Eastern Continent

Chapter 356, drink my mother's foot washing water

Small bridges, rockery, running water, fish swim around in the water.

The old trees in the yard are covered, and there are stone tables and stone stools under the trees.

This is a picturesque courtyard. At this time, even a young man and a girl sitting on both sides of the stone table under the old tree are as beautiful as the person in the painting.

In the middle of the two, there is a chessboard, on which there are some black and whites sparsely.

This is a small courtyard of the Jia family, where Jia Ling now lives. Jia Ling and Jia Chong are sitting under the old tree.

One on the left is Jia Chong, and the other is Jia Ling.

At this time, Jia Chong was holding a black boy in his hand, staring at the chessboard, and his eyebrows frowned into a gully.

"Wo girl, I haven't seen you for half a year, and your chess skills are good!"

"Second brother, admit defeat!" Jia Ling looked at Jia Chong proudly and said, "It's not that I have made great progress, but that your chess skills have regressed."

" girl, don't be proud!" Jia Chong put down a piece on the chessboard and said proudly, "I saved this big dragon!"

"I have two hands!" Jia Ling picked up a white seed and put it on it without looking at it. Jia Chong, who was smiling proudly, turned into a stone statue, and looked straight at the chessboard. A handsome face gradually turned into a bitter gourd face.

Jia Ling smiled proudly and looked at Jia Chong and said, "Second brother, don't pretend. You have nothing to do in the Three Treasures Hall. What's the matter with you coming to me today?"

"Yes, look at what you said, it seems that our brother and sister have a very bad relationship. Didn't I come to see you last time!" Jia Chong also squinted and smiled, "It's okay, I just came to see you!" It depends on whether you are doing well here or not. I'm afraid that you will be lonely and come to play with you.

"It's okay. I'm fine and used to it!" Jia Ling pouted and said, "However, the last time you came to see me was half a year ago!"

"Haha..." Jia Chong smiled shyly and said, "Second brother is busy these days, so he won't come!"

"Then why did you come today!" Jia Ling said, "Aren't you busy now?"

"I'm not busy, I'm not busy recently, and my second brother will come to accompany you every day!" Jia Chong said hurriedly.

"Do you come to accompany me every day?" Jia Ling looked at Jia Chong suspiciously and said, "Do you have so much free time? Don't you have to practice?"

"No!" Jia Chong smiled bitterly and said, "I have encountered a bottleneck in practicing these days. My father suggested that I relax and take a few days off. Maybe I will gain!"

"Real?" Jia Ling turned her eyes and suddenly smiled at Jia Chong, "Why don't you come to accompany me every day? If you let me out, I will accompany you every day!"

"That won't work!" Jia Chong shook his head like a rattle and hurriedly refused, "This is my father's order. I dare not let you out before the end of time!"

"Isn't it almost time?" Jia Ling grabbed Jia Chong's arm and shook it. She said delicately, "Your father doesn't know that you let me out?"

"No!" Jia Chong said righteously, "I dare not disobey my father's order!"

"Then why do you come here to watch me every day?" Jia Ling suddenly raised her face and stared at Jia Chong, "Anyway, I can't escape!"

"There is to watch you!" Jia Chong smiled bitterly and said, "I'm just afraid that you will be bored and come to relieve your boredom every day!"

"Second brother, you don't even believe this!" Jia Ling stared at Jia Chong and wondered, "Is it that the dragon has come to the sky? My father is afraid that I will go out to see him and let you watch it every day!"

"No, what did the dragon fly to Tiandu City for?" Jia Chong laughed and said, "I'm just afraid that you will be bored that I come to accompany you. Since you don't want me to accompany you, I won't come in the future!"

"How do you know that Long Fei won't come to Tiandu City?" Jia Ling curled her lips and said, "Long Fei went down the mountain to practice every year. Maybe he will come to Tiandu City this year. Besides, he promised to come to see me. Maybe he is already in Tiandu City now!"

