Eastern Continent

Chapter 406, Doctor Xiaoxiang

Long Fei was stunned, looked up at Meng Ting, and then nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Ha ha..." Meng Ting was also stunned and smiled. He didn't expect Long Fei to admit it so simply.

The room where Xiaoxiang lived was the only place where Meng Ting told Long Fei that he could not enter on the ship, but he didn't expect that Long Fei would not enter other rooms. However, he entered Xiaoxiang's room and entered twice. This was completely listening to his words. In the face of Meng Ting's questioning, he could still admit it. So straightforward.

However, from this point of view, Xiaoxiang's room seems to be unmantended, and she can enter casually. It must be only on the surface. There must be many little girls who are paying attention to this miserable life secretly, but Long Fei has never seen them.

"Long Fei has seen Xiaoxiang twice, and must have known about her strange illness, right?" Meng looked at Long Fei with a serious face and said, "I don't know if Long Fei can help her heal her?"

"I'm thinking!" Long Fei was not modest and polite. As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately said.

"Do you have a way?" Meng Ting's shock seems to surprise him more than Long Fei's healing of his injury. It seems that his relationship with Xiaoxiang should be extraordinary.

In fact, Long Fei originally suspected that Xiaoxiang would be Meng Ting's granddaughter, otherwise Meng Ting would pay so much attention to her, and specially told Long Fei not to enter Xiaoxiang's room. Now when he sees Meng Ting's attitude, it is even more confirmed Long Fei's idea.

"There is a way, but I don't know if it works!" Long Fei said carefully, "You have to think about it!"

"Long Fei just explored so attentively in the old man's body. After taking so long, he should also do experiments on the old man for Xiaoxiang's illness, right?" Meng Ting looked at Long Fei and smiled. This boy really dared to mess around. He held his life in his own hands. He even dared to do experiments on himself when he healed himself, and was not afraid of being killed by himself.

"The elders are clear!" Long Fei smiled bitterly and said, "I just want to test the different situations in the injured, patients and normal people, not using the elders?"

"You boy..." Meng smiled helplessly. Seeing Long Fei's bitter face, his tone changed again and said lightly, "However, you don't have to worry. I regard Xiaoxiang as my granddaughter. If you can cure her, the old man and my fishman will be very grateful, and no one will blame you."

Look at Xiaoxiang like a granddaughter!

That means that Xiaoxiang is not Meng Ting's own granddaughter. After the treatment of Xiaoxiang, the fish people are grateful. Who is this Xiaoxiang? Long Fei suddenly became a little interested in the life of the little girl.

"I dare not resign from the life of the elder!" Long Fei smiled and said, "Since the elders have talked like this, I have to find a way to cure Xiaoxiang's disease!"

"Good!" Meng Ting smiled happily: "From now on, there are still a few days to return to Moon Island. How many days should you come up with a solution?"

"It should be possible!" Long Fei smiled and said, "The elder should take a break first. I'll go to Xiaoxiang's room first and help her have a look!"

"Good! Go ahead!" Meng Ting smiled and said, "Lao Huang is watching, and no one will disturb you."

After Long Fei said goodbye to Meng Ting, he went directly to Xiaoxiang's room. After diagnosing Xiaoxiang's condition yesterday, Long Fei thought for a night. In fact, Long Fei had a plan in his heart, but he was not sure, so he dared not speak too much in front of Meng Ting.

After a few days of disaster, Long Fei's mental strength has greatly improved. This time, he treated Meng Ting. Because Meng Ting's injury is about to recover, as long as Long Fei helps him drive away some of the cold internal strength that was not cleaned last time, so he did not consume much mental energy, so he wants to go to Xiaoxiang's room again. Look, if possible, just help Xiaoxiang treat it.

Although Xiaoxiang said that she didn't seem to care, in fact, the little girl was numb by this strange disease. At first glance, when she heard that Long Fei had a way to treat it, she didn't know how anxious she was. She wanted Long Fei to help her treat her immediately, so she saw that Long Fei came back only one day, and her heart I don't know how happy I am, and I shouted sweetly, "Brother Long Fei!"

"I'll come and see you!" Long Fei smiled and sat on the chair rudely, pointing to a chair opposite and said, "Sit down, too. I want to take your pulse again!"

"Good!" Xiaoxiang walked over with a smile and sat down on a chair opposite Longfei and put her little hand on the table: "Brother Longfei, please take a look for me." A pair of round and big eyes on her face were full of hope. Long Fei came back so quickly, which made her surprised and happy. No matter whether Long Fei could cure her illness, it was also made her happy to come to see her again so soon. Of course, if Long Fei could cure her serious injury, she should be a little sure to cure her illness. .

Long Fei put his hand on the back of Xiaoxiang's hand, calmed down, and his spirit gushed out and rushed into Xiaoxiang's body.

