Eastern Continent

Chapter 504, reborn

The copper head counted the traces of being beaten by the whip one by one with his fingers, which were all beaten by the supervisors of the bone spur clan. The whip hit the ground on his body. Even if the copper head did not resist it, his copper skin and iron bones were just as others scratching for him. However, in order to be realistic and his identity not to be exposed, he had to pretend to shout a few painfully, and pretended to be knocked down and his clothes were torn.

In the past few days, there seems to be a lot more bone-piercing people in the city. At a glance, I knew that the defeated army retreated from the front. The bone-piercing people regarded a city as the big rear of their land. In addition to the straight family confronting them in the south, the other sides were also controlled by the bone-piercing hands.

These defeated soldiers are all embarrassed, with a shocked expression on their faces. After escaping from the prestige of death and returning to a city, these people seemed to find a place to vent. Therefore, in the past few days, many fishmen have been beaten, kicked and even killed by these boners who retreated from the battlefield.

When the defeated army entered a city, the atmosphere of a city became tense in vain, full of an atmosphere of the coming war. This can be seen from the frequent handling of war materials in recent days.

Yesterday, there was finally a war at the gate in the south. Most of the bony generals rushed to the south gate. When the bronze head was carrying supplies, they took a peek and saw the sound of killing under the city. Like a locust arrow covering the gate tower in the south of the city, suppressing the bone stabbing people to death. There were several fish carrying things. The man was also shot by a flowing arrow.

Don't think much about it. Tongtou also knows that there must be a straight legion outside the city, but he doesn't know why they suddenly launched an attack without waiting for further news, which will make many brothers lose their lives for no reason, unless they find a better way without waiting for them to act.

Copper head looked at Gao Yang, hoping that he could give himself some advice. Among these people, only Gao Yang could occasionally give him some advice.

There is a bright light in front of us, which seems to pass through the swaying sky. There is a magical power in the light, attracting all those who are close to it to reach out and touch it.

Long Fei was no exception. He looked at the beam of light and slowly stretched out his hand. As soon as he touched it, suddenly, Long Fei felt that his body was light and was sucked in by this beam of light.

I was shocked and woke up.

Long Fei slowly opened his eyes. First of all, he was Ye Guoming's anxious and concerned face, staring at Long Fei. Next to him was Ding Chajie's ashamed face. In a blink of an eye, several major generals in the four seas, such as Zhao Ke, Guan Xing, Meng Jian, Xiu Biliang and Meng Bo, crowded into a room.

When Ye Guoming saw Long Fei open his eyes, an unbearable joy first appeared from his eyes, and then spread his whole face, as if his whole body was full of joy. If the copper head had been here, he would have jumped up long ago, but Ye Guoming was much more stable, but his voice was twice as loud as usual and said, "My third brother finally woke up!" In the end, the voice was already trembling.

Ding Chajie was at the front and was so excited to see Long Fei wake up. Looking at Long Fei, he couldn't speak.

Long Fei raised his eyes and glanced away. The people in the room were full of excitement, and his eyes were full of joy.

Zhao Ke heard Ye Guoming's voice and was the first to jump in front of Long Fei. Looking at Long Fei, he shouted happily, "The military division finally woke up, but we were worried to death." Seeing Long Fei's eyes, his whole body suddenly shook and said, "Military, your eyes are so scary, like two beams of light."

Long Fei looked at the excitement on everyone's face in the room, was moved, and wondered, "How long did I sleep?" I just wanted to move my body, but I found that I only raised my hand a little, and my whole body trembled with pain. The pain felt that there was almost no good place on my body. Looking down, I only saw that my whole body was wrapped in a cloth. In addition to revealing the mouth, nose and eyes on my face, my whole body was tightly wrapped and airtight.

Suddenly, the memory before the coma was injected into Long Fei's brain like water.

Before I fell into a coma, I seemed to have been struck by lightning. My whole body turned into ashes and my skin was dark. At that time, I thought it was just an illusion, but now it seems not to be.

When Ding Chajie saw that Long Fei wanted to sit up, he hurried forward and carefully supported Long Fei's arm and helped him up. Although the whole process was extremely careful, Long Fei still gasped with pain.

Long Fei sat down and looked at Ye Guoming and said, "I remember that I was on a cliff before I fell into a coma. Who brought me back?"

Ye Guoming frowned and said, "

Blood flows from the burnt skin, almost like a blood man who has just crawled out of the hell blood pool.

