Eastern Continent

Chapter 438, Award

Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. It's not that it won't be rewarded, but the time has not yet come.

Those pirates who left the battlefield turned around and ran away from the battlefield in an instant. At this time, not only did the fish people think that these pirates would definitely escape, but also these pirates themselves thought they could escape.

However, God doesn't always doze off and occasionally opens his eyes.

The pirates' good luck has obviously come to an end. Just as they turned a corner and their relaxed expression just appeared from their faces, a rain of arrows flying from the hillsides on both sides ruthlessly shattered their good wishes and broke their hope of survival.

Although this arrow rain was not as dense as the previous arrow rain shot by the Meng Legion, the hundreds of pirates who escaped still fell down in an instant.

Looking at the companions who were still running beside them at the previous moment, but now they fell to the ground and struggled with their unbroken. These lucky pirates who were not hit by arrows were stunned and coaxed. The pirates who had fled in one direction scattered and fled in all directions.

However, the people who ambush halfway obviously did not let them go.

Qiandi, copper head and straight success led 500 people each and rushed out of the hillside on both sides. Everyone held a pair of bows and arrows in their hands. The sharp arrows were on the bow and shot at the pirates. At this time, although the head was a little worse, there were always pirates who were unlucky to be shot. In an instant, hundreds of pirates who had just left the team. At this time, there were only about 100 people left.

This time, the fishman team dispersed and surrounded all the fleeing pirates from afar. Obviously, even one pirate did not intend to escape from them. When the pirates rushed to the front, they did not hesitate to put down their bows and arrows and pull out their weapons to fight with the pirates.

There are no leading figures among these escaped pirates. In addition, the copper head and straight success are also a new force. Under the combination of bronze head archery and the direct success, the pirates are harvested like leeks.

This is not a close war, but a one-sided massacre!

In a blink of an eye, these hundreds of escaped pirates were slaughtered and did not survive. Even some pirates who were injured and unable to resist were cut off their heads by angry fishman soldiers. It can be seen that the anger accumulated in the hearts of the fishman soldiers will never show mercy to these pirates.

After eliminating the fleeing pirates, Copper Head and Zhicheng immediately attacked again and joined the battlefield in front of them.

Pirates are already in a weak position. The situation was already in a precarious situation just now. Now, after the copper head and others, they are completely in a position of being beaten. They are surrounded by soldiers on both sides and Meng. Sooner or later, the death will disappear.

You Shi made a hard blow, pushed Ye Guoming back a step, and then shouted, "Slow down."

Ye Guoming's weapon in his hand was not taken back, but he still wanted to attack, just quietly looking at You Shi.

You Shi's face changed, which seemed to be both regretful, angry and a little relieved. Just now, he arrogantly said that Ye Guoming was not his opponent, but unexpectedly, after this long battle, he could not take any advantage of it. It seemed that Ye Guoming's martial arts skills were not lower than himself.

"Which of you killed my brother?" You Shi looked at Ye Guoming and smiled bitterly, "I, You, am not a greedy person who is afraid of death, but I don't want to die inexplicably."

"I killed it!" Ye Guoming said coldly, "Your two brothers are both evil, killing is incalculable, and they deserve to die. Not only your brother, I won't let you go!"

You Shi closed his eyes and opened them again. He looked at Ye Guoming with his shining eyes and suddenly said, "Do you want to know how I come and go freely on the island? Do you want to know who will lead us? As long as you have a fair duel with me, whether you win or lose, I will tell you all this."

"No!" Suddenly, a voice came, and Long Fei came from the battlefield like a leisurely walk until he was in front of You Shi, and said coldly, "See Mu Wen, if I don't know who will lead the way for you, I can also go home."

You Shi was stunned. Obviously, he did not expect that Ye Guoming and others had already met Mu Wen and competed with him in the competition.

Just when You Shi thought that Long Fei would not agree to his request, Long Fei's tone changed: "However, I can give you a fair chance to fight and make you die like a man!"

You Shi was stunned again. He looked at Long Fei and suddenly bowed and gave a salute: "Thank you!"

"Come on!" Ye Guoming said indifferently, as if he didn't care about the next life-and-death battle.

You Shi jumped and rushed to Ye Guoming, and the two fought together again.

"Quick solve it!" Long Fei suddenly shouted to Meng Jian, who was fighting with Lv Qi in another place, "There are still many things waiting for us!"

The tone is relaxed, as if it is not the second leader among pirates, but a third-rate pirate ruffian.

Meng Jian did not say anything, but his hands suddenly increased their strength, as if he had not tried his best in the previous attack. Only then did he use his low-box martial arts skills. Suddenly, Lu Qi only felt that his pressure suddenly increased, and he was forced to retreat step by step. It was too late to fight, and the situation became critical in an instant.

