Eastern Continent

Chapter 386, Old Man and the compass

The Wave slowly approached the big merchant ship. From the side of the Wave, you can see a Chinese man standing next to the merchant ship with a long beard of about 40 years old under his jaw. He was holding his fist and shouting at Ye Guoming and Tongtou: "I'm resisting the United States in the lower sand. Thank you for saving me."

Left anti-American!

The copper head almost fell from the ship into the sea, and a smile from his heart appeared on his face.

"Bronze head, what's wrong with you!"

Although Ye Guoming also looked at the big merchant ship opposite, he still saw the strangeness of the copper head.

"Acquaintance!" The copper head smiled at Ye Guoming and turned to shout at the merchant ship: "General Zuo, I'm the copper head!"

"Bronze head!" The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment before he could speak, but a one-armed young man had rushed from the deck to the side of the ship and shouted happily at the wave: "Bronze head, I'm Zuo Lichang!"

I haven't seen him for a while. Zuo Kang's beauty is much older, and his face is full of bronze skin like carvings blown by the sea breeze, but the heroism in his eyes has not diminished at all, as if he is still the famous general of Zuo Xiguo. At this time, his martial arts have also been promoted to the peak of the free state of heaven, only one step away. It can be promoted to the spiritual level.

Zuo Lichang also looks much more mature. Although the loss of his arm was a big blow to him, it also made him mature. The indignation that was often hung on his face before was also restrained at this time. Perhaps because of the blow, Zuo Lichang's martial arts skills were also promoted to the level of heaven at this time.

"How did General Zuo meet the pirates?"

After getting on the big ship and introducing each other, Ye Guoming also followed Tongtou to call Zuo Kangmei a general.

Zuo Kangmei frowned and said, "I don't understand. Those pirates seem to appear out of thin air, and the speed of the ship is much faster than us. We were surrounded by them not far away. If you hadn't saved us, we would definitely not have escaped!"

Ye Guoming turned his head and looked at the two captains Zhang Heng and Li Zhi, with a look of surprise in his eyes. This is already near the sea, close to the mainland. If the pirates really suddenly appear without warning, it proves that some of the pirates must be very familiar with the sea area.

"Where is General Zuo going, or is he going back to Liusha?" Tongtou looked at Zuo Kangmei and wondered, "General Zuo's ship doesn't seem to be a warship?"

"Sigh..." Zuo Anti-American sighed and said, "To be honest, this is just a merchant ship bought and sold by our Zuo family, which is only used to carry some goods for trading."

"A merchant ship?" Tongtou looked at Zuo Kangmei and his son and suddenly realized that after the Zuo family protected Ma Jue and fled to the sand city, because Ma Jue was no longer the original prince, and Zuo Lianhua's father and son were no longer the original senior officials of Zuo Xi. Without the support of the people of Zuo Xi, he naturally had to find a way to make a living. And near the sea of Liusha City, there are as many merchants as cattle, and the Zuo family naturally chose to trade.

Not to mention, it has not been seen for more than a year. The three generations of Zuo's ancestors and grandchildren have actually accumulated a lot of wealth with their own intelligence. Although they did not have the power of senior officials in Zuo Xi before, they got wealth that they did not have at that time.

"In addition to these pirates, has General Zuo seen any other pirates or suspected pirates?" Through the battle just now, Ye Guoming and others knew that these pirates would definitely not be Meng Ting those people. Meng Ting those people fled in a hurry and could only pick up one or two ships. How could they be ten small boats? Besides, even if there were people on the boat who responded when Meng Ting out of the city, they could not suddenly become Hundreds of people, with hundreds of people, will not be so afraid of being caught up by Ye Guoming and others, and fled in panic.

"Other pirates!" Zuo Kangmei began to meditate. They met a lot of caravans along the way. Except for the ten pirate ships just now, they really did not meet other pirates or suspected pirates.

"It seems that there is one!" Zuo Kangmei was still meditating, but Zuo Lichang shouted, "It was a big ship with three sails. When I saw that we didn't even say hello, and the speed of the ship was very fast, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye!"

"They went in that direction!" The copper head hurriedly asked.

"To the southeast!" Zuo Lichang pointed to a direction and said, "According to some businessmen, there is a big island called Moon Island in that direction."

"Moon Island!" Ye Guoming glanced at Zhang Heng and Li Zhi. Among the people on the Wave, only Zhang Heng and Li Zhi were once sailors, and naturally familiar with the surrounding waters of Song Chun.

"I've heard a little about it!" Zhang Heng and Li looked directly at each other and said, "I just heard that there is a big island in that direction, but I don't know the specific direction and name!"

"Where are the copper head and several generals going?" Zuo Anti-American's eyes are old-sighted, and naturally he can see the military identity of Zhang Heng, Li Zhi and others: "Are you chasing someone?"

"We are going to chase the ship that Lichang said may be!" Tongtou said, "Someone on that ship took Long Fei away!"

"Long Fei was arrested!" Zuo Kangmei and Zuo Lichang exclaimed at the same time. Long Fei is a warrior in the realm of building a mansion. What kind of realm can he capture Long Fei? At least he has to be at the level to dare to capture Long Fei.

Under the fact that the other party is a warrior at the Jieyuan level, Ye Guoming and Tongtou still dare to chase after each other, and their courage is really commendable.

