Eastern Continent

Chapter 352, Master, down the mountain

"Master, even if you are closed and there are other four elders, there are still people who dare to attack my power!" Long Fei doubted that although he did not know the martial arts realm of other old people, he could help Xi Lao in charge of the Tianshen ladder for so many years. No one in the world dared to look at it. It can be seen that the power of several old people should be at least at the level of divine change.

"If it hadn't been for them, the master wouldn't have closed down so boldly!" Xi Lao nodded and said, "There are countless capable people in the world, and there are many strange people in the world. It's better to be careful. I'm not so worried about others. What I'm most worried about is the people in the Devil's Palace!"

"The Devil's Palace!" Long Fei was surprised that this was an ancient school as famous as the Tongtian ladder. Martial arts and Tongtian ladder had their own advantages and were equally divided.

"The master killed some people in the devil's palace when he was young. They had a deep hatred with me and wanted to kill me." Xi Lao said lightly.

Long Fei knew that although Xi Lao said lightly, in fact, it must have been not easy at that time.

The Devil's Palace is a great faction that is as famous as the Tongtian ladder. Its depth is almost the same, and its strength is even slightly surpassed. How can the disciples who can be sent out to practice by the Devil's Palace be comparable to ordinary martial arts? Their martial arts must also have their uniqueness, and Xi Lao can actually kill them, and in After killing people, the Devil's Palace did not even dare to send people for revenge. Maybe in addition to Xi Lao's side, it can also be seen that Xi Lao and Tongtian's ladder at that time were so powerful that the Devil's palace did not dare to move.

"The master is so powerful!" Long Fei spit out his tongue and said happily, "The kids in the Devil's Palace didn't even dare to fart!"

"You boy!" Xi Lao smiled helplessly and said, "At a young age, how can you learn from others to swear? Did you learn from that guy with copper head!"

"No! The disciple felt relieved in this way, so he said so!" Long Fei touched his head with embarrassment and said, "Was the Devil's Palace like this?"

"What else can they do?" Xi Lao said lightly, "Although the Tianfeng of Tongtian ladder is not high, it is not anyone who wants to go up."

Long Fei only felt a burst of blood in his chest, which seemed to be light by Xi Lao, but in fact, his arrogant words aroused a lot. If he used to be like a boarding guest, he always lacked a sense of belonging, but after hearing Xi Lao's words, that feeling was getting less and less. Getting lighter and lighter.

How can't I desperately maintain the sect that my master guards with his life?

"If the disciple doesn't go down the mountain this year, he will accompany the master on the top of the mountain!" Long Fei hesitated.

"They are coming, not one more than you, not much less than you!" Xi Lao smiled and said, "Do you think Wangtianfeng is so easy to find? Even if they find Wangtianfeng, it is so easy to attack. Martial arts have not been transformed into the level, and it is difficult to enter Montenegro!"

Long Fei's heart was awe-inspiring. Although Xi Lao said plainly, the murderous intention in it made the blood in Longfei's heart stir.

Although Xi Lao did not say it to Long Fei in person, he knew that the personnel of the Tianshidai must not only be at the top of the sky, but also an ancient faction. Unless they really died and lived alone, how could there be no secretly cultivated and protected forces in the world?

If the ladder really comes to the critical moment of life and death, there will certainly be many people who will help at all costs. After all, there are still many people in the world who have clear grudges and do not hesitate to repay their kindness.

"Isn't the heavenly ladder that the Devil's Palace dares to attack? Aren't we afraid to unite with the miracles to deal with them!" Long Fei doubted that according to what Xi Lao said before, Tongtian ladder, miracle and the devil's palace monitored each other and counterbalanced each other. If the demon king's palace really dared to attack Tongtian ladder, Long Fei would not believe in the miracle and would not stop it.

"Alas!" Xi Lao suddenly sighed: "M miracles, miracles have not come to earth for a long time! If the Devil's Palace hadn't been for me to go through the ladder, the world might have been messed up by them.

It's also messy now!

Long Fei muttered in his heart and looked up at Xi Lao. Could it be the chaos in which the people of the Devil's Palace worshiped him?

"Don't think about it!" Xi Lao seemed to know Long Fei's inner thoughts and smiled and said, "Although there are also people in the devil's palace who are making waves in the chaos in the world, it has little impact on the whole world. Now the chaos in the world is only an inevitable trend. As the saying goes, if you divide for a long time, you will be together, and if you combine for a long time, you will be separated. The world has been divided enough, and people's minds are in the same, and this Chaos is the pain before the whole world returns to one. Only after this pain will the people of the world cherish this hard-won peace more, and the world can be more peaceful for a longer time!"

Long Fei suddenly rose to respect. When everyone was burning for the chaos in the world, Xi Lao had seen that this was only the pain before returning to one.

