Eastern Continent

Chapter 509, Brother Dragon and Tiger


The long knife in Ye Guoming's hand and the spear in the copper-headed hand, the two weapons quickly hit each other fiercely, making a shocking sound, and then quickly separated, and then the two quickly retreated in two directions.

This is the backyard of the city government. Copper Head and Ye Guoming unanimously selected this large yard vacavated after the escape from the bone stabbing. The beginning of the barracks is too big, which is not the best place for the two to compare in private. Besides, the two do not want to be too flamboyant, causing a sensation in the whole barracks, and occupying the martial arts of the barracks, which also affects the training of soldiers.

However, although the two tried to keep a low profile, they also caused a lot of sensation. In the backyard of this government office, there were also many fish generals standing around the yard, including Guan Xing, Zhao Ke, Meng Jian, Meng Bo, Xiu Biliang, Ding Chajie, Zhi Chenggong Brothers, Zhang Heng, Li Zhi and others. .

The copper head shouted happily and looked at Ye Guoming and said, "I didn't expect that there would be another breakthrough in martial arts during this period, and it was a step closer to the innate realm. However, if there is no more unique move, don't blame me for offending."

Ye Guoming saw that the copper head was just standing there casually, and he had a fierce war intention to rush to himself. He was also happy. It seems that the copper head has made breakthroughs in martial arts during this period, which is several grades than before. Now that he meets Mu San again, the copper head may not have to be in such a hurry to escape.

When he met such an opponent, Ye Guoming's fighting spirit that seemed to have been integrated into his blood was also stimulated, and his whole body burst into a huge momentum in vain, forcing him towards the copper head like a row of huge waves.

The copper-headed eyes lit up and flashed, as if two rounds of small sun suddenly fell into his eyes. As soon as his waist was straight, a strong sense of war suddenly burst out, covering Ye Guoming like a storm.

As if a hurricane suddenly blew, the audience around them were forced to retreat a few steps by the two sudden momentum. Ding Chajie, who stood beside Long Fei, was also forced to retreat behind Long Fei.

Under the pressure of these two momentum, only Long Fei and Meng Jian can not retreat. Meng Jian still stood quietly on the sidelines, staring at the two people in the field like two beams of fire. I believe that Ye Guoming's competition with Copper Head will certainly give Meng Jian a big touch. After that, there will be a qualitative leap in martial arts.

And Long Fei, who had no martial arts, still sat quietly on the chair, as if he was unaware of the two overwhelming momentum and stared at the two people on the field without moving his eyes.

Long Fei was not actually the two people who fought on the scene, but was stunned by his own consciousness. After Ye Guoming and copper hair had a strong momentum, the consciousness in Long Fei's body, which had been hibernated for a long time, suddenly smelled delicious food, opened his eyes in vain, and then woke up.

The first action of awakening divine consciousness stunned Long Fei. He opened his mouth and stood up to the endless airflow around him. These rotating airflows suddenly turned into a thin airflow and was sucked in by the divine consciousness. Long Fei saw the skill of eating noodles again.

Suddenly, the divine consciousness escaped from Long Fei's body and hung on the opposite top of Long Fei. First, an invisible shield was put around Long Fei's body, and Long Fei's whole body was covered in it. Then, the divine consciousness rotated on the top of Long Fei's head and covered it. The momentum is like sucking the airflow, and begins to suck and eat.

Ye Guoming was happy. It seemed that his estimation of the copper head was still wrong. Looking at the momentum of the copper head, even if he met Mu San, he might have the strength to fight. With a shake of his hands, the big knife seemed to fly into the air in vain. After turning half a circle, he fell into Ye Guoming's hands again, and the big knife suddenly buzzed. Then, Ye Guoming suddenly took a step without warning.

This step seemed to contain Taoist spells that shrank into an inch. Suddenly, it spanned a few feet. The big knife swept out and cut towards the copper head. The sound of the knife roared harshly, and the knife was as fast as the wind, covering the whole body of the copper head.

With such a magical knife, the audience felt that this move was invincible, and they could only retreat to avoid its sharp edge.

The copper head seemed to see the most wonderful thing in the world, and his eyes lit up a few more times. He smiled and did not retreat. He took a step with one foot. The spear that was originally dragged beside him with one hand suddenly bounced up from the ground, like a living long snake, with cracked teeth, rushed to Ye Guoming, and abrupt into it. In the shadow of Ye Guoming's knife.

