Eastern Continent

Chapter 483, Perfect Transfer Next

Gou Zhitong shook his head and said, "There is no exact news yet, but it should be in the Xiufu, but every time the fat man goes to Xiufu, he goes alone and never takes me with him. Therefore, he still knows nothing about the situation inside the Xiufu, and there is no way to find out."

Meng Ting remembered that he visited the mansion at night and almost never returned. He nodded and said, "The mansion of Xiuxing Mountain is indeed built like a castle. If there are no drawings or guidance from people who are not familiar with the inside information, we will go in. We are also blind people riding horses and have no goal."

In fact, if there are Mu San and the masters of the Weiba side hired by Xiuxingshan to sit in the Xiufu, they have to think about it again and again even if they want to search the Xiufu.

Gou Zhi Channel: "However, although I didn't find the position of the chief Wu's imprisonment, I found something. The compulsory payment to go to Sihai City does not seem to be smooth, and I sent people back to ask for rescuers."

Jia He said strangely, "The soldiers of Sihai City should only be a few soldiers with surnames left by Xiu Bifu, just because they dare to oppose Xiu Bifu and let Xiu Bifu suffer."

Meng Ting said, "The father and son who are attached to Xiu Xingshan are all forced to join. They are all relatively small surnames. They usually do not have the ability to protect themselves, or have the heart to rebel against the father and son of Xiu, but they should not dare to really take action."

Gou Zhi Channel: "I suspect that the four seas voice code has not only left these few soldiers with surnames, and there must be some people who encourage them, otherwise they will not be so bold."

Meng Ting muttered, "That should be the same, but who will it be?"

Gou Zhi Channel: "It must be the Long Fei brothers."

Jia He was surprised and said, "It's Xiaofei. Why do you think so?"

Gou Zhi Channel: "Tongtou said that he and Long Fei have not seen the peace since they broke up. At their slowest speed, if they think of Jiuzhou City, they will have arrived long ago. Unless there is any burden on the way, but the detectives investigating Yunnan did not find this. Therefore, I think Longfei may have gone to Sihai City. This Sihai City is the nest of Xiuxing Mountain, which must have played a very important role in Xiuxing Mountain. At this time, they have vacavated the forces of Sihai City. At this time, they will not take the four seas in their hands.

Meng Ting suddenly woke up and said, "Brother Gou's words make sense. It seems that Xiu Bifu was defeated by Long Fei."

Jia He praised Xu and said, "I didn't expect that Xiaofei is so young and has such a talent. This fight is hitting the seven inches of the poisonous snake Xiuxing Mountain. Even if he doesn't want to be angry, he can't help it. However, he must have knocked Xiuxing Mountain unconsciously with one blow. I'm afraid it will be bitter for a while."

Gou Zhitong nodded and said, "It's such a peerless talent, but it's a pity that I haven't met yet."

Jia He smiled and said, "When the war is won, you will naturally see it. Just wait at ease."

Gou Zhitong said respectfully, "Yes, the elders have taught me a lesson. There is one more thing to report. Looking at the expression of Zhuan, it seems that the father and son of the Xiu family are very dissatisfied and their faces are blue with anger, but they refuse to tell me what it is.

Jia He turned his head and looked at Meng Ting and said, "As an elder of the fish race, Elder Meng must know more about the relationship between the two than us. He may have guessed a few things about this matter."

Meng Ting pondered for a long time before saying, "Actually, the old man has been out of the outside for many years, and the business of the clan, and the battle within the clan is not very clear, but Zha Dian and Xiu Xingshan hooked up to seek the position of me as the elder, and even the position of patriarch is not a day or two. But I have never seen any frictional misunderstanding between Chadian and Xiuxingshan. Is it time for the rebellion to succeed and share the fruits of victory? The two are dirty and uneven, causing hatred?

Jia He and Gou Zhitong both nodded and agreed with Meng Ting's statement that the victory is now, and it is time to share the results.

Anyway, they are all happy with the news. It's better for Zha Dian to immediately turn against Xiu Xingshan and fight in a nest immediately, where they can benefit from fishermen.

In fact, no matter what they think, they can't imagine that because Xiu has been punished by Long Fei's countermeasure, he will almost be executed. After the news was sent back to Jiuzhou City, it would be strange if Chadian did not complain about it!

The cold wind swept over the sea, with a trace of salty taste of the sea. The sun that had just risen in the distance emitted gentle light and basked on the body. I only felt warm and comfortable that I just wanted to sleep.

Long Fei stood in the bow of the ship, facing the sea breeze coming to his face, looking at the water and sky in the distance, with infinite emotion in his heart. The first time I took a boat was taken to this island, and the second time I took a boat far away, I was forced to leave Sihai City and go to the battlefield.

It's just that it has been nearly half a year now. Thinking about the past few months, many things have happened. First, the martial arts competition, the second time, the Xiuxing Mountain father and son rebelled, and then the Sihai City War. Then, and then to the current Bone Thorns invasion of Moon Island, Long Fei felt that he had also grown up with the war. After the war After the baptism, he was more stable and less contempt than before. Although he was always cynical and smiling, at least he had been in chaos, and the enemy was expected to be the first.

War is really one of the most training skills.

