Eastern Continent

Chapter 376, Interrogation

Long Fei has been in the dungeon for a few days. In these days, he has not seen anything else that can move except the thin old man who occasionally comes to deliver food.

The thin old man was also a weirdo. He was like a mute to Shanglongfei. Every day when he delivered food, he put it down at the small window by the door and left immediately. He never said a word to Long Fei, regardless of whether Long Fei laughed or cried, and even when he couldn't hear any sound in the dungeon, he He didn't even look at it, as if he knew that Long Fei was still alive.

In fact, there is neither day nor night in this dark dungeon. Long Fei himself does not know exactly how many days have passed, but judging the time is about three to four days based on the number of times the thin old man delivers food.

In the past few days, Longfei has only two things after eating every day, that is, sleeping and practicing the mental strength that he has just experienced.

Long Fei also tried to open the prison door, but the strong iron gate and a huge iron lock have lost his martial arts, and Longfei, who has no power, can only give up.

Since Meng Ting tried his best to catch himself, but did not do it immediately and imprisoned himself at the wind, it proves that he is still useful to them for the time being. He should be safe until he sees Meng Ting again.

After understanding this point, Long Fei, who escaped without hope, had to wait at ease. Fortunately, the martial arts practice was also extremely boring, and Long Fei would not be irritable because of the silence of the dungeon.

And the cultivation of spiritual power requires a high degree of concentration. In the past few days, spiritual power has made great progress. In the feeling of Long Fei, spiritual power seems to be much more condensed than when he was just thrown into the dungeon by the thin old man.

It is strange that although the spiritual power has made great progress, the scope of exploration ends at the iron gate every time, and it can no longer extend outside the door, and it is impossible to feel anything outside the iron gate.

It seems that spiritual power, an invisible thing, is the same as martial arts. Only when you practice for a long time and deepen your skills can you push it farther and wider, and you can't rush forward at all. With the spiritual strength that Long Fei has just begun to practice, he can only explore the situation within a ten-foot range of his body. If he wants to explore further, it seems that he can only do it with profound skills in the future.

But even so, it's awesome.

If the two fight, although Long Fei's spiritual power is unfolded and shrouded within a radius, after the enemy attacks in front of him, he will be attacked by Long Fei's spiritual power. Those who are not strong will feel frightened and escape without fighting. The serious ones will even be hypnotized by Long Fei and turn to play for Long Fei.

This spiritual power is invisible, but it attacks directly from the spiritual level. It can be said that it hurts people invisibly and is unable to defend it. It is the best weapon to attack the enemy and kill thieves.

Of course, the premise is that Long Fei cultivates his spiritual power to a deeper level. For like now, he is only within the range of his body, but he is still outside the enemy's attack range. With the attack means of the warrior, it may have been attacked by others before Long Fei unfolding his spiritual power.

Long Fei lay in the only place in the cell where hay was laid--this is what Long Fei found with his mental strength--put his hands behind his head and stared at the roof of the cell. Although he was staring at the roof, in fact, in this place where he couldn't see his fingers, Long Fei's eyes just unconsciously looked in a certain direction. Already, I can't really see anything in this direction.

Under Long Fei's seemingly calm surface, his thoughts surged. From his mind, he passed by one by one, all the things he had experienced and the people closest to him, first his parents, then Tielan, Tongtou, etc., and finally almost everything in the village. Everyone has thought about it.

What is strange is that when people are busy, everything will sink into the bottom of their hearts and precipitate. Only when they are free will they slowly compensate one by one, just like a good wine that has been treasured for a long time. Only time will make it emit a more mellow and intoxicating taste.

Longfei's body suddenly moved, and his hands behind his head were immediately changed to two sides of his body. His upturned legs were also put down, lying on his back and lying on his side. His legs bent into a cooked shrimp shape.

Although the man's footsteps are light, Long Fei has formed a beast-like intuition in this quiet dungeon, coupled with the spiritual power of the first practice. As long as it is within his perception, no one can approach him silently.

As soon as Long Fei adjusted his posture, the thin old man came to the door of the cell and saw Long Fei lying on the hay like a shrimp. However, this time the thin old man did not come to deliver food, but opened the prison door with a bang, came in and grabbed it with one hand and lay him like shrimp. Long Fei on the ground lifted it and turned around and walked out again.