Ye Guoming's eyes burst out again, and his left hand vibrated slightly at the back of the handle, and the trajectory of the long knife suddenly changed. It turned out that the force was a thousand-thous sweep, but it suddenly became a straight cut, and the blade cut down along the thigh of the copper head.

The audience secretly applauded the change of this move. In the game, they are now their opponents and Ye Guoming, and they will definitely be hurt because they are caught off guard.

The copper head smiled strangely, and the prickly spear suddenly turned over, and it suddenly changed its direction like a long snake and swept away towards Ye Guoming's big knife.

Ye Guoming's big knife changed again, holding the right hand in the front of the handle and trembled imperceptibly. The big knife actually changed its direction in an instant, from straight cutting to sweeping back, or cutting towards the waist of the copper head.

It seems that the big knife has never changed the direction of attack, and it is still the offensive route at the beginning.

The copper-headed spear also changed again, obliquely and stabbed upward. The direction pointed to was still Ye Guoming's fierce and unparalleled knife, which changed naturally and smoothly as if it were natural.

Ye Guoming changed several times, but he couldn't attack. He knew that under the tight defense of the copper head, his knife would definitely return in failure. His footsteps suddenly retreated. From the powerful attack, it suddenly turned into a retreat. Among them, the transformation was natural without any obstruction, as if he had known this knife from the beginning of his knife. The final result is the same. In an instant, Ye Guoming had retreated to his original standing position, as if he had never moved.

The copper head did not chase, stopped and looked at Ye Guoming.

The two seem to have never fought!

"How's it going?" Tongtou looked at Ye Guoming and said, "Do you know it's awesome?"

Ye Guoming smiled and nodded, "My second brother has indeed made great progress and is more powerful than me. I have learned five killing moves on the battlefield. Do you want to see it?"

The copper head's eyes lit up and asked excitedly, "Five killing moves, which five killing moves?"

Ye Guoming said, "Don't call for help if you can't catch it."

The copper head sneered and said, "You come out first and have a look at the five killing moves. Don't be the five stinky tricks, which make people laugh."

Ye Guoming smiled and said, "Don't blame me for being merciless if you can't catch it."

The copper-headed strange smiled and said, "I can't catch it. Hurry up and let me convince you."

Ye Guoming looked at the copper head and deliberately smiled, "Don't play tricks at that time. They are all witnesses!"

First of all, Zhao Ke couldn't help laughing and shouted, "Yes, if you want to fight with real kung fu, it's the puppy that plays tricks on you."

Bronzetou laughed and looked at Zhao Ke and said, "General Zhao, don't worry, there are no brothers on the battlefield. When the war starts, I will never be the eldest brother. I want to convince him."

Zhao Ke clapped his hands and laughed, "There are no brothers in that battlefield. Let's start quickly. We can't wait."

The steady Guan Xing saw Ye Guoming's brotherhood and the bronze head, and was infected by their innocent hearts as if they were as pure as Chizi. He smiled and said, "Yes, our brothers can't help but wait to see the two peerless martial arts!"

Ye Guoming smiled and looked at the bronze head and said, "Since it's difficult for everyone to be affectionate, let's start!"

The copper head shook his head and said, "Wait, wait, don't be busy fighting."

Ye Guoming said, "You're not afraid, are you?"

The copper head said disdainfully, "My hands are itching these days. How can I be afraid?"

Zhao Ke said, "Since you are not afraid, let's start the war quickly. Don't play tricks. Uncles and brothers are still waiting to see your wonderful performance!"

The copper head looked at Zhao Ke and said, "Don't worry. If you see something, find out a problem first."

Zhao Ke seemed to be more anxious than the two fighting and hurriedly asked, "What's the problem?"

The copper head said, "Since it is one of the five major killing moves, there must be a name, and it will not be commensurate with one, two, three, four, five!"

Zhao Ke also wants to know the name of these five killing moves that Ye Guoming preciously put forward. These five killing moves can be put forward by Ye Guoming, who is a natural martial arts player, as a unique skill at the bottom of the box. Therefore, as soon as he finished speaking, he continued to shout, "Yes, what are the five killing moves are? Names can't be called vulgar names such as splitting Huashan, can they?

