Eastern Continent

Chapter 489, Memorial Funeral

When Copper Head and Zhi Chenggong arrived with their soldiers and horses, the scene surprised both of them.

Standing down on the mountain, in the plain of the mountain, 10,000 soldiers and horses led by Zhang Heng and Li Zhi were actually surrounded by the bone spur army, and the whole army was divided into several pieces.

At a glance, this bone spur army is no less than 30,000, surrounded by layers of fishman soldiers. From afar, among the bone spur soldiers in black armor, the red armored fishman soldiers are like several flowers placed among the black branches and leaves.

However, the situation is not good at this time. The red flower is gradually eroded by black, slowly disappearing, and looming in the black ocean. If the copper head and others return slowly, the troops of this straight legion may have been eaten by the bone spurs.

In such a huge team, how did they avoid the ears and eyes of the four spies of the fishman army and set up this ambush? Even the fishman directly is inexplicable.

At this time, Zhang and Li were just struggling to support, and the situation was precarious.

Jian Chenggong saw the crack and gritted his teeth and said, "This group of dog thieves of the Bone spurs are really cunning. When we all think that they are busy running for their lives and are afraid that they are not far away, they are gradually staying behind us."

A cold light flashed in Tongtou's eyes and said coldly, "There must be a traitor to the fishman in their team, otherwise they would have been so familiar with the terrain of Moon Island."

Jing Chenggong said anxiously, "What should I do now?"

The copper head suddenly calmed down, and his face was full of waves. He said coldly, "Of course, I rushed in. What else can I do there?"

Jian Chenggong was cheered up, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Then I will be the front, your queen."

The copper-headed eyes flashed, as if two stars in the sky fell into their eyes, as bright as the rising moon, and their spirits were more calmly: "I can't do this. I will take 5,000 horses from there, cut in, and kill them in the direction of our handsome flags. You take 5,000 horses, cut in from there, and rescue the fish soldiers who have been cut into a few pieces. Then collectively break out."

Zhi Chenggong was stunned for a moment and said, "We broke through, what about you?"

The copper head said bluntly, "Don't worry about me. After breaking through, you can retreat as far as you can."

Jion Chenggong was stunned and said, "Then you..."

The copper head cut off and said, "That's it. You need to wait for me to rush in, turn their attention away, and then attack from the side." Without waiting for Zhi Chenggong to answer, he jumped on his horseback and rushed to the direction closest to the handsome flag on the battlefield with all the cavalry.

For a moment, standing on a high place, Zhi Chenggong saw his blue copper head riding a tall horse, with a bright red army behind him, quickly inserted into the army of the bone spur clan, like a stringless arrow, fiercely inserted into the black dead wood, and poked the black wood into two large pieces.

The direction of the arrow is pointing to the handsome flag flying by the bone spur clan.

Suddenly, the Bone spur army did not expect that reinforcements would come so soon, so they were not on guard. They were caught off guard by the bronze head and the situation was in vain.

The copper head is like a broken bamboo, like a hot iron bar cut into the cheese. In the blink of an eye, it has been killed less than 20 steps away from the handsome flag. No, after all, the bone spurs are a long-standing army. In a hurry, they also know the importance of the handsome flag, so they hurriedly mobilized the army and ordered to return to protect it.

Ji Chenggong saw that the time had come. He clamped his legs, sat down the horse and let go, and rushed downhill. Five thousand soldiers behind him, all went down the mountain like tigers.

The bone spur army had just been inserted by the copper head and was quite busy to deal with it. Under the critical situation, the handsome flag had all the main forces had been pulled back, but unexpectedly, another rescue force appeared on the other side. At this time, there was time to mobilize the troops again, and only to watch the direct power army attack.