"If you agree, you must come!" Jia Chong said lightly, "Maybe Long Fei has forgotten it!"

"Brother Jia, do you think everyone doesn't keep his word as often as you do!" Jia Ling said slowly, "Long Fei is a word!"

"Hey! Hello! Jia Sanmei!" Jia Chong shouted with a bitter face, "You haven't married yet. You dare to speak ill of your second brother. You don't have to turn your arms out so early!"

"Second brother! What are you talking about!" Jia Ling blushed and stared at Jia Chong and said, "If you talk nonsense again, I won't pay attention to you!"

"You didn't say it, I said it!" Jia Chong smiled and said, "How dare you say that you don't want to marry Long Fei!"

"What do you want?" Jia Ling blushed and said, "I just want to marry him!"

"Good! This is my Jia Sanmei's style, straightforward and cheerful! Dare to admit it!" Jia Chong raised his thumbs and praised, "But as far as I know, he also has a childhood sweetheart named Tielan. What should you do?"

"Oh! How do you know Tielan's? Jia Ling was surprised and said, "Have you seen her?"

"Why don't I know his details about the person that Miss Jia's third sister likes? Is it ignorant to let you marry him?" Jia Chong took it for granted.

"You don't have to worry about this. I'll solve it myself!" Jia Ling said.

"Okay, okay..." Jia Chong quickly said, "You solve it, we won't interfere!" With a secret sigh in his heart, it seemed that his sister had a deep affection for the dragon. Because she was afraid that Long Fei would be unhappy, even Tielan beside him had to make friends kindly.

"Second brother!" Jia Ling suddenly leaned over to Jia Chong and whispered, "Second brother, can you do me a favor, okay?"

"What's busy!" Jia Chong patted his chest and said, "As long as the second brother can, he will never... chop!"

Looking at Jia Ling's right hand pulled back from her waist, Jia Chong's eyes widened and almost couldn't believe it.

"Just let me out!" Jia Ling smiled proudly and said, "Second brother, you think I didn't know that Long flew to Tiandu City. You were worried about me going out and came to monitor me! I'm just going out this time."

Jia Ling took off her coat and exposed her men's clothes inside. She opened a bone fan and touched Jia Chong's face and said, "Brother Jia, even if you are like a ghost, you have to drink my mother's foot washing water!"

After saying that, he swept out of the hall like a swallow. He was happy and as light as a swallow, and disappeared in an instant.

It's just that her "mother" didn't know that her figure had just disappeared. Jia Erge, who had been fixed by him, suddenly moved, and a wry smile appeared at the corners of his mouth and said, "Silly girl, the second brother drinks not your foot washing water, but the foot washing water of the Mu family! Obviously, it can be seen that it is a trap of the Mu family, and it still needs to be loaded in one end.

"Wood, wood!" Jia Chong suddenly shouted. With his shouting, Jia Qing came in silently from the outside.

"I knew you must be nearby!" Jia Chong stared at Jia Qing and said, "You told Ling to fly to Tiandu City, didn't you?"

"Yes!" Jia Qing lowered his head, but admitted it without hesitation.

"Alas! I knew it was your wood that was bad for me!" Jia Chong smiled bitterly and said, "Go and follow your sister to see where she goes?"

Without saying a word, Jia Qing turned his head and walked out again.

Looking at Jia Qing's*, Jia Chong smiled bitterly and said, "This wood doesn't even fart!" Then he muttered, "Father, my son sold you!"


Long Fei and Tongtou lay on the roof. This is a private house surrounded by such small bungalows. The two hide in the shadows of two high roofs.

"How's your injury?" The copper head looked at Long Fei sitting cross-legged and asked with concern.

"It's okay!" Long Fei frowned gently. Although he fought with Mu Qing twice, Mu Qing was also a martial artist in the fourth realm of the spiritual level. Unexpectedly, copper head and Long Fei were injured only by the shock of spiritual power. Of course, this was only a minor injury. After resting for a night, the two almost recovered from the injury.