The copper head turned his head to look at Ye Guoming and said proudly, "Say it quickly. Don't really call it a cat and dog's knife. You will laugh off everyone's teeth."

Ye Guoming smiled and said, "Even if everyone doesn't ask, I will say it. However, I can only say one move. As long as you can beat five moves, you can all know the names of the five killing moves. Otherwise, it's my fault."

The bronze head was aroused by fighting spirit and laughed, "I can't wait. Hurry up and take action."

The people next to them watched the two and Zhao Ke keep laughing and fighting, and they all felt a family-like feeling. There is no difference between the strong and the weak here, only the care, care and ease between the relatives.

Mengbo, who has been used to the strict relationship between the Meng army, was moved by the friendly and easy-going atmosphere between the four navy and the direct army.

Ye Guoming smiled and said, "First move: Konggu Xingchen."

He shook his head and said, "The name is still vulgar."

Ye Guoming's face suddenly became stiff, and his expression suddenly became serious. His eyes were tightly covered with the copper head, and his whole temperament became fierce in vain. The strong fighting spirit flooded towards the copper head like a huge wave, and even permeated the whole yard. He raised a long knife with his hands and shook it against the copper head.

The people around the war were forced by this sudden fighting spirit, and they had no choice but to take two steps back and retreated into the room.

Copper's eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he looked at Ye Guoming. The spear was still dragged to the ground with one hand.

Ye Guoming held a long knife as stable as Mount Tai in both hands and suddenly moved slightly, which was almost imperceptible. Then, the long knife moved again, and the second tremor was slightly expanded, and the people standing on the sidelines could see it.

The copper head stared closely at Ye Guoming's long knife and threw his whole spirit into the long knife. Under the traction of the air machine, the long knife in Ye Guoming's hand seemed to be a small dragonfly in the hand of the copper head. No matter how light it is, the copper head can be felt clearly.

The long knife shook for the third time, and the tremor was even greater, and then for the fourth and fifth time..., the long knife suddenly trembled continuously, as if on a clear night, the numerous stars full of stars in the sky made people unable to distinguish the star was the knife body itself.

Then, these stars seemed to be separated from the sky and swarmed towards the copper head.

The spear in the copper-headed hand moved, and suddenly, the spear that was still dragging on the ground turned into a flowing shadow. Without any change, it abruptly bumped into Ye Guoming's star-like knife shadow.

Under the intentional control of the two, the weapons only made a sound as light as an iron bead falling off the jade plate. The two weapons collided with each other, and the copper head actually found the trajectory of the big knife in the starry shadow of the knife and hit Allah.

Ye Guoming was exhausted for a while, withdrew his knife and retreated to the place where he had just stood before stopping.

The copper head's hands trembled, and he was also forced to step back a few steps. He just walked to the original place where he stood and was unable to pursue.

The two seem to have never moved.

The copper head's eyes shined and laughed and said, "The empty stars, so that's what happened, but it's not good! Hurry up and make the second move."

Ye Guoming smiled and said, "I didn't expect that my second brother had a breakthrough in martial arts, and his eyesight was better than before. I used light to create thousands of phantoms, which could confuse the opponent's eyes, but I couldn't see through it at a glance."

The copper head said proudly, "What a phantom, your broken knife is like holding it in the palm of my hand. I know it clearly. I don't need to look at it. I know where the tip of the knife should be."

Ye Guoming was secretly shocked. The copper head actually found the direction of his blade purely by feeling, not through his eyes. It seems that after being born and died on the battlefield during this period, the copper head's already keen feeling has reached another level. Ye Guoming's martial arts may not be lower than the copper head, but he feels that it is not as sharp as the copper head coming out of the jungle.

Meng Jian was meditating Ye Guoming's move and the method of breaking the copper head. He thought that if he met Ye Guoming's move, he could not crash into the phantom like the bronze head, because he did not have such magic power as bronze head, so he had to retreat first. After attracting Ye Guoming to exert his power, there is no other way to fight back.

But in this way, he was afraid of being attacked by Ye Guoming's continuous afters, and he was weak. After thinking about it, under Ye Guoming's move, he had to fail.

Zhao Ke, Mengbo and Xiu Biliang had another feeling. They only felt cold, but they were happy. Fortunately, when they first arrived at Moon Island, they were not caged by Xiu Xingshan and his son, but joined their camp. This was really their great luck.

