Eastern Continent

Chapter 491, Funeral

The wind is crying and the river is whining.

In winter, his ferocious face was finally revealed, and the heavy snow was fluttering down, covering the whole body with a plain white color, like the white cloth on the arms of soldiers from all over the world.

God seemed to be moved by the soldiers who died all over the world and chose this day to put a white robe on the earth.

The soldiers from all over the world looked at the lifeless comrades-in-arms lying on the ground in rows, with anger burning with fighting spirit in their eyes.

Meng Hongzhi looked calmly at the rows of corpses lying in the square, and then at Long Fei. His eyes flashed. No one knew what he was thinking.

Wang Feng's face was hateful, and his resentful eyes turned around Zhao Ke, as if he couldn't wait to stab Zhao Ke with a knife to avenge his humiliation the day before yesterday.

"Bye-bye!" Guan Xing, as the master of ceremonies, shouted loudly, with a painful voice with a trill, and he wanted to cry.

Long Fei took the lead and lay in the row. The heroic comrades-in-arms who had lost their lives bent down deeply, and the hateless grief in his heart also accumulated with this worship.

Meng Hongzhi's face moved slightly and his eyes flashed. He had never seen a unit hold a funeral for the soldiers killed in the war, and he was excited, and he had a special feeling in his heart.

Although Wang Feng also followed him, there was a slight disdainful smile on his face, as if the current funeral was a farce.

"Second worship!" Guan Xing's voice sank, so heavy that it almost dripped water, and the pain was as painful as ever.

The generals were moved. They also had never seen a general who had treated soldiers who died on the battlefield like this and held such a grand funeral for them. Before Long Fei took the lead, they had been willing to worship, respectfully, affectionately and painfully.

Meng Hongzhi's face changed slightly, showing a trace of surprise, and his eyes were full of disbelief. Although he has been high since he was a child and looks at the lives of his subordinates very lightly, he also knows that a successful general is actually from the love and support of his subordinates, and this is also due to his respect and care for his subordinates. Therefore, he was also moved by Long Fei's behavior.

Wang Feng lowered his face to the ground in case someone saw his expression. He wanted to laugh after watching such a farce. If he was not afraid of destroying the task, he couldn't help laughing. His hand moved to the hilt hanging on his waist, and there was a trace of fierce light in his eyes.

"Three bye!" Guan Xing's third sound was actually not big and almost unheard, but everyone seemed to have a pair of downwind ears. At the same time, they bent down and bowed respectfully. Pious and painful mood, as if they worship not the soldiers who died on the battlefield, but the high gods or their close relatives.

Meng Hongzhi's face finally changed, and his eyes showed a trace of emotion and surprise. He did not expect that as an outsider, Long Fei became the main general of the army of Sihai City so quickly and could be respected by the soldiers of Sihai City. Although Long Fei's winning talent convinced them, Long Fei's respect and care for ordinary soldiers from all over the world. It seems that I have to readjust my assessment of Long Fei.

Wang Feng's face also changed a lot, but he became vicious. He winked at the generals surnamed Meng standing beside him, quietly stepped back a few steps, stood behind Ding Chajie, held the hilt of the sword in his right hand, and pulled out a little.

"Don't move!" A deep voice suddenly sounded behind Wang Feng, and at the same time, Wang Feng felt a cold and sharp thing that resisted his heart. Only half of the sword in his hand was pulled out, but he no longer dared to pull it out.

Wang Feng's shock is not small. Although his martial arts skills are not a spire, he is also a top-notch among the generals surnamed Meng. Usually, except for Meng Hongzhi, the other generals and themselves are at most between Bozhong. When they have been so embarrassed that they are touched behind him and have no consciousness. His hand trembled and almost pulled out the sword, but he knew that this would only cause the other party's recognition, so he pressed the sword into the scabbard with his right hand and whispered in a trembling voice, "Who are you?"

The person behind him said coldly, "Don't care who I am, take care of your own life first!"

Wang Feng only felt that his right hand holding the hilt was numb and his waist was light, and the long sword that was originally worn beside him had disappeared. Wang Feng's heart trembled. Originally, he wanted to find an opportunity to wait for an opportunity to resist, but he didn't think that the other party was so good. The sword he tied with the silkworm belt, but the other party only pulled it gently and broke it off, and he didn't seem to feel anything.

No matter how arrogant Wang Feng is, he knows that he is far inferior to such martial arts. This is like the difference between children and adults. The idea of resistance that has just arisen, at this time, it is also like a mountain fire hitting a once-year-old torrential rain, which is suddenly drenched in heat, and even ashes can't be raised.

Wang Feng's heart just got cold, and he only felt a numbness in his back. Suddenly, his whole body could no longer move except for a pair of eyes. He stood straight at his waist in a strange posture, like a thoughtful person.

This time, Wang Feng's heart seems to sink to the deepest and deepest valley, and there is no trace of warm sunshine.

When he was first attacked with weapons, he still wanted to resist, so he was not very nervous and afraid.

It was not until he saw that the sword on his waist was taken away by lightning, his heart was cold, as if the hot outside was covered with a layer of cold thin ice.

At the end, he was touched by the acupuncture point and guided that his whole body could not move. At this time, he was already sad and thought of resisting.

Wang Feng reluctantly looked left and right at the corners of his eyes, but found a fact that made him even more surprised and almost fainted: several generals who came with them stood straight like him in a strange posture. Meng Hongzhi did not know when there was a young man with a similar face. He looked at Meng Hongzhi calmly.

