Eastern Continent

Chapter 363, Song Chuncheng

Climbing mountains and wading, crossing the forest and cross-country, the copper head carried the dragon flying behind his back, and trekked out of the mountain sleeplessly. For a few days, when he was hungry, he picked fruits from various fruit trees along the way to satisfy his hunger and drank the mountain spring when he was thirsty.

In the past few days, Long Fei has still been in a coma, but his pulse has gradually stabilized, and his breathing has gradually become long. It takes four or five times longer than ordinary people to breathe. The long hair that had been blown like a hedgehog by lightning has gradually become soft. It is draped over its shoulders, and its fleshy hands have gradually healed in recent days. Now there is only a red blood mark left, and the skin on the body has been blown like sesame paste by lightning. At this time, it has gradually returned to bronze color.

It seems that although Long Fei is in a coma, his physical function is still normal, even slightly higher than that of normal people. If he is a normal person, even ordinary martial arts are injured like Long Fei. It is impossible to recover without ten days and a half months or even longer, while Long Fei has almost recovered in just a few days. Originally, Xu Tiangong is really powerful.

"Girl in the mountain, water spirit..." A sound suddenly came from outside the forest, followed by the sound of horses and cars swirling across the ground. The sound was so kind that Tongguan almost cried.

Although there is a direction, a person has been running in this deep mountain forest for a few days. Not only no one speaks, but also carries a half-dead person on his back. It is a kind of dead silence. The more you move in the mountain, the more silent you feel. The anxious and hesitation in your heart, only the copper head who has experienced it yourself can Knowing the horror, the copper head there thought that even if it was a wooden family, it would be better than this kind of anxious silence.

Suddenly hearing the song, the copper head only felt extremely kind. At this time, even if Mu Qing went back, the copper head would only feel that Mu Qing was cute rather than hateful.

The copper head moved Long Fei from behind to front of him, held it with his hands, and accelerated his speed to run out of the forest.

After passing through the woods, a wide road suddenly appeared in front of the copper head. This is a road that can accommodate four carriages in parallel. The road goes around the foot of the mountain to the invisible end.

At this time, from the other end of the road, there is a carriage coming. The car is full of hay, medicinal herbs and grain. In the position of the car, there is a young man with a beard on his cheeks, staring and singing loudly: "Long braids, round face, tall and thin waist..."


The copper head rushed out of the forest with Long Fei in his arms, stood in the middle of the road, and shouted, "Stop!"


The young man quickly stopped the horse, and the carriage glided on the ground for a while. He just arrived in front of the copper head and stopped. The heat exhaled from the horse's nose sprayed on the copper head's face.

"I don't have eyes! Didn't you see a car pass? If you want to die, don't go far away!" The young man jumped out of the car with a fierce face, and his fingers almost touched the nose of the copper head.

The copper head did not look at the young man. He walked around him and walked to the carriage, pulled out the hay and medicinal herbs, put the dragon fly on it, and jumped up. He pulled out a long knife with his right hand, but took out a silver from his left hand.

"Send me to the nearest town and give you this, or I'll give you this." The copper head stretched out its left hand first, then withdrew its left hand and then stretched out its right hand, saying in a thick voice.

The young man's eyes immediately narrowed, looked at the copper head with a smile, and suddenly pointed to the long knife in the right hand of the copper head and said, "Are you sure you want to give it to me?"

With a bronze head, his eyes immediately narrowed and looked at the young man like a needle.

"But!" Suddenly, the young man laughed again: "I'd better send you to Song Chuncheng first and then ask for your big knife!"


There are nine countries in the eastern continent, and there are countless other various forces that are large enough to compete with a country's large corps. These forces that can compete with a country generally occupy a large city and rely on the strength of the big city to fight against the invading enemies, such as the rosefinch Corps against the forbidden autumn country according to the sand city, as small as a family. The power of the family, such as the Mu family, the Jia family, or the ordinary family, although it is only the power of a surname, can also make a country have scruples.

However, no matter how large these forces are, they still dare not fight directly with nine countries. The reason why these nine countries are called countries is not called a certain force, just because their territory is not like those forces, but only occupy a city and a certain area, with a large population and a city. For example, the smallest forbidden autumn country in nine countries not only has a Mengqiu city that can compete with the sand city, but also the capital of the forbidden autumn country, but also a famous city in the whole continent.

However, when it comes to the largest country on the mainland, it still ranks first with Dashi and Yundun. Dashi is the current power, while Yundun is a former power. The territory of the two is similar and their strength is similar, and both countries are now in the position of powerful ministers, and the king has only become a symbol.

