Eastern Continent

Chapter 393, Little Girl Xiaoxiang

The wind is getting louder, and the tip of the wave often hits the bow, sprinkles it on the deck, sprinkles a layer of water stain on the deck, and then flows out of the drain. Under the wind, occasionally there will be sea water like rain and fog, floating in through the open window of the warehouse, as if there was a salty drizzle.

Meng Ting and Long Fei were also splashed with some water drops, which was a little cool.

The boat is faster and shakes a little harder.

Long Fei's palm was firmly pressed on the top of Meng Ting's head. Even if the boat shook his hand, he did not move at all. Under the urging of force, his spiritual power followed the top of Meng Ting's head and went all the way down through the lungs, stomach, liver and other places.

It's strange to say that Meng Ting's body is as cold as ice. No matter how Meng Ting expels it, it will not touch its internal strength at all. Under the spiritual power of Long Fei, it is like the real ice silk meeting the fierce sun and melting at the speed of sound. The place where the spiritual power passes is like destruction. These will Meng Ting was tortured to death, and the cold inner strength that was not as good as death was eliminated in the blink of an eye, and there was no omission.

When the last trace of cold inner strength was destroyed by Long Fei's spiritual power, Meng Ting felt the pain that suddenly stopped in his body and could hardly believe the fact he was experiencing.

In this way, Meng Tingdao's efforts to add ten bear blind people's strength to the helpless ice-cold inner strength hairline? In this way, I was relieved of the almost endless pain, and that's it...

Meng Ting feels that this phenomenon simply subverts his decades of martial arts knowledge. Although the world's martial arts is very different, it is nothing more than some subtle differences. The general direction is still the same. The longer you practice, the deeper the internal force. As long as the physical function does not deteriorate, the martial arts will continue to grow, but Some people grow faster, while others are very slow.

However, in the feeling of enlightenment, what Long Fei injects into his body is definitely not internal strength, because there is no feeling of swelling in his meridians, and there is no feeling of flow when internal strength is poured into his body, but only a feeling as if the wind has blown.

Infallible, it is indeed the feeling of the wind blowing. This feeling permeates the whole body. Every meridians, every organ, every bone muscle, and even the skin, no matter which corner of the body, is not missing, just like a sponge falling into the water, and the water absorbed in various places is almost They are all like each other.

However, Meng Ting's body is not water, and Meng Ting's body is not a sponge. Therefore, Long Fei's spiritual power swept around Meng Ting's body and then collected it back. It also escaped from Meng Ting's head and returned to Long Fei's body.

"The elder should be able to adjust his breath for a while!" Long Fei's voice is a little hoarse. With the use of mental strength, the spirit must be highly concentrated. When Long Fei withdraws his mental strength, he actually feels dizzy. This is the consequence of excessive use of mental strength. If Long Fei's mental strength is great, naturally this small injury is only a hand-to-hand disease, but for the current Long Fei, it is obviously A little overloaded.

After Long Fei finished speaking, he didn't wait for Meng Ting to speak, so he staggered to open the warehouse door and went out.

Behind Long Fei, Meng Ting slowly opened his eyes and looked at Long Fei's back with complicated eyes. His expression was no longer as weak as before.

It is only those cold inner strength silks that make Meng Ting want to die. These inner strength silks make Meng Ting so painful that he can't work. The power of his whole body can only cope with the damage of these inner strength lines to the body. Naturally, the internal injury is getting worse and worse. Now after the inner strength line is pulled out, Meng Naturally, these internal injuries of my own martial arts are not a problem, but it just takes some time.

Now it's only Long Fei who can't calm down and practice.

Long Fei was just a hostage that he caught back to negotiate with Zhu Ran, but unexpectedly made a big oolong. Although Long Fei was important, it was only for the copper head, but for Zhu Ran, he was a completely unknown person.

Later, he didn't kill Long Fei, but just wanted to take Long Fei as a hostage. Fortunately, he bargained with Ye Guoming so that he could have the hope of escaping. After arriving safely on the ship, because Long Fei was unable to escape and he was tortured by pain and powerless, he let Long Fei move freely on the ship.

Unexpectedly, this leader made mistakes again and again, almost became a dispensable hostage, and finally became his lifesaver!

The world is impermanent, but it is as impermanent as this!


As soon as he opened the hatch, Lao Huang, who was walking around outside the door, hurriedly greeted him and stopped Long Fei and asked urgently, "How about it? Is my master well?

Long Fei stood holding the door frame, as if he had just had a fierce battle with a life-and-death enemy. He looked up at Lao Huang and didn't want to say anything, but gently raised his finger inside.

