Eastern Continent

Chapter 390, On the Island

Ye Guoming looked in the direction of his copper-headed finger, but only saw a dark sky and earth. He couldn't see anything. He couldn't help asking strangely, "What did you see?"

Bronzetou was obviously still excited, and his voice was a few decibels higher. He almost shouted, "I saw an island in that direction."

"Where is it?"

Everyone was refreshed in vain and hurriedly asked.

"In that direction, it won't be too far!" The copper head pointed to the slightly left direction in front of him and said, "I saw a black thing in that direction!"

"Are you sure!" Ye Guoming was a little suspicious and said, "Is the lightning dazzled just now? Did you just see the dark shadow?"

"I'm sure there is an island!" Tongtou became anxious and vowed, "I could see it clearly when the lightning lit up just now. If you don't believe it, you can also have a look when the lightning goes down."

As if responding to the words of the copper head, as soon as the voice of the copper head fell, with the ever-changing light, the lightning immediately split open the clouds and poked out.

This time, not only the copper head could be seen more clearly, but also Ye Guoming and Zhang Heng saw that a lonely island about three miles away stood quietly in the stormy storm.

The whole ship is in high spirits, which is a perfect life.

Although everyone was still trying to control the ship, due to the strong wind and waves, the waves kept hitting the bottom of the valley by the waves and constantly being pushed up by the waves. In fact, it was not the people on the ship who controlled the waves at this time, but turned into wind and waves.

And in this weather, the Waves do not know how far it has deviated from the original channel. It is not a little difficult to find the original channel. If you want to find the island on the original route, you don't know which direction it is at this time.

When everyone was desperate, they didn't expect that the island that they thought was still out of reach was just a short distance away. Now there is hope to escape, and everyone will try their best.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the Waves moved towards the island in the gap of the huge waves, sometimes rushing into the bottom of the valley, as if it had fallen into the bottom of the water, but in an instant, it was pushed high by the huge waves, and the waves seemed to be at the top of the mountain.

Once again, the Waves kept repeating such movements and processes. Whether it was on the deck or the people hiding in the boathouse, they were already wet all over, rising and falling, making everyone on the ship roll over here and down like stones thrown by a stone throwers.

Ye Guoming and Zhang Heng can still calmly control the direction of the ship, but their copper heads are already weak. The huge waves as high as hills often cover the whole ship from the top of the ship, as if they were going to press the ship to the bottom of the sea.

The copper head has never seen such a sinister natural scene and is not familiar with the situation on the sea, so it has been bumpy and dizzy. He can't distinguish between east, west, north and south. Looking at the huge waves that have been constantly churning, the food in his stomach that has not been digested this morning also began to rise with the huge waves.

After everyone's efforts, we finally reached the distance to see the island. Under this dark world, we can see the island. The distance is not far away. Everyone can't help but be happy. It seems that their strength has increased all over their bodies out of thin air. The big oars fly over, and the waves are almost in the collision with the huge waves, almost It was bouncing towards the island.

"The boat is flooded."

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, a voice full of fear came to everyone's ears very abruptly.

This sentence was called by a soldier in the middle of the ship. At first, Ye Guoming didn't think so and didn't care. He thought it was because of the huge waves hitting the ship and the accumulated water that could not flow out, and the place of escape was nearby. After the wind and waves calmed down, he would clean it up.

But the soldier's second sentence is:

"The ship is broken."

Everyone blew up like a frightened cat. No one knew when the ship broke. The sound of the stormy waves covered up the sound of the waves breaking. It was not until the ship came here that they found that they looked at the island less than ten feet ahead. I don't know how long the Waves could last. Now it turned into the end of the world. .

Ye Guoming hurriedly ordered several soldiers who rowed to plug the hole and flood out of the bunker. The rest of the people rowed their paddles and be sure to reach the island before the bottom of the Waves cracked.

In order to escape, and the place of escape was right in front of us, the exhausted soldiers instantly radiated infinite power, and the oars flew out. The waves broke a passage to escape in the huge waves and marched towards the island.

And the soldiers who blocked the holes and the water also tried their best to fight against the seawater constantly infiltrating the boat's warehouse. This time, they fought with God for their lives. Everyone really fought first and dared not relax a little.


Although everyone was tired and panting, a smile gradually appeared on their faces. Looking at the island six feet away, it seemed that they could reach out and touch it. The smile on their faces was thicker and their hands were stronger.


Everyone rowed the oars desperately, but found that the Waves could no longer move at all, and the water in the ship was endless, quickly pouring from the bottom of the ship to the ship.

The bottom of the ship actually touched the reef and was hung by the reef.

Looking at the quiet island three feet away, everyone wanted to cry without tears.

Usually, even if it is dozens of feet away, for them, they can swim in one breath, which is just a warm-up exercise. But now the wind is blowing the huge waves, hitting down like a huge wall. Maybe before they have swam a few steps, they have been hit into the bottom of the water by the huge waves, or have been rolled up by the huge waves and smashed to pieces on the reef. Therefore, although it is only three feet away now, it is as far away as the ends of the sea.

However, no matter what, the Wave can't stay anyway. In order to live, you must swim to the island, otherwise there is no way to live.

Without Ye Guoming's order, the soldiers jumped into the water and swam to the island.

For a while, dozens of people struggled to swim towards the island on this narrow sea. Some people were constantly hit by huge waves into the bottom of the water and floated again. Some people were hit in mid-air by the suddenly rising wave wall and fell down with the wave wall.

At this time, everyone is really brave, and everyone is competing for the first time, scratching their arms hard for life.

