Eastern Continent

Chapter 410, I actually thank him

When Xiaoxiang came with his second brother Wu Shangyong, Long Fei was lying high. After Meng Jian settled down, Long Fei only did two things, that is, to have a good meal and then have a good sleep.

For so many days, he has been stuttering on the top of the ship, falling into the sea and swimming in the water, eating and sleeping in the air. Even if Long Fei grew up in the mountains and often climbed mountains to death, this meal also made Long Fei almost crazy. At this time, he finally set foot on land, so he still didn't have a good rest.

Therefore, the knock on the door and Xiaoxiang "Brother Longfei, Brother Longfei!" When the cry sounded, Long Fei just turned over in a daze, muttered twice, and fell asleep again.

"Dangdang!" Brother Longfei, Brother Longfei!"

The sound of knocking on the door is endless, and the sound of calling is also non-stop, making Long Fei, who is covered with a quilt, turn over and turning.

"Okay, okay, here we go!" Long Fei shouted twice, and had no choice but to turn over and open the door. Looking at Xiaoxiang standing outside the door, he smiled bitterly and said, "Don't let anyone sleep!" As soon as I fell asleep, I came over and knocked on the door. What's the matter? This one is..."

"This is my second brother Wu Shangyong!" Xiaoxiang looked at Long Fei apologetically and said, "Brother Longfei, please help my brother!"

Long Fei was shocked: "What's wrong with your brother?"

"My brother was seriously injured and had difficulty in moving. I heard from the elder and Xiaoxiang that Long Fei's medical skills were good, so I wanted to invite Long Fei to have a look!" Wu Shangyong stepped forward and bowed to Long Fei.

"It seems that they really regard me as a magic doctor who cures all diseases." Long Fei was a little proud and a little helpless thought, "If the copper head knows that I can help people see a doctor, I don't know whether to call me a magic doctor or a magic stick!"

While thinking about it, he hurriedly cleaned up and followed the Xiaoxiang brothers and sisters to the Wu family.

When Long Fei saw Wu Shangqiang for the first time, he felt that this was not the head of a family, but a general on the bloody battlefield. His square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a nose was like a gallbladder. Although his face was yellow and thin at this time, his eyes were godless, he still felt like a general who had returned from hundreds of battles, just because Wu Shangqiang's heroism was from In his bones, he is fierce, heroic, strong and fierce. This is the phenomenon that Wu Shangqiang gave Long Fei at first glance.

Originally, Wu Shangqiang still held some hope for the magic doctor who could be respected by Meng Ting and Xiaoxiang. Maybe he could cure his helpless injury, but when he saw Long Fei, he couldn't help but be disappointed.

At such a young age, he is only slightly older than Xiaoxiang, which is also a magic doctor. Even if Long Fei began to study medicine from his mother's womb, even if Long Fei is outstanding, at such an age, it is impossible to grow to be called a magic doctor.

In fact, Wu Shangqiang did not know that Long Fei was also a martial artist and a martial artist in the spiritual realm. If he knew this, I don't know if he would doubt Long Fei's identity as a magic doctor.

"Little dragonfly, I've seen the patriarch!" Long Fei was neither humble nor arrogant and Wu Shangqiang bowed.

"Don't be polite, Long Fei, please get up!" Wu Shangqiang waved his hand faintly and turned to Meng Ting and said, "Is the magic doctor mentioned by the elder this little brother!"

"Exactly!" Meng Ting said with his head, "Long Fei has cured all the injury of his subordinate and the illness of the young lady!"

"Oh!" Wu Shangqiang said faintly. Before he spoke, Xiu Xingshan said coldly, "You dare to be called a magic doctor at such a young age. Even if you have been studying medicine since your mother's womb, you dare to call yourself a magic doctor in just a few years. You won't be a magic stick fooling everywhere!"

"Brother Longfei won't be a magic stick!" Xiaoxiang was a little modest and felt that she had let Long Fei be suspected by others, so as soon as Xiu Xingshan finished speaking, she defended Long Fei.

"Is it a magic doctor? I won't know until I try!" Meng Ting said lightly, "Pagall, let Long Fei help you have a look!"

"Thank you for your kindness, elders and everyone. I know my injury, so I don't have to bother you, little brother!" Wu Shangqiang shook his head and refused softly.

Meng Ting's eyes flashed an unexpected look. He recommended it to Xiaoxiang at the same time, but Wu Shangqiang still refused. It seemed that Long Fei was indeed too young. Even without Xiu Xingshan's words, Wu Shangqiang also refused.

"Brother, why don't you let Brother Longfei have a look!" Xiaoxiang shouted, "He is very good at medicine. Maybe he can cure you!"

"No!" Wu Shangqiang touched Xiaoxiang's head with a loving face and turned to Long Fei and said, "I'm sorry to bother you, little brother!"

"No trouble!" Long Fei smiled faintly and said, "Don't avoid medical treatment? Can't the patriarch believe my age or my medical skills?"

Wu Shangqiang was slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, Long Fei was so direct that he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"What's the difference?" Xiu Xingshan smiled coldly and said, "What medical skills can you do at your age? If you treat the elders and ladies, maybe they are all blind cats that meet dead rats!"

