Eastern Continent

Chapter 348, Challenge Xi Lao

Long Fei only felt as if there was a sledgehammer hitting his short knife. Although the short knife was not broken, this strong force was like a wave. It spread to Long Fei's hand and spread along the palm to his arm until the position of his chest disappeared. With the transmission of Xi Lao Li, Long Fei only felt a sharp pain from his hand. At the beginning of the palm, it hurt all the way to the chest. Although Long Fei still held the knife tightly before flying out of his hand, a strong force exploded from the chest, pushing Long Fei back and flying away, coming from the air and retreating in the air.

Long Fei turned over two somersaults in mid-air before falling to the ground. He looked down at his right hand holding the knife and trembled. He couldn't help but smile bitterly. Xi Lao's martial arts were so unfathomable. Although he was promoted to the realm of building a mansion, compared with Xi Lao, he was still like a giant elephant like an ant. Just now, it was under Xi Lao's hand. Be merciful, otherwise Long Fei would not be hurt at present. Although his arm hurts sharply, he is actually unharmed.

"Do you want to continue?" Xi Lao looked at Long Fei with a smile and asked. This boy, even the master dared to challenge. Now he has suffered a lot. In order to show his power, you really think I am a sick cat, but this palm also vented most of his anger with watching the disciples.

All geniuses are bullshit. When I was so old, I had thrown them away a few streets so far away, but I hate that these disciples were still flattering each other in front of their own faces. If I hadn't wanted to save some face for them in front of the servants, I couldn't help scolding them.

Fortunately, as soon as he was angry, a gas bag was sent to the door to beat himself. It seems that among so many disciples, this little disciple knows his heart best!

For his understanding, I pointed him a few more times.

Thinking about this, Xi Lao's anger will be a few more, and he will no longer be angry!

"Continue!" Long Fei gritted his teeth and looked at Xi Lao, as if looking at his enemy. This old man was like an enemy to his apprentice. Didn't he know that his apprentice would hurt? He jumped, waved a knife, and rushed to Xi Lao again.

However, after suffering a loss, Long Fei learned well this time. He did not dare to meet Xi Lao's short soldiers again, but relied on his light skills to fight around Xi Lao.

Since the martial arts entered the spiritual level, Long Fei's light kung fu has naturally entered the realm of water. The so-called water walking does not mean walking directly on the surface of the water, but with the help of something, such as reeds or dead branches can slide a certain distance on the surface of the water. As for the distance, even if it is light The depth of the internal strength of the meritorious.

Those with deep internal strength can cross the river, and those with shallow internal strength can also flutter a few times on small pond streams.

In addition to these, after entering the water realm, the speed is twice as fast as that of the earth, and the sensitivity is even more indescribable.

At the time of the ground, Long Fei's jump is only about two feet. After entering the water realm, the distance of the leap has reached about four feet. If Long Fei squeezes out his potential like sugar cane juice, it is also possible to reach five feet each jump.

Moreover, Long Fei's light skill is unique, and he can turn freely in mid-air.

Before entering the realm of water, although Long Fei can change the direction in mid-air, the change is not large, and he must follow the situation, let alone use two completely opposite forces. After entering the realm of water, Longfei can now make a completely opposite turn. For example, just now, he can turn forward in an instant, making people completely unable to figure out the direction he wants to attack.

It is with this light skill that Long Fei can easily defeat Liu Daiying and others.

After trying Xi Lao's power, Long Fei also took out his ability to press the bottom of the box. This unique light kung fu was used, and the spiritual power continuously gushed out of the spiritual mansion and flowed into his feet. Long Fei's feet seemed to have installed a hot wheel, rotating around Xi Lao.

Long Fei's speed is getting faster and faster. In the end, only a virtual shadow revolves around Xi Lao, and he can't see Long Fei clearly.

All the people in the square who saw Long Fei perform light skills to their heartily changed their faces, especially Zuo Shield's face became more powerful. He knew that Long Fei's light skills were powerful, but he didn't know it was so powerful.

He has been practicing martial arts for two years and has been promoted very quickly, and has also specially practiced the popular light skills of Tongtian ladder. Although he is jealous that Long Fei is smarter than himself and that Xi Lao spoils Long Fei more, he has always thought that his martial arts are still ahead of Long Fei.

However, when he saw Long Fei perform light kung fu, Zuo Dun knew that the light kung fu he was proud of was just a joke in front of Long Fei.

Although the two were still one level away from their martial arts, Zuo Dun suddenly found that if he faced Long Fei, he had no chance of winning in front of such light skills as Long Fei.

Think about when Long Fei first entered the division, the two were still two realms apart. At that time, Zuo Dun still had a little advantage. In a blink of an eye, Long Fei rushed up.

This discovery and huge gap made Zuo Dun more jealous and angry. He almost hated Long Fei, but this time he also hated Xi Lao and others. If it weren't for their bias, the information would have tilted towards Long Fei, and Long Fei's martial arts could catch up with him.

So he looked at the two people playing on the field, and their feelings were different from others.

Guan Quan and Zhou An looked at each other, and they looked at a glance with surprise in their eyes.