At this time, Long Fei turned his head and looked at Mu Wen, who stopped, who was still held by Zhi Chenggong and Ding Chajie. He said coldly, "Brother Mu is not in Xiu's house to be your guest, but he came to take advantage of this mixed water. What's the reason for?"

Seeing that the bronze head and Zhi Chenggong who injured him followed Long Fei, he couldn't help but be slightly stunned. He knew that Zhi Chenggong was a general of the straight legion, but he only followed Long Fei. Obviously, Long Fei was the master at this time, but he had never seen Long Fei. However, the noble origin and detractedness of the Mu family His personality also made him unwilling to know Long Fei, but said coldly, "Who are you?"

"Aren't the Mu family been looking for me?" Long Fei smiled faintly and said, "You still don't know who I am."

Mu Wen was shocked and said in disbelief, "Are you Long Fei?"

Long Fei nodded and said, "It is exactly the people who want to get rid of the powerful wooden family. I don't think anyone wants to pretend."

After all, Mu Wen, who came from a big family, has his own unruly character. He is not discouraged to give up because he is in trouble. Instead, he looked at Long Fei proudly and said, "Although you are surrounded, if you want to leave me today, you still have to spend some effort. Besides, even if I am here today, from However, someone will avenge me.

Long Fei nodded and agreed: "The Mu family is the largest family in the mainland, and there are many talented people in the clan. Of course, they are heroes and heroes from all families. I believe they have this ability. Even Brother Mu Wen is also outstanding in ability and strong in martial arts, and we are not willing to be the enemy of Brother Mu."

Muwen was praised and proudly. He thought that Long Fei and the others were timid. He wanted to let himself go and said proudly, "It's easy to say!"

What Long Fei said next just confirms his idea: "But there are a few things in my heart that need to be verified by Brother Mu. I hope Brother Mu will not hesitate to give advice." It seems that Long Fei is looking for a reason to let him go,

Muwen was secretly happy, and people became less stubborn, but he couldn't let go of his face for a moment, so he had to pretend to be plain and said, "What's the matter with you?"

Long Fei pulled his finger and muttered for a while before looking up at Mu Wen and said, "It's not much. It's just three things. First, who leaked the news that the patriarch was going to attack Song Chun?"

Mu Wen was stunned and didn't expect that Long Fei's first question would be so difficult. Although looking at Long Fei's appearance, even if he didn't say it, he might have expected it to be leaked by the Xiu family, but after all, it was very different from what he said. As long as he opened this mouth, unless he left Yuedao and went back to the mainland immediately, or all the insiders If you don't want to kill yourself, the Xiu family will not let go.

At this time, except for You Shi, who fought against Ye Guoming and Lv Qi against Meng Jian, there were only Mu Wen standing in front of Long Fei. In the end, none of the 2,000 pirates could escape.

Zhi Chenggong originally stood behind Long Fei with Tongtou to protect him. After hearing Long Fei's words, he was also shocked. He also had some doubts, but he suffered from the lack of evidence. Unexpectedly, although Long Fei came to Moon Island for a short time, he could also expect the key point of the problem --- this fishman attack on Song Chun failed and made Wu Shangqiang suffer. The injury was caused by some leaks of information, and Long Fei directly pointed the suspect to the practitioners who colluded with the pirates.

Unexpectedly, Wu Shangqiang's seamless attack plan was leaked out, causing thousands of brothers to return it. He successfully gritted his teeth secretly and couldn't wait to settle accounts with Xiu Xingshan now.

weighing the pros and cons, Muwen finally chose to say so, because the Xiu family is only a trouble in the future, while Long Fei and others are the current disaster stars. If they hold on, they really don't know what the consequences will be. He had no choice but to say, "It was Mr. Xiu who let people leak it out."

Long Fei nodded and said, "Brother Mu is so cheerful. Second, who is insitiates this attack on coastal villages and towns?

One was offended, and two were also offended. Muwen was much happier this time and immediately replied, "It was jointly ordered by the surname Xiu, the Mu family, and the leader of You, in order to push Mr. Xiu to the position of general of the United Army."

Long Fei also nodded, didn't say anything, and then asked again, "The last question, which master of the Mu family came to the Moon Island?"

Muwen's shock is beyond words to describe the fact that Mu San, the three deacons of the Mu family, came to Yuedao, but a limited number of people such as You Shi and Xiu Xingshan knew it. Unexpectedly, Long Fei also knew such a mysterious thing. I really don't know what he was based on.

However, this time Muwen closed his mouth and refused to say that there is still a way to sell the repairer in exchange for a way to sell himself, that is, there is really no way to live.