Eastern Continent

Chapter 487, in the first battle of bone spurs

Meng Hongzhi stood on the head of the city and looked at the bone spur army camp not far from the city. Although it was the same number of defenders surnamed Meng in Tianba City, Meng Hongzhi suspected that it was just a blindfold of the bone spur clan. Maybe there was still a strange army hidden somewhere. After waiting for himself to attack, he suddenly killed him. Out. At the same time, it was secretly strange that there has been no movement in the army of Sihai City in the past few days. Don't they know the speed of soldiers and start a war before the Bone spur clan reacts? If the Bone spur clan knows that there is such an army hidden nearby, it will not be so good to do it again.

Are they really malicious and want to seek their own army? Meng Hongzhi's mind flashed this idea uncontrollably, and at the same time, a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. If they really had this idea, they were wrong. They had grown up in the army since childhood. With this little trick of the rebels in Sihai City, they were not afraid of them.

"Monbo!" Meng Hongzhi said to a thin man who followed him: "Sent some scouts to see what those people in Sihai City are doing now?"

"Yes" Mengbo answered, and a few of them immediately walked out.

"I want to see what you are playing!" Meng Hongzhi looked in some direction outside the city and said coldly.

But it didn't take long to explore and return that the former station of the soldiers of Sihai City outside the city has now gone to the camp, leaving only a trace of confusion.

"Ha...ha..." Meng Hongzhi suddenly laughed, looked at the generals around him, and said in a disdainful tone: "This little trick is also conspicuous. With a little try, the original shape will be revealed."

"The general is clear, and the four seas city jumps into the clown." The generals sang in unison.

"Ha...ha..." Meng Hongzhi was happier than he had won a battle and laughed without hesitation. The rest of the generals also laughed, as if the urgent bone spur army outside the city was irrelevant and could be extinguished.

Meng Bo and Meng Hongzhi stopped laughing for a while before he came forward and said, "What about the fat man who was detained by us?"

Meng Hongzhi said disdainfully, "It's useless for us to keep such a person who has been betrayed by our own people. When we go to war with the bone spurs tomorrow, we will sacrifice him to the flag."

"Yes" will respond loudly.

Meng Hongzhi is full of ambition, as if he has seen his rampage and invincible appearance when he fights with the bone spur army tomorrow. I couldn't help smiling with pride.

Such a lofty thing, I can't help laughing when I sleep at night.


It was night, the wind roared, the sky and the earth were dark, and the whole world fell into primitive chaos.

Meng Hongzhi was still sleeping and suddenly woke up by a notification. He turned up and wanted to lose his temper - tomorrow is the day of the decisive battle with the Bone Spurs. At this time, it was simply bad intentions to disturb himself. Even if he wanted to forgive him, other generals were not allowed.

Unexpectedly, what the reporter said made Meng Hongzhi shock his anger back.

The bone spur camp was attacked.

Meng Hongzhi and his generals climbed to the head of the city and looked outside the city. There was a noise in the camp of the bone spurs outside the city. The fire rose to the sky, and the figure walking back and forth could be faintly seen, and the sound of people shouting horses was faintly heard.

The whole bone spur camp loomed into chaos.

Meng Hongzhi took a breath of cold breath. He didn't expect that with the defeat of more than 10,000 soldiers in Sihai City, he really went to attack the 30,000 heavily guarded camp of the bone spur clan.

I definitely don't have such courage.

The "General" Meng Bo said behind Meng Hongzhi, "It seems that they are really at war with the bone spurs. Shall we send troops?"

How could Meng Hongzhi not know that if he really wanted to send troops to help them, wouldn't he become the second and the other party? With credit, he also had no share in himself? However, if he didn't send troops and let go of this opportunity for nothing, he not only couldn't make sense, but I'm afraid that the generals and soldiers below would also have complaints.

"What a war!" Another short and fat general standing on the left side of Meng Hongzhi's body said disdainfully, "This is a play performed by the two sides together. The purpose is to deceive our army out of the city in the dark and then annihilate it. At that time, the eight cities will fall into the hands of the bone spurs effortlessly."

Yes, it must be like this. Meng Hongzhi suddenly woke up. Why didn't he think of this? I saw with approval that this one came from a few surnames and was called General Wang Feng. He said decisively, "The whole city is on alert. This is the enemy's plan to confuse the enemy. No one can act recklessly. Those who act recklessly will be killed, and then fight to the enemy to the death after dawn."

After giving the order, he was no longer in the mood to watch the so-called co-starring of the two sides and went down to sleep. If tomorrow's decisive battle is to be won, adequate rest is essential.

However, Meng Hongzhi's heart could not calm down. After seeing the fire in the enemy's fortress outside the city, the fire also seemed to burn in Meng Hongzhi's heart, making him ups and downs and difficult for himself.


The bronze head is riding a high-headed horse, flanked by Zhi Chenggong, Li Zhi, Zhang Heng, and behind him are 20,000 straight soldiers.

"Do you think the Bonebones defeated army has gone there?" Copper frowned and looked at the three people beside him and said, "Why have we chased them for a few days, but we can't touch their shadow?"

Although Zhi Chenggong ran to the sky, there was no trace of fatigue on his face. Instead, he took the first two steps parallel with the copper head and shouted, "They must know that we are chasing behind and run faster than rabbits, so we can't catch them."

The copper head turned his head and looked at Li Zhi. Among them, if anyone can guess the where of the Bone spur army is going, it is Li Zhi.

Li Zhi muttered: "It is reasonable that after failure, they should go as far as possible to avoid us, but there are always unexpected things. If there are one or two traitors of the fishman in the bone spur army, they may not necessarily find a place to hide."

