Eastern Continent

Chapter 443, Night Visit to Zhifu

In the evening, the dark clouds cover the moon, and the moonlight is hazy. Only a trace of light shines into the ground through the clouds. The whole scene on the ground is looming, but the wind is gradually getting strong!

After persuading Zhang Heng and Li Zhi to stay, Zhicheng and Tongtou swaggered out of Fu Ben's home, and both of them disguised.

Successfully dressed up as a long bearded, snow-white-haired and kind old man, with a crutch in his hand. The copper head stuck a lot of black and hard stubble on his face, from the temples on both sides to the chin, and a few clothes were added to his body, making his already tall and burly figure stronger, like an iron tower, with a cloth bag on his body, walking and swaying, following straight success - becoming a straight success. At random.

Zhicheng didn't expect that the copper head still had this unique skill, and he didn't know where he learned it. Under his wonderful hand, he and himself changed. However, fortunately, Fu Lao can provide them with so many materials, otherwise the copper head is also difficult for a skillful woman to cook without rice.

Because both of them were disguised and very different, they casually hid the patrolling soldiers. No one came forward to investigate the way, so that the two of them turned around and came to the door of Zhifu without hindrance.

The Zhifu, which is not usually lively, is even more deserted at this time. Not to mention people at the door, not even a dog.

As soon as he was in a hurry, he was about to rush in.

The copper head hurriedly grabbed him and looked around and said, "It seems to be too quiet here. Is there any hidden door in your house? It's better to enter from there."

He successfully woke up and said, "There is a small hole in the back that you can go in." Turn your head and walk back.

Not far away, I saw a place next to the courtyard wall, with trees and shrubs higher than people. Behind it was a primitive area that seemed to have never been stepped on. Zhisong took the lead to drill in first, and disappeared into the bushes in the blink of an eye. The copper head was secretly surprised and hurriedly squeezed in.

Originally, I thought that two people must stand face to face to face in the bush, but unexpectedly, there was a different world inside. The space made up with branches and various vines was more than enough for four or five people to stand.

Squatted there for a long time, and finally moved away the bushes in front of him, revealing a dark hole, which went straight to the courtyard.

The copper head opened its eyes wide and stared at it successfully. His eyes were full of doubts and whispered, "Did you dig it?"

He nodded successfully and whispered, "When I was a child, my father was not allowed to leave the house, and my two brothers dug a small hole in the backyard."

I didn't expect that this hole was really not small, and even such a burly figure as a copper head could be drilled through.

The two of them walked carefully on their waists. Because they were going back to their homes, they were extremely familiar with the copper head, so they were much easier. They didn't have to look at it, but just followed the straight success.

The yard is quieter than outside. After entering, except for the sound of crickets, only the wind calls through the room, and even a figure can't be seen, like an uninhabited wilderness. Occasionally, doors or windows are blown up by the wind, making a banging sound.

Zhi Chenggong was anxious and knew that it was not good. He could no longer hide and ran straight to the main house.

The copper head also hurriedly followed and looked around carefully along the way, but it was still quiet. There seemed to be no one in the house. I don't know whether Xiu Xingshan can't take care of it or Zhiyong has fallen into his hands, so he is no longer interested in this empty house.

Successfully passed through a row of houses through the back door, then pushed open a living room door and whispered, "Dad, Mom!"

However, the whole room was quiet and no one answered. Looking at the ground, there were many things scattered, chairs and stools fell to the ground, and even a corner of the table was cut off.

His face changed dramatically and he hurriedly pushed open the door of his parents' bedroom. The phenomenon was even more chaotic: ** quilts and pillows were thrown to the ground. In addition to the shelf where the bed was only smashed by a mosquito net, other things that could stand up straight fell to the ground, and some of them were cut off. , the whole thing turned over, but the beautifully carved window was also smashed with several holes.

"Dad, Mom!" He shouted anxiously, and his voice gradually rose. He rushed out of the bedroom and planned to search other rooms.

As soon as he opened the second door, the word "father and mother" had not been called out, and a bright knife light suddenly cut down. If he hadn't retracted quickly, maybe even his head and hands would have been cut off.

He was shocked, pulled his hands on the door ring and pushed hard to throw the door at the sneaker.

I only heard a "bang". The door made of wooden board was divided into two pieces in the flash of knife light. One was still hanging on the doorpost and shaking, while the other fell down and made a "pop" sound.

He jumped out of the room, pulled out his sword from his body, and stared at the door.

The "bang" door fell down, and a man in black scarf rushed out of the room and successfully cut straight at him with a knife.

"When" hurriedly held it with a long sword, the two weapons hit each other and made a loud noise, which spread far away from the Zhifu.

suddenly, there was a burst of fire outside the Zhifu, and a messy footsteps came, and a team of soldiers surrounded the Zhifu.