"I didn't expect that the little brother's martial arts skills had been promoted to this level, and the light skills were much better than us!" Zhou An was surprised and told the truth. Just now, Long Fei defeated Zhou Quan and hurt his palm. Zhou Anxin had a little grudge, but at this time, after seeing the light skills exerted by Long Fei with all his strength, Zhou An knew that Long Fei had mercy just now. If it was like this, Zhou Quan's first move may have been completely defeated.

"The little brother is also very human!" Guan Quan looked at Long Fei, who was spinning around Xi Lao in the field, and smiled and said, "I heard from the master that the little brother's light skills were created by him in combination with the popular light skills of our heavenly ladder!"

"I also heard from the master!" Zhou An said, "I can create my own martial arts at a young age. It seems that I have come up with a genius. In the future, it is possible for the sect to carry forward and even overwhelm the other two factions!"

In fact, these two people don't know that Long Fei can create such light kung fu. In addition to the fact that he can adapt to all kinds of martial arts, the dead cat hit a blind mouse. His light kung fu was purely learned in the game.

Guan Quan twisted his beard and smiled slightly. A martial arts wizard appeared in the heavenly ladder. He was also happy. What's more, there was not only one, but also the fifth brother Zuo Dun, who was also a rare martial arts genius in a hundred years. Just in the year of the crown, he was promoted to the realm of becoming a spirit. The achievement may only be slightly inferior to the younger brothers, and it will definitely be higher than their younger brothers, but it's a pity that the younger brothers and the fifth brothers...

Although Guan Quan does not often look at the peak of the sky, he also knows the news of the discord between Long Fei and Zuo Dun.

Looking at Long Fei, who became a virtual shadow in the field, Zhou Quan suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. It turned out that Long Fei's martial arts skills were so powerful. It was ridiculous that he thought that he had been promoted to the free realm before he was weak, and came from a noble background. * If he was too hard, he always looked down on others. It turned out that the world was so big that he It's just a frog squatting at the bottom of the well and only sees the blue sky at the mouth of the well.

At this time, Zhou Quan no longer hated Long Fei's two moves to defeat him and make himself lose face. Looking at Long Fei, who had rotated into a virtual shadow in the field, he knew that it was still mercy from Long Fei.

Ding Baoli, with a wine nose, came to Luo Zhengfeng and said with a smile, " boss, it seems that the master has made a lot of money this time. No wonder he spent so much effort to accept Long Fei as an apprentice at that time."

Luo Zhengfeng stared at Ding Baoli, but did not say anything. Although he agreed with Ding Baoli's words, he could not speak in Ding Baoli's tone. Of course, he knew how many people on Wangtianfeng were mobilized to protect him in order to accept Long Fei as an apprentice. He also knew that Long Fei was indeed a rare martial arts genius in nearly a hundred years, but he was not as pure happy as Ding Baoli.

He is worried.

Left Shield is a lesson from the past. If he gets too much flattery from everyone, he is worried that Long Fei will also become empty-handed.

In addition to physical strength, the promotion of martial arts is also related to mental state. Some martial arts have experienced enough experience, but they can't keep up with the experience of mood. If they are too proud, inferior, self-pity, self-pity or other reasons, they will lead to the martial arts to stop and die young. Therefore, Luo Zhengfeng has never had a good face. Give it to Long Fei, and every time he sees Long Fei, he has a cold face, as if it were carved out of wood.

However, Lin Chang and An Fei both smiled. An Fei nodded more confidently and said, "It seems that Long Fei is a wizard I have only seen in the sky ladder for nearly a hundred years."

Now this wizard, who has only been seen for a hundred years in the population, is wandering around the circle around Xi Lao. The circle turns faster and smaller and smaller. With the shrinking of the circle, Xi Lao standing in the middle feels more and more pressure, as if the virtual shadow of Long Fei is a rope. In addition to the tightening of the rope, in the circle Xi Lao in the middle naturally felt the increase of pressure.

It turns out that Longfei's circle is not just to improve the speed of attack, but the circle itself is an attack.

It seems that Long Fei has figured out a new way of play after the battle with Liu Daiying.

Just standing in the middle of the circle, Xi Lao's face has been smiling slightly. One hand is still shrinking behind him. Only one hand hangs to his side and his feet are standing. Only when Long Fei bulli is close to him will Xi Lao take action. For the rest of the time, he has been standing with his eyes closed. No matter how fast Long Fei rotates and how much pressure he is, he will not go. Take a look.

However, the smiling smile at the corners of his mouth became clearer and clearer. Long Fei can be said to be his proudest disciple. His martial arts has just been promoted to the realm of building a mansion. Combined with his own light skills, he has created such a terrible attack. It seems that it is not in vain to accept him as a disciple. The effort.

As Long Fei's rotating circle became smaller and smaller, Xi Lao also felt that the pressure was getting greater and greater, but he still stood with his feet, as if a grandfather was watching his grandson play, and that hand was always behind him.

In the end, the circle narrowed faster and faster. In everyone's eyes, the virtual shadow that was still rotating around Xi Lao suddenly narrowed from a distance of ten feet to around Xi Lao. Then, as if dozens or hundreds of people had taken action at the same time, the virtual shadow attacked Xi Lao heavily.


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