Eastern Continent

Chapter 455, Burning Beard Old Cat

The copper head looked at the Meng Ting lying in ** and sighed helplessly.

Since fighting with Mu San that day, all three of them have been injured to varying degrees, but Meng Ting has been injured to an additional injury, with a third injury, which is much more serious than that of the two.

The two worked hard to carry Meng Ting back. Today is the fifth day. Most of their injuries have recovered and have been slightly ready to move, especially the copper head. Except for not daring to take action, all actions have been no different from ordinary people, but Meng Ting is still ** who can't wake up for a long time. In addition to a breath, it is almost the same as the dead.

Fortunately, Zhang Heng and Li Zhi have taken care of them these days, otherwise they don't know what to do.

The copper head looked straight and succeeded and frowned, "This elder Meng is not like life, and death is not like death. What should he do if he falls asleep like this? Are there any smart doctors in Jiuzhou City? If only the boss were here!"

Straight success is more sad than copper head. Originally, I thought that I could immediately know my father's whereabouts when I met Meng Ting, but before I said a few words, I was disturbed by Mu San. Now there is another headache: Meng Ting lies quietly in ** like this, and I don't know whether it's life or death. How can a doctor cure it? Naturally, only a magic doctor can cure it.

Both of them thought of Long Fei at the same time, but now Long Fei is still in the Sihai City nearly hundreds of miles away from here, being free to be his shopkeeper and deeply fascinated by the practice of spiritual strength.

"Alas" Zhi Chenggong also sighed and said distressed, "I don't know what happened to my father and whether he fell into the hands of Xiuxing Mountain!" The number of sighs in the past few days is more than the number of sighs in the previous half of their lives.

Tongtou also sighed and suddenly said fiercely to Zhi Chenggong, "Do you know that there is a doctor with high medical skills in the city? Tonight we will invite him to take care of the pulse for Elder Meng, which is better than lying like this."

said directly, "Well, do your best and then listen to fate. However, I don't know the situation around here. I have to ask Uncle Fu to know."

The copper head interrupted, "It's not near here, it's far away, even next to the Xiufu!"

He woke up successfully and said, "Are you afraid that something will happen around here that will make people suspicious?"

Tongtou nodded and said, "The rabbit still doesn't eat the grass around the nest, and we can't tell others that we are around here!"

He murmured successfully, "If so, I know that there is a famous doctor who lives in the west of the city, just on the side of Xiufu, and I don't know if he will not come."

The copper head smiled and said cunningly, "I'll invite you. He will definitely come."

Jion Chenggong was stunned, understood, and suddenly said, "Actually, you want to catch him, right?"

The copper head smiled again and didn't say anything.

Zhi Chenggong doubted, "Is your injury not in the way?"

The copper head patted his chest. Although it was still a little painful, he said carelessly, "It doesn't matter. It's important to save people first. As long as you don't meet the old boy Mu San, I won't be afraid of anyone. Otherwise, if Elder Meng really has a long time, we will not feel good at that time."

Successfully said, "Okay!"


Jiuzhou City, Xiufu.

Xiuxing Mountain sits on the main seat, with Mu San, Mu Wen, seven masters Jing Qiwen, one finger Zen Hu Zhijian, and the dwarf king Huang Siliang. The right hand is: Cha Yunnan, Xiu must pay, check and check, check and check, Gong Yilang, and Xiu Nanyun, who has not appeared for a long time.

There is still one person kneeling below, which is the cultivation that escapes from Sihai City.

Although it was a hall, there was no sound, and the whole lobby was full of a dull and depressing atmosphere.

"Let's talk about how the four seas city fell." Xiu Xingshan looked at Xiu Bisheng, who was trembling with fear under the hall, and said gloomyly, "Try what reason do you have for me to spare your life!"

Xiu Bisheng climbed forward a few steps and kept kowtowing and saying, "Da damn it, damn it." His head kept kowtowing on the solid bluestone, kowtowing. While kowtowing, he said what happened in Sihai City.

This time, not only Mu San and others were stunned, but also Xiu Xingshan stood up from his seat again and pointed to Xiu Bisheng and shouted, "How did you tell you before leaving, and how did you promise him? Now you give away Sihai City so easily, you still have the face to come to see me."

Xiu Bisheng began to kowtow again and said, "The villain deserves to die. I really don't know that so many generals will rebel with them. They are all led by Guan Xing. Please give the villain in case of a soldier and horse, the villain must raise their heads to meet the master."

Xiu Bifu sneered and said, "I'll give you another 10,000 soldiers and horses. I remember that before I left, I not only left 5,000 soldiers of the Legion of Xiu, but also the soldiers with other surnames should be no less than 20,000. Not only did I defend Sihai City, but also left all the soldiers in the city and ran here by myself. Why should I believe that you use 10,000 soldiers? The soldiers can bring back the four sea cities. I think you are useless and it's useless to keep them. Come and pull this man out.

Xiu Bisheng was so scared that he almost fainted. He kowtowed repeatedly and cried, "Master, forgive me, master, forgive me." He kept kowtowing to the ground, his head banging on the ground, and his forehead bleeding.

However, Xiu Xingshan still looked at Xiu Bisheng being dragged out with a gloomy face and did not speak. Even this full of people, no one spoke out to plead for him.

After Xiu Bisheng was pulled out of the cry, the whole lobby returned to silence.

For a long time, Xiu Xingshan slowly said, "What do you think? But what can be done to recapture Sihai City? Listening to his weak tone, he seemed to be dozens of years old, and his voice was full of a feeling of anxiety and fatigue.