The situation was critical and could not allow the copper head to think too much. He hurriedly grabbed a few fist-sized stones from the ground, threw them at the masked man continuously, and whispered straight and said, "Withdraw!"

The copper head is tall and powerful, and the stones cast are also strong and heavy, as fast as a meteor.

The masked man dared not take it with his hand and cut at the stone with a knife.


Another loud noise, and the stone was cut to pieces and flew around. The long knife in the hand of the masked man kept shaking, buzzing, and almost wanted to fly out of his hand.


The copper head did not wait for him to recover, and another stone was cast over, still as fast as an arrow, unstoppable.

This time, the masked man did not dare to cut with a knife and hurriedly dodged to avoid it.

He took advantage of the opportunity of the masked man to dodge the stone, and did not rush to attack, and hurriedly took the opportunity to turn around and leave.

After the copper head threw the last two stones at the masked man, it also hurriedly followed the straight success and ran back and forth.

When escaping, the speed is always faster. When they come, the two took a total of half an hour. At this time, they arrived in a few breaths, climbed over the hospital wall and fled.

When the copper head and Zhi Chenggong climbed over the wall, they all looked back and only saw a dark shadow sweeping out of the wall not far away from them. At this time, there was a loud noise in the straight house, and the lights were bright, which made the whole courtyard see fine.

At this glance, I saw the unique black armor of the soldiers of the Xiu Legion, covering the whole yard, as if a bird cloud covered the whole mansion.

The two did not dare to look at it again. They hurriedly jumped off the wall and became people who fled for their lives. They only hated their parents for missing two legs.

Fortunately, Zhicheng was as familiar with the terrain near his home and turned three times with a copper head. When he got to a secluded alley, he had got rid of the pursuers.

The two stood up and looked at each other's faces. They were not very good-looking.

"His grandma, who is this person?" Copperhead said angrily, "It ruined our good deeds!"

He shook his head successfully and said, "Not necessarily, he may want to remind us!"

Bronze head said, "Anyway, your family may not be here anymore. This is just a trap."

Zhi Chenggong's face was even more sad, and he nodded and said, "This old thief doesn't know where to hide my parents!"

The copper head doubted, "Will it be in Xiuxingshan's own house? Anyway, it's still early tonight. Why don't we touch it again?

At this time, Zhisong didn't have any idea. He took it as a living horse as a dead horse doctor. It's good to catch a life-saving grass and agreed to the words of the copper head.

The two also turned left and right in the alley, climbed high and drilled low, and came to the vicinity of Xiufu without danger.

Standing on a small hillside near Xiufu, I saw that the door of Xiufu was brightly lit, and there were more than a dozen soldiers standing guard at the door, and from time to time there were patrolling soldiers passing by.

Within the range that can only be seen from this hillside, Xiufu is much more gorgeous than Mengfu and Zhifu, and even Wu Shangqiang's council hall is also slightly inferior.

Xiuxing Mountain has built a watchtower in the four corners of his house. Standing on the watchtower, he can not only see the scene of dozens of feet away from the mansion, but also the council chamber of the fish people's patriarch at a glance.

The two did not dare to approach, picked a big tree and climbed up with three hands and two feet.

From a high place, the scene of the whole Xiufu was seen in his eyes. Looking at the bright lights like the city and the frequent coming and going of the house of the market, both of them were hesitant. No one expected that the mansion of Xiuxingshan was so wide and luxurious, covering an area of nearly 1,000 mu, among which the pavilion There are countless pavilions, and the corridors are nine twists and thirteen bends, which is dazzling.

After the defeat in the war with the bone spurs, the fish people are determined to revenge from top to bottom. Such a huge building is the only one, which is extremely rare in other places where the fish people live crowded.

"What should I do?" Zhi Chenggong asked Tongtou softly, "How can we get in when the lights are so bright?"

He knocked on his head and said bitterly, "I'm also trying to figure it out."

Looking at the bright lights all over the house, he was distressed: "I didn't expect Xiuxing Mountain to be so treacherous. I knew that someone would come at night and deliberately lit the whole house. It was as bright as day, and I couldn't get in even if I wanted to."

The copper head sneered and said, "I think this old man is afraid. The brighter the lights are, the more afraid he is, the more people there are, and the more guilty he is."

He successfully nodded secretly and knew that Tongtou was right. Xiu Xingshan rebelled against Wu Shangqiang. If he could not get the support of the whole fish people, he would be like a homeless dog. There was no way out except to escape from Moon Island, so he firmly held Wu Shangqiang, Meng Ting and Zhiyong in his hands.