This thin old man's martial arts skills are not weak, and he is also cautious. As soon as he grabbed it, he clicked Long Fei's acupuncture point, which made Long Fei just want to speak but he couldn't say it.

When he got out of the dungeon and looked at the scenery in front of him, Long Fei couldn't help closing his eyes because he had not seen the sun for a long time.

After taking a few breaths of fresh air under the dungeon, it slowly opened.

The green trees, the blue sky, the gray-red walls, and even the dazzling red sun, the scenery that used to be seen and the air sucked in, all made Long Fei feel cute at this time.

This is not Long Fei's fault, but a common problem of human beings. They always know how to cherish it after losing it!

After drilling out of the hole with Long Fei, the thin old man came out of the wood room, passed through the long corridor to another room at the end of the corridor, and tosss the ground like a piece of torn dress.

Long Fei was dizzy again, but when his eyes turned, he could see the current scene clearly:

This is a small room without windows. The not dazzling light comes in through the oil lamps and doors of the four walls, and the room does not feel dark. There is a three-foot-wide and three-foot-long portrait hanging on the middle wall. In the picture, a thin old man with long hair is carefully tied up with a yellow belt. Under the sword eyebrows inserted obliquely into the temples are a pair of majestic eyes, and under the hanging nose are slightly raised lips, as if smiling. This is like The smiling action makes the portrait that looks full of majesty become intimate.

Meng Ting was sitting in a big chair under the portrait. He didn't see him for a few days. He seemed to have aged a lot, and there were more wrinkles on his face. He didn't know what he was thinking with his eyes closed, and he didn't look at Long Fei who was thrown in front of him like a broken sack.

"Let him sit in a chair and untie his acupuncture point."

After a while, when Long Fei carefully observed the situation in the room and thought that Meng Ting would only let himself lie on the ground like a shrimp and be interrogated by him, Meng Ting slowly opened his mouth.

The thin old man immediately lifted Long Fei with one hand, threw it on the chair, and untied Long Fei's acupuncture point.

Whether it is him or Meng Ting, one finger can kill Long Fei, so even if they untie Long Fei's acupuncture point, they are not afraid of Long Fei to escape.

Long Fei sat crookedly in the chair and looked at him with a bitter face: "This is not the way to treat guests!"

Meng Ting still sat with his eyes closed and didn't know what he was thinking. He did not respond to Long Fei's words. Meng Ting did not speak, and the thin old man was even more impossible to speak. After Long Fei spoke, the room fell into silence instead.

Seeing that Meng Ting didn't speak, Long Fei also stopped talking. He had no choice but to sit on the chair and keep moving around, but the room was really simple. Except for a portrait in the middle, the rest were Meng Ting, the thin old man and Long Fei himself. There was really nothing to see.

"You are not pirates!"

The room was quiet for a long time, and Long Fei suddenly said again.

He opened his eyes, as if two lightning came out of his eyes and fixed on Long Fei's face.

"Who are you?"

"I have nothing to do with Zhu Ran!" Long Fei smiled bitterly and said, "You can't threaten him even if you catch me!"

"Who is the warrior who blocked my blow with Ye Guoming?" Meng Ting said indifferently.

"I know what you want to ask!" Long Fei smiled bitterly and said, "He is called Copper Head. He is not my bodyguard, but just a brother who grew up with me!"

"Brother?" Meng Ting sneered and said, "Is Ye Guoming also your brother who grew up together?"

"Of course not, but he is not my bodyguard either!" Long Fei said, "After the injury, I went to Mr. Ye's house to seek medical treatment, so I just got to know Ye Guoming!"

"Are you not afraid of death?" Meng Ting said lightly, "If you say all this and talk about yourself as a useless person, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Afraid!" Long Fei was stunned and said with a faint smile, "How can you not be afraid! However, it's useless to be afraid now.

Meng Ting's eyes stared at Long Fei, and his eyes were shining. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would have recognized a wrinkled face. The old man who was about to go had such a sharp eye.

"Who are you?"

Although the voice was light, Meng Ting spoke very slowly, as if he had said it word by word. With the end of this sentence, the atmosphere in the room gradually became solemn, and Meng Ting's momentum gradually improved, crushing the dragon like a mountain.

Long Fei still sat on the chair crookedly. His posture did not change, his expression did not change at all, and there was peace in the plainness. It was a kind of spiritual tranquility from the inside out. Since his spiritual power mutated in the dungeon, Long Fei felt that his spiritual power had become much stronger and closely connected with heaven and earth. There are many, and this tranquility of Longfei seems to be connected with heaven and earth, separated from heaven and earth.