Meng Bo thought that Ye Guoming was the absolute master in the fishman camp. His martial arts were unmatched. Even Meng Ting, who had the best martial arts among the fishmen, might be slightly inferior now. Unexpectedly, after a great victory, a bronze head suddenly appeared, and his martial arts were tied with Ye Guoming.

Zhang Heng and Li Zhi's eyes were shining and gained a little. His understanding of Ye Guoming and Tongtou's martial arts has reached a higher level.

Ye Guoming looked at the copper head and said, "What do you think of this move? Did it almost make you pee?"

Tongtou sneered and said, "Your move makes people feel a little like those fancy racks. You are enough to confuse the enemy, but the power is a little worse. However, it is indeed very powerful. If you can spread the force to every spot, it is a real move for you.

These two people showed their weaknesses to each other unreservedly, and the other party also explained them one by one. Only such full mutual trust can make up for the shortcomings of martial arts.

Ye Guoming suddenly calmed down and slowly lifted the big knife, as if the big knife of only more than 100 catties suddenly became heavy. Slowly, he said slowly, "The second move, beauty looks back." When the knife was mentioned halfway, it quickly approached the waist at an ugly speed, and a cold forest suddenly stabbed the copper head like a shiny sharp cone. This momentum was so concentrated, so heavy and so thick that the audience felt the tragic momentum in it, couldn't help shivering and taking two steps back.

There was no change in the face of the copper head, but he stared at the big knife on Ye Guoming's waist and said in a strange voice, "What kind of beauty is this? She dances with knives and guns. Looking back must make passers-by hit ghosts in the day."

Long Fei, who had not made a sound for a long time, suddenly laughed and said to Ye Guoming, "Brother, work harder to find this boy all over the ground and teach him a lesson from his mean mouth." At this time, Long Fei had recovered from the surprise of the divine consciousness and looked at the shield laid by the divine consciousness beside him. At the same time, he was secretly surprised that the divine consciousness had such a great magic power that he had never known before. Since the fighting spirit of the two has no impact on themselves, it looks like the old god, and at the same time, you might as well insert a few words.

Ye Guoming's solemn face suddenly smiled, and the forceful momentum suddenly dissipated without a trace. He answered, "Don't worry, third brother, I'm sure he can't find his teeth."

The copper head cracked its mouth, covered its abdomen, stood with a spear, laughed loudly, and said, "Stop, stop, I can't help it. Who is this beauty? It seems to be getting more and more violent.

The surrounding generals felt the strong brotherhood in the three room, and their hearts were warm. They couldn't help laughing. Zhao Ke relied on the old and selling the old, afraid that the world would not be chaotic. He shouted, "It must be the kind of Sai Wuyan, or some famous female general in ancient times, otherwise it can't be so scary."

Long Fei shook his head and said, "Beauty, like no salt, suddenly looking back, passers-by are upside down."

"Ha, ha, ha" copper head covered his stomach and smiled endlessly and gasped, "Brother, what kind of demon and monster did you change? Looking back at it, it made so many people scared."

The surrounding people have been forced to retreat a few steps by the strength of Ye Guoming and the copper head, and have retreated beyond the range of the momentum, and have almost entered the room. Only Meng Jian and Long Fei are still in their original position. Meng Jian is due to their deep internal strength, so they can resist their strength, but they also look a little solemn, while Long Fei still sits on the chair so easily, without moving, and his face has not changed at all, like Ye Guoming and Copper. The heocious weather of the first two was just a breeze for Long Fei.

The eyes around looking at Long Fei are like looking at a monster, which is like a person without martial arts, but like a top master with unfathomable internal strength.

Everyone can't help but be surprised again. In particular, Ye Guoming will be more surprised every time he gets along with Long Fei.

On Long Fei, those magical things are like a bottomless pool. Although Ye Guoming is his eldest brother, he only knows the top point. I don't know how many surprising and scary magical things are hidden in the deep bottomless pool. Fortunately, Ye Guoming feels that he has happened to Long Fei. All the magical things in life have become common. It seems that there is no magic on Longfei, which is surprising!

The copper head laughed for a while and said to Ye Guoming, "Let your beauty put a knife here!"

Ye Guoming looked at the copper head and said slowly, "The third move, the dragon is trapped in the shallows."