Eastern Continent

Chapter 388, Meng Ting is seriously ill

Long Fei held the wooden door handle and rubbed it carefully, but then slowly took back his hand and muttered, "Curiosity is really harmful sometimes. It's better to be careful."

Turning his hands back, like a walk after dinner, Shiran walked to the tailcang of the boat - where he came to sleep these days, a room with piles of debris.

As soon as he took two steps, he saw Xiu Nanyun and Ding Chajie, a sailor on the ship and the leader of Meng Ting, come out of Meng Ting's room. Both of them looked gloomy, and Ding Chajie seemed to have tears in his eyes.

Long Fei hurriedly flashed aside and let the two pass first.

When Xiu Nanyun passed by Long Fei with a gloomy face, he did not forget to look up at Long Fei. The deep hatred in his eyes made the bold Long Fei shiver. He felt a chill on his back. When he touched it with his hand, he actually broke out a cold sweat.

In broad daylight, what the hell!

When Ding Chajie passed by, Long Fei actually saw him wipe his eyes with his sleeves.

What the hell happened?

After these two people, several middle-level leaders came out of the room, but everyone's faces were gloomy and their eyes were red.

"What's going on?" Long Fei suddenly took a step forward and stopped Ding Chajie, who walked with his head down.

Although Ding Chajie has never said a word with Longfei since he got on the ship, he is still kind to Longfei. Every time he meets him, he will nod and signal that he is the best person on the ship except for Meng Jianjian, so Long Fei dares to stop him so boldly.

However, after Long Fei stopped him, there was no response. Instead, he knocked away Long Fei's hand, lowered his head and rushed forward, almost hitting an open door.

Long Fei caught up with two steps, stopped in front of Ding Chajie, and said in a low voice, "What on earth happened?"

Ding Chajie stopped and finally looked up at Long Fei. His eyes were red and his eyes were aimless. His voice choked, "The elder..."

"What's wrong with the elder?" Long Fei was shocked and grabbed Xiao Peng's shoulder.

Although Meng Ting said that he had robbed himself, except for trapping himself in the dungeon when he healed his wounds and stuffing himself into the bottom of the carriage when he fled, he was polite to himself and never imposed any punishment on himself. When he arrived on the boat, he let himself move freely, so Long Fei was not very good at Meng Ting. With great hatred, without the experience of being trapped in the dungeon at that time, Long Fei may not be able to cultivate his spiritual power!

Besides, if Meng Ting has any accident, no one on the ship can protect himself. Maybe everyone will be angry with him at that time. Therefore, no matter for that aspect, Long Fei is very concerned about Meng Ting.

Ding Chajie's eyes were red and he choked, "The elder's injury... is getting worse and worse!"

is getting heavier and heavier!

It's getting heavier and heavier, but it can't be cured, that is, if it goes on like this, Meng will one day.

Long Fei was shocked. He never thought that Meng Ting's injury would become like this. Although he knew that it must be terrible for Ye Guoming and Tongtou to work together, even the spiritual warriors may have fought.

But Meng Ting is not an ordinary spiritual warrior. Looking at his power on that day, he is at least a spiritual warrior in the third level of the spiritual level. If it is a formal fight, Ye Tong can protect themselves well. How can he hurt Meng Ting? As long as Zhu Ran's counterattack at that time can he hurt Meng Ting, Meng Ting is because of injury. The martial arts was greatly reduced, and finally he injured Ye Guoming and Tongtou's men, but the injury did not seem to be so serious. What happened?

Long Fei grabbed Ding Chajie's shoulder and shouted, "Crying, like a woman, take me to have a look."

Ding Chajie was a little strange. When Long Fei saw him, he usually nodded and bowed his waist to make a smile. When he saw him talk to him with such a command, strange thing was that he had no antipathy in his heart and could not resist. He couldn't help looking at Long Fei, but he saw that his face was serious and his eyes were awe-inspiring, as if It's like seeing your heart all the time.

In fact, Long Fei has carried his spiritual power. Now Ding Chajie is grabbed by Long Fei's arm, and the two are almost close together. Within the absolute scope of Long Fei's spiritual power, under the pressure of Long Fei's spiritual power, it is strange that Ding Chajie can rise to resist.

In fact, since Longfei was allowed to move freely on the ship that day, Meng Ting has never stepped out of the room. The thing he eats every day is also Lao Huang helping him take in. Although Long Fei knows that something is wrong, he can't imagine that Meng Ting is so seriously ill, which makes Ding Chajie such a tough man sad. Tears.

Under the influence of Longfei's spiritual power, Ding Chajie turned around and walked to Meng Ting's room. Long Fei followed him and came to the door of Meng Ting's room.

The gatekeeper was still the young fat man and the Chinese literal big man, as if they didn't want to rest. When the two saw Ding Chajie, they both nodded heavily and let him pass, but stopped Long Fei who followed Ding Chajie.

Long Fei smiled and said, "I want to talk to Meng Lao. I wonder if I can inform you?"

The Chinese-faced man on the right said with a stiff face and said with no expression, "The master is resting, and I don't see the guests."

Ding Chajie said, "He wants to see the elders. Let him go in."

"No one can enter without the order of the master." The expression and tone of the Chinese face are hard.