With the arrival of the Zhichenggong army, cracks appeared in the encirclement of the bone spur clan. Therefore, a group of surrounded fish-man soldiers took the opportunity to get out and join the army of Zhichenggong, like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger. Half an hour later, it has changed from 5,000 people to 10,000 people. The group is constantly attacking and dividing the bone spur army from the middle, so that it can no longer form an encirclement.

The 5,000-man horse led by the copper head was deeply inserted into the army of the bone spur clan like a sharp arrow. The copper head took the lead, like the sharpest arrow part of an arrow, raising the horse's speed to the limit and moving forward quickly in the army of the bone spur clan. The eight spears in his hand kept flying. Although there were many enemies around him, there were no There were people with comparable bronze heads, and the soldiers who kept having bone spurs were picked up and flying high by him, like a relay race, up and down one after another.

There are 5,000 cavalry behind them, all of whom compete for the first time, and everyone is brave. They spare no effort to save their brothers. These 5,000 people met the army of the Bone spur clan, like an iron branch inserted into tofu, and unexpectedly quickly approached the handsome flag without hindrance.

Under the flag of the Bone spur clan, there stands a general in black armor. This man is about 60 years old and thin, but he has a firm face. He is also a long-sighted and far-sighted person. He looked at Tongtou and others calmly and said coldly to the generals around him, "Such a reckless person, you are also so nervous. It seems that you have been resting for too long."

The generals bowed their heads and dared not look at each other.

"Go on with your life." General Heijia said coldly, "Those who take this person's head will be rewarded with 10,000 silver, and those who are promoted to one level and captured alive will be doubled."

"Yes!" The generals around General Heijia responded loudly and rushed to the bronze head one after another.

The anger in Tongtou's heart grew, but the feeling of depression became stronger and stronger. He rushed in for so long and had not met an opponent like a general, but they were all ordinary soldiers. Layer by layer, surrounded and picked up layer by layer, and immediately surrounded it again. It felt like peeling onions, layer after layer by layer, all Not afraid of death.

The handsome flag is in front of you, and the black armor general under the command of the handsome can also be seen clearly, but it can't be reached, and it has become the end of the world!

Although he is brave, he can't kill many soldiers like this against countless soldiers, but he can't kill many, which is of no use for the victory of the war. Only by killing the main general can we change the outcome of a war.

With a glance, I saw that all the fish and human soldiers on the battlefield were in a hard battle. They knew that if there were no more strange moves, not to mention breaking through the siege, maybe the leading troops of the whole straight legion became the mouth meal of the bone spur clan.

The spear was used as a big knife, swept hard, and the bone spur soldiers in front of the horse were broken. After falling out one after another, the horse's hoof slowed down and let the soldiers following him move forward. After forming a protection, he hung the spear on the horse's back, took off his long bow and from the arrow pot. Two long arrows were pulled out and put on the string.

When a slight bowstring sounded, a powerful arrow flew out and drew a faint trace in the air. Although the distance was far away, the force contained in this arrow was extremely powerful, as if there was a force of heaven and earth attached to the powerful arrow. Before the Black Armor General reacted, it had come to him. The position of the powerful arrow is the chest of General Black Armor.

General Black Armor's face finally changed. Just now, he was just think that he was just a man. With a few pounds of strength, he rushed straight in his army. Unexpectedly, his archery was also so good. His eyesight was accurate and his inner strength was great. Although the distance was far away, he was not bad at all.


The guards in front of General Black Armor failed to block. Only a close guard crooked and blocked his whole body in front of the Black Armor General. Unexpectedly, they could not block the strong arrow. The strong arrow entered from his chest and pierced his back. With a bloody rain, they still shot at General Black Armor.

However, after this block, General Black Armor finally reacted, pulled out his sword and cut off the powerful arrow.


General Black Armor only felt that his palm was numb, and the sword almost flew out of his hand. The powerful arrow was finally blocked a little, but it only avoided the key point in his chest and shot into General Black Armor's arm.