The copper head was dragged by Ye Guoming and Zhang Heng with one hand. Li Zhi occasionally pushed behind and was also moving towards the island.

At this time, the wind boosted the waves, and the waves took advantage of the wind. From time to time, a huge wave wall a few feet high was raised on the sea, and the dozens of people who were fighting to survive on the sea. Occasionally, someone would still be swept up by the huge waves and pushed into the reef exposed to the sea, or He was rolled up in the air by the waves and fell fiercely on the sea. The sound of screams was also clearly heard in this violent storm and huge waves.

The short distance of three feet was like a grabber for everyone, almost exhausted the strength in their bodies, and the people finally swam to the island. At this time, even with the strong physical strength of Ye Guoming, Tongtou, Zhang Heng and Li Zhi, they were as tired as a dog, lying on the stormy beach. I don't want to move.

The copper head lay on the beach in a large shape, tired to death. Thinking of this gust of wind and rain, I am still shocked. This kind of strong wind is completely different from the strong wind seen on the mainland.

With the help of Ye Guoming and Zhang Heng, with the water skills of the copper head, he might have sunk straight into the water and disappeared without moving. Nevertheless, the copper head drank several mouthfuls of salty seawater, and almost spit out his internal organs as soon as he got to the island, so although he didn't do much But he was more tired than others. At this time, he lay on the ground, drenched by the wind and rain, but his copper head didn't even want to move his fingers.

It's not just that the copper head doesn't want to move, but in fact, other people also don't move at this time. Dozens of people lie on the beach, just like a battlefield after a big war.

Fortunately, Ye Guoming, Zhang Heng and Li Zhi are still physically strong. Although they contributed more than others, they only rested for a while after landing, but they still entered the island to find a cave for everyone to shelter from the rain.

Entering the cave, they lit up the fire folds wrapped in waterproof oil cloth. Everyone found that this was a big cave, larger than the deck of the Sea Wave, and more than enough to accommodate more than 20 people. The cave was cool and dry, and outside the cave and on the sea were completely two worlds, like a paradise and a hell.

Everyone looked around, and there were still traces carved by human beings on the walls of the cave around them. Although after a long period of soaking, there was still a faint scar left.

At this time, because it was raining heavily, everyone couldn't find anything to make a fire. They just cleaned the ground with some branches and simply built a few stones at the mouth of the cave to prevent the beasts from entering. Then they took off their coats and spread them on the ground, and fell down and fell asleep, and the sent no sent out.

This time, the wind and rain can be described as changing the sky and the earth. It was the only thing that Zhang Heng and others have seen since they sailed for a long time, and it was also rare. It didn't stop until the early morning of the next day.

Everyone slept so sweetly that they didn't even dream. It was not until the next morning that the sun came in from the mouth of the cave and the birds cooed on the branches that they woke up.

Ye Guoming was the first person to wake up. After pushing away the stones piled up at the mouth of the cave and stretching his waist outside the rising sun, he felt a little hungry.

"I'm really hungry, but unfortunately there is nothing to eat." A voice sounded beside Ye Guoming, which was the second copper head to drill out of the cave. Looking at the slowly rising sun, he said, "If it hadn't been for this wind and rain, we might have rushed to Meng Ting."

"We were stopped by the wind and rain, and they certainly couldn't avoid this storm." Ye Guoming was worried and said, "I don't know if they can survive." If something happens to Meng Ting, Long Fei's life will definitely not be safe. Ye Guoming will say so.

Tongtou remembered yesterday's strong wind and waves. At this time, he was still scared and couldn't help shivering. After hearing Ye Guoming's words, he became worried about Long Fei.

Longfei doesn't know how to swim, but on the Waves, Ye Guoming and others treated him like a distinguished guest, while Long Fei was in Meng Ting's hands, but he was a prisoner. The treatment of the two was completely different. If Meng Ting encountered this storm like yesterday and was overwhelmed by himself, he would still get Long Fei. Maybe It is possible for Long Fei to be thrown into the sea.

I don't want to be okay. The more I think about the copper head, the more I worry about Long Fei. I even forget that I'm hungry. Looking at the wave that stopped not far away, the copper head's face became more difficult to look at.

The Wave not only broke a hole, but was also hung by the reef. The reason why it did not sink at this time is that the water here is shallow, and the bottom of the ship is supported by the reef. How can such a ship catch up with Meng Ting and how to find Long Fei? Maybe they will stay on this island all their lives and can't go back to Song Chun.

What you want to come to the ship, whether it is food or fresh water, is flooded by the sea.

"It's useless to worry at this time." Ye Guoming comforted Tongtou and said, "Let's go to the ship first to see if the ship can be repaired, and then see if we can find something to eat!" After saying that, Ye Guoming walked towards the Wave, but as soon as he stepped out, he stopped and turned his eyes to the depths of the island at the same time, and their faces rose with ecstasy at the same time.

Only after the cave where they lived last night, wisps of smoke rose in the depths of the island.

I didn't expect that there were still people living on this island, so they should not have to be trapped on this island because of the broken boat, and they can also solve the problem of food and clothing by the way.

"Let's go and have a look. I'm hungry. Let's find something to eat first!" The copper head took back the foot towards the Wave and first walked to the depths of the island.

The two quickly walked to the place where the smoke rose, crossed the highest place of the island, and walked to the other side.

When approaching the foot of the mountain, the two heard someone talking loudly, but the sound was like a bird roaring and an ape, and neither of them could understand a word.

The two thought that this was just the original language of the island residents, but when they saw the situation at the foot of the mountain, they were stunned by the sight.