Eastern Continent

Chapter 468, reverse calculation

"Oh!" Xiu Xingshan and other people were stunned, but puzzled and asked, "Please give me some advice."

Mu San said, "I think we must pay attention to it and early, because these are some scoundrels. If they don't pay attention to it, they will definitely take an inch. Until they confuse those stupid people to really believe it, it's too late for us to pay attention to it, but if there is a lot of fanfare Going to search and arrest will certainly cause trouble in the city, causing the panic of some ignorant people, which is also unfavorable to our rule. Therefore, I think it's better to do it quietly and set up more dark whistles, but some bright whistles should be removed so as not to cause suspicion from the enemy, which can not only achieve the purpose of counterattack, but also not disturb the people.

Xiu Xingshan climbed up some joy on his face, but he had not changed his heavy mood, but he didn't understand how Mu San said quietly, and humbly asked, "The three deacons have a high opinion! How to proceed? Can the three deacons have a good strategy?

Mu San smiled and said, "Old man, please rest assured. Within three or five days, I will send this person to the elder."

Xiu Xingshan finally showed some smiles on his face, and his rough face wrinkled several layers.


Xiu Bi's eyes are almost dull, staring at a point on the gray wall, but his eyes are scattered, and his mood is really extremely depressed. He is the third powerful figure in the Xiu Legion, only one level lower than Xiu Bi's investigation and investigation. Usually, although the investigation is in the second place, he has always been He looked down on him and thought that he was far inferior to himself. He only sat in this position with the power of checking his surname. If he really competes fairly, he must not be able to compete with himself, that is, he was secretly happy that he was defeated by the soldiers in the previous investigation. After all, he was still not as good as himself. If he was himself, he would definitely not have Such a big defeat.

Unexpectedly, God gave him a chance to make contributions. When he came to Sihai City with nearly 20,000 vanguard troops, he thought that with his ability and 20,000 troops, Sihai City had not yet been fought.

However, what he didn't expect was that he had always regarded himself very high, but he had not yet fought with the enemy or fought with the army of Sihai City, so he had been captured.

It's all this damn horse's mistake. If it's a good horse, maybe he has escaped now and then recruit escaped soldiers, maybe...

Xiu Bide has been locked up in this cell for two days. Originally, he didn't know how many days it was, but he guessed from the number of times the prisoner delivered food. Since he was captured, Xiu Bide knew that he had no way to live, so he didn't care about anything these two days and gave up everything.

It seems that God is going to end himself this time. He only hates his empty ambitions and has time to do it in the future.

Just as Xiu had to think about it and couldn't calm down, the gate of the cell rang and a team of people came in.

"General!" The two prisoners who were often on duty in this cell hurriedly greeted them and shouted respectfully.

"Open Gate 7, the general wants to have a look!" A majestic voice said.


The unlocking sounded, the door of the room was slowly pushed open, and several people came in.

First of all, a young man who is never older than himself, with a cynical smile on his childish face.

"The cultivation must be well with the general?" Almost cynical greetings came out of the young population, as if they were sarcastic.

Xiu must look at the young man. There is no expression on his face. If he wants to die, he will die with dignity. How can he imitate those mediocre little people in his life and say coldly, "How do you know that I am Xiu Bide?" Remember that you didn't tell the other party.

"Haha..." The young man smiled proudly and said, "Of course someone told me, but whoever told me, it doesn't matter to General Xiu now."

Yes, he is already a dying person, and there will be nothing soon. Even if he knows something, it is useless. Xiu must think sadly.

The young man shouted, "Delicious food, don't wrong General Xiu."

"Yes!" The people behind him hurriedly answered.

"Haha!" The young man was even more proud, as if a cat had caught a mouse but didn't want to eat it for the time being and wanted to play with a cat. He turned around and walked out, but said without stopping, "General Xiu, just enjoy your last few days."

Looking at the door locked in front of him, Xiu must have returned to the quiet world. However, the content of other people talking to the young people outside the cell still flew into his ears: "Fortunately, someone informed us this time, otherwise we really don't know the layout of their camp."

The proud laughter of the young people gradually faded away: "But we also let them go and did not embarras them. Unfortunately, Xiu must die and we don't know that it was the person whose surname Cha, whom they regarded as an ally, betrayed him." Until it is unheard.

"Investigate and investigate, you traitor!" Xiu must hate it so much that he almost bites his teeth, but unfortunately he can't escape and tell the general the news.

At this moment, the desire to escape is so strong.