Bronhead said, "This is very likely, but it is also possible that they are not familiar with the road and are not on the same road as us, so the speed is much slower than us, and we have overtaught."

Ji Chenggong also participated and said, "It must be that they are not familiar with the road. We missed them."

Zhang Heng looked at Li Zhi and said, "No matter where he is, whatever you say, I'll do it."

Li Zhi said, "Why don't we divide our troops into two teams? The copper captain and the straight brothers lead a team as the vanguard and chase along the way, and Zhang Heng and I lead a team and then walk slowly, which can not only cover for you, but also prevent the bone spur army from really falling behind us and causing any damage."

The copper head shouted, "That's it! We each get 10,000 people. I'll catch up with them first, and you will come later. However, we should keep in touch with each other at any time.

After the four people separated, Copper Head and Zhi Chenggong took 10,000 people and chased them desperately along the original road. Since there was someone behind them, and it was all within the Moon Island, it was not a lonely army to go deep. What other was there? They led the army to chase them urgently. It only took two days, and it took twice as long to walk. The road, if not afraid that the soldiers are too tired to be conducive to the battle, the bronze head wants to chase again.

This night, after the camp, Tongtou and Zhi Chenggong looked at the busy scene of the sergeants in the village. Their doubts in their hearts couldn't help but get worse. They have been chasing them for several days. Not only can they not catch up with the defeated army, but they can't even see their shadows. They really evaporated from the world, but this is still in the Moon Island. , it's not the Japanese island of the bone spur clan. Such a strange phenomenon is really unreasonable. Is it really overchasing?

The copper head suddenly looked up and said to Zhi Chenggong, "How long has it been since the back team contacted us?"

Zhi Chenggong was shocked and said, "You mean that our rear army fell into the enemy's encirclement?"

Copper nodded and said, "It's very possible. Otherwise, how can we explain that we hardly rest in the way of marching in a hurry? We can't even chase after a few days, but we can't even touch the shadow of the enemy. We should know that this is Moon Island, not the Sun Island of the Bone spur clan. I don't think there is any other explanation except that we chased over or the road is wrong. ."

Jian Chenggong nodded and said thoughtfully, "The last time they contacted us seemed to be on the first evening of our separation from them. Since then, they have not seen their contacts."

The bronze head resolutely said, "Let's camp here first. You send someone back to check. If they are safe, it's best. If anything happens, take the beacon as the beacon, and we will take the soldiers back immediately."

Jian Chenggong also knew that things were abnormal, so he hurriedly sent a few clever detectives and rushed to the back. At the same time, I secretly hope that things are not as serious as I thought.

But not everything in the world is satisfactory. At dusk the next day, the curling smoke rose into the air behind the copper head, and the condensed black smoke was like a black cylinder that had been supporting the sky. Clear and unshakable.


The next day, the wind was gentle and sunny. Not only was the sun shining, but the wind was not as strong as last night. The gentle cool breeze almost makes people doubt whether it is winter or not.

A night apart is like spring and winter.

Meng Hongzhi's mood was the same. Last night's haze suddenly brightened up this morning. Looking at the generals around him, who were sanitationing themselves like stars holding the moon, I couldn't help but feel complacent, and my heart surged with pride.

"Let's go!" Meng Hongzhi waved his hand, and 30,000 troops rushed him out of the gate of the eight cities and rushed to the bone spur camp outside the city.

A long and urgent sound of "report" came, and he galloped against the army and went straight to the front of Meng Hongzhi before rolling down.

"What's the matter?" Meng Hongzhi leaned high on his horse and looked at the one-legged spy kneeling in front of his horse like a savior.

The detective seemed to have seen Meng Hongzhi's look and hurriedly reported: "There is no one in the bone spur village!"

"What!" Meng Hongzhi could no longer care about maintaining his solemn and great image. He ignored the spies kneeling on the ground and rushed forward first.

The scene was in a mess. In the whole camp of the bone spur clan, there were half of the broken tents that were burned by the fire, and tents that were cut or pulled down by swords. Under the tents, there were even soldiers who had no time to wake up in their sleep. Weapons on the ground, some broken blades can be seen everywhere, and dead bodies are all over the camp.

The whole camp is like a ghost field.

At this point, no matter how much Meng Hongzhi deceives himself, he also knows that this phenomenon is related to what he saw last night. In this attachment, is there any other army that is so powerful that tens of thousands of bone spurs that they are deeply afraid of can be destroyed by raising their hands?

But Meng Hongzhi knows that this is not the case. Except for the four seas army that came a few days ago, there are really no other troops nearby.

Thinking of the little homeless dog fleeing around Sihai City, and coming thousands of miles to turn to himself, but even the third-rate army that he looked down on and rejected it. Unexpectedly, the 30,000 bone spur army between his hands was extinguished. Meng Hongzhi was willing to admit that the sun came from the west and did not want to admit this.

However, it is strange that the body of an invader could not be found in the camp except for the bodies of the bone spur soldiers. It seems that someone must have completely defeated the tens of thousands of bone spur troops that Meng Hongzhi did not even believe were sure of winning, so even the remains of his own soldiers were taken away.

In such a situation, even the bodies of the dead soldiers have been taken away. Presumably, this army of Sihai City is not the defeated army that escaped from Sihai City in a hurry.

Meng Hongzhi's face was gloomy and he didn't say a word. No one knew what he was thinking. He ignored the eyes of the generals and left. This time, not only did he not need the stars supporting the moon, but even the guards almost couldn't keep up.