"Oh!" Long Fei said lightly, "To tell the truth, I really don't know medical skills, and I don't understand at all!"

Meng Ting and Xiaoxiang were shocked. Qi Qi raised their heads and looked at Long Fei. They also understood why Long Fei said so.

"Haha..." Xiu Xingshan smiled proudly and looked at Long Fei coldly and said coldly, "Finally, I dare not call myself a magic doctor!" A deceptive stick like you should be knocked to death with a stick.

"But!" Long Fei didn't look at Xiu Xingshan. His eyes still stayed on Wu Shangqiang's face and said lightly, "I can cure the patriarch's disease." With the words, Long Fei's spirit suddenly exploded. With Wu Shangqiang as the target, he rushed over and covered Wu Shangqiang's whole body.

Wu Shangqiang just wanted to open his mouth and refuse again, but he felt awe-in, and his words became: "Well, in this case, let Long Fei have a look!"

Wu Shangqiang was seriously injured, and his martial arts skills were greatly reduced. He did not have one or two dozen of them in his heyday, and he was also mentally depressed. As a result, he was only shocked by Long Fei's spiritual power and immediately agreed obediently.

The people in the room were stunned by Wu Shangqiang's words. The change was too fast. They just said that they didn't need Long Fei to treat the disease, but they immediately changed their words before they finished speaking, just like a child.

Meng Ting's eyes flashed and turned over Long Fei. When he was treated by Long Fei, he felt a terrible force different from ordinary warriors in Long Fei's body. This power was so mysterious that Meng Ting could not figure out until now.

Xiu Xingshan was even more strange. He thought that Wu Shangqiang would definitely refuse to the end, but unexpectedly, Wu Shangqiang had changed his mind before he finished saying two words of refusal.

In fact, they don't know except Long Fei among these people. Wu Shangqiang is also secretly holding it at this time. What's wrong with him? Didn't he obviously refuse to let Long Fei treat his wounds? Why did he change his mind in a blink of an eye? He had to be willing to do so, but now he still doesn't want to I mean.

Wu Shangqiang raised his head and looked at Long Fei. Everything was what Long Fei had just said. Long Fei's words just now seemed to be magical, so that he unconsciously agreed to Long Fei's suggestion.

Wu Shangqiang began to move in his heart. It seems that Long Fei did not rely on Meng Ting to cure Meng Ting and Xiao Xiang. Maybe he really has a little ability!

Now that he has agreed, Wu Shangqiang will no longer repent and nod to Long Fei and said, "Long Fei, please take a look for me!"

"You can't let him treat the patriarch's injury!" Wu Shangqiang has agreed to let Long Fei treat his injury, but Xiu Xingshan still stopped him and said, "He has a close relationship with Song Chun. Even if he heals the elder and lady, it is still untrustworthy. Have you all forgotten why the old patriarch died?"

Meng Ting frowned and said, "Who heard from the three elders that he had a close relationship with Song Chun? Is it Xiu Nanyun?

Xiu Xingshan was amazed. Every elder has a person planted by the other party. This has become an open secret, but some people are clear, and some people are better hidden. Xiu Nanyun is only the most inconspicuous person placed by Xiu Xingshan around Meng Ting. However, this time, this time it is indeed the news from Xiu Nanyun.

"Not bad!" Xiu Xingshan actually admitted directly: "Anyway, this person was abducted from Song Chun. He has a close relationship with Song Chun, at least with Ye Guoming. Now they are still behind. We can't bring such a person to the island. Maybe even Song Chun's navy will be brought here. It will be too late to regret it!"

"So he pushed Long Fei off the boat?" Meng's sharp eyes flashed and he looked at Xiu Xingshan and said, "The poison behind his back will kill people!"

"Ah!" Xiaoxiang jumped up and shouted, "I thought Brother Longfei fell into the water by himself. It turned out that someone wanted to hurt him."

"Nanyun was worried that the elder would bring the disaster to the island, so he had no choice but to take action!" Xiu Xingshan completely ignored Meng Ting's vision and Xiaoxiang's questioning, but said lightly, "What's wrong with this matter?"

Xiaoxiang jumped up again and shouted to Xiu Xingshan, "The three elders have never seen Brother Long Fei. Why should he say that he is a scourge?"

"Well, don't quarrel any more. They are also for the sake of their own family, and there is no fault." Wu Shangqiang stopped Xiaoxiang and turned to Long Fei and said, "It's all our fault. Long Fei, please forgive me."

"I dare not!" Long Fei smiled and said, "I don't blame him. In fact, I have to thank Brother Nanyun. It's not that he pushed me into the sea. How can I learn to breathe inside?"

"You have learned to breathe inside!" Wu Shangqiang was shocked and added a little hope that Long Fei could heal his injury. Internal breathing is not something that anyone can learn. This requires coincidence, at least none of these people indoors will.

Xiu Xingshan was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Unexpectedly, Xiu Nanyun pushed Long Fei into the sea. Not only did he drown him, but also completed him. Just as he opened his mouth and was about to speak, Wu Shangqiang said indifferently, "Okay! There is no need to say that I know it. Let Long Fei take a look for me!"