What the two didn't expect was that the power of the Mu family in Tiandu City was so great that it almost covered the sky with one hand. Since the sneak attack on Mu Qing, the people of the Mu family actually surrounded the place where they appeared. If it hadn't been for Long Fei and Tongtou, they might have been blocked by the people of the Mu family.

"What should I do?" Tongtou looked at Long Fei and said, "Do you still want to go to Jia's house?" The two came to Tiandu City to go to Jia's house to find Jia Ling and Jia Qing, but as soon as they entered the city, they were stopped by the Mu family and now they can only hide in this place.

"I can't go. We'll leave the city later." Long Fei shook his head and said, "The Jia family has the same status as the Mu family in Huanyue, and their power is also equal. If the Mu family found us so early, the Jia family will certainly not be late for the Mu family, but until we are surrounded and attacked by the Mu family, no Jia family has appeared. Obviously, the Jia family has some scruples about the Mu family and does not want to face the Mu family head-on. As an enemy, we came to the door openly at this time, just embarrassing the Jia family. Although it is impossible for them to hand us over to the Mu family, we will definitely destroy the Jia family's plan and let the Jia family confront the Mu family head-on in advance!"

"Jia Ling and Jia Qing will never be like this!" Copper Head Road.

"The two of them won't, but it doesn't mean that the rest of the Jia family won't either!" Long Fei shook his head and said, "Big family, everything is based on the interests of the family. What is personal? If the Jia family hadn't been afraid of the Mu family, they wouldn't have dared not see us!"

"If the Jia family is afraid of the Mu family, how can they compete with the Mu family everywhere?" Tongtou doubted, "Whether it is Guangwu Dabi or Ma Jue's matter, the Jia family is destroying the Mu family, and Jia Ling and Jia Qing have also fought with Guo Jingming head-on."

"The two families are originally hostile, and it is not surprising that the two families compete with each other for a certain thing. However, when you think about it carefully, it seems that the Mu family and the Jia family have not fought directly in these two things." Long Fei muttered, "Guangwu Dabi, that's just because someone invited Jia Chong to participate, not the Jia family deliberately destroyed it. Since you can go to Muhuangyuan, my Jia family will naturally go, and each of us will compete according to their own ability! As for Ma Jue's matter, Jia Ling and the two only participated in the battle between the Jin Qiu Army and the Rosefinch Army, and did not participate in the war to protect Ma Jue.

"It seems so!" Tongtou meditated for a while before nodding. Thinking about it carefully, even the Jia family really fought with the Mu family and Zuo Xi's pursuers, the Jia family's people were disguised, and even Long Fei could not recognize them. Even if the people of the Mu family knew that they were from the Jia family, there was no definite evidence and nothing to say. They could only suffer this dumb loss.

"The people of the Mu family must be guarding the gate now. How can we get out?" Copper head doubted.

"You think Tiandu City really belonged to the wooden family!" Long Fei stared at Long Fei angrily and said, "At most, they are monitoring people entering and leaving Tiandu City at the gate of the city. When they see suspicious people, they stop them and investigate them. They certainly dare not check everyone who enters and exits Tiandu City."

"In this case, we will leave the city immediately. This Tiandu City is not good-looking, but I don't want to stay for a moment!" Thinking of the horror of the wooden family, Tongtou immediately stood up.

This is just two people who come out casually, so that Long Fei can only escape for their lives. If some more powerful people come out, such as some stewellers or offerings in the inner hall, the two may not even escape.

Although Long Fei felt that he did not borrow martial arts, compared with the giant Mu family, it was just an ant against the elephant. He was not so complacent that he could bring down the Mu family by himself, so he was also the first to think of escaping from Tiandu City. His specialty with copper head is the battle between mountains and forests, and urban warfare is not a specialty.

"Okay, let's dress up first." Long Fei said, "Otherwise, they will recognize you and can't get out!"

"Den costume..."

"Hmm! Other people's disguise requires us to be like others, and we want to be like ourselves!"