Meng Hongzhi's face was pale, and his eyes were full of disbelief. No matter what he thought, he would never have expected that there was such a horrible master hidden in the army of Sihai, which was like a homeless dog. He wanted to take advantage of the funeral of the four naval battalions today to launch it in one fell swoop to seize the command of the army, so not only Shang agreed to Longfei's request. When he delivered grain and grass, he not only brought more than a dozen generals who he thought were first-class masters, but also the soldiers who protected the grain were also carefully selected, and each of them could be matched against ten. At that time, he should be able to rely on the prestige of the generals of the second largest army of the fishman clan, plus some others that were better than the four seas. At that time, those generals of the four seas will not surrender to themselves obediently. Long Fei is a military division with no power to tie chickens, which can be suppressed. Even if a few generals in the four seas army refuse to cooperate, with the masters brought by themselves, they can also capture them casually, and then they will not be at their own mercy.

I can't imagine that it has just taken action, but it has been completely destroyed. Meng Hongzhi looked at the calm general standing beside him and finally understood why the four seas could defeat 30,000 bone spurs with more than 10,000 people.

Long Fei and Guan Xing stood in front of the whole sacrificial funeral team, as if they didn't know what happened behind them, and they continued step by step according to the procedure.

" cremation!" Guan Xing looked at the rows of lying soldiers. Two days ago, they were comrades-in-arms they could rely on and relatives they could joke about. Now, they are going to turn into ashes in the blazing fire. They only hope that they can be reborn like Phoenix Panne.

The rows of lying soldiers were carried to the firewood pile pile in the middle of the square. With Guan Xing's order to ignite, the blazing fire instantly burned and quickly devoured the soldiers who had lost their lives.

Dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, life returns to the embrace of the earth, and everything returns to primitive nothingness.

"The sky is vast and wild, and the chest is agitated and the heart is excited. If you are struck by lightning, you will sacrifice this body to protect your home from plunder." Long Fei took the lead, and other generals and soldiers sang in unison: "The wild is green, the eyes are extremely wide, and the heart is quiet in the fairyland, the ashes are blazing, and the home is protected from **; the water is washed on both sides, and the Taoyuan is not harsh, the mountains are crushed, and the home is protected from invasion."

The low and hoarse voice seemed to carry a precipitation of pain, strongly impacting Meng Hongzhi and others,

Meng Hongzhi's face changed again. Looking at Long Fei's eyes, with a trace of fear and respect, among the soldiers of the whole fish people, they have seen such a grand funeral for the sacrificed soldiers. It seems that in this army, every soldier is his closest person, and every time he loses one People are a great loss.

The funeral was carried out in an orderly manner. Finally, at the end, the soldiers carefully collected the ashes, put them in small bottles, and then wrote down their names one by one and put them together.

After taking everyone to worship the ashes for a few more times, Long Fei finally ended the funeral in the singing. Then he came to Meng Hongzhi. Where he passed, every soldier from all over the world looked at Long Fei with respect, as if Long Fei was his parents who gave birth to him. If they let them give their lives for Long Fei, they might not hesitate to go and be willing.

Meng Hongzhi was secretly shocked by the charm of Long Fei. In this short period of time, he not only condensed the soldiers of Sihai City into a strong force, but also established supreme prestige among the soldiers.

No matter how arrogant he is, he also knows that he can never get such respect among the soldiers surnamed Meng, and the soldiers are only afraid of themselves.

Meng Hongzhi suddenly regretted his recklessness in this decision and did not fully understand the situation of the four seas army, so he made this decision rashly. Long Fei thought that they were just a defeated army chased like bereaved dogs, but they didn't expect that they were a tiger division, and he, the generals and 3,000 soldiers just became sheep sent to the tiger's mouth.

Meng Hongzhi suddenly hated Wang Feng.

It turned out that Wang Feng was humiliated. After uniting several generals, he told Meng Hongzhi that the four seas army was a defeated army chased like a bereaved dog by the Xiu army. It was vulnerable. As long as he brought thousands of soldiers and a few generals, he wanted to seize the military power of the four seas, but it was as easy as taking the palm of his hand, coupled with Meng Hongzhi He came to compete with the bone spur clan. Although he had never won a big victory, he had never lost. His confidence swelled and he easily believed Wang Feng's words. Without saying, taking the opportunity to send grain, he took 3,000 soldiers and all the generals under him there by the way. He was still complacent all the way, thinking that the four seas army could be placed under his command. After he got an army out of thin air, his strength increased greatly. At that time, the bone spur army was still his opponent. At that time, the fish people were unprecedented. The great hero who has no come is his own.

I never thought that Meng Hongzhi was still in a dream, but he had been awakened by the sudden reality. He looked at Long Fei with a trace of awe in his eyes, without the lightness just now.

Long Fei looked at Meng Hongzhi with a calm face and didn't know what he was thinking. After a long time, he said lightly, "General, please come back."

Meng Hongzhi was stunned and hardly believed his ears. He looked at Long Fei's eyes full of doubts.

Long Fei said to Ye Guoming, "Send the general away, and those grains will be left." After saying that, he turned around and left, never looking at Meng Hongzhi again.

However, although Long Fei doesn't say a few words, everyone here knows the generals of any army.

Since everyone is not injured, there is no need to worry about it. Anyway, we are all fishmen soldiers. At this time, infighting will only cheap bone spurs.

Meng Hongzhi looked at Long Fei's back, his eyes flickered, and his heart was thoughtful