Eastern Continent

Chapter 441, Fish Civil Disturbance

Unexpectedly, it would take five days to get to Jiuzhou City, but Muwen still came back earlier than them. Seeing that Mu San could sit here and wait for them safely, he had expected that the big thing was not good, but they still had the last glimmer of hope. Now that he heard Mu San said, he knew that the matter was really What I expected is not different.

Jian Chenggong and others stared at Mu San disappearing at the door of the pub. Needless to think about it, the sprinkler must have been surrounded now.

Sure enough, as soon as Mu San's figure disappeared, Zhi Chenggong heard a sound of footsteps coming from all sides of the pub. They didn't need to open the window to look. They also knew that they had been surrounded by soldiers surnamed Xiu.

Copper head looked straight and said successfully, "Well, the three of us are all foreigners. You know this place better than us. What's the best introduction?"

Zhi Chenggong smiled bitterly and said, "What kind of good introduction will have to wait until you get out of this pub. If you are trapped in this pub, you have to do nothing."

The copper head smiled and said, "It's not easy to break out of this pub." He walked to the wine jar. With three punches and two feet and a burst of beatings with an iron bar, he only heard a sound of ping-pong. More than a dozen large wine jars in the tavern had all been broken by him.

Fortunately, the owner of the tavern had fled there after seeing that the pub was besieged. Otherwise, when he saw the copper head spoiling his wine like this, he might have been so angry that he vomited blood and died.

The copper head took out the fire fold. After setting fire, it went to the wine sprinkled on the ground. It turned out to be a little bit. These dozen jars of wine were actually full of hot spirits.

The spirits flowed there, and the fire followed there. The fire followed the spirits and spread out all of a sudden. Suddenly, the whole pub was burned by fire.

The people outside the pub originally surrounded the pub tightly. At this time, the fire became bigger and suddenly emerged. The soldiers surnamed Xiu could not stand the heat wave and avoided it far away, but they were all wondering why the fire was so fierce. Why did the people inside not come out at this time? Did they know that they could not escape and simply set fire to commit suicide?

At a time when these soldiers were puzzled, suddenly a burning table hit the door of the fire and flew out. After injuring several soldiers, they rolled on the ground twice. Then the table were some torches that kept flying out of the tavern and fell among the soldiers or directly hit the soldiers. For a moment Between them, the soldiers were burned by the flying torches and quickly retreated further away, and the encirclement suddenly became larger.

But the torch did not stop, but still flew out of the sprinkler hall one after another, but it used to be a table leg, but now it has become a stool leg. This time, it is thrown farther, and some of them still fall among the soldiers. The soldiers are forced to retreat back a little more, and the encirclement is no longer a siege.

Just as everyone guessed why the people in the pub still didn't come out, the door of the pub was knocked down and a table rushed out of the door, but this time the table was not tossed out, but the copper head behind and Zhi Chenggong grabbed a table leg each and followed them. The same two people held a table together, and the four of them held two tables, so they rushed to the encirclement.

As soon as I rushed out of the door, I only heard the sound of arrows, but the sharp arrows were all nailed to the two wide tables, but the four people behind the table were unharmed.

Before rushing, the fire on the edge of the table had burned on the soldiers. Several soldiers stabbed the long guns in their hands and were broken by the big knife of the copper head and right hand, and killed several people.

With a loud shout, the copper head and Zhi Chenggong worked hard at the same time, throwing the burning table at the soldiers, and at the same time pulling out their weapons and killing them into the soldiers.

Zhang Heng and Li Zhi also drew the gourd in the same way. After throwing out the table in their hands, they pulled out their blades and rushed into the soldiers.

Although the surrounded soldiers expected that they would break out, they did not expect that they would break out in such a way. First, they set fire to the pub, and then rushed out by the fire. In addition, Zhi Chenggong and others did not take the army into the city, but only four people rode lightly in simple clothes, so that they were much more mobile and flexible at any time. In response, he can also dodge at any time with the help of the surrounding situation. Unexpectedly, the soldiers surnamed Xiu were rushed out of the encirclement by four people and left.

The four people turned several streets in one breath, and finally got rid of the pursuers under the leadership of the local snake.

The copper head stood breathlessly, looked at the direction behind him, and said fiercely, "I didn't expect that they would do it so soon. I didn't wait for the news of the pirates to come back. Unfortunately, my rhubarb had just become familiar with me and was robbed again."

He successfully pushed the copper head and said, "Let's go. Find a place to hide first. My seven colors have not fallen into the hands of the enemy. Fortunately, the goal of Xiu must pay them is only the patriarch and the elder Meng, not us. We didn't command them in person, otherwise we may not be able to leave."

