Eastern Continent

Chapter 397, Undersea Adventure

As soon as Long Fei fell off the sea, a wave rolled him up and rushed to the air. Then he fell to the sea with the waves. As soon as he arrived at the sea, followed by another wave, Long Fei experienced the process again.

After several rises and falls in a row, Long Fei was like a roller coaster. Fortunately, he closed his lips when he fell, but he did not drink the seawater, but the seawater was also poured into his nostrils, which made Long Fei almost spit it out.

After several ups and downs in a row, the biggest wave rushed towards him and pressed down the dragon fly down. This time, the dragon fly did not float again, but was pressed into the water by a huge wave.

The sea water was squeezed by Long Fei from all directions. Long Fei felt that the pressure on his body was constantly increasing. As if he were going to squeeze into his body, the seven orifices were under great pressure, and the air in his body was also squeezed out of his mouth or nostrils.

Long Fei kept struggling and wanted to go back to the sea to take a breath of fresh air that he usually didn't pay attention to, but the more he struggled, the more he sank. There seemed to be a strange force at the bottom of the sea that kept sucking the dragon to the bottom, getting deeper and deeper.

The breath that was closed in the body before falling into the water will be exhausted, but the body is still sinking down!

The lack of oxygen in his body made Long Fei feel dizzy. Before exhaling the last breath in his chest, Long Fei smiled secretly. Although he had thought that he might die, he had never thought that he would be drowned.

Long Fei gradually lost consciousness, but he still closed his mouth tightly in his consciousness, which would rather die than drown.


Long Fei, who was about to lose consciousness, only felt that there seemed to be a fire in his body. A stream of air rushed out of Dantian, straight up to the chest and abdomen, until the top of his head, and then went down from the top of his head, bypassed his feet to return to Dantian. It was exactly the same as when Xu Tiangong was running. I don't know where this airflow came from. If It was not Long Fei that he knew that his martial arts had not recovered, so he almost thought that this airflow was Xu Tiangong.

Long Fei only felt refreshed, and the feeling of boredom in his chest disappeared in an instant. His mind returned to clear, and his body also stopped and sank intermittently, stopping steadily in the sea.

Long Fei felt strange. He did not breathe fresh air, but he did not feel stuffy in his chest. On the contrary, there was an airflow flowing out of Dantian and kept flowing all over his body. Under the action of this airflow, Long Fei's stuffy feeling disappeared, as if this airflow was air, and Dantian seemed to be communicating. In the passage of outside air, fresh air is constantly flowing into Longfei's body through Dantian.

Of course, this is not the case. Dantian certainly cannot be a channel to communicate with the outside world, but the natural airflow in Dantian, but how this airflow that keeps Long Fei from being suffocated is generated in Dantian, but Longfei knows nothing about it.

In fact, this is the blessing of Long Fei's misfortune. In ignorance, all the external orifices in the body are closed. From inhaling the turbid qi from the outside world to circulating in the body, it turns to the self-produced essence in the body to circulate in the body, but also from external breathing to internal breathing.

For those who study martial arts, this is a qualitative leap and a breakthrough in the bottleneck of martial arts.

If this conjecture is true, it will be the greatest blessing for Long Fei.

Long Fei stayed quietly in the sea, and the sea around him was still. He looked up and looked up. He could not see the rough sea at all. Maybe it was because of the sinking sea of Long Fei. Now he can't feel the wind and waves before the sea. Looking at his feet, the dark seabed is still I don't know how deep it is.

Although Longfei is now located in the deep sea, through the light directly from the sea, you can still faintly see the surrounding scene. In addition, Longfei's sharp vision is different from ordinary people, which is actually not much different from the bright light.

Therefore, Longfei saw all kinds of fish swimming around him, from a group of small fish only a few finger-sized to big fish that Longfei hardly wanted to believe. One by one, one tail swam around Longfei, and occasionally a small fish that didn't have time to turn gently hit it. Long Fei's body is itchy and crispy.

Long Fei, who had never seen such a spectacle, was curious and completely forgot that he was still alone in the deep sea. He also gently twisted his body and moved to the side. Long Fei made his movements extremely gentle and slow, afraid of all kinds of life in this quiet world that was completely different from the stormy waves on the sea. Spirit.

Among some fish, a big white fish several times bigger than Longfei's body has been closely following Longfei, constantly arching gently with his head or gently rubbing Longfei with his body, making a baby-like cry in his mouth, as if welcoming the arrival of Longfei.

Long Fei was very curious. Whenever the big fish came close to him, he couldn't help stretching out his hand to touch it gently. The surface of the big fish gave people a smooth feeling that it was slippery and smooth.

The big fish also seems to like the touch of Long Fei. It snuggles closely beside Long Fei and moves together. Whenever the speed of Long Fei is slightly slower, it turns back and moves forward with its head against Long Fei.

One person and one fish kept swimming in the sea, and I don't know how long it has passed. Because there is no need to breathe air for the time being, Long Fei does not want to surface for the time being. In this way, he plays with the big fish all the way to the bottom of the cloud in Longfei's memory.

In fact, Long Fei didn't want to return to the sea, but at this time, the sea was still stormy. Long Fei remembered that he had been swept up and thrown on the sea several times. At this time, he was still frightened when he thought about it. Since there is no breath in his chest now, it's better to wait for the sea to calm and waves to go up again.

However, even if external breathing is changed to internal breathing, it cannot be carried out endlessly. The internal strength has always been used up for a moment, especially the current situation of Long Fei's loss of martial arts skills, which will not be supported for a long time.

I don't know how long I have swam to the bottom of the sea. It seems that I have swam a long distance, but it is still within the scope of the storm. At this time, Long Fei felt a breath again, as if he was about to breathe out the last breath in his body, but this time it was obviously different from before. This time it was a congenital aura in his body. After the precursor, the airflow gushing out of Dantian at this time has obviously become thinner and thinner, even intermittent.

This time, he did not dare to be careless. Long Fei hurriedly rose to the sea. However, because he had sunk too deep before, although he tried his best to rise to the sea, he did not have time to rise to the surface of Shanghai. The airflow from Dantian suddenly broke off. Obviously, the innate aura in his body had been consumed by Long Fei. It's light.

Looking at the sea that seemed to be overhead, Long Fei showed a wry smile on his face. He played big this time. Before he fell into a coma, Long Fei's last feeling was that he was close to the sea, and the sun was a little dazzling.