Eastern Continent

Chapter 373, misfortune and happiness

Lying on the hard and cold floor, feeling the dead silence around him, Long Fei forced himself to gradually calm down.

As the saying goes, life is like **. Since you can't resist, you can only enjoy it. Long Fei is now ready to enjoy his current situation.

Meng Ting must have seen himself with Copper Head and Ye Guoming, so he took himself here before leaving. I just don't know whether he wants to vent his anger on himself because of the destruction of the plan by Ye Guoming and Tongtou, or to inquire about something. If it is the former, there is not much time left, and he must think of a way out of danger before recovering from his injury. If the latter, although he will inevitably suffer a lot of pain, time and opportunity But there will be a little more. As long as you control it, there will always be a way to get out.

However, this Meng Ting is a target, but he can hide in Song Chuncheng for more than ten years. It should not be a person who tortured a person who struggled to aggravate his internal injury because of a moment of anger. It must have another purpose.

The biggest possibility is to see that they are with Ye Guoming and Tongtou, and these two people's martial arts are just right. They think that these two people are protecting themselves. They must be important people. They happen to have lost all their internal skills and have no power to tie chickens.

So much, it's hard for Meng Ting not to think like this!

However, Meng Ting also had a pair of poisonous eyes. He and Tongtou were just a few people standing taller in the dense crowd. Meng Ting took a look and immediately remembered it. He not only remembered his appearance, but also his position clearly.

It seems that this Meng Ting is indeed an undercover agent, at least this unforgettable ability makes Long Fei feel ashamed.

After the analysis, Long Fei thought that he should be in no danger for the time being, which comforted Long Fei a little and no longer panicked as before.

However, although I am a little relieved, my mood is still not calm, and my thoughts are endless and chaotic.

Since I got the Secret of Heaven, my martial arts promotion has been smooth all the way. Although I met strong enemies by chance, I also relied on my wit and martial arts skills to deal with them one by one. I captured Zhou Meng, destroyed the Crouching Tiger Gang, broke the autumn army, and fought against Mu Baiyuan and Mu Qing. When was it not majestic? Once upon a time, I had such an experience, even since Although I have repeatedly warned myself that there are people outside the sky, I can't help but gradually become proud.

I think that the heroes in the world are no more than this. Compared with the internal strength of "Secrets of the Sky", the internal strength is nothing more than that I got. When I fought against Mubaiyuan, I was hurt by his internal strength, and then I was hurt by Muqing's hand. Finally, I was hit by thunder and lightning and lost all my internal strength. The original hard work turned into a spring breeze and blew through no traceless. , so that now he has no power to tie chickens, which is worse than ordinary people. He was robbed and hijacked here. I don't know what the result will be in the future?

If it is himself before he lost his martial arts in the realm of becoming a spirit, Meng Ting didn't take a detour when he saw it.

Now we can only do our best to listen to fate.

Since the loss of internal strength, although they feel more and can perceive the changes of the aura of the world around them, they have become more and more lazy and sinking. Not only do they no longer get up on time every morning to practice martial arts, but also less meditation as a daily practice.

I don't know when I will get out of the cage. Copper Head and Ye Guoming must be anxious to death outside. With the character of Copper Head, Song Chuncheng must have been turned over by them, making a lot of trouble. If my parents know, I don't know what they are in a hurry. Like. The old man must grit his teeth and scold himself first and then curse heaven and earth. After scolding, he will try his best to save himself. And his mother, in addition to crying, will definitely nagging. Blame Dad should not let Long Fei go out at such a young age.

Finally, he thought of Tielan, the dimples on the edge of Tielan's face when she smiled, as well as the accidental cunning, and the affectionate eyes when looking at him, Long Fei was infatuated for a moment.

Only when people are frustrated will they deeply miss their relatives who have given their selfless help thousands of miles away. Maybe they are looking at the wild geese flying in the sky, waiting silently with blessings and infatuation.

Long Fei was distracted, laughed for a moment, and muttered to himself. He didn't know that he was still afraid that he was in such an environment that he was going crazy, but he didn't know that the boy was having a good dream.

In the end, I suddenly remembered that I was trapped in the dungeon. I don't know if I can still go out, and I don't know when I can go out. I don't know if there will be a day to meet my parents, Tielan and Tongtou.

Thinking of this, there was a desolate sadness in my heart, and my mood fell from the sweet and excited clouds just now to the deep valley of sadness and became gray. In my heart, I only hate myself for being arrogant. Since defeating Mu Baiyuan, I think that all the heroes in the world are more than this, and the enemy is injured, and now they are in such a dangerous situation.

Long Fei's heart was suddenly happy and sad, and his mood was suddenly happy and sad. Finally, reality prevailed. The sadness gradually invaded the whole heart, and the pain covered the joy, so that Long Fei lay quietly on the floor like that, looking straight at the top of the cell at a certain height in the dark, and his heart was full of At a loss.

The world is wonderful. Misfortune and blessing are like a pair of twin brothers with different personalities, often knocking on your door at the same time. When you open the door to welcome one, the other also silently follows in, waiting for your meeting.

Because Long Fei's heart was at a loss, all the distracting thoughts could not stop, and he was expelled from his mind one after another. His heart was fearless, carefree and happy, and his mind was quiet, just like the Buddha's words, selfless.

At this time, a strange phenomenon appeared!

Long Fei felt that his consciousness was like an elf with legs, and he slowly stepped out of his quiet mind and slowly swam to all parts of his body.

The first thing that appears in the "visual" of the divine consciousness is your own heart. The beating heart is so powerful. Each pulse pours blood to the head and the whole body. Each meridians on the surface of the heart is so clear that you can even see a faint purple gas surging in the meridians.