Ye Guoming frowned and said, "It was Captain Ding who brought you back. You have been asleep for three days." After a pause, he couldn't help asking, "What on earth have you met to make it like this?"

Zhao Ke said, "Yes! What happened to the military division? He was hurt so much. When Captain Ding brought you back, in addition to some complete skin on his hands and feet, the skin was as black as carbon, but bloody, as if he had just come out of the stove, which scared us a lot.

When everyone heard Zhao Ke's metaphor of "bloody man coming out of the stove", they couldn't help laughing. Seeing that Long Fei had turned to safety, their smiles had a feeling of finally relieved, which was the joy released from their hearts.

Long Fei smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, I didn't encounter anything, but I didn't notice that I was struck by lightning."

Zhao Ke opened his mouth wide and came to his senses. He looked at Long Fei with incredible eyes and said in an astringent voice, "Thunder!"

The whole room looked at Long Fei with strange eyes, as if he was a mountain ghost coming out of there. This man acts unexpectedly, and there seems to be a lot of puzzling secrets hidden in him. First of all, he is highly intelligent in military, marching and arraying, winning a hundred battles, and it is difficult to find enemies. Secondly, he has no martial arts, but he can easily faint a vigilant and strong military spy who rolls on the edge of the knife all day long. This time, it is strangely led by thunder and lightning. Although the whole body is charred and bloody, it can still be big. It's hard to die. Anyone in the world can have such a miracle. If they hadn't known that Long Fei was really a flesh-and-blood person, they would have almost thought that he was a goblin that had been cultivated for thousands of years from that mountain.

Because they all know that no matter which one of them was hit by lightning, the chance of rebirth is really slim, but Long Fei just lost a layer of skin.

Long Fei could only smile bitterly, and even he didn't know how to explain this kind of thing that appeared on him.

Ye Guoming stood up and said lightly, "The military division is still injured and needs to rest. It is not appropriate to talk for a long time. Everyone has also go to rest. You have worked hard these days. Besides, the war is approaching, everyone should take time to rest."

Zhao Ke stood up and laughed, "Since the military division is safe, we are also relieved that the war is coming, and it is time to rest more." After talking to Long Fei for a good rest, he went out first.

Others took pictures of Ye Guoming's majesty. Besides, Ye Guoming is also telling the truth. The war with the Bones Army has not yet come to the final moment, and we need to fight again. If you can rest, you should have a good rest.

After everyone left, only Ye Guoming and Ding Chajie were left in the room to accompany Long Fei.

Long Fei looked at Ding Chajie's tired face and was moved. He knew that Ding Chajie must have suffered a lot in recent days. He was inevitably blamed by Ye Guoming and other generals for not protecting himself, so that he almost lost his life. He said gratefully to Ding Chajie, "Captain Ding has worked hard these days, and you also Go and have a rest. Just have a big brother here."

Ding Chajie secretly glanced at Ye Guoming with the corners of his eyes and whispered, "Yes, that subordinate has retreated. The military division has a good rest." Unexpectedly, he was a little afraid of Ye Guoming. He wanted to see Ye Guoming's face in the past few days.

It seems that Ye Guoming loves this sworn brother very much and doesn't want Long Fei to be hurt a little.

Ye Guoming looked at Ding Chajie and said gratefully, "Captain Ding hasn't closed his eyes for a few days in order to serve the military division. He has worked hard. Go and have a rest quickly. I'm fine here."

Ding Chajie was a little reluctant to leave. Watching Ding Chajie's back disappear outside the door, Long Fei became a little embarrassed. Ye Guoming loved himself in every way, but he was tired to do something that worried him and felt very sorry for him.

Ye Guoming does not have an awe of Long Fei like other generals in the world. He only treats Long Fei as his own brother. Therefore, he has only one kind of love, appreciation and love for Longfei.

Seeing that everyone else had gone out, Ye Guoming looked at Long Fei and said lightly, "Can you tell what happened to the third brother?" It turned out that none of the generals, including Ye Guoming, believed in the thunderbolt.

Long Fei smiled bitterly and said, "It was really struck by lightning." He told his story on the cliff and told Ye Guoming for the first time that he was practicing his consciousness.

If the copper head was beside Long Fei, he would have been able to pour it clearly, but Long Fei and Ye Guoming, a big guy, were not familiar with him, so he endured it until now. After saying that, he looked at Ye Guoming with eager eyes, hoping that he could explain the phenomenon that happened to him.