The prisoner carried out the orders of the young people very poorly, and soon prepared rich food and moved to the number room of Xiubide one after another.

But Xiu must not look at it. Anyway, he is going to die. At this time, he is still in the mood to care whether he will be hungry or not.

"Come on, buddy, toast!"

Xiu must not eat, but it does not mean that others do not eat. Outside his room, after the boss walked away, two prisoners also lined up all kinds of delicious food on the table, and the two were drinking vigorously.

"Do it!" The second person may have drunk a lot, his tongue is a little big, and his speech is not very sharp, but the drinking is full, and his neck is empty.

Xiu must be affected by the sound of the two people keep shouting and shouting. He was no longer proud. He approached the prison door a little angrily. Looking out through the gap between the wooden pillar and the wooden column, he saw two jailers who had drunk and were blushing and kept screaming. Their eyes lit up in vain and approached the waist of the prisoner on his side. The yellow keys are so dazzling that they are within reach.

"Drink, brother!" The prisoner close to Xiu Binge raised the bowl, and his tongue seemed to have lost the function of speaking. He said intermittently, "People... live... bitter... short, get... and... walk... happy."

Opposite was a round-faced prisoner, blushing to the root of his ears and picked up the bowl, but his trembling hands kept spilling out the wine in the bowl and said, "Drink! And... have fun in time." As soon as the neck is tilted, the bowl is empty.

"Brother...brother...cool...fast!" The prisoner who was close to Xiu Bide also raised his neck and poured wine into his mouth, but half of it was sprinkled on his clothes. The bowl in his hand fell directly from his hand before it could be put down. He also lay on the table and muttered, "Quick...come..."

"Ha...ha..." The round-faced prisoner laughed and pointed to the other party and said, "You... fell before me again." Standing up, before he moved, he fell straight and fell straight, smashing on the ground, hitting the table with one hand, and sweeping the plates and bowls to the ground.

In an instant, both of them fell asleep.

Is it that his life should not be end? God is still helping himself. Xiu must look at the Huang Chengcheng's key shaking in front of him. After a long time, he came back to his mind and hurriedly stretched out his hand and carefully untied it.

Fortunately, this prisoner may also be a careless person. The key is not very tight. Xiu must only do it a few times, then untie it and open the chains of his hands and feet in a hurry.

Fortunately, they didn't abolish their martial arts, but locked themselves with this simple chain. Otherwise, even if they got the key, they would have no choice.

At this time, he was extremely nervous. Although Xiu had to keep reminding himself, he couldn't calm down anyway.

Opening the prison door again, Xiu must breathe a sigh of relief and look at the two extremely drunken prisoners lying on the table and the other lying on the ground, still sleeping sweetly. Xiu must gently approach a prisoner's side and reach out to untie the sword tied to the prisoner's waist.

"Hm!" The square-faced prisoner turned over and stretched out his hand forward, as if the wine bottle was in front of him, and muttered, "Brother, drink again!" His hand almost caught Xiu's foot.

Xiu must be shocked and dared not get the knife again. He hurried to the gate of the cell. After opening the prison door with seven hands and eight feet, he saw that there was no one left and right, and then slipped out and fled.

After Xiu's figure disappeared, the two drunken and unconscious prisoners suddenly turned over and sat up, looking at each other with a smile in their eyes.

The small one is hidden in the mountains, and the big one is hidden in the city.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would have imagined that there were so many external forces hidden in Jiuzhoucheng, the first city of the fishman clan.

Following Gou Zhitong, four people entered a room. There was a person in the room for a long time. His face was thin, smooth and needless, with a childlike innocence in his eyes. He wore a white gown and was thin and weak. Because he was sitting on a chair, he did not know the height. Seeing Gou Zhitong come in, he didn't stand up, but nodded slightly.

When Gou Zhitong saw the man in white, he hurried forward, respectfully saluted the man in white, and said respectfully, "Disciples have seen the three elders."

The man in white stretched out his hand to help Gou Zhitong and smiled, "Get up, don't be polite."

Gou Zhitong called the copper head to the front, introduced them to the people in white one by one, and then said to the copper head several people: "This is the three elders of our Jia family."

The three elders of the Jia family!

It is said that not only does the wooden family have an outer hall and an inner hall, but also has a steward. As one of the four major families, the Jia family actually has an outer hall and inner hall. The functions of the two churches are also similar, and their strength is also equal.

However, the director of the Jia family's outer hall, and the inner hall is called the elder.

Tongtou felt that no matter what he thought, he would never think that this kind and grandfather-like person was actually Jia He, the three elders of the Jia family.