"Let him in, I guarantee him." Ding Chajie has nothing to do with these two people.

"No matter who you are, you can't enter without the owner's order." The Chinese character's face still said coldly with no expression.

The fat young man next to him said, "Brother Ding, why don't you let this little brother wait outside the door? Why don't you go in first and ask the master for instructions?"

Ding Chajie was reminded by him and said to Long Fei, "Wait outside. I'll go in and ask the elder."

Long Fei nodded with a smile.

The fat young man is wondering why Ding Chajie is so polite to Long Fei.

Ding Chajie just turned around, and the door suddenly opened inside, revealing Lao Huang's wrinkled face like old bark. He didn't look at others. He just stared at Long Fei's face and said coldly, "Master let you in."

Long Fei nodded to the Chinese face and the fat young man, and followed Lao Huang into the room with Ding Chajie.

As soon as he entered the room, Long Fei almost fainted from the strong smell of medicine in the room.

In the small warehouse, a round pot-shaped porcelain was hanging with wire in the middle, and the light fire below was slowly roasting, and the smell of medicine permeated the whole room just escaped from the ironware.

Meng Ting lay next to a half-person-high** near the medicine pot, wearing only a thin set of shirts and was being fumigated by the medicine.

I haven't seen you for a few days. Meng is like a different person. Long Fei is so thin that he can hardly recognize him. His former smooth skin has now become wrinkled, and his face is also full of a gray color that is completely different from the previous healthy ruddy.

If it hadn't been for Long Fei's unforgettable ability and was quite impressed by Meng, I really couldn't recognize this old man lying on ** who was majestically in Song Chun, killed Zhu Yiding, hurt Zhu Ran, and then escaped Song Chun with a wind-pulling rotating martial arts. Meng Ting was chased by everyone.

Seeing Long Fei come in, the weak Meng Ting nodded to Long Fei and whispered, "Please sit down." The voice was hoarse and low, as if there was only one breath left, and the breath was about to be cut off in a blink of an eye.

Long Fei sat down on a chair in front of the bed and looked confused, with a surprised look in his eyes unconcealed.

Before coming close to Meng Ting, Long Fei was even more surprised by Meng Ting's changes. From a close look, it can be seen that Meng Ting has a greater difference than the previous days. His smooth face is full of wrinkles, and his whole body is so thin that he only has skin and bones, and his eyes are also dim, which is not as sharp as before.

In the past, due to internal force, the whole person looked only in his thirties, but now he seems to be in his 80s. After not seeing him for a few days, he has changed from an elegant middle-aged man to an old man who is only waiting for the sea god to be recruited.

Long Fei is often a wild imagination, and he can't imagine that a person will change so much in just a few days, so that even now Longfei still doubts whether Meng Ting has been disguised!

A spiritual warrior became like this because of his weakness. Long Fei was not only shocked, but also curious that a spiritual warrior with spiritual power would be dying due to the deterioration of his injury. How much injury does this cost?

"Let you laugh!" Meng Ting smiled hard at Long Fei, as if he knew what Long Fei was thinking. He smiled and said, "Maybe you are laughing in your heart that I deserve this retribution."

"How dare the boy laugh at the elder?" Long Fei laughed and said, "! The elder is good for me!"

"Ha ha... you are honest!" Meng Ting laughed and said, "What are you looking for me?"

"I just heard that the elder was seriously injured, so let's take a look." Long Fei frowned and looked at Meng Ting and said, "The elder's injury..."

Lao Huang said in a hateful voice: "Since my master was injured by your two friends, his internal injury has not improved. Now it is getting more and more serious. If the master has any shortcomings, he will definitely kill you."

"It's none of their business!" Long Fei said lightly, "They are not so powerful yet!"

"It's none of their business?" Old Huang Huo raised his head and looked at Long Fei and shouted, "Whose business is that! You still want to shirk your responsibility!"

"This is not a responsibility!" Long Fei said lightly, "I'm just afraid that you have found the wrong person for revenge."

"Don't worry, you won't be wrong!" Lao Huang looked at Long Fei with a ferocious face and said, "Even if you turn into ashes, I will recognize you!"

"It really has nothing to do with them!" Meng Ting sighed gently: "It's my misjudination about Zhu Ran's martial arts!"

"Zhu Ran!" Long Fei remembered the fight between Meng Ting and Zhu Ran that he saw at that time. From beginning to end, Meng Ting chased Zhu Ran and hit him. It seemed that Zhu Ran was more seriously injured, but unexpectedly, now Meng Ting was lying ** dying, and Zhu Ran may have been alive at this time.

"In my opinion, Zhu Ran's warriors should be in the same realm as the elders!" Long Fei recalled the situation at that time and said, "There is a difference, but it's just the length of promotion!"

"Can you see it?"

Meng was very surprised. Since he caught Long Fei, although he had talked with Long Fei several times, he always felt that Long Fei was a person who had never learned martial arts, but now Long Fei could see Zhu Ran's martial arts realm, but it surprised him. How could a person who had never learned martial arts be the process of competition from others? It can be seen that a person's martial arts are deep and shallow. Even Meng Ting himself dares not say that he can see the realm of other people's martial arts from the process of the two. Unless it is a martial artist whose martial arts skills are several levels lower than Meng's, Meng Ting can see it.