Ye Guoming was secretly surprised. He had always thought that the worshiped Sanbei was just a textile teenager with no power to tie chickens, so he let Ding Chajie follow him to protect him, but he didn't expect that Long Fei had such a unique skill. Such a wonderful skill was simply killing without leaving a trace. He practiced to great success, and the world was still Who is the enemy!

Looking at Long Fei's clear and deep and unpredictable eyes, Ye Guoming was secretly stunned. This is a pair of unique eyes. There seem to be countless secrets hidden in these eyes, the joy of childhood, the flying of teenagers, the blood of young people, the stability of middle age, and the vicissitudes of old age. Sang, in these eyes, there are all kinds of flavors of life, which makes people can't help exploring and discovering.

Ye Guoming pondered for a while before saying solemnly, "I don't know much about the situation of the third brother, but I think I should be cultivating my consciousness."

Long Fei was surprised and said, "I didn't expect that my eldest brother really knew it. I also called it divine consciousness."

Ye Guoming shook his head and said, "Actually, I dare not know, but I heard from my uncle that the world was not just a world of martial arts in the past, and there was also a divine consciousness to compete with martial arts. The outer flesh is refined, the inner muscles and bones are refined, and the internal organs are martial arts, which is a tangible stunt; if you specialize in refining the spiritual will and condense the mind, it is divine consciousness, which is an invisible stunt. However, more than a thousand years ago, the cultivation of divine consciousness suddenly weakened, and few people were almost extinct, but martial arts were brilliant, completely covering the divine consciousness and turning it into a unique branch.

Long Fei was aroused by curiosity and asked, "God consciousness and martial arts, which one is powerful?"

Ye Guoming smiled and said, "It doesn't matter which one is powerful. In fact, these are actually two aspects of human cultivation. One is tangible, one is invisible, one is to refine human muscles, the other is to refine human spirit, refine the spirit, and reach the highest level."

Long Fei nodded and said, "There are thousands of avenues, and there is only one purpose, but I don't know if anyone is still practicing divine consciousness now?"

Ye Guoming said, "The world is big and full of strange things. Strange people often emerge. No one dares to say that there is none. It just depends on whether we can meet our luck."

Long Fei said, "Thinking of those senior masters, it makes people feel that their blood is boiling and yearning infinitely, but they don't know what will happen when martial arts and divine knowledge are refined to the peak?"

Ye Guoming looked at Long Fei strangely and said, "I don't know the divine consciousness, but haven't you seen a martial arts master?"

Long Fei shook his head and said, "Except for meeting the owners of the Mu family and the Jia family, I think the other people I have met are not masters, of course, except for the eldest brother."

Ye Guoming smiled and said, "You don't have to flatter me. I'm still a little self-aknowledgeable. In fact, your master, Elder Hicks, is the leader of the seven masters in the mainland. His martial arts are so high that he is almost amazing. Even if he is from the last layer, he is just close to it. Don't you know?"

Long Fei was surprised and said, "Does that bad old man have such a powerful martial arts? I have never seen him perform any martial arts. He looks like a meditative all day. He is like a martial arts master, but more like an old scholar.

Ye Guoming smiled and said, "The name of Hicks can beat thousands of troops and horses. Because of Hicks, he can enjoy 50 years of peace. People who practice martial arts in the world, when they mention Hicks's name, they raise their hands to worship and honor 'Xi Lao', which is actually called a bad old man by you."

Long Fei was said to be embarrassed. If it hadn't been for the tight wrapping of his hands, he would have raised his hands to touch his nose or scratch his head. Now he just smiled and said, "It turns out that I underestimate the heroes of the world." Then he asked curiously, "Who are the other six masters?"

Ye Guoming looked at Long Fei and only showed his nose, mouth, and several round holes in his two eyes on his face tied to the cloth. He looked very funny and said lightly, "Let's talk about these things later. The most important thing now is to rest and heal the wound."

Long Fei was disappointed and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you listen to it. I don't feel pain now."

Ye Guoming looked at the original burnt black and blood-red skin on Long Fei's face outside the cloth. At this time, he had taken off the outermost layer, removing the burnt black and blood red, revealing the layer of red and tender skin below, which was as smooth as a baby, more smooth and delicate than the original skin.

Long Fei saw Ye Guoming staring at him, and his eyes were full of surprises. He couldn't help but wonder, "Brother, did you find anything wrong?"