Obviously, the pulse should be faster this time, but after a while, Long Fei let go of Xiaoxiang's little hand and met Xiaoxiang's hopeful eyes. Long Fei nodded and smiled, "I'll treat it now, but it hurts a little. You have to hold back!"

"Are you going to treat me now?" Xiaoxiang shouted in surprise: "Brother Longfei, don't worry, I'm not afraid of pain!" The little face has a firm look. People who have been tortured by the disease for more than ten years are still afraid of pain. They can't live long ago.

"Good! You go to ** and sit cross your knees." Long Fei smiled and said, "Back out."

Xiaoxiang immediately went to bed and sat cross-legged and turned his back out of the bed.

Long Fei looked solemn, moved a chair behind Xiaoxiang and sat down, calmed down, and stretched out his right hand and gently pressed it on Xiaoxiang's back.

The spiritual power slowly poured out like a basin of cold water, which instantly made Xiaoxiang have a cold war. In the feeling of Xiaoxiang, it seemed that there was a cold ice to the extreme, which almost frozen her into a popsicle slowly injected into her body, and then the cold current slowly flowed towards her lower abdomen where she often felt pain.

Suddenly, a more severe pain came. Although the whole body was cold, Xiaoxiang still trembled with pain and immediately sweated. However, in a blink of an eye, the sweat formed a thin layer of white frost attached to her body, as if Xiaoxiang suddenly had a layer of white fluff.

This pain came quickly, but ended very slowly. Xiaoxiang felt as if there was a knife twisting in her lower abdomen. The pain was so painful that it broke her heart and lungs. This pain made her feel that the pain when she was blown by the wind was just an itchy skin.

Fortunately, the pain was not very long. When the pain faded until it disappeared, and finally there was only that kind of coldness left, Xiaoxiang was first glad that she was not cured by the strange disease when she met Long Fei, but that she was able to suffer under this pain.

When the cold finally disappeared, Xiaoxiang took a long breath, and her whole body was sore and weak, as if after a life-and-death war, Shiting went to Jiuting.

Long Fei moved his palm away from the back of Xiaoxiang and took a deep breath. This time, it was much more laborious to treat Xiaoxiang than the last time. Long Fei only felt a sense of fatigue rising from his heart, his legs softened, and he fell on the chair behind him and closed his eyes to adjust his breath.

Xiaoxiang breathed a gentle sigh of relief, slowly turned around and looked at Long Fei, who was closing his eyes and breathing. His face was changeable, with surprise, admiration, joy, and more gratitude.

Suddenly, Xiaoxiang took a gentle breath, closed her eyes, and sat cross-legged **, sitting face to face with Long Fei.

After a while, Long Fei took a long breath and slowly opened his eyes. First of all, he saw Xiaoxiang's small and delicate face, looking at himself quietly.

"How do you feel?" Long Fei smiled and said, "Do you dare to blow the wind?"

"I don't know yet!" Xiaoxiang wanted to push open the window, but she was afraid of being blown by the wind. The shape of the little daughter made Long Fei laugh. He stood up and walked to the window. First, he turned his head to look at Xiaoxiang, and then slowly pushed the window open.

Long Fei pushed away very slowly, as if to leave time for Xiaoxiang to think. However, Xiaoxiang bit her lips tightly, and the window had been pushed half open by Long Fei, but she still didn't make a sound.


The sound of hitting the wall came when the window door was pushed open. Long Fei suddenly pushed open the window.


Xiaoxiang suddenly shouted softly, and the sea breeze, with a salty smell, came in from the open window.


After that scream, Xiaoxiang immediately made a second scream, but the first sound was exclaimed because of the outside, and the latter sound was shouted because of joy.

When the salty sea breeze blew on her body, Xiaoxiang only felt a cool feeling, but there was no pain at all. It turned out that she couldn't help rolling on the ground when she was blown by the natural wind between heaven and earth. At this time, there was no pain except for the cool feeling.

"How's it going?" Long Fei smiled and asked, "Do you dare to blow the wind?"

"Thank you, Brother Longfei!" Xiaoxiang looked at Long Fei next to the window, suddenly shed tears and bowed down to Long Fei.

"I dare not! Get up, get up!" Long Fei was in a hurry and strode forward in a hurry. He grabbed Xiaoxiang's hand and pulled her up: "Let's go to see the elder, okay? Give him a surprise!"

"Good!" Xiaoxiang immediately laughed, wiped her tears with her sleeves, pulled Long Fei and rushed out of the door.

Out of the door, facing the dazzling light, Xiaoxiang narrowed her eyes and couldn't help taking a deep breath, as if the air outside was fresher than the air in her room. She exhaled it, took a deep breath and took a few breaths in a row.

Tears suddenly flowed out again.

"No crying, don't cry!" Long Fei hurriedly patted Xiaoxiang's little hand and comforted him, "Your illness has recovered. This is a big happy event. Why do you always shed tears!"

"I know, I won't cry!" Xiaoxiang cracked her mouth and laughed, but tears still couldn't help flowing out and choked, "I'm happy!"