"Okay! You don't have to worry!" Xi Lao smiled and said, "You can go there if you want to go there in the future. It doesn't matter if you don't come back for a year or two. Don't worry, although the master is old, there is no problem to live another ten or eight years."

"Then I will go down the mountain for two years this time, and then come back two years to see if the master has left the customs!" Long Fei laughed and said that although he was sad, he had also experienced some things. He had experienced two wars, killed many people with his own hands, and his mind was much stronger. He was no longer the child who had just come out of Feilongzhuang. After he figured it out, he was no longer sad.

Besides, Xi Laodu said that he still has ten or eight years of good work, and then he will come back to see him.

"Don't say two years, three or four years is OK!" Xi Lao looked at Long Fei and said with satisfaction, "That's how it should be!" No one has died since ancient times. The master has lived longer than other people and experienced everything. He is well known in this life. There is nothing to worry about. Maybe the next time you go back to the mountain, the master's martial arts have broken through to the level of Xianqiao, and there will be more than ten years of life.

"That disciple first wished the master success in his martial arts this time!" Long Fei said with a smile.

"With your good words, the master will definitely break through to the level of Fairy Bridge!" Xi Lao laughed and said, "You can go down the mountain tomorrow!"

Long Fei's heart was stunned. Knowing that Xi Lao no longer wanted to waste time, he couldn't wait to start the retreat.

"Good! The disciple will go down the mountain tomorrow!" Long Fei nodded.

"Hmm! Look at your scenery. The master is going back!" Xi Lao smiled, waved to Long Fei and turned around and left.

"Disciple, send the master!" Long Fei bowed respectfully to Xi Lao's back.

"Don't be polite!" Xi Lao raised his right hand behind his back and shook it. His body moved. Long Fei only saw a figure flashing, and Xi Lao had lost his sight.

Long Fei's heart was stunned. This is the martial arts skill at the peak of the divine transformation, and this is the light skill at the peak of the realm of wind!

It turned out that the light kung fu he was proud of would be useless in front of Xi Lao's ghostly speed. Maybe before he could turn around, Xi Lao had already rushed over.

Long Fei knew that this was Xi Lao's way of showing himself light kung fu, and he should not be proud of having a unique light kung fu, so he saluted respectfully in the direction of Xi Lao's disappearance.

The figure flashed at the door of the quiet room where Xi Lao practiced in the third time. Xi Lao appeared at the door, and then slowly walked into the quiet room, with a satisfied smile on the corners of his mouth.

As soon as Xi Lao sat down, the door was dim, and Luo Zhengfeng came over.


"You are really accurate. You came as soon as I came back." Xi Lao smiled and said, "Sit down. Don't be so polite. You've become an old man. You're still so polite."

"No circle without rules!" Luo Zhengfeng said seriously, "The master has been the master of the four of us all his life. The old slave dare not be presumptuous!"

"Okay, okay!" Xi Lao frowned and said, "I know you are loyal, but you also know that I have always hated this kind of annoying courtesy the most. Let's sit down and talk!"

Luo Zhengfeng sat down cross-legged on a futon opposite Xi Lao.

"What do you think?"

As soon as Luo Zhengfeng sat down, Xi Lao asked. This sentence was brainless, but Luo Zhengfeng preferred to know what Xi Lao was asking. As soon as Xi Lao's words fell, he replied, "It should be that he has practiced some martial arts of other sects!"

"I think it's the same." Xi Lao frowned and said, "He is too anxious!"

"He had to be anxious. The seven young masters and the six young masters have caught up. He has not changed any more, and he has been surpassed by these two!" Luo Zhengfeng Road.

"Martial arts is dead, people are alive, people are right no matter what moves are used, people's hearts are evil, and no matter what moves are used, they are evil." Xi Lao said lightly, "I just hope he understands this!"

"I just hope he doesn't get lost!" Luo Zhengfeng was worried and said, "Otherwise, the disaster will be very serious. Maybe no one can cure him, and even the young master is not his opponent."

"I am located in Guanquan only because he is steady, generous and open-minded, not because of his highest martial arts skills. Among his brothers, there will certainly be a few people who will achieve higher than him in the future." Xi Lao said lightly, "Don't worry, I have given Long Fei the last article and my notes in The General Family. If Zuo Dun really does evil in the future, although Guan Quan can't cure him, Long Fei will definitely not let him go!"

"Gre to Long Fei!" Luo Zhengfeng said in surprise, "The master has decided!"

"It's decided!" Xi Lao touched his beard and smiled, "If Long Fei can't pass on my mantor, then I can't find anyone again!"

"Congratulations, master!" Luo Zhengfeng also smiled happily and said, "The master has finally found the inheritor!"


Xi Lao stroked his beard and laughed happily.


Because Tielan missed Tie Lao, just after the game, Long Fei, Tongtou and Tielan said goodbye to Xi Lao and other four elders and several brothers and went down the mountain.