The only difference between the two countries is that under the strong control of the policy of Shen Zhijun to kill the emperor and order the princes, there is no rebellion. However, Yun Dun is different. Except for some cities around the national capital Caiyun City, Yun Dun is still in the country, or under the control of the national master Lei Hu, other cities have long been Occupied by private individuals, in addition to nominally belonging to Yundun, in fact, these cities have long become private territories of some city guards or county guards, or some originally powerful family territories, and Song Chun is the same.

Song Chun, one of the few big cities of Yundun, the four-season city of Yundun, Song Chun, Song Xia, Song Qiu and Song Dong, generally arranged in a straight line next to the Bidon River on the southern border of Yundun.

However, although the city of four seasons has a great reputation, the strength between the four cities is uneven. Among them, Song Chun is the strongest, Song Xia and Song Qiu are second, and Song Dong is the weakest.

Song Chuncheng is located like a sand city. It is located in the easternmost part of a country and faces the sea, fighting against enemies from the sea.

Zhu Ran, the current governor of Song Chun, is not the original governor of Song Chun. He turned out to be a rich man in Song Chuncheng. He held an important position in Song Chuncheng, but by chance, he actually became the governor of Song Chuncheng.

Ye Guoming - The name of Ye Guoming, a young man who entered the city with a bronze head and Long Fei in a carriage. Ye Guoming is very talkative. According to him, he is the nephew of Ye Jingzhong, a famous doctor of Song Chun. This time, he went out of the city to collect medicinal herbs for his uncle, so he can find the right person to find the copper head. If his uncle can't be cured in Songchun Sickness, no one can cure the whole Song Chuncheng.

I don't know whether this Ye Lao is a real famous doctor or a famous doctor blown by his nephew. Anyway, Tongtou is skeptical. Anyway, entering Song Chuncheng also requires a doctor. Let's believe it now.

"Thundered! This disease is also strange enough. It seems that Brother Longfei is unique in the world. Ye Guoming took his hand away from Long Fei's wrist and said with a wry smile, "However, the Longfei brothers' pulse is stable, and there should be nothing wrong, and the copper-headed brothers don't have to worry!"

Copperhead nodded. Although he did not know medicine, he also knew that Long Fei's situation was indeed as Ye Guoming said. However, if he did not see Long Fei wake up, Copper Head would not be relieved, so anxiety was inevitable.

The two talked all the way and soon entered Song Chuncheng.

When passing through the city gate, I saw the gatekeeper's respect for Ye Guoming's uncle, the unparalleled old famous doctor who was boasted in Ye Guoming's mouth. As soon as he saw the carriage of Ye's mansion, he immediately let go, and even the copper head and Long Fei on the carriage were no longer checked, which made the copper head more hope. This old Mr. Ye saw It's not just like the magic doctor blown out by Ye Guoming.

As soon as he entered Song Chuncheng, he felt that in addition to the prosperity and beauty, what surprised him most was that he saw the joy of the street, as if the smoke of war had never spread here.

Such an atmosphere made Tongtou's anxious mood gradually calm down because he was worried about Long Fei.

"It's here." Ye Guoming parked the carriage in front of a courtyard door, jumped out of the carriage, handed over the reins to the keeper who saw Ye Guoming and hurried up, and said to the bronze head, "This is Mr. Ye's house."

The bronze head took Long Fei out of the carriage and looked up. I only saw an ordinary yard in front of me, just like a mansion where an official lived in seclusion after retirement. Within the yellow wall, you can see the green tiles, upturned eaves, and various auspicious mythical beasts decorated on the roof ridge. Lower a little lower, there are two on the wide gate. A large black and simple word "Yefu", two words silver hook iron stroke, full of interest.

Ye Guoming walked into the gate with a bronze head in the respectful eyes of the door, passed through the courtyard and came to a room.

"Put the Longfei brothers on that lounge chair." Ye Guoming pointed to a teacher's chair in the middle of the room and said, "You wait here first. I'll invite my uncle over."

The copper head carefully put Long Fei on the recliner, and he sat down in the chair next to him, taking a long breath.

Since Long Fei fell into a coma, the nerves of the copper head have been tight and dare not relax a little. At this time, he finally came to the doctor's house. Although he did not know the doctor's means, he was finally relieved.

The feeling of fatigue came immediately.

He can't sleep yet. The copper head warned himself that he only hoped that Mr. Ye could come back to spring. At that time, he could sleep with him for a few days and nights.