Ye Guoming didn't say anything. Suddenly, he grabbed Long Fei's left hand, stroked his fingers like a knife, and gently stroked the cloth wrapped around Long Fei's palm. Suddenly, Long Fei only felt that his palm was cold. The cloth had been cut off and fell down, and the whole palm was exposed. Ye Guoming's finger is that Billy's blade is still sharp, and his mastery of the force is also pure, not heavy, not light, but he just cut off the cloth and didn't even touch Long Fei's skin. Long Fei was also stunned by such a god of war.

"Oh!" Long Fei and Ye Guoming shouted at the same time. They saw that Long Bing's hands were always smooth and smooth, and their skin was red and tender. There was still a little black and blood red there. The layer of black and blood red had all fallen off, and a layer of black paste stuck to the cloth.

Long Fei was secretly surprised, but looked at Ye Guoming puzzledly.

Ye Guoming took action like electricity and was not afraid of Long Fei's embarrassment. He quickly peeled off the cloth strips all over his body. Suddenly, a naked human body appeared in front of Ye Guoming. Long Fei's whole body had grown a layer of pink baby-like skin, and the burnt and blood red had been removed.

Long Fei was also surprised to see the peeling burnt skin. He frowned and hurriedly wanted to turn over and sit up. Unexpectedly, the red skin had just grown out and could not be exertion. The pain made the muscles on Long Fei's face twisted and even gas.

Ye Guo was shocked. Unexpectedly, Long Fei's injury was so serious that he was as intact in three or five days, and it healed automatically without any foreign medicine. Long Fei's body recovered several times faster than others.

Seeing Long Fei's funny action, Ye Guoming showed a smile on his corner, but deliberately did not help him. He looked at him frowning and shouting in pain frequently, but he was afraid that the black skin that had peeled off would stick to his hand and shake the quilt desperately. He thought that he was still naked** and awkwardly wrapped himself in a quilt. .

Ye Guoming laughed at throwing a dress. Long Fei hurriedly grabbed it and put it on his body, regardless of the pain caused by the injury caused by some actions, and then brought him food. After watching him finish eating, he said lightly, "Have a good rest, I'm going to have a rest, too." He turned around and walked out, holding the cloth wrapped around Long Fei in his hand, and the cloth was still covered with black things taken off from Long Fei's body.

Long Fei was moved. As a sworn brother, he really cares about himself. Even his own brothers are nothing more than that. Long Fei, a little ghost elf, also experienced the taste of being a younger brother.

A warm family affection makes Long Fei remember it for a long time!

Long Fei looked carefully at the skin on his body. Because it had just grown out, the skin was indeed slippery, as if it were transparent, and he could faintly see the flow of blood in the blood vessels under the skin. After several frictions and collisions, Long Fei seems to be used to it and is not so painful.

After going through the death of life and death this time, Long Fei still has a lingering heart when he wants to come. But after this time, Long Fei's whole body seems to have undergone a reborn change. His skin has become * delicate, his eyes have become deep and bright, his face is handsome, and his hands and feet have a taste of elegance and chicness, but the character of the game life remains unchanged. However, the current cynical and game life is also chic, forming a special charm.

After reading his whole body, Long Fei remembered that he had been bombarded so much by thunder and lightning. He didn't know what happened. He calmed down and looked at the consciousness carefully. This time, he was not the same as before. He immediately reacted with a slight call. This time, no matter how many times Long Fei called, the consciousness was still quiet and there was no movement. , like an animal in hibernation. And there is a circle of airflow slowly rotating around the divine consciousness.

This airflow is different from the last airflow that almost killed Long Fei. Last time, it was only a single color flow, which is a chaotic milky white, but now, this airflow is two colors, one is extremely red, red as fire, the other is extremely black, black as ink. The airflow of these two colors is entangled with each other, like a pair of inseparable partners, slowly surrounding the divine consciousness, eternally, suddenly However, there is a strange atmosphere.

Long Fei was afraid of any bad reaction after forcibly awakening the divine consciousness. Especially after seeing the strange shape of the two-color airflow surrounded by the divine consciousness, he did not dare to create it. He quietly retreated for fear of waking up the divine consciousness. At the same time, he also woke up.

Looking at the body again, Long Fei found that the skin of his whole body is still too thin and too sensitive, and it is not as painful as before. Lifting the clothes, the skin of the whole body has become a red color, and the pain has now become itchy.

Long Fei's injury is getting better and worse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After eating and drinking enough and knowing that he would not become an ugly monster, Long Fei's hollow heart was also put back into his chest. His mood instantly relaxed, his sleepiness came back, and he fell down and fell into a drowsle.