Everything in Feilongzhuang is still the same. Except for seeing a few more pieces of the old man on his face when he saw Tie Lao, Feilongzhuang has actually not changed.

After returning to Feilongzhuang, Longfei and Tongtou were also divided into labor. Coppertou was responsible for teaching the young people in Feilongzhuang to practice martial arts, while Longfei specially went to listen to Xi Lao's lectures.

January, February, March... Until half a year later, Long Fei and others were still in Feilongzhuang.

This can be said to be the happiest period of the young people in Feilongzhuang. With the guidance of Longfei and copper head, their martial arts have advanced rapidly. In the past six months, their practice is almost equal to the hard practice of the previous two years, and the speed of progress has more than doubled more than before.

However, not everyone is happy that Long Fei and others have stayed at home for so long, and one person feels strange.

Tie Lao looked at Tie Lan sitting opposite him, slowly took a piece of tofu with chopsticks and put it into his mouth, bit it hard a few times and swallowed it.

"Why didn't you go out after going down the mountain for so long?"

"I'm not going out!" Tielan looked at Lao Tie and said, "I want to stay at home to take care of Grandpa!"

"Your child, grandpa is not too old to move. Even if you go out for a year and a half, grandpa can take care of himself!" Tie Lao smiled affectionately and said, "You haven't been at home often in the past few years, and Grandpa has also come over!"

"No, I just want to take care of Grandpa!" Tielan looked at Tie Lao's face that had increased a lot of wrinkles and senile spots in recent years and said sadly, "I know Grandpa can take care of myself, but I just want to be with Grandpa!" Anyway, the master said that he didn't specify to go there for the mountain training, so I can stay at home.

"Ha ha..." Tie boss laughed and looked at Tie Lan lovingly and said, "You child! Then why don't Long Fei and Tongtou go out?"

"They said that Lan'er would not go out, and they wouldn't go out. They would take care of Grandpa with Lan'er!" Tielan said sway.

"Bun bastard!" A look of relief flashed in Tie Lao's eyes, but suddenly raised his face and scolded, "The man's ambition is in all directions. How can he tie his feet because of his children's feelings? Go and call Long Fei, and I'll scold this bastard."

"Ah..." Tielan looked at Grandpa who suddenly became rigid and didn't know what to do!

"Go!" Tie shouted to Tielan with an honest face.

Tielan had no choice but to stand up and walk out. Unfortunately, she didn't see the happy look in Tie Lao's eyes, otherwise she wouldn't have worried about Long Fei and Tongtou.

Long Fei and Tongtou stood honestly in front of Tie Lao. Both of them lowered their heads and dared not look at Tie Lao. Tie Lan stood aside and looked at them worriedly.

"You guys, pack up quickly and go out to practice!" Tie Lao looked at Long Fei and Tongtou, his voice and worship, and did not get angry as Long Fei and the three imagined.

"Master!" Xi Lao and Tie Lao are both masters. Long Fei has always been known as a master since he worshipped Tie Lao: "Xiao Laner doesn't go out, and we won't go out either."

"Bastard!" Tie Lao suddenly raised his face and shouted, "Men's ambitions are everywhere, how can they be bound by their children's feelings? It's better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. Moreover, you have grown up. It's time to gain insight. A girl doesn't have to go out, but you'd better go out to experience it!"

"However, there are still many things to ask the master!" Long Fei hesitated.

"Although I'm old, I'm not still unable to walk. Why do I have a few years of good work? You can still see me after two years of training." Tie Lao said lightly. You go a little farther, see more places, and then come back. If you listen to my explanation then, you may get twice the result with half the effort.

"A far away!" Long Fei said strangely.

"Exact!" Tie Lao nodded and said, "For example, no matter how much you talk about the terrain of the military book, it's just talking about soldiers. If you really see similar terrain, you may immediately realize why you are so arrayed!"

"However, the disciples are guiding some young people to practice martial arts, and they can't leave!" The copper head hesitated.

"Although I haven't learned martial arts, I also know that martial arts lies in my own hard practice. It is impossible for the master to stay by his side all day, otherwise your master will not let you go down the mountain to practice every year!" Tie Lao smiled and said, "You two guys, get out of here quickly. You don't have to find so many people."

"Yes!" Long Fei and Tongtou responded helplessly.

This year is 1115, the first year of Long Fei's master.

After decades of war on the mainland, nine countries and some small forces have gradually formed three alliances led by Dashi, Yunton and Montenegro. The three alliances restrict each other, monitor each other, and help each other within the alliance. All three alliances are afraid that they will become the target of public criticism, so no one dares to grab them. Starting a war first, let the people live a few years of peaceful life in this troubled world.


The first article is finally over, and the following is more exciting. Please read the book slowly.

Please don't forget the collection and red tickets!