Eastern Continent

Chapter 452, Formation

At this time, the soldiers surnamed Xiu were ready to retreat, but they were just eager to escape for their lives. There were still determined to fight. After being surrounded by soldiers surnamed Guan, morale was even lower. However, the soldiers surnamed Guan's morale was high at this time. They were usually bullied by soldiers surnamed Xiu, and they usually couldn't wait to kill the soldiers surnamed Xiu. At this time, there was this For the reason and opportunity, it's better to beat it hard.

Compared with this two times, you don't have to wait until the end, and the victory or defeat is obvious.

" Stop it!" A loud shout overshadowed the sound of killing and weapon collision on the battlefield and came to everyone's ears, but it was Ye Guoming's voice.

After General Black Armor tried his best to repel General Baijia, he took two steps back. First, he stopped. When the other soldiers saw the general stop, they gradually stopped. And soldiers surnamed Xiu have been eager to stop for a long time.

This stopped to let people see the tragic situation just now, which was almost unbearable.

After only one round of attack, nearly 1,000 soldiers trapped in the middle immediately disappeared, and three or 400 people also had some minor injuries. Most of the combat effectiveness of the whole team has been removed.

And the soldiers surnamed Guan also lost more than a dozen people at this time, plus nearly 100 people with minor injuries.

The square in front of the council hall is full of soldiers killed or injured. There are seven vertical arrays across the square, and there are all kinds of ways to die. There are two people holding each other and bite each other, and there are even two weapons that stabbed each other at the same time, and there are even two corpses on a weapon. It can be seen that the weapon holder worked hard at that time. Suddenly, he stopped after wearing two people in a row.

"Put down your weapons and surrender, and the surrenderer will not die!" Although Ye Guoming's voice is still very loud, there is a deep fatigue and sadness: "They are all compatriots and brothers. Don't fight any more. You kill your own brothers!"

Although Ye Guoming's voice is not high, it reaches the bottom of everyone's heart. To be honest, whether it is Guan or a surname, he is still a member of the fish people. At this time, he is really helpless to kill. At this time, although everyone is still holding the weapon in their hands tightly, they are unable to lift it.

Especially the soldier surnamed Xiu, the last psychological line of defense has been torn apart in this shocking voice.

"Xixingshan's father and son defected and led to the division within the fishman clan, and the bone spur clan, who have been staring at you, must have received the information. If I expected it well, at this time, the soldiers of your life-and-death enemy bone spur clan should have been ready to invade Moon Island." Long Fei's voice also sounded at the right time: "So, the most important thing you should do at this time is to fight against foreign enemies, not to fight in the nest and let the Bone Spurs pick up the advantage."

Ye Guoming's words only moved them from the bottom of their hearts and made them suddenly realize that the other party was actually brothers of their own clan. In fact, fighting like this had no other role but to weaken their own strength.

And Long Fei's words suddenly woke them up. It turned out that the bone spur clan, the great enemy of life and death, had been staring at them.

"Dang!" A soldier surnamed Xiu first put down the weapons in his hand. After having the first one, followed by two, three, ten, hundreds. The sound of "dang, Dang" kept ringing, and there were more and more weapons on the ground. Not only did the soldiers with the surname Xiu put down the weapons one after another, but also some soldiers with the surname Guan also put down the weapons in their hands, all The weapons in the hands of the soldiers surnamed Guan also hung down, no longer nervously facing the soldiers surnamed Xiu, but facing the ground.

Ye Guoming walked towards General Baijia. At this time, General Baijia's face was pale. Although he still held the weapon in his hand, the weapon had turned into a ground. Even if he saw Ye Guoming coming, he could not lift it up.

"Xu Bisheng has left first. Xiu Xingshan and his son have indeed defected. The general is a sensible person. Do you still want to rebel with Xiu Xingshan and his son?" Ye Guoming looked at General Bai Jia and said softly, "The bone spur invasion is imminent. At this time, it should be the same time to resist foreign enemies. Can't the general still figure it?"

General Baijia was silent for a while, slowly put down his weapon, jumped off the horse, and suddenly knelt down to Ye Guoming and said, "You must be ignorant. Thank you for reminding me, otherwise you will commit a heinous crime. Please accept my worship."

"Don't dare, dare!" Ye Guoming hurriedly helped Xiu Biliang up and said softly, "General Xiu can correct his mistakes as soon as he knows. It's really a great blessing for the fish people. What's wrong?"

Xiu Biliang sighed and said, "I can't think that the elder was confused and did such a rebellious thing. It's all my fault that I didn't persuade the prince well. I just hate that some people still hate that the world is not in chaos, but encouraged Mr. Xiu to embark on the road of rebellion against the whole clan."

Ye Guoming also sighed and said, "Power is always a coveted thing. Everyone has different opinions, and the natural choice is different. It has nothing to do with anyone, and the general does not have to blame himself."