During this period, Long Fei's consciousness, a strange thing cultivated in an accident, has made rapid progress after the diligent practice on the cliffs of Sihai City. It has reached the point where he can get out of his body and float out one miles away. There are more and more scenes that can be "seeed" until it drifts far away. At one point, it may be used to observe the battlefield situation, and then specifically find out the enemy's weaknesses and attack them, but every time after doing this, I am so tired that I want to sleep.

If this divine consciousness also has a level, I don't know which level I have practiced. Long Fei thought to himself.

Thinking of the empty city plan he had arranged in Sihai City, Xiu must have found out whether it was true or false at this time, otherwise it was really not a match to play on the battlefield.

"Military!" Ding Chajie walked to Long Fei from the other end of the deck and smiled, "According to the detective's report, the empty city plan we arranged blocked the Xiu Legion in front of the gate for two days. On the third day, they found that there was no one in our city, only some animals with their front legs hanging were beating drums and gongs."

Long Fei smiled and secretly said, "The art of war passed down to him by Mr. Tie is really useful. He has only changed a little. Although it is his first time to use it, he actually beat the enemy to death and is vulnerable." I couldn't help but have a great curiosity about Tie Lao. Who is he? With such intelligence, he is willing to fall into the forest. It seems that he must have experienced some sad past events that made him feel frustrated and his heart stopped.

It turned out that when the army of Sihai City was transferred, the people of the city had been moved out of Sihai City and sent to suburban towns.

When Sihai City became an empty city, Long Fei placed some large gongs and drums in places that could not be seen on both sides of the gate. The gongs and drums were lined up. At the same time, the front hoofs of some goats were hung up, only the back legs of the goats stood on the drum, and then hung a bunch of green grass in front of the goat. For After eating the grass, his hind legs kept pedaling and trying to jump forward, but the drum kept ringing.

As for the gong, tie the goat to the abdomen, hang it in the air, and hang the gong behind the goat. When the goat is hung, it will be pinched desperately, and the hind legs are kicked back hard, which is equivalent to someone beating the gong with a hammer.

As long as the goat does not die of hunger, the gongs and drums will keep ringing.

Although the army of Xiu Bifu was only blocked for two days, this precious two days, for the soldiers of Sihai City, let him escape the pursuit of Xiu Bifu and retreated safely. Two days later, even Xiu Bifu could not catch up, leaving him only an empty Sihai City.

Long Fei is not proud of this. Pride is just a poison for the war. He asked lightly, "But the news about the generals."

It turned out that they did not all retreat by boat, but were divided into two groups. Long Fei and Zhao Ke, Ye Guoming, Ding Chajun and others took the lead in the big ships that robbed the pirates, followed by more than 20 ships, large and small, with more than 5,000 people retreating from the sea; while Guan Xing and Meng Jian and others took the brigade. People and horses retreat by land, so that they can avoid being caught up by Xiu Bifu because the team is too large and the action is too slow, and the target can also be trapped and hidden.

Ding Chajie nodded and said, "It's not far behind us. If we stop, they can catch up for half a day."

Long Fei said, "After a while, we will choose a flat beach to land. You let the ship move forward intermittently, but you need to avoid the warship of the bone spur clan and find a harbor closer to the bone spur navy to hide. You can't go out until my order. You send someone to inform General Guan to catch up and meet us. At the same time, you must also explore it well. The road ahead, so that we will not be in the dark when we meet the leading force of the Bone spur clan.

Ding Chajie closed his legs, saluted Long Fei respectfully, and shouted, "Yes."

Long Fei said, "You will repeat the situation of the bone spur invaders."

Ding Chajie pondered and said, "This invasion of our clan is divided into three armies. The left army landed from a city. Under the command of Zuo Chunichiro, the god general of the bone clan, it has crossed a city and arrived at Yihe City east of Moon Island. The army with the direct surname of a city could not be fixed and retreated to Yihe City, and the Bone Bones. The left army is temporarily holding each other outside the city. The middle army also landed from a city, under the command of General Shenyou of the Bone Spur clan. At present, it is under the Six Godshen City, where the Wu surnamed Legion is held. However, depending on the situation, Wu Shangyong may not be the enemy of the Bone Spurs clan, and the situation is in danger. The army on the right side of the bone spur clan landed from the edge, led by Shen Hao, the magic general, and went all the way down. The Meng Legion wanted to hold it under the eight cities. According to our detective's report, Meng Hongzhi, the general of the Meng Legion, responded to every time the bone spur challenge. At present, Meng Hongzhi was still proud of the battle. Yang thinks that the Bone spur clan is vulnerable, but in my opinion, this may be the Bone spur clan deliberately showing weakness, trying to attract the whole army of Meng Hongzhi out of the city to fight and annihilate it. Therefore, at present, the most likely to be broken by the Bone spur clan is the eight cities of the Meng Legion.

Long Fei nodded and said, "Your analysis is very reasonable. It seems that you have learned a lot in the past few months."

Ding Chajie was embarrassed to smile and said, "Thanks to the guidance of the military division."

Long Fei smiled and waved his hand and said, "Let's go. It's not on the battlefield. I'm not used to being so polite to me."

Ding Chajie also smiled and knew that Long Fei had known it, so he turned around and walked away.