Long Fei was shocked and his mind shook. His consciousness immediately shrank back like a frightened rabbit and disappeared without a trace, and he also woke up.

At a glance, it was still dark around, and I couldn't see it even if I put my hand in front of my eyes, but just now I not only "seeed" my internal organs, but also clearly distinguished the color of the meridians, and I had the illusion that I was in a bright place.

Long Fei felt strange. Although he used to look inside, he could also feel the general direction of the body's meridians because of the traction of the air machine, but it is unprecedented that he can "see" the internal situation of the body so clearly as now.

Surprised by his changes, anyway, in this quiet dungeon, he had nothing to do. Long Fei temporarily put down his troubles in the cage and decided to try the feeling he had just now.

Because the acupuncture point has not been solved, he can't turn over and sit up, so Long Fei has to lie down.

First of all, discharge all kinds of messy thoughts, and gradually calm down. There is no desire, no fear, no joy, everything is natural, free and happy, and then let go of your mind and let the divine consciousness escape from it.

The consciousness that just escaped from the mind is like a timid and naughty child. After slightly stretching out the tentacles of perception, it immediately shrank back. After a moment of hesitation, he stretched out his tentacles and touched the abnormal situation around him, and then gently stepped out of the hiding place.

This time, Long Fei felt the appearance of consciousness. This is just like the chaotic atmosphere at the beginning of chaos, with no head and feet, only a round body, but this round body can change into slender tentacles and touch inside Long Fei's body.

This time, it was his brain that first appeared in the "visual" of consciousness, followed by the heart, stomach, spleen and other internal organs to the meridians. Long Fei seemed to have "seeed" it.

After reading himself from head to toe, Long Fei felt that the function of consciousness should be more than that. As soon as his mind moved, consciousness "walked" out of the body.

"Sneer" seemed to hear a curtain inserted into the pork, and his expression went out of the body effortlessly.

In the feeling of Long Fei, his consciousness seems to be a small lamp with thin flames, swaying, as if it would go out at any time.

Although it was still dark around, and he couldn't see his fingers, Long Fei felt as if he had suddenly opened his eyes and saw the surrounding environment: this is a small room dug under the ground, with walls on three sides. Only the front has a narrow door, and an iron door on the door is closing. Strictly, there is only a small hole under the door.

In this extremely quiet underground world, consciousness also hears all kinds of animal activities living under the dark ground, which is so clear.

Long Fei was happy and excited, and he could finally see the situation around him.

Long Fei wanted to escape his consciousness again to see what kind of place it was, but after several attempts, his consciousness failed to escape. Instead, it made Long Fei's heart tired for a while. This thin iron gate was like a heavenly barrier, blocking Long Fei's tentative footsteps.

Long Fei took his consciousness back, but found that his consciousness shook more violently. His round body, which was originally a little solid, became thin. Knowing that it was over-guided just now, he hurriedly put his consciousness into his mind. At the same time, he also woke up and turned over and sat up.

Unconsciously, the acupuncture point has been automatically untied.

In fact, Long Fei's practice is purely a blessing from misfortune. Because of the extreme tranquility in the dungeon, there are no five sounds to disturb the ears, and there are no five colors of eyes. What's more, because under all the thoughts are disheartened, there is no desire, no desire, no seven emotions and six desires in his heart, and the internal strength is completely lost. There is no basis. Everything inside and outside is at the best moment, which makes Long Fei nothing. Cultivation of mental strength in the mind.

If there is a little interference outside, he will be crazy, or he will lose his memory, or become a vegetative person. There is such a good opportunity for him to practice his spiritual power without interference.

Spiritual power will only be cultivated naturally when the martial arts reach the level of divine change. At that time, a divine palace will be naturally opened up in the head for spiritual power to survive.

But now martial artists do not call spiritual power consciousness, but divine consciousness. In Buddhism and Taoism, it is mental power. In fact, the three are actually one, and they are all spiritual cultivation.

This kind of cultivation can control other people's minds. When fighting against each other, you can plant the idea of defeat in the enemy's mind, so that the other party can defeat without fighting. If Long Fei can recover his internal strength, it will also have twice the effect on the practice of spiritual power with half the effort.

It's just that Longfei's spiritual power is different from that of martial arts that has reached the level of divine transformation. Although the spiritual power of divine warriors has a wide range of radiation, it can also hurt people, but their spiritual power is invisible and can only be felt.

Longfei's spiritual power is tangible. At this time, Long Fei feels like a round ball. This is only the initial stage, and he doesn't know how he can grow up in the end, so the two are different.

In fact, Longfei's spiritual power should be called divine consciousness, while the spiritual power of the divine warrior can only be called consciousness, strengthened consciousness.

Meng Ting took him back. Originally, he wanted to rely on this as a basis. In the future, he could negotiate a price with Zhu Ran--he thought that the person who could hire Ye Guoming and Copper Head to protect must be an extraordinary person-----This was completely caused by Ye Guoming and Copper Head to hurt Meng Ting. Long Fei suffered a reckless disaster-Don't want to But it made Long Fei, which made him gain something else and opened up a brighter way than pure martial arts

Long Fei has entered a magical state since then. I believe that no one can predict or understand the future.

Slowly stood up from the ground and walked to the door with memory.

Soon touched the cold iron gate, and Long Fei knocked on the iron bar. When the sound was loud, it rang throughout the dungeon. In this hidden and closed underground cell, the sound could not be heard. Only the sound kept echoing in the whole cell. Although it was only a few taps, it also sounded in the silent underground. When it's scary.

"Is anyone there?" Long Fei shouted several times, but he didn't hear any other response except his own voice.