This arrow actually contains such terrible power, as if the copper head attached the strength of the whole body to the sharp arrow, and the will of the whole body to the arrow. If it does not reach its goal, it will never stop.

General Black Armor covered his arm and his face turned pale. This time, his face finally changed. Looking at the copper head, there was a look of fear in his eyes, although there were many guards around him, as if he was alone facing the copper head.


This time, there was another loud noise, but not blocking the sound of powerful arrows, but the sound of sharp arrows shooting at the flagpole. After a swaying of the tall handsome flag that originally fluttered behind General Black Armor, it slowly fell down with the squeaking sound and in the eyes of the soldiers and soldiers of all sides.

It turned out to be the second arrow with a bronze head. After the first arrow attracted the attention of the guards to General Black Armor, the second arrow broke the flagpole with a thick fist.

After shooting these two arrows, although the copper head was known as a natural divine power and suffered several of Long Fei's internal power for no reason, it formed a terrible internal and external strength. At this time, it also felt a burst of fatigue, and the two arrows seemed to empty the strength of the copper head.

This time, General Black Armor was not only afraid, but also scared. He read tens of millions of people. When have you ever seen a person who is so good at archery, that is, General Shenfeng, known as the archer in his own clan, is also slightly inferior!


Wind! Blowing gloomyly.

Day! Suffering gloomyly.

On the surrounding hills, the swaying branches seemed to be the hands of relatives, in rows.

On the high sky, the scattered clouds seem to be tears from the eyes of their loved ones.

In the camp of the four navies, Zhang hung some white cloth, and each soldier was wrapped in a white cloth on his right arm.

Today is a special day. Today is a day to hold a funeral for the fishman soldiers who died in the war against the bone spurs.

The gate of the Fourth Naval Camp was opened. Long Fei stood at the door first and took a deep look at Meng Hongzhi, who had just arrived: "Long Fei led all the four sea cities to welcome the generals!"

Meng Hongzhi's mount is a red mane and a fiery red horse, which contrasts with the plain Meng Hongzhi and looks infinitely energetic. It is indeed like a fairy horse like a dragon.

Behind him were the generals of the Meng Legion and 3,000 soldiers escorting grain and fodder. Thirty thousand laps of grain were lined up into a long line and went out winding.

Seeing that Long Fei and others had stood in front of the gate to meet each other, Meng Hongzhi hurriedly jumped off the horse and led the horse until Long Fei. He bowed his hand and said, "There are soldiers waiting for a long time."

Long Fei and the generals of the four seas had a slightly sad face and politely asked inside: "Everyone in the world is infinitely grateful for the presence of the general. Please!"

Meng Hongzhi knew that the generals of Sihai City had just fought a fierce battle with the Bone Spurs army, and the losses were certainly not small. It was also acceptable for everyone's faces to have a sad face, so he did not care about it. He said politely, "Military soldiers are welcome. Like all the soldiers in the four seas, I am running for the peace cause of the fish and people who can sacrifice for those who can sacrifice. Someone is very grateful for the brave brother to see him off. Military division, please!"

Long Fei and Meng Hongzhi walked side by side towards the camp, and the grain cart behind him was transported to the place where the grain and grass were piled under the guidance of soldiers from all over the world.

After passing through the middle of the camp, a pile of dry firewood was piled up in a wide square in the middle. Under the firewood pile, the bodies of Xu Cong's soldiers were lined up, surrounded by layers of firewood piles.

Around the body, there are large and small generals and some soldiers who are not on duty in Sihai City. Everyone has a heavy face and looks at their former comrades-in-arms lying on the ground, but now they can no longer give them any cover, nor can they practice, go out together, or even fight together. .

Long Fei took Meng Hongzhi and others to a tent behind the square and said solemnly, "General, please come in!"

Meng Hongzhi raised his eyes and saw that there was nothing in the whole tent except a few. He couldn't help but be surprised that Long Fei was so arranged that there was not even a seat. I didn't know what to mean.