Bronze head was afraid of falling asleep, so he stood up from the chair, kept walking, and looked up. This room may be a room specially used by Mr. Ye to let doctors rest. There are windows on all sides of the room. The sunlight penetrates through the east window, and there are many banners and calligraphy hanging on the surrounding walls. On the left wall It is a long list of praise words given by some patients, such as rejuvenation, rebirth of parents, and the holy hand of traditional Chinese medicine. There are some contemporary or ancient calligraphy and paintings on the right wall.

Obviously, different styles of decoration on the left and right walls are in this room, which is like a blend of elegance and popular. The contrast between noise and loneliness not only looks approachable, but also calls for the owner's lonely taste.

Mr. Ye decorated the room so strangely. Maybe this is also the place where he rests. Looking at the banner on the wall on the left and thinking about the praise of the doctors, he will feel comfortable. Looking at the famous calligraphy and paintings on the right, he will feel more like a spring breeze.

After two circles, it seems that there are still some of the most disliked characters and paintings in my life. Whether it is a wonderful rejuvenation font or an ancient celebrity calligraphy and painting, it is better to take some tree juice from the black mountain ecstasy tree to refine some ecstasy to get interest.

His eyes turned around again. After nothing new, the copper head sat down with interest and looked at Long Fei in a coma. His eyes were closed and the corners of his mouth were still smiling, looking pure and innocent like a sleeping baby.

The drowsiness hit again, and it is stronger than just now.

The copper head shook his head, and Xitu drove away the sleepiness, but his eyelids gradually became heavy. At this time, the sleepiness could not drive away. With a tilt of his head, he fell asleep in an instant.


Tiandu City is the Jia family again.

A large room, the four windows of the room are open and the light is bright, shining brightly in the room. It shines on a large couch in the room. On the big bed is a large old man with a red face and a snow-white beard lying casually. The old man's eyes are closed. Behind him, there are two maids in blue. Gently kneaded his shoulder.

However, it is strange that although the light in this room is bright, it still gives people a cool feeling, without a trace of hot sunlight. This shade comes from the old man lying on the couch at will, but the shade seems to be deliberately emitted by the old man, which only makes the room comfortable. Some.

The old man's eyes were closed and seemed to be tasting the smell of the two small hands kneading on his shoulders. The room was quiet and silent. Even the two maids' kneading movements were much lighter, and even the sound of breathing was suppressed.

Jia Zhengdao, who was sitting opposite the big couch, also did not say anything, but quietly lowered his eyes to look at the ground under his feet.

"He's gone!" In silence, the old man suddenly said that he still closed his eyes, as if he were talking to the air, but Jia Zhengdao, who was sitting opposite him, raised his eyes.

"It's gone!" Jia Zhengdao seemed to be repeating the old man's words.

"He won't enter Jia's house?" The old man said lightly.

This time, Jia Zhengdao was silent for a long time - as if he was analyzing whether the old man's words refused to join the Jia family or not to enter the door of the Jia family - then slowly said, "No!"

After Jia Zhengdao finished saying these two words, the old man did not continue to say it, so he was silent in the room.

After a long time, Jia Zhengdao slowly said, "It should be that you don't want to enter the Jia family!"

"Ha ha... I don't want to!" The old man suddenly opened his eyes, as if a flash of lightning flashed in his eyes. He looked at Jia Zheng and said, "Why doesn't he want to?"

"Or it's not unwilling, but not!" Jia Zhengdao was not surprised by the sudden flash of light in the old man's eyes, but said slowly after meditating for a long time.

"I don't want to!" The old man smiled and looked at Jia Zheng and said, "It seems that this child is smarter than we thought!" I know the difficulties of the Jia family, so I don't want to cause trouble to the Jia family.

"Yes!" Jia Zheng said, "The child is also thinking these days. Maybe we should not show weakness to the Mu family!"

"It's good that you understand this! There is no respect for showing weakness in the world, only respect for competition! The more you beat them, the more they respect you. The more you show weakness, the more they will take an inch. The old man smiled and said, "The second brother is better than you!"

"Children understand!" Jia Zhengdao smiled and said, "So I didn't punish him either!"

"Hmm!" The old man slowly closed his eyes and said lightly, "You are the head of the family. If you should be punished, you will be punished. You don't have to tell me!"

"Yes!" Jia Zhengdao knew that the old man was going to start rest again. He stood up, saluted the old man slightly, and then turned out of the room, which was bright but always made people feel cool.

Behind Jia Zhengdao, the old man opened his eyes again, showing meaningful eyes, and sent Jia Zhengdao's back out of the room until it disappeared.