The copper head frowned and said, "Is there any secret master hidden in the Xiu family? Is there any horrible existence like Mu San? I didn't expect that they even invited the people of the Mu family. What are the benefits of the Xiu family worthy of the Mu family's coveted?"

Straight success also frowned and said distressed, "We all know that sooner or later, the Xiu family will step on others to climb up. I didn't expect that they would unite with outsiders to seize power, and even the murderous pirates dared to unite, and even the patriarch did not let go."

"Bah" Zhang Heng spit a mouthful of foam on the ground and said harshly, "What I hate most is this kind of dog thief who doesn't even let his own people go for the sake of power and interests. His grandmother's, let me see that I have to cut him hundreds of knives."

Li Zhi patted his eyebrows and comforted him, "Don't be angry. Leave the green mountains here. Don't be afraid that there is no firewood. As long as we can escape this disaster, we can cut him as many times as we want in the future."

Under the leadership of Zhi successfully, several people turned left and right in Jiuzhou City. I don't know how many alleys they have turned and climbed over several walls. During this period, they encountered soldiers who were searching several times. If they hadn't been familiar with Jiuzhou City and led several people to avoid it in a moment, they would have been surrounded by soldiers. Finally, he took the crowd into a house.

The last copper head entered the room, pulled the door back, sat on the chair, and said, "His grandma, I'm really tired these days. Now I'm free to sit down and rest for a while."

Zhi Chenggong, Zhang Heng and Li Zhi also threw themselves into the chair one after another, and they never remembered that although there were strong enemies outside, these people were really exhausted.

This house is not a direct success, or even a person with a straight surname, but a house in Jiuzhou City by a merchant with a straight surname Fu. However, the surname is the least surname among the fish people, and there are only a few hundred people in total. Such a few people, those big surnames such as Xiu and Wu are despised, so the surname Fu In fact, no one cares or knows about the surname, but they have occasionally helped them several times. They are grateful for their kindness and have always regarded them as their masters.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the straight surname was not satisfactory in the fish people in recent years, and was often excluded by Xiuxing Mountain, maybe the surname Fu would have been known long ago. Fortunately, they had this place to hide.

Straight successfully said to Fu Beni, the owner of the house standing beside him, "Is there a basement or something here?"

Fu Benin nodded and said, "To be honest, because there are few Fu surnames, they are not as powerful as other big surnames. In order to beware of being hurt by other surnames, our family has a basement."

Zhi Chenggong's heart is sad that the small surname in the fish-man race does live an unpreserving life. Without a big surname to rely on, it is possible to be eliminated by others at any time. Nodding his head, he successfully said to Fu Beni, "Uncle Fu will take us to the basement first, and then bring us some food."

Fu benign nodded and didn't say anything. He turned around and walked to the back of the room.

They hurriedly followed.


When Long Fei, Ye Guoming and Meng Jian rushed to the seaside, they saw a building ship with a banner of Xiu stopped on the shore. There were three floors on the deck of the building, which could accommodate the 2,000 pirates. Xiu Xingshan was vicious. In order to compete for power and profit, he did not hesitate to attack his own family and dispatched his own boat to pick up the sea. Thief. He may want the pirates to rob this time, so he will hide back to the sea. In the future, he will only wait to rob the position of the patriarch with his inner and external cooperation, but he did not expect that these pirates would gather and destroy the whole army on this side this time, so that the building ship was also seized by Long Fei.

Seeing Long Fei and the three coming, Ding Chajie hurriedly greeted him and said to Long Fei happily and admiringly, "Mr. Long is as expected. In addition to the original pirate boat, there is also a building ship of Xiuxing Mountain who received the pirates here. Now it has been snatched by us all. It's ridiculous that the soldiers and pirates of the Xiu family Seeing us, I thought it was our own, but we didn't expect us to send them to the west.

The three walked up the boat and looked left and right. Long Fei waved his hand and said to Ding Chajie, "How many people are there on this ship now?"

Ding Cha said respectfully: "There are about a thousand soldiers with the surname Meng."

Long Fei nodded and said, "Let's sail, let's go to Sihai City."

Ding Chajie was stunned and hardly believed his ears. He repeated, "Go to Sihai City?"

Long Fei said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Meng Jian whispered beside him, "That's the garrison of the Xiu Legion."

Ding Chajie said, "Yes, if we go to Sihai City, won't we send sheep into the tiger's mouth and throw ourselves into the trap?"

Long Fei laughed and said, "So you are afraid of this. I tell you, we are a tiger into the sheep this time. It must be okay. Don't worry."