"Long Fei was captured by them because he lost his martial arts!" Looking at the expression of the left father and son, Tongtou knew that they were wrong.

"Long Fei lost his martial arts!" However, this sentence had the same effect as Long Fei being caught, which shocked Zuo Kangmei and his son. What kind of person can make Long Fei lose his martial arts skills?

Seeing the eyes of Zuo Kangmei and his son, Tongtou knew the doubts in their hearts, so he told them everything from down the mountain to Tiandu City and Song Chuncheng. At that time, he may still have some distrusted Ye Guoming and others. Now after seeing Ye Guoming's efforts to find Long Fei, he naturally With this layer of scruples, as for the father and son of the Zuo family, they are even more careless. They are comrades-in-arms who have lived in trouble with Tongtou and Long Fei, and they also have a grudge against the Mu family, so naturally they will not have anything to do with the Mu family.

Ye Guoming heard Long Fei's deeds for the first time. If he had doubts about Long Fei's promotion to a spirit at a young age, he will no longer doubt it after hearing Tongtou's words and seeing the self-righteous look of the left family father and son.

has also begun to pay unprecedented attention to Long Fei!

Obviously, Zuo Anti-US and Zuo Lichang also have a deep understanding of Long Fei's martial arts skills, so it is natural to think that it is not surprising that Long Fei's martial arts skills were promoted to the realm of Chengling at such an age.

"If according to what the Zuo brothers said, it should be that ship!" Ye Guoming looked at Tongtou seriously and said, "We must leave immediately, or we can't catch them!"

"All right!" Tongtou immediately bowed to Zuo Anti-American and said, "General Zuo, let's leave. When we find Long Fei, we will go to Liusha City to visit Zuo Lao!"

"Wait!" Zuo Kangmei pointed to Zuo Lichang and said, "Long Fei has great kindness to us. Now that Long Fei is in trouble, we naturally can't sit idly by, so let Lichang follow you!"

"Good!" Zuo Lichang took a step forward and shouted, "I'll go with Tongtou!"

"No!" Tongtou refused without thinking and saying, "If the people who caught Longfei are really from the island, whether they are pirates or not, there must be a lot of people. We are not capable of enemies and can only take wisdom. Therefore, there are not many Lichang brothers, and there are many fewer than him! Besides, it won't be long before we go. At this time, this merchant ship needs you even more. Brother Lichang doesn't have to follow us!"

"But..." Zuo Kangmei frowned. Although he knew that Tongtou was telling the truth, Long Fei did have great kindness to them. If they looked at Long Fei in danger and were not interested, he would also feel uneasy with Zuo Kangmei's character.

"General Zuo don't have to worry. If he wants to be unfavorable to Long Fei, he will not take him out of Song Chuncheng. Since he has taken out of Song Chuncheng, it is another purpose, so Long Fei is still safe in a short time!" Ye Guoming also refused, "If General Zuo has fresh water and some food, he might as well lend us some. We came out in a hurry and didn't bring much of these things!"

"All right!" Zuo Kangmei pondered for a while before saying to Zuo Lichang, "Move out the food and fresh water on the ship to the copper head. Anyway, this place is not far from the mainland, and we don't need it anymore."

"I have a nautical tool here!" Zuo Anti-American asked Zuo Lichang to take out a box from the warehouse and handed it to Tongtou, "Maybe it will be helpful for your action this time!"

The copper head opens the box, but it is a disk with a spoon on it. There are also strips of line on the disk. The center of a disk is the origin radiating around.

"This is..." Copper head has lived in the deep mountains and forests of Montenegro since childhood. The knowledge about the sea is really pitiful. When he saw such a disk, he was actually said to be a nautical tool. When he was still confused, Ye Guoming shouted happily: "compass!"

"It's the compass!" Zuo Anti-American nodded and said, "With this thing, it will be much easier to sail on the vast sea."

"compass?" The copper head looked at what was in his hand and wondered, "What is a floppy disk?"

"Look!" Ye Guoming pushed the handle of the spoon with his hand and saw the spoon dripping on the disk. When he finally stopped, it was still in its original position, and it was the same again.

"No matter where you get it, how many times you turn it, when it finally stops, it is in this position!" Ye Guoming said, "When it stops, the direction it points to is the south. When sailing on the sea, as long as it relies on the sun, moon and stars to identify the direction, with this thing, even if there is no sun and moon, it will not lose its way."

"There is such a wonderful thing!" The copper head was so curious that he couldn't help turning it with his hand several times and found that as Ye Guoming said, the long spoon handle pointed to the same place every time, which was not bad at all.

"This is a good thing!" Although Tongtou has no knowledge of navigation, he also knows that there is such a thing that will help them this time. He shouted happily and looked at Zuo Kangcha and said, "Since General Zuo is willing to give up love, we are disrespectful!"

"We are just doing our best, hoping to help save Long Fei!" When Zuo Kangmei saw that the food and fresh water had been moved, he said to Tongtou and Ye Guoming, "I know that your time is tight, so I won't delay you. I hope everything goes well and bring Long Fei back safely."

"Good! Let's say goodbye." Tongtou and Ye Guoming saluted Zuo Anti-American and Zuo Lichang: "General Zuo, please rest assured that we will bring Long Fei back safely."