Gong Yilangqi said, "Who on earth has not only seen through my strategy, destroyed the whole team of soldiers of Youshi, but also directly rebelled against Sihai City and cut off our retreat?"

Mu San's face was still a little pale. Thinking that the internal injury was not completely healed, he smiled and said, "This person's name is Long Fei."

"Long Fei!" Miyaichiro stood up in shock and said, "He also came to Moon Island?"

"Brother Gong also knows Long Fei?" Muwen was surprised.

Gong Yilang smiled bitterly. How could he not know Long Fei? Although Zhong Zhi was defeated in the battle with Xiang Fang, without the intervention of Long Fei, Zhong Zhi would not have had a chance to defeat Xiang Fang, and Zhong Zhi happened to have no children and only Gong Yilang was an apprentice. If Zhong Zhi really became the lord of the sand city, more than ten years After that, Miyaichiro may have a chance to win the sand city.

It's just that all this has become a bubble because of the appearance of Long Fei and others. Miyaichiro was forced to leave the desert island. He didn't think that he could meet Longfei on this moon island, which lives in a corner of overseas.

It seems that predestined people can't avoid it even if they want to.

"I know!" Miyaichiro immediately adjusted his mood and said lightly, "There was a fate!"

"It seems that this fate also impressed Brother Gong and changed color when he heard it!" Mu Wen said with a smile.

Miyaichiro smiled. Since Muwen came back, he has looked at himself unsative and right at himself. Of course, Gong Yilang knew that it was because he was almost eliminated by Longfei and others with the pirate group. At that time, he did not participate in the attack but returned to Jiuzhou City with various excuses, and this action started from the beginning. At the end, it was planned by himself, so Muwen counted his suffing on Gong Yilang's head and said a few sarcastic words from time to time, but he was not so resentful of Long Fei and others who let him back.

It's just that Muwen is the son of the four major families in the mainland, and Mu San, a master, is sitting here. Even if Gong Yilang has any dissatisfaction, he can only pinch his nose and endure it.

"Long Fei!" Not only Gong Yilang and Muwen were surprised, but also Xiu Xingshan was very surprised. He remembered that Long Fei was brought back by Meng Ting and had no martial arts. Although he actually cured Wu Shangqiang's illness, Xiu Xingshan did not notice this person. Unexpectedly, it was not Meng Ting and other high-level fish people who gave him a fatal blow in the end. It's not a legion with several major surnames, but this outsider who was taken to the island by Meng Ting.

Is it possible that Meng knew his actions and arranged countermeasures in advance? Xiu Xingshan couldn't help thinking about it.

"Who is this Longfei? Does Brother Mu also know him? Xiu Xingshan couldn't help but turn his head curiously and asked Mu San.

For Mu San, he is still more respectful and polite. There is no other reason. Among them, there are seven masters, one-finger Zen, dwarf kings, etc., and even the general brothers. Those who are high in martial arts have just entered the spiritual level, and the low ones also have an innate level, but only this Mu San, Xiu Xingshan has not seen his martial arts research until now. Unexpectedly, he reached that level, and the Mu family could send this person to help themselves, and it was also thought that he saw that this man's martial arts could be powerful.

What Xiu Xingshan didn't expect was that when he went out to chase Meng Ting a few nights ago, he not only did not catch Meng Ting, but also returned injured, which shocked Xiu Xingshan for a long time. Later, when he saw Mu San's calmness, he gradually let go of his mind.

"I don't know!"

The unexpected answer stunned everyone in the room.

Mu San's eyes seemed to be closed, and he could see the look of everyone in the room. Seeing that most people showed disapproval, even Xiu Xingshan and his son were surprised and paid more attention to Long Fei.

I heard that Long Fei has no martial arts, or just hides martial arts. A person without martial arts really doesn't deserve much attention in this dynasty with great strength.

Although Mu San still doesn't know why Long Fei became unable to learn martial arts, although the losses suffered by the Mu family in the hands of Long Fei did not hurt the Mu family, but it also had a skin pain. Of course, this is not all caused by martial arts. Without the corresponding wisdom, how could the masters of the Mu family be in Longfei in a row? The hand is squedled.

Therefore, even if Long Fei loses his martial arts skills, Mu San does not dare to despise the enemy at all, which is tantamount to contempt his own life. Smart people will not do such a thing.

"As far as we know." After everyone's surprise gradually calmed down, Mu San slowly said again, "This dragon fly is most likely to be a disciple of Tongtian ladder!"

"Tongtian ladder!" Everyone in the room looked at each other and stared at each other.

What is this ladder?

Although the three ancient factions are powerful, they are not as famous as the four major families. These three factions are so mysterious that they have never heard of them except for some cutting-edge forces on the whole continent.

"There are seven masters in the mainland. I wonder if you have heard of them?" Mu Wen suddenly said that he really couldn't stand it anymore. This group of earth buns didn't even know the ladder.

"I know!" Most people in the room nodded.

In fact, Hicks, Pangen, Mu Zhong, Jia Jing, the ancestor of Montenegro, Chen Yushan, Shen Zhijun and other seven masters of the mainland are the seven masters. This is not a high secret. As long as people who practice martial arts know it, even those who are not martial arts have heard of it.

Mu, the ancestor of the Mu family, is finally one of them and ranks third, while Jia Jing, the ancestor of the Jia family, the world enemy of the Mu family, ranked fourth.

"Long Fei and Copper Head are both Hicks' apprentices!" Mu Wen said lightly.