"How's the master!" Lao Huang was shocked, grabbed Long Fei's skirt, and almost lifted Long Fei, who could not stand still, and almost roared in Long Fei's ear: "How's your master?"

Long Fei seemed to fall asleep at any time. He reluctantly raised his head and opened his eyelids to look at Lao Huang, but a soft smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Lao Huang's face changed slightly. Just as he wanted to speak, he immediately heard Meng Ting's voice coming out of the room: "Lao Huang, don't be rude to Long Fei!"

"Master!" Lao Huang's face was overjoyed. At this time, it was still rude. He shook his hand and threw Long Fei to the ground. He flashed and rushed in from Long Fei's side. As soon as he rushed in, he heard Lao Huang's surprise cry: "Master!"

The voice is so loud that it almost makes people suspect that this is not an old man with only a few yellow teeth left, but the sound of a tall and strong man shouting out with all his strength.

Long Fei shook his head gently and staggered away.

I'm really tired this time, but now I realize for the second time that it turns out that excessive use of mental power will also cause fatigue. Excessive internal power will only be fatigue. Excessive use of mental power can only hurt the brain. Long Fei still feels dizzy and has a little pain in his head.

Don't overdraw your mental strength next time, otherwise you will really get into big trouble one day, and it's not fun to become an idiot.

But now it's much better than before. For the first time, I completely fainted and didn't know anything about it.

Walking along the passage of the boat warehouse, Long Fei pushed open a door in a daze. As soon as he fell to **, he was no longer unconscious.

I don't know how long he slept. In the haze, Long Fei always felt that someone was patting his shoulder, but at this time, it was time when the sweet dream was sweet, so Long Fei reluctantly brushed off the hateful hand, turned over, turned his face inside, and fell asleep again. Go.

But the hand was still patting and pushing on Long Fei's shoulder, but Long Fei was too tired, and his mental fatigue was even worse than his physical fatigue, so Long Fei's sleep was really heavy and fragrant.

After the hand patted and pushed Longfei on the shoulder, seeing that it was really impossible to wake up Long Fei, the owner of the hand had to sit down in a chair in front of the bed and looked at Long Fei, who suddenly broke into his room, not only occupied his bed, but also drooling, but also showed an inexplicable smile on his face, nor I know what good things I dreamed of, guys.

This sleep was good, and Long Fei didn't get up until the next morning, but his mental strength had not fully recovered.

Opening his eyes, Long Fei, who was still a little dizzy, was still a little uncomfortable with the scene he saw... A little girl about 13 or 14 years old sat in front of his bed, combing two horn petals, with a beautiful face. A pair of flexible eyes were looking at Long Fei without blinking, and one finger was still gently biting in her mouth.

This is not like the crowded tail warehouse where I usually live with Meng Jian. This bed is so soft, comfortable and elastic. The air in this room is very good, and there is no turbid air that I live in the tail warehouse at all.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Long Fei sat up from ** and looked at the little girl who still stared at him after she opened her eyes.

"This is my room!" The little girl smiled and showed her snow-white teeth and two cute little tiger teeth: "Who are you? Why did you come to my room?"

"I'm sorry!" Long Fei shud and hurriedly jumped down from **, but his spirit had not recovered. When he fell to the ground, he shook it and held the edge of the bed to stand firm again. He touched his head, and smiled shyly, "My name is Long Fei. I don't know why I came to you and slept all night!"

"Don't you know?" The little girl pointed around the petals a few times and looked at Long Fei doubtfully. Her innocent eyes were only a trace of surprise, but most of them were curious.

"Yes!" Long Fei touched his head again. The feeling of dizziness had not been eliminated at this time. He smiled bitterly and said, "After I treated the elder yesterday, I was dizzy. I didn't know where I was there. Maybe I saw the door open here, so I came in!"

"Are you treating the elder's wounds?" The little girl looked at Long Fei up and down curiously. Whether she looked left and right or up and down, Long Fei was only a few years older than her. At such a young age, she could heal her wounds. If it weren't for everyone on the boat at this time, lying would be exposed at any time. The little girl suspected that Long Fei was lying. , but he became more curious about Long Fei: "Are you the doctor invited by the elder? I don't seem to have seen you before!"

"To tell the truth!" Long Fei smiled bitterly and said, "I was just captured by the elder. I have nothing to do with the elder, and I have never known the elder before."

"Are you captured by the elder?" The little girl's eyes immediately appeared with countless stars, and the corners of her mouth immediately turned up: "So, you must be very good at medical skills. Will the elder specially arrest you to help him cure him?"

"..." Long Fei touched his head again and didn't know how to answer this curious little girl's question.