Now Meng Ting is just a martial artist at the spiritual level, which is not much different from Long Fei's original martial arts realm. The pressure released by him has no effect on Long Fei. In fact, it is not only a spiritual warrior like Meng Ting. Even the pressure of Jieyuan martial artists has no impact on Long Fei. He has practiced from Longfei. After the spiritual power, as long as they are not at the level of divine transformation and have begun to practice spiritual power, their power has no effect on Long Fei.

If Long Fei is willing, he can even affect Meng Ting with mental strength.

"My name is Long Fei, just a patient from Montenegro, in the name of Mr. Mu Ye, who came to seek medical treatment."

The smile on Long Fei's face is so innocent and sincere, as if he is looking at an elder, instead of fling himself, someone who may kill him at any time.

Two strands of light burst out in Meng Ting's eyes, staring at Long Fei, as if to find out that some of Long Fei's words were true and some were false. But what disappointed him was that Long Fei's eyes were clear and bright, as innocent as children, as bright and deep as stars, and there was no trace of uneasiness and cramped to tell lies.


Long Fei's answer is also unexpected. Montenegro is in the westernmost part of the mainland and Song Chun is in the easternmost part of the mainland. The distance between the two is not close.

"Have you learned martial arts?"

This sentence is just a temptation, and it is not certain, because Long Fei has no internal strength and is not like a martial arts practitioner at all. However, looking at Long Fei's richness, he seems to have peerless martial arts skills. Just look at his clear and innocent eyes, let alone ordinary mortals, which makes people can't help but think about it. Close.

"I have learned!"

Long Fei nodded a little sadly: "But it's gone now!"

"No more?"

"Hmm! After the injury, the martial arts was lost!" Long Fei said gly.

This is another unexpected answer. Such a young teenager, who fell into the hands of others after losing martial arts and became a prisoner, can still be so calm and so generous that Meng Ting is ashamed of himself.

In fact, Long Fei was also depressed and depressed when he just lost his martial arts skills, but now his mental strength suddenly rose sharply, lost the eastern corner, and collected the mulberry elm. Long Fei is not so depressed now.

It seems that the world's things depend on misfortunes and blessings. Blessings are extremely misfortunes, and misfortunes are extremely blessed

"How did you lose your martial arts?"

"Lost when you engage with others!" Long Fei briefly talked about his relationship with others and led him to the loss of martial arts, but described his martial arts as a natural realm, and did not say that it was a grudge with the Mu family. No one knew whether Meng Ting in front of him had hooked up with the Mu family.

After Long Fei finished speaking, the room was silent again, as if Meng Ting was still digesting Long Fei's words.

After a while.

"send him back to the dungeon."

Long Fei looked calm and was not surprised by Meng Ting's words. Anyway, Meng Ting had a glimmer of life without Ma* to kill himself.

So, Long Fei was once again held by the thin old man in one hand, like a broken sack, and thrown on the ground of the dungeon. Maybe he knew that Long Fei had no martial arts, or saw Long Fei's cooperation just now. This time, the thin old man untied his acupuncture point when he left Long Fei.

Stand up and rubbed his body. Long Fei looked at the direction of the iron gate, groped for the iron lock, held it in his hands, and then closed his eyes and began to meditate.

For a while, a strange image appeared in the brain - that is the structural map inside the lock.

Long Fei tried to let his spiritual power push the lock stamen. He only heard the ticking sound of the lock stamen, and the lock tongue slowly slipped out of the lock hole. With a "dang", the iron lock was opened!

Spiritual power also has such a function.

After grasping the iron lock for a while, Long Fei suddenly jumped up with joy, but he didn't expect that the iron lock slipped from his hand and hit his toes.

His mouth was wide open and he held his feet. He just wanted to jump up, but he didn't expect that his spiritual power was used too much just now. At this time, his eyes turned white. As soon as he fell back, he fainted in an instant. The big "ah" only wandered between his throat and was swallowed back.

Long Fei tried the taste of mental power for the first time and knew the strength of mental power, so he kept using it, but he didn't know that if the mental power was used too much, it would not only cause damage to the body's meridians and make people's hands and feet weak; it would also damage the brain and make people become idiots. Fortunately, Long Fei was confused and avoided nervous errors. The danger of chaos.