"Yes! It is also their choice to embark on this road. It has nothing to do with the general. Anyway, there is still great merit in the general's battle. How can he be guilty? Long Fei followed Ye Guoming's words and said, "Now the most important problem is how to reduce the damage of the civil strife of the fishman clan. Otherwise, we will defeat ourselves first without waiting for the bone spur clan to attack."

At this time, Guan Xing and others also cleaned up the battlefield, and hundreds of dead were integrated into a pile, and a fire was burned. Whether it was a soldier surnamed Guan or a soldier surnamed Xiu, they are all the people of the fish people. Let them get along like brothers again, and they will never turn against each other for various reasons.

Because of the surrender of Xiu Biliang, Sihai City is equivalent to falling into the hands of Long Fei and others. With the help of Xiu Biliang, the forces that must be paid in the city have been uprooted, and those who are willing to surrender are generously retained. Some generals who refuse to surrender have been arrested and thrown into prison. In a blink of an eye, the Sihai City Most of the prisons are imprisoned by the generals of the Xiu Legion and some close friends of the Xiu family and son.

As for some soldiers who refused to obey, Long Fei did not embarras them, but expelled them all from Sihai City after teaching them a lesson.

Since Xiu Bisheng escaped from the battle that day, he has sunk into the sea and can no longer find anyone. Even after finding several places where Xiu Bisheng may go with the help of Xiu Biliang, he still can still not find it. It is very likely that he has escaped from Sihai City and went to Jiuzhou City to report to the father and son of the Xiu family.

Next, Long Fei disrupted all the army formed according to the surname and recombine it according to the arms. In the process, some surname leaders also issued some objections. One leader once relied on more soldiers than others, did not want to mix it again, was afraid of losing command, and even threatened to withdraw halfway. However, due to the criticism of a few other surnames, coupled with the support of Long Fei, the two powerful parties of Guan Xing and Zhao Ke, the leader had no choice but to accept the current facts and obediently accept that his soldiers were incorporated into the troops led by others.

First of all, the cavalry force, a thousand cavalry, is composed of the best elite soldiers selected from various surname troops. They collect all the horses in the whole Sihai City to make up the number sloppy, and the equipment is also selected from all the most sophisticated assembly.

The second is the archers' team, which is more difficult to find. It is often only a few out of 100 people. As a result, among the whole Sihai City's army, they pick them left and right. After several selections, they finally formed a 300-person archers team, which is necessary for the strong team in Longfei's mind. There is a difference of 18,000 miles.

This made Guan Xing and a few other leaders of the four sea cities feel ashamed.

The third is the water army. Because the moon island is surrounded by the sea, the most important thing in life is to deal with the sea. Therefore, the moon island knows a lot of water, and even the whole people can swim in the water, so there are many people who are suitable to be a sailor. Therefore, it is relatively easy to choose sailors. In addition, the original water army of Sihai City actually formed a rule. A navy of nearly 5,000 people.

The fourth is the infantry, which does not need to be selected. As long as it is not suitable for cavalry, archers and sailors, they will be integrated into the infantry.

Next is the captain's candidate. After the synthesis of the opinions of all parties, the decision is as follows:

Cavalry: Guan Xing, the leader surnamed Guan, the deputy captain Xiu Biliang and Ding Chajie.

Archers: Captain Ye Guoming and deputy captain Li Zhibing. Although Li Zhibing has objections, neither archery nor martial arts can compete with Ye Guoming, so he has to succumb to the lower position.

Water Army: Qian Chengli, the leader surnamed Qian, and Wang Zhen, the leader surnamed Wang, and Meng Jian.

Bujun: Zhao Ke, the leader surnamed Zhao, and Sun Li, the leader surnamed Sun, the deputy captain.

Then two people were selected to serve as the leading generals and staff generals of the whole army, namely General Guan Xing and General Zhao Ke.

Long Fei's name is only a counselor with the army and did not lead that unit. However, after what happened in the square, Guan Xing respected Long Fei very much. No matter before and after him, he called Long Fei a military division.

Since the general of the army is called like this, and some of the cadres below are naturally called Long Fei as a military division.

In fact, there is no need for Long Fei to ask. After some soldiers saw what Long Fei did, these people's respect for Long Fei came from the bottom of their hearts, so they called Long Fei as a military division

After the army was organized, it entered the hot drills. The loud shouting on the school grounds kept coming, changing the previous phenomenon of clear barriers between soldiers in the training between surnames. The soldiers of the whole Sihai City were kneaded together, and the teams cooperated with each other to train to improve the relationship between the other of arms. The offensive and defensive capabilities of the arms, as well as the ability to cooperate with each other.

Since then, the soldiers of the whole Sihai City have practiced almost in the dark, and their combat effectiveness has also been improved in a geometric way.