you meet?"

"Long Fei, what level has your martial arts reached now?"

"Long Fei, when will you get married with Tielan?"

"Bronze head, have you reached that level of martial arts?"

Sure enough, gossip is really more important than martial arts. As soon as Long Fei stopped, everyone gathered around and asked questions one after another. They didn't know whose question Long Fei would answer first.

"Come on!" In desperation, Long Fei suddenly flashed, quickly passed by the smiling bronze head, pulled him over, and said to the public, "He knows best. He will tell you."

To be honest, the stories of these heroes are indeed more fascinating than boring martial arts explanations, not to mention that these heroes are still people around them, which attracts them and adores them even more.

Listening to the admiration from the crowd from time to time, Long Fei also found some different looks in the eyes of these teenagers.

Since this day, Longfei and the three have lived in Feilongzhuang for four months.

In the past four months, in addition to pointing out the martial arts of teenagers such as Longding, Longfei spent more time with Tie Lao.

After the war in the sand city, Long Fei finally knew his shortcomings. Whether it was marching or recruiting and training, he was just an outsider, and even the army's logistics was almost unknown, but except for the decisive decision, the rest was almost useless.

Shame when you know the lack, and then be brave when you know shame!

Although Long Fei has always been a game mentality, he has never thought that he is proud of a certain achievement. On the contrary, whether it is martial arts or knowledge, he often humbly seeks advice and verification.

Now that he knows his shortcomings, Long Fei is making up for them, and learning from Tie Lao is the best way.

Therefore, for the past four months, Long Fei has been listening to things outside the window and only turned to his hometown.

From the army training, marching, logistics, astronomical geography, worldly wisdom, human nature good and evil, but everything that Long Fei can remember, but everything that Tie Lao knows, is taught to Long Fei all at once.

One asked tirelessly, and the other taught tirelessly, as if to make up for the time missed in previous years. The knowledge Long Fei learned in the past two months is almost equal to the sum of the knowledge he learned in previous years, as if he had condensed the time of the previous few years into these months.

One learns diligently, the other teaches diligently, scholars are thirsty, and teaches them to do their duty.

Although the intensity of learning and teaching is high, whether it is Long Fei who learns or Tie Lao who teaches, they are not tired at all, but become more and more energetic.

Gradually, Long Fei's spirit became more and more solemn, and his consciousness became clearer and clearer.

Although knowledge cannot promote martial arts, it can make a person mature, let a person truly know himself, let a person really calm down, and let a person's mentality gradually return to plain and calm.

See the true knowledge in plainness, perceive the changes of heaven and earth in calmness, and experience the impermanence of the world in calmness!

With the increase of knowledge, Long Fei felt that his feelings were also keen, as if Long Fei's mind was a ball surrounded by a film. His original knowledge was only a small point in the middle of the ball. Whether it was far from the other side of the ball, there was any movement outside the film. Of course, the point in the middle of the ball is unsensible, but now, with the increase of knowledge, this point gradually becomes bigger, as if a ball gradually grows in Long Fei's mind and gradually touches the film. Therefore, there is any movement in the outside world, through the vibration of the film in Longfei's mind. The ball is also felt.

If people's spirit becomes more and more solemn and clear, it will definitely be of great help to practice martial arts.

For example, if a person's spiritual cultivation can't keep up with the promotion of martial arts, his will is not firm, his spirit is not dignified, and his personality is not stable, his spirit will be fragile or easy to fluctuate. When practicing martial arts, he is either easy to go crazy, or because of the fluctuation of his spirit, he leads to the martial arts to stand still.

If a person's will is firm, spiritually condensed, can withstand loneliness, can endure pain and suffering, can resist the ridicule of the world when he is at a low point, and can withstand the flattery and blows of others when he is in **, then this person's martial arts will only get higher and higher and have his own style.

The four months of learning with Tie Lao made Long Fei feel that he had a new look, as if he had changed a person, and at the same time, he was deeply ashamed of his previous knowledge like a frog in the well.

It turns out that the reason why I have been able to win and succeed all the time is that I am lucky enough that I haven't met a real master.

As Tie Lao said, among the nine countries and other forces in the mainland, there are countless people with outstanding military talents, and there are also several people who can be named like Tie Lao, such as Yu Shaoge, who now succeeds Tie Lao as the commander of the army, Liu Hongjun, the commander of the Montenegrin army, Lei Dongming, the commander of the Yundun army, and Shen Zhijun, the food prime minister, and others are all military geniuses who are as famous as Tie Lao, and even some celebrities who have not worked in a certain country or a certain force. Their reputation and talent are not inferior to the few people mentioned above. Although all forces are trying their best to recruit, they are all idle clouds and wild cranes, such as dragons have never been able to find anyone. !

As for the masters of martial arts, there are countless. The seven masters in the world on the list are all expected. Other masters Long Fei has not seen him yet, but the five elders on the ladder of heaven and earth are not capable of heaven and earth. Not to mention himself, Long Fei believes that even the eldest brother Guan Quan It is definitely not the enemy of any one of the five elders.

In the past few months, Long Fei's impetuous mood has gradually stabilized after several months of foreign practice, and his spirit has gradually condensed. The newly promoted realm of Zhufu has gradually stabilized, and even gradually promoted to the middle stage of Zhufu realm.

The spiritual level is divided into four realms, transforming essence, building a house, becoming a spirit, casting the body, transforming the essence into the essence of heaven and earth, and converting it into spiritual power. Therefore, the first realm of transforming the spirit is only in the transformation from the innate level to the spiritual level of the spiritual level. Only by entering the realm of building the mansion and opening up another Dantian-like storage in the body. After the spiritual mansion of spiritual power, it is considered to have truly entered the spiritual level.

With the stability of the realm, Longfei has really entered the spiritual level. After entering the spiritual level, Longfei's whole body grows like a young beast. In addition to increasing strength, it also increases pressure. Of course, this is only what people who compete with Longfei can feel, and the usual Longfei is just like an ordinary martial artist. It's just that the body is strong and the eyes are sharp.

In the past four months, under the guidance of Long Fei, the teenagers of Feilongzhuang have also made great progress in martial arts, and even several martial artists at the peak of the acquired realm have appeared, which is only one step away from the innate level.

As for Longding, under the dedicated guidance of Longfei, martial arts have advanced by leaps and bounds. From the early days of chaotic sky to the peak of chaotic sky, it is only separated by a layer of film from the sky, and it is almost to catch up with the copper head and has caught up with Tielan.

Although Tielan has also made great progress during this period, due to its weak foundation and poor foundation, it is only the peak of the chaotic realm at this time.

In the days of learning from Tie Lao and guiding others' martial arts, time has passed quickly. Four months have passed in a blink of an eye, and the New Year is coming!

Four months later, Long Fei and the three of them went up the mountain to bid farewell to the villagers of Feilongzhuang.

Everything on Wangtian Peak is the same as before, and nothing has changed. Maybe there is still a period of time before the New Year. At this time, only three of the eight disciples who returned to the mountain are Long Fei.

In the few days when he just came back, Long Fei was tested for martial arts by Xi Lao and the other four elders. They all laughed contentedly. What can they ask for? Worried about Long Fei's pride, several people also gently beat him a few times.

As for Copper Head and Tielan, they are a little dissatisfied.

As a result, the two were specially taken care of by Ding Baoli. Twelve hours a day, almost ten hours were practicing. Finally, before the New Year, the copper head was promoted to the realm of heaven, and Tielan was promoted to the first-line realm.

During the arrival of the New Year, under the guidance of the five elders, Long Fei's martial arts were also promoted to the later stage of Zhufu,

When Long Fei's martial arts was promoted to the late realm of Zhufu, the brothers who had practiced abroad began to return to the mountain one after another.

First of all, Shi Zhanguo returned to the mountain, but he didn't see him for half a year. Shi Zhanguo was also promoted to the second realm of Hualing level. His thick figure looks thicker, and his whole body looks like a knife out of the sheath, with sharp gold and iron strife.

Then Lin Kedang returned to the mountain, but Lin Kedang's appearance was completely different from that of Shi Zhanguo. His moderate figure was wearing a long coat, and his long hair was neatly tied above his head with a wooden hairpin. He looked like a literati who lectured from a wanderer, not a